Microsoft DirectX 8.1 (C++)


The SetTransportVideoParameters method assigns video parameters for external transport.


HRESULT SetTransportVideoParameters(
  long Param,
  long Value



[in]  Specifies the video parameter to set. Must be one of the following values.

Value Description
ED_TRANSVIDEO_SET_OUTPUT Sets the output mode.
ED_TRANSVIDEO_SET_SOURCE Sets the input pin.


[in]  Specifies the value of the video parameter. See Remarks for more information.

Return Values

When this method succeeds, it returns S_OK. Otherwise it returns an HRESULT error code.


If Param equals ED_TRANSVIDEO_SET_OUTPUT, Value must be one of the following constants.

Constant Description
ED_E2E Input video is displayed on the device's output regardless of the transport mode.
ED_OFF Video output is disabled.
ED_PLAYBACK Video playing from media is displayed on the device's output.

If Param equals ED_TRANSVIDEO_SET_SOURCE, Value specifies the index of the input pin to use for the video input. The pin index is zero-based.

DV Implementation

MSDV does not support this method. It returns E_NOTIMPL.

See Also