Microsoft DirectX 8.1 (C++)

IService Interface

This topic applies to Windows XP Home Edition and Windows XP Professional only.

The IService interface manages a single Service object.

In addition to the methods inherited from IDispatch, the IService interface exposes the following methods.

Method Description
get_EndTime Retrieves the end time of the service.
get_ID Retrieves the unique identifier for this Service object.
get_MetaProperties Retrieves the MetaProperties object associated with this Service object.
get_ProviderDescription Retrieves the provider description of the service.
get_ProviderName Retrieves the provider name of the service.
get_ProviderNetworkName Retrieves the provider network name of the service.
get_ScheduleEntries Retrieves a collection of all ScheduleEntry objects that contain this Service object.
get_StartTime Retrieves the start time of the service.
get_TuneRequest Retrieves a TuneRequest object associated with the Service object.
put_EndTime Specifies the end time of the service.
put_ProviderDescription Specifies the provider description of the service.
put_ProviderName Specifies the provider name of the service.
put_ProviderNetworkName Specifies the provider network name of the service.
put_StartTime Specifies the start time of the service.
putref_TuneRequest Specifies a TuneRequest object to be associated with this Service object.


The IID of this interface is IID_IService.