Microsoft DirectX 8.1 (C++)

CAManager Object

This topic applies to Windows XP Home Edition and Windows XP Professional only.

The CAManager object represents the Conditional Access (CA) Manager. The CA Manager acts as a mediator between requests, which are attempts by the user to access a service, and policies, which impose conditions for accessing a service.

The Conditional Access feature is always active in the Video Control. For each instance of the Video Control, there is a corresponding instance of the CA Manager.

The CA Manager maintains a list of policies. When the CA Manager receives a request, it passes the request to each policy. Any of the policies can deny access to the request.

Property Description
ActiveRequest Returns the request that is currently active.
DenialsFor Retrieves a specified object's denials collection
Offers Returns the available offers.
PaidTolls Returns the set of tolls that the user has paid.
Policies Returns the policies associated with this CA Manager.
UseDefaultUI Determines or specifies whether the CA Manager will use the default user interface (UI) to resolve denials.

Event Description
ComponentDenialAdded Called when a denial is added to a component of a request.
ComponentDenialRemoved Called when a denial is removed from a component.
DenialStateChanged Called when the state of a denial changes.
DenialTollAdded Called when a toll is added to a denial.
DenialTollRemoved Called when a toll is removed from a denial.
OfferAdded Called when an offer is added to the ICAOffers collection.
OfferRemoved Called when an offer is removed from the ICAOffers collection.
OfferTollAdded Called when a toll is added to an offer.
OfferTollRemoved Called when a toll is removed from an offer.
PolicyAdded Called when a policy is added to the ICAPolicies collection.
PolicyRemoved Called when a policy is removed from the ICAPolicies collection.
RequestActivated Called when the active request changes.
RequestDeactivated Called when the current active request is deactivated.
RequestDenialAdded Called when a denial is added to a request.
RequestDenialRemoved Called when a denial is removed from a request.
TollDenialAdded Called when a denial is added to a toll.
TollDenialRemoved Called when a denial is removed from a toll.
TollStateChanged Called when the state of a toll changes.