Dynamic Data Exchange Manager Library (DDEML) SUMMARY ======= CLIENT, CLOCK, DDEINST, DDEMO, DDEPROG, and SERVER are parts of the DDEML sample application suite. MORE INFORMATION ================ CLIENT.EXE demonstrates how a client uses the DDEML library. CLOCK.EXE uses Request or Advise transactions to get the time or the Poke transaction to change the time. DDEMO.EXE demonstrates how to use lists of conversations, how to handle links, how to handle simple asynchronous transactions, and how to use your own custom formats. INSTALL.EXE uses DDEML to add groups and items to the Program Manager. PHTEST.EXE uses PROGHELP.DLL, a simple DDEML service DLL. SERVER.EXE demonstrates how a DDE server can use enumerable topics and items to take advantage of application-owned data handles. The server supports full system topic information and help.