Microsoft DirectX 8.1 (C++)


Enables or disables debug logging of a given critical section.


void WINAPI DbgLockTrace(
    CCritSec *pcCrit,
    BOOL fTrace



Pointer to a CCritSec critical section.


Value specifying whether logging is enabled. Use TRUE to enable logging or FALSE to disable it.


Use this function to trace a specific critical section. By default, debug logging of critical sections is disabled, because of the large number of critical sections.

To trace a critical section, perform the following steps:

  1. Define DEBUG before you include the DirectShow headers.
  2. Enable debug logging for critical sections, by calling DbgSetModuleLevel with the LOG_LOCKING flag.
  3. Call DbgLockTrace on the critical section you want to trace.

If DEBUG is not defined when you include the DirectShow headers, the DbgLockTrace function has no effect.

Example Code

The following code example shows how to trace a critical section:

DbgSetModuleLevel(LOG_LOCKING, 3);

    CCritSec MyLock;
    DbgLockTrace(&MyLock, TRUE);
    CAutoLock cObjectLock(&MyLock);

    // Protected section of code.    
    DbgOutString("This code is inside a critical section.\n");

} // Lock goes out of scope here.


The debug output will look similar to the following:

Example.exe(tid 360)     2012 : Thread 864 now owns lock 12fc2c
This code is inside a critical section.
Example.exe(tid 360)     4887 : Thread 864 releasing lock 12fc2c

See Also