Audio Capture

The Audio Capture (WaveIn) is installed with the DirectShow runtime. If you have audio capture hardware, this filter is available in the Filter Graph Editor when you choose Insert Filters from the Graph menu, under the Audio Capture Sources.

Unlike ordinary DirectShow filters, special category filters, such as Audio Capture Source filters, can work with more than one device. When DirectShow is installed, it will look for devices installed on your machine that work with the special category filter and list the options in that category. For example, in the Audio Capture Source filter category, DirectShow will list all the audio capture cards (which includes sound cards with microphone inputs) installed on the system. You then need to choose which device to use.

The audio capture filter has one capture output pin and several input pins (one for each type of input on the card, such as LineIn, Mic, CD, and MIDI).

The filter and its input pins each support IAMAudioInputMixer.

The output pin supports IAMStreamConfig.

This filter enables your sound capture card(s). If you have a sound card, it will be listed under in the Filter Graph Editor's list of filters in Audio Capture Sources, with a name indicating the sound card it is enabling.

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