***Please turn Word Wrap on & Maximize for best viewing!*** UnrealScript Game Programming All in One (C) 2006 John Flynt, Chris Caviness CD-ROM Contents: 1. Listings from the Book(\UGPAIOListings) ____________________________________________________________________ 1. Listings from the Book The author has compiled the listings from the book and specifically structured it to make it easy for you to use. Please copy the directory \UGPAIOListings to your hard drive's root directory. You should follow the instructions in the book (and relevant information in each appropriate chapter) for utilizing the listings. Additional Note: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ There is a structure to the code in each chapter folder. From chapter 8 on, there is a directory that is named along the lines of \CH08LIST This is an UnrealScript "package." Then in this folder there is a \Classes directory and also a couple of files with *.ini extensions. It is important to preserve this structure. Here's how the directories you see in the folders actually appear after you transfer them to the Unreal Tournament (UT2004) directory: Directory of C:\UT2004 01/25/2006 07:39 PM CH08LIST 01/26/2006 02:20 PM CH09LIST 02/03/2006 05:14 PM CH10LIST 02/03/2006 05:14 PM CH11LIST 02/03/2006 05:23 PM CH12LIST 02/05/2006 09:06 PM CH13LIST 02/06/2006 04:16 PM CH14LIST 02/08/2006 12:39 PM CH15LIST 02/17/2006 07:56 PM CH16LIST 02/19/2006 10:30 PM CH17LIST 02/20/2006 05:40 PM CH18LIST 02/25/2006 08:59 PM CH19LIST 02/26/2006 11:11 AM CH20LIST 01/23/2006 10:37 PM HelloWorld ____________________________________________________________________