DirectShow Basics

This section contains articles covering basic DirectShow concepts, such as filter graph architecture and data flow, how to use the Filter Graph Editor tool, and a list of the filters and sample filters supplied with DirectShow. You can use this section as a high-level introduction to DirectShow. You need only a general understanding of programming and media to understand the topics in this section.

bullet2.gifUsing DirectShow

bullet2.gifFilter Graph Manager and Filter Graphs

bullet2.gifFilters and Pins

bullet2.gifStream Control Architecture

bullet2.gifQuality-Control Management

bullet2.gifAbout Capture Filter Graphs

bullet2.gifImproving Capture Performance

bullet2.gifData Flow in the Filter Graph

bullet2.gifConstructing Filter Graphs Using Visual Basic

bullet2.gifControlling Filter Graphs Using Visual Basic

bullet2.gifList of Filters and Samples

bullet2.gifCOM Overview

bullet2.gifAbout WDM Video Capture

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