8000 Invalid data source name. 8001 Message Title. (When does this string show up?) 8002 Out of memory 8003 Microsoft Visual FoxPro Driver 8004 Select Database 8005 Select Directory Containing Free Tables 8006 Yes 8007 No 8011 Directory co&ntents 8012 Foxpro Tables 8013 Foxpro Databases 8014 All Files 8015 Visual Foxpro ODBC Driver 8016 Invalid database specification 8017 Invalid free table directory specification 8020 Unsupported command in rule or trigger 8021 Unsupported function in rule or trigger 8040 VFPODBC.DLL 8042 Visual FoxPro 8043 03.00.0000 8044 database 8045 directory 8060 5 TABLE_QUALIFIER,C,128,NULL TABLE_OWNER,C,128,NULL TABLE_NAME,C,128,NULL TABLE_TYPE,C,128,NULL REMARKS,C,254,NULL 8061 15 TYPE_NAME,C,12 DATA_TYPE,I,4 PRECISION,I,4,NULL LITERAL_PREFIX,C,1,NULL LITERAL_SUFFIX,C,1,NULL CREATE_PARAMS,C,16,NULL NULLABLE,I,4 CASE_SENSITIVE,I,4 8063 Error: Column %d ( %s ) 8064 12 TABLE_QUALIFIER,C,128,NULL TABLE_OWNER,C,1,NULL TABLE_NAME,C,128 COLUMN_NAME,C,128 DATA_TYPE,I,4 TYPE_NAME,C,20 PRECISION,I,4,NULL LENGTH,I,4,NULL SCALE,I,4,NULL RADIX,I,4,NULL NULLABLE,I,4 REMARKS,C,254,NULL 8065 13 TABLE_QUALIFIER,C,128,NULL TABLE_OWNER,C,1,NULL TABLE_NAME,C,128 NON_UNIQUE,I,4,NULL INDEX_QUALIFIER,C,128,NULL INDEX_NAME,C,128,NULL TYPE,I,4 8066 SEQ_IN_INDEX,I,4,NULL COLUMN_NAME,C,128,NULL COLLATION,C,1,NULL CARDINALITY,I,4,NULL PAGES,I,4,NULL FILTER_CONDITION,C,128,NULL 8067 6 TABLE_QUALIFIER,C,128,NULL TABLE_OWNER,C,1,NULL TABLE_NAME,C,128 COLUMN_NAME,C,128 KEY_SEQ,I,4 PK_NAME,C,10,NULL 8068 8 SCOPE,I,4,NULL COLUMN_NAME,C,128 DATA_TYPE,I,4 TYPE_NAME,C,20 PRECISION,I,4,NULL LENGTH,I,4,NULL SCALE,I,4,NULL PSEUDO_COLUMN,I,4,NULL 8079 Logical 8080 Memo Binary 8081 Character Binary 8082 Memo 8083 Character 8084 Numeric 8085 Integer 8086 Float 8087 Double 8088 Date 8089 DateTime 8090 General 8091 Currency 8100 L 8101 M NOCPTRANS 8102 C 8103 M 8104 C 8105 N 8106 I 8107 F 8108 B 8109 D 8110 T 8111 G 8112 Y 8120 max length 8121 precision,scale 8150 DBC 8151 DBF 8162 SEARCHABLE,I,4 UNSIGNED_ATTRIBUTE,I,4,NULL MONEY,I,4 AUTO_INCREMENT,I,4,NULL LOCAL_TYPE_NAME,C,20,NULL MINIMUM_SCALE,I,4,NULL MAXIMUM_SCALE,I,4,NULL 42000 01000 42001 01002 42002 01004 42003 01006 42004 01S00 42005 07001 42006 07006 42007 08001 42008 08002 42010 08003 42011 08004 42012 08007 42013 08S01 42014 21S01 42015 21S02 42016 22001 42017 22003 42018 22005 42020 22008 42021 22012 42022 22026 42023 23000 42024 24000 42025 25000 42026 28000 42027 34000 42028 37000 42030 3C000 42031 40001 42032 42000 42033 70100 42034 IM001 42035 IM002 42036 IM003 42037 IM004 42038 IM005 42040 IM006 42041 IM007 42042 IM008 42043 IM009 42044 S0001 42045 S0002 42046 S0011 42047 S0012 42048 S0021 42050 S0022 42051 S1000 42052 S1001 42053 S1002 42054 S1003 42055 S1004 42056 S1008 42057 S1009 42058 S1010 42059 S1011 42060 S1012 42061 S1015 42062 S1090 42063 S1091 42064 S1092 42065 S1093 42066 S1094 42067 S1095 42068 S1096 42070 S1097 42071 S1098 42072 S1099 42073 S1100 42074 S1101 42075 S1103 42076 S1104 42078 S1106 42079 S1107 42080 S1108 42081 S1109 42082 S1110 42083 S1111 42084 S1C00 42085 S1DE0 42086 S1T00 42087 00000 42088 S1X00 42089 01S01 42090 01S02 42091 01S03 42093 01S05 42094 01S06 42095 S1000 42096 22002 43000 Fox Engine Error 43001 Disconnect error 43002 Data truncated 43003 Privilege not revoked 43004 Invalid connection string attribute 43005 Wrong number of parameters 43006 Restricted data type attribute violation 43007 Unable to connect to data source 43008 Connection is in use 43010 Connection is not open 43011 Data source rejected 43012 Connection failure during transaction 43013 Communication link failure 43014 Insert value list does not match column list 43015 Degree of derived table does not match column list 43016 String data right truncation 43017 Numeric value out of range 43018 Error in assignment 43020 Datetime field overflow 43021 Division by zero 43022 String data, length mismatch 43023 Integrity constraint violation 43024 Invalid cursor state 43025 Invalid transaction state 43026 Invalid authorization specifier 43027 Invalid cursor name 43028 Syntax error or access violation 43030 Duplicate cursor name 43031 Serialization failure 43032 Syntax error or access violation 43033 Operation aborted 43034 Driver does not support this function 43035 Data source name not found and no default driver specified 43036 Driver specified by data source name could not be loaded 43037 Driver's SQLAllocEnv failed 43038 Driver's SQLAllocConnect failed 43040 Driver's SQLSetConnectOption failed 43041 No data source specified; dialog prohibited 43042 Dialog failed 43043 Unable to load translation DLL 43044 Base table or view already exists 43045 Base table not found 43046 Index already exists 43047 Index not found 43048 Column already exists 43050 Column not found 43051 General error 43052 Memory allocation failure 43053 Invalid column number 43054 Program type out of range 43055 SQL type out of range 43056 Operation canceled 43057 Invalid argument value 43058 Function sequence error 43059 Operation invalid at this time 43060 Invalid transaction operation code specified 43061 No cursor name available 43062 Invalid string or buffer length 43063 Descriptor type out of range 43064 Option type out of range 43065 Invalid parameter number 43066 Invalid scale value 43067 Function type out of range 43068 Information type out of range 43070 Column type out of range 43071 Scope type out of range 43072 Nullable type out of range 43073 Uniqueness option type out of range 43074 Accuracy option type out of range 43075 Direction option out of range 43076 Invalid precision value 43078 Fetch type out of range 43079 Row value out of range 43080 Concurrency option out of range 43081 Invalid cursor position 43082 Invalid driver completion 43083 Invalid bookmark 43084 Driver not capable 43085 No data at execution values pending 43086 Timeout expired 43088 Driver assertion failure: 43089 Error in row 43090 Option value changed 43091 No rows updated or deleted 43093 (Internal) Cancel treated as freestmt/close 43094 Attempt to fetch before the first row -- returned the first rowset instead 43095 Procedure arguments must be ODBC parameter markers 43096 An indicator value is required for null data