2 Setup has detected obsolete or missing components of Internet Explorer. MSDN requires these components to enable search highlighting, advanced Table of Contents features, and display of some multimedia types. Choose Yes to stop setup and install a later version of Internet Explorer. Choose No to continue with MSDN setup. 3 Internet Explorer Version Check 4 27mar98, 8086 5 MSDN requires some components of Internet Explorer and will not work properly until Internet Explorer is installed. Would you like to exit Setup now to install Internet Explorer? 6 Setup has detected obsolete or missing components of Internet Explorer. MSDN requires these components to enable search highlighting, advanced Table of Contents features, and display of some multimedia types. Choose Yes to stop setup and install a later version of Internet Explorer. Choose No to continue with MSDN setup. 7 MSDN requires Internet Explorer 4.01 or greater. Please visit http://www.microsoft.com/ie to obtain the most recent version of Internet Explorer. 8 MSDN Setup Error 9 CloseCollection g_ccolCollection.Save() dwError = %i 10 MSDN Setup Error 11 CloseCollection g_ccolCollection.Close() dwError = %i 12 MSDN Setup Error 13 CloseCollection g_ccolCollection.Open(collectionname) dwError = %i 14 MSDN Setup Error 15 RemoveCollection g_ccolCollection.Open(collectionname) dwError = %i 16 MSDN Setup Error 17 RemoveCollection g_ccolCollection.RemoveCollection() dwError = %i 18 Setup has detected obsolete or missing components of Internet Explorer. MSDN requires these components to enable search highlighting, advanced Table of Contents features, and display of some multimedia types. Choose Yes to stop setup and install a later version of Internet Explorer. Choose No to continue with MSDN setup. 19 JPN Learning Edition Installation NOTE: 20 You have selected to install the Standard/Learning Edition. You will get a set of Japanese documentation for this Edition. In future, if you wish to have the full documentations for Professional/Enterprize VS products, you should uninstall this Edtion and run the installation again.