Microsoft DirectX 8.1 (C++)

ChannelLineup Object

This topic applies to Windows XP Home Edition and Windows XP Professional only.

A ChannelLineup object contains an ordered Channels collection. The ChannelLineup object can associate a name (for example: "Sports", "Action", "Music") with the collection. ChannelLineup objects are used to represent a user's preferences or to group channels based on broadcast content.

Each input device may have one or more ChannelLineup objects. There may also be a ChannelLineup object used as a default that contains the union of all the ChannelLineup objects for that device.

A ChannelLineup object can have metaproperties, which are represented by a MetaPropertiescollection of MetaProperty objects.

The ChannelLineups object manages a collection of ChannelLineup objects. It exposes the following properties.

Property Description
Channels Retrieves the Channels object that contains the Channel objects in the lineup.
MetaProperties Retrieves the MetaProperties object for this ChannelLineup object.
Name Specifies and retrieves the name of the lineup.