This module illustrates the Win32 Winsock APIs over IPX/SPX protocol sequence. This example implements a client and a server. This example can use IPX, SPX as well as SPXII protocol sequences. The example has a number command line options. For example, -s To run the example as a server. -c To run the example as a client. -e To specify an end point of your choice. This is a mandatory parameter. Servers use this as the socket number to listen on, clients use it as the socket number to connect to, on a specified host. -n To specify the server's IPX address. This is used by clients. The address must be spcified as format, for example AABBCCDD.AABBCCDDEEFF. -l To specify the local IPX address. This is used by clients and servers. The address must be spcified as format, for example AABBCCDD.AABBCCDDEEFF. If an IPX address is not specified the created sockets are bound to the default interface, 00000000.000000000000. -p To specify the protocol sequence to be used. 'd' - datagram support, in this case IPX protocol sequence is used. 's' - SOCK_STREAM/SPXII protocol sequence is used(default protocol). 'p' - SOCK_SEQPACKET/SPXII protocol sequence isused. -m To Enumerate Local Addresses. This example can be used only to enumerate the local IPX adapters. This may be important before running the client to know the server's IPX address. To run the application as a server, the following command line can be specified: sockspx -s -e 8000 -p s To run the application to act as a client, the following command line can be specified: sockspx -c -n AABBCCDD.AABBCCDDEEFF -e 8000 -p s To enumerate the local IPX adapters, the following command line will have to be specified: sockspx -m