1001 MSBin 2001 Binding Collection Error 2002 , Field Name: 2003 , Bound Property Name: 27534 Microsoft Data Binding Collection 27535 Binding Object 27536 Binding Collection Object 27537 Binding Collection Event Interface 27538 Binding Collection Error Event 27544 Enum of Binding Collection UpdateModes 27545 UpdateMode for user controls marked immediate bind 27546 UpdateMode for setting data after validation 27547 UpdateMode for setting data during row position changes 27548 Object that is bound to data 27549 Data field or column in recordset that is bound to object 27550 Property name of object that is bound 27551 Property marking when data has changed 27552 DataFormat Object to use when binding to object 27553 Key value for use in identifying Binding Object in Binding Collection 27554 Object representing source of data for Binding Collection 27555 Name of Data Member to use in binding to Data Source, if applicable 27556 Creates a Binding by associating a control to a data field and adds the Binding to the Binding Collection 27557 Removes a Binding from the Binding Collection 27558 Retrieves a Binding from the Binding Collection 27559 Returns the number of Bindings in the Binding Collection 27560 Enumerates Bindings in the Binding Collection 27561 Clears all Bindings from the Binding Collection 27562 Type of UpdateMode used by Binding Collection 27563 Method to force all Bindings in Binding Collection to refetch data 42000 Invalid field name supplied 42001 Field not updatable 42002 Type mismatch setting control's bound property to field value