Microsoft DirectX 8.1 (C++)


The StartAt method informs the pin when to start delivering data.


  const REFERENCE_TIME *ptStart,
  DWORD dwCookie



[in] Pointer to a REFERENCE_TIME value that specifies when the pin should start delivering data. If the value is 0x7FFFFFFFFFFFFFFF, the method cancels the previous start request. If psStart is NULL, the pin starts immediately when the graph runs.


[in] Specifies a value to send along with the start notification. See Remarks.

Return Values

If the method succeeds, the return value is S_OK. Otherwise, returns an HRESULT value indicating the cause of the failure.


By default, the pin delivers data as soon as the filter graph runs. The StartAt method causes the pin to wait until a specified time after the graph runs, before the pin begins delivering data.

If the dwCookie parameter is non-zero, the pin will send an EC_STREAM_CONTROL_STARTED event when it starts to deliver data. The first event parameter is a pointer to the pin's IPin interface, and the second is the value of dwCookie.

This method implements the following special cases:

This method also handles the following boundary conditions:

The number 0x7FFFFFFFFFFFFFFF is the largest possible REFERENCE_TIME value. In the base class library, it is defined as the constant MAX_TIME.

See Also