MAPI Sample Simple Form The Simple.Frm sample application illustrates writing a form in C++. The form can be used by form-aware mail clients for sending/receiving messages of IPM.Note.Sample.Simple message class instead of standard send/read forms. Installation ------------ The form has to be properly registered to be used by mail clients. Run pdkin32 -f smpfrm.cfg to register the form in the local form registry. Then run regedit smpfrm.reg to register smpfrm.exe as an OLE server for the form in the registry. The path to the form .EXE file has to be put in smpfrm.reg or into the PATH. Implementation -------------- The forms class CBaseForm supports the IMAPIForm, IPersistMessage, and IMAPIFormAdviseSink interfaces. Class CClassFactory implements IClassFactory. The form also implements two helper classes: CLastError and CViewNotifier to handle last error information and event notifications. If you would like to use the sample as a base for your own form, you'll need to change: - File names. - Form message class and class ID (in guid.h, smpfrm.reg, smpfrm.cfg). - The Verbs and Extension sections and all the human readable information in smpfrm.cfg. - The UI and supporting functions. - Implementation of all of the IPersistMessage methods, IMAPIForm::Doverb. Supported Features ------------------ - Send. - Reply, Forward. - Next, Previous. - Save, Delete. Unsupported Features -------------------- - Attachments. - Reply All, Post. - Move, Copy. - Print. For unsupported features, you have a choice of either disabling them or delegating their execution to the form viewer. This is controlled by setting the appropriate fields of the Value variable in the [Extensions.1] section of the form .cfg file. Refer to MAPI Form Documentation for details.