Microsoft DirectX 8.1 (C++)

GuideDataProvider Object

This topic applies to Windows XP Home Edition and Windows XP Professional only.

The GuideDataProvider object identifies a source of information that is stored in the Guide Store. The Guide Store will associate a GuideDataProvider object with each object stored in the Guide Store. The particular GuideDataProvider object that is used is called the currently active Guide Store data provider. Use the GuideStore.GuideDataProvider property to identify or change the currently active Guide Store data provider.

A GuideDataProvider object can have metaproperties, which are represented by a MetaProperties collection of MetaProperty objects.

This object exposes the following properties.

Property Description
Description Specifies and retrieves the description of the GuideDataProvider object.
ID Retrieves the unique Guide Store identifier of the GuideDataProvider object.
MetaProperties Retrieves a MetaProperties collection of MetaProperty objects that have this GuideDataProvider object as their source.
Name Retrieves the name of the GuideDataProvider object.