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STOSERVE - Structured Storage Server



The STOSERVE sample introduces the COPaper COM object, which models a sheet of white drawing paper. COPaper objects expose a set of features for free-form drawing on the paper surface using "ink" of specified color and width. The functionality is outwardly similar to the "scribble" tutorial samples in many versions of the Microsoft Visual C++ product. The difference in the STOSERVE/STOCLIEN samples is an architecture based primarily on COM technology. The electronic drawing paper features of COPaper objects are available to clients through a custom IPaper interface. COPaper implements the IPaper interface. A clear architectural distinction is kept between client and server. No graphical user interface (GUI) is provided by COPaper. The design of the COPaper object relies on the client for all GUI behavior. COPaper encapsulates only the server-based capture and storage of the drawn ink data.

The ink data that is drawn on the COPaper surface can be stored in and loaded from compound files. The IPaper Save and Load methods accept an IStorage interface pointer. COPaper uses this client-provided IStorage interface to store the drawing data.

The primary focus of this code sample is on the use of structured storage services as provided in the compound files implementation. The use of the standard IStorage and IStream interfaces is covered. STOSERVE works with the STOCLIEN code sample to illustrate the joint use of compound file storage by client and server.

COPaper is housed in an in-process server and is made publicly available as a custom COM component. Like all other servers in this tutorial series, STOSERVE is a self-registering COM server. It makes the COPaper object type available to clients as the DllPaper component using a CLSID_DllPaper registration in the Registry.

As was the case in the previous CONSERVE server, connectable object features are supported in COPaper. The IConnectionPointContainer interface is exposed, and an appropriate connection point is implemented. In this context, an outgoing custom IPaperSink interface is declared for use in sending notifications to the client.

The two IPaper and IPaperSink custom interfaces are declared in IPAPER.H located in the common sibling \INC directory. The GUIDs for the interfaces and objects are defined in PAPGUIDS.H located in that same common include directory.

The CThreaded facility in APPUTIL is used by STOSERVE to achieve thread safety, as it was in the FRESERVE sample. COPaper objects are derived from the CThreaded class and inherit its OwnThis and UnOwnThis methods. These methods allow only one thread at a time to have access to the STOSERVE server and to COPaper objects managed by the server.

For functional descriptions and a tutorial code tour of STOSERVE, see the Code Tour section in STOSERVE.HTM. For details on setting up the programmatic usage of STOSERVE, see the Usage section in STOSERVE.HTM. To read STOSERVE.HTM, run TUTORIAL.EXE in the main tutorial directory and click the STOSERVE lesson in the table of lessons. You can also achieve the same thing by clicking the STOSERVE.HTM file after locating the main tutorial directory in the Windows Explorer. See also STOCLIEN.HTM in the main tutorial directory for more details on the STOCLIEN client application and how it works with STOSERVE.DLL. You must build STOSERVE.DLL before building or running STOCLIEN.

STOSERVE's makefile automatically registers STOSERVE's DllPaper COM component in the registry. This component must be registered before STOSERVE is available to outside COM clients as a server for that component. This self-registration is done using the REGISTER.EXE utility built in the REGISTER sample. To build or run STOSERVE, you should build the REGISTER code sample first.

For details on setting up your system to build and test the code samples in this COM Tutorial series, see TUTORIAL.HTM. The supplied MAKEFILE is Microsoft NMAKE-compatible. To create a debug build, issue the NMAKE command in the Command Prompt window.


To use STOSERVE, a client program does not need to include STOSERVE.H or link to STOSERVE.LIB. A COM client of STOSERVE obtains access solely through its object's CLSID and COM services. For STOSERVE, that CLSID is CLSID_DllPaper (defined in file PAPGUIDS.H in the \INC sibling directory). The STOCLIEN code sample shows how the client obtains this access.

STOSERVE is a DLL that is intended primarily as a COM server. Although it can be implicitly loaded by linking to its associated .LIB file, it is normally used after an explicit LoadLibrary call, usually from within the COM function CoGetClassObject. STOSERVE is a self-registering in-process server.

The makefile that builds this sample automatically registers the server in the registry. You can manually initiate its self-registration by issuing the following command at the command prompt in the STOSERVE directory:

  nmake register

This assumes that you have a compilation environment set up. If not, you can also directly invoke the REGISTER.EXE command at the command prompt while in the STOSERVE directory.

  ..\register\register.exe stoserve.dll

These registration commands require a prior build of the REGISTER sample in this series, as well as a prior build of STOSERVE.DLL.

In this series, the makefiles use the REGISTER.EXE utility from the REGISTER sample. Recent releases of the Platform SDK and Visual C++® include a utility, REGSVR32.EXE, which can be used in a similar fashion to register in-process servers and marshaling DLLs.

Run the Sample

The client sample and other related samples must be compiled before you can run the client. For more details on building the samples, see Building the Code Samples.

If you have already built the appropriate samples, STOCLIEN.EXE is the client executable to run for this sample. Click here to run STOCLIEN.EXE.

Depending on the security level of your browser you may see a dialog allowing you to either open the .EXE file or save it to disk. Click the "Open it" choice and then click the OK button.



Files         Description
STOSERVE.TXT  Short sample description.
MAKEFILE      The generic makefile for building the STOSERVE.DLL
              code sample of this lesson.
STOSERVE.H    The include file for declaring as imported or defining as
              exported the service functions in STOSERVE.DLL.
STOSERVE.CPP  The main implementation file for STOSERVE.DLL. Has DllMain
              and the COM server functions (for example, DllGetClassObject).
STOSERVE.DEF  The module definition file. Exports server housing functions.
STOSERVE.RC   The DLL resource definition file for the executable.
STOSERVE.ICO  The icon resource for the executable.
SERVER.H      The include file for the server control C++ object.
SERVER.CPP    The implementation file for the server control C++ object.
FACTORY.H     The include file for the server's class factory COM objects.
FACTORY.CPP   The implementation file for the server's class factories.
CONNECT.H     The include file for the connection point enumerator,
              connection point, and connection enumerator classes.
CONNECT.CPP   The implementation file for the connection point enumerator,
              connection point, and connection enumerator objects.
PAPER.H       The include file for the COPaper COM object class.
PAPER.CPP     The implementation file for the COPaper COM object class
              and the connection points.

STOSERVE uses many of the utility classes and services provided by APPUTIL. For more details on APPUTIL, study the APPUTIL library's source code in the sibling APPUTIL directory and APPUTIL.HTM in the main tutorial directory.

This sample is part of a graduated series of tutorial code samples. This tour assumes that you have some exposure to those previous samples. It does not revisit earlier topics of basic interface implementation techniques, COM object construction, in-process server construction, class factory construction, and connectable object construction. For information on these topics, study the earlier tutorial samples.

The major topics covered in this code tour are:

The COPaper COM object is the single object type managed by this STOSERVE in-process server. COPaper is constructed as a connectable COM object with an implementation of the standard IConnectionPointContainer interface and an implementation of the custom IPaper interface. COPaper exposes the IPaper interface so clients can perform a small set of electronic paper operations on an instance of COPaper. The essential operations are starting an ink drawing sequence, drawing the ink data on COPaper's virtual paper surface, and ending the ink drawing sequence. In this scheme, the client is assumed to be a GUI application driven by a mouse or tablet device. The client is responsible for translating the mouse movements into requests to COPaper, which saves these requests as ink data.

There are two levels of ink data saving in COPaper. COPaper saves the ink data in a RAM-based array that represents the current drawing, and COPaper persistently saves an entire drawing into a compound file. Methods in the IPaper interface perform both.

Since the client does not manage the drawn paper data but is responsible for rendering it as an image on the screen, the IPaper implementation in COPaper must expose a method that allows the client to obtain the drawing data. The connectable object technology in COPaper is used for this purpose. A CONNPOINT_PAPERSINK connection point is implemented by COPaper so clients can connect to COPaper to recieve the ink data for drawing. The client first calls the IPaper::Redraw method on the COPaper object to request all the ink data of the current drawing. COPaper's implementation of Redraw then uses the client's implementation of IPaperSink to pass the data to the client.

As the user interactively draws in the client, it paints the data immediately to the screen while also sending it to COPaper for saving. When the client needs the screen to be repainted, it calls COPaper's Redraw method. Such repainting is common in applications. For example, repainting occurs when the client's window is overlaid by another application's window. The client has a bitmap rendering of the drawn image, but the bitmap is easily lost and must often be repainted. The client relies on COPaper in the server for the ink data needed for repainting.

This is a common client/server division of labor. It is especially appropriate when there is a need for multiple clients to share the data. COPaper is coded to allow for this eventuality. It uses APPUTIL's CThreaded facility to achieve thread safety. An application that might exploit this design is a shared whiteboard application, where multiple clients can contribute to a commonly viewed drawing. COM's support for Distributed COM (DCOM) supports this kind of workgroup application usage across the network. See the earlier REMCLIEN sample for more details on DCOM.

A more modest use of COPaper's client/server scheme is to integrate behavior for objects implemented in different applications on the same machine. In this case, the clients might be ActiveX containers in separate applications that share data managed by the same object. This data may not be the ink drawing data that the DllPaper component supports. STOSERVE can be used as a starting framework for programming components that manage other kinds of shared data.

STOSERVE provides COPaper objects, which are controlled primarily by their native IPaper interface. Here is a summary of IPaper's methods from IPAPER.H in the sibling \INC directory.

    Initializes paper object and create ink data array.

    Gives client control of the paper and locks out other clients.

    Relinquishes client control of the paper.

    Loads paper content from client's compound file and notifies sinks.

    Saves paper content to client's compound file.

    Starts color ink drawing to the paper surface.

    Puts ink data points on the electronic paper surface.

    Stops ink drawing to the paper surface.

    Erase the current paper content and notifies sinks.

    Resizes the drawing paper rectangle size and notifies sinks.

    Redraws contents of paper object and notifies sinks.

Of interest for this code sample on compound files are the Load and Save methods. We will cover these in detail below, but first we will look at the ink data that will be loaded from and saved to compound files.

InkStart, InkDraw, and InkStop are the methods used by clients to command COPaper to record ink drawing sequences. The client will typically respond to a WM_LBUTTONDOWN message as the start of an ink drawing sequence by calling InkStart on COPaper. As the user moves the mouse or pen to draw while holding down the left button, the client will respond to repeated WM_MOUSEMOVE messages with corresponding calls to InkDraw. When the user releases the left mouse button, the client will respond to a WM_LBUTTONUP message with a call to InkStop, which marks the end of the ink drawing sequence.

InkStart tells COPaper the start position for the drawing sequence in client window coordinates. It also passes the currently selected ink color and width. The client maintains these selections; COPaper merely records them when the InkStart call is made. InkDraw is called repeatedly to tell COPaper the succession of window coordinates that represent the drawing motion of the mouse or pen. InkStop tells COPaper to mark the end of a drawing sequence.

COPaper packages the pen color, width, and coordinates into INKDATA structures and stores them in a dynamically allocated array that it manages in memory. Here are the declarations for the INKDATA structure from PAPER.H.

  // The types of Ink Data.
  #define INKTYPE_NONE  0
  #define INKTYPE_START 1
  #define INKTYPE_DRAW  2
  #define INKTYPE_STOP  3

  // The Ink Data structure.
  typedef struct _INKDATA
    SHORT nType;            // Ink Type.
    SHORT nX;               // X-coordinate of ink point.
    SHORT nY;               // Y-coordinate of ink point.
    SHORT nWidth;           // Ink line width in pixels.
    COLORREF crColor;       // Ink color.

The dynamic array of these INKDATA packets is pointed to by m_paInkData, a member of the IPaper implementation class. The array is created within the IPaper::InitPaper method with an initial allocation. For details, see the InitPaper method and the private NextSlot utility method of the CImpIPaper implementation in PAPER.H. The InkStart, InkDraw, and InkStop methods use NextSlot to obtain new slots in the array. The array is expanded dynamically by NextSlot as the need arises.

The client calls the IPaper::Erase method to erase the current drawing. This method does not reallocate the array; it simply marks all current ink data as INKTYPE_NONE and resets the array's end-of-data index to zero.

The client calls the IPaper::Lock and Unlock methods to manage ownership of COPaper for drawing. These methods are provided to organize access among multiple clients to the drawing held in a shared COPaper.

The client calls the IPaper::Resize method to tell COPaper that the user resized the current drawing paper rectangle. This coordinate data is kept in a PAPER_PROPERTIES structure, which is stored with the ink data when all the paper data is stored in a compound file. Here is the PAPER_PROPERTIES declaration from PAPER.H.

  #define PAPER_TITLE_SIZE 64
  typedef struct _PAPER_PROPERTIES
    LONG lInkDataVersion;
    LONG lInkArraySize;
    COLORREF crWinColor;
    RECT WinRect;
    WCHAR wszReserved1[PAPER_TITLE_SIZE];
    WCHAR wszReserved2[PAPER_TITLE_SIZE];

The PAPER_PROPERTIES structure is designed so that new ink data formats can be added at any time as the DllPaper component evolves. The IPaper interface is general enough that a subsequent version of the DllPaper component may store a different ink data format while implementing the same IPaper interface. Because the methods of IPaper do not depend on a specific ink data format, a new version of the DllPaper component that does support a different ink data format can use this same interface.

The paper properties stored in a compound file record the current size of the ink data array. The proper array size can then be allocated to accommodate the ink data read from the file.

The PAPER_PROPERTIES structure also stores the paper surface's drawing rectangle size and background window color.

Though not used in the STOSERVE/STOCLIEN samples, a drawing title and an author name can also be stored.

Creation date and last modified dates are not included in these paper properties, because the IStorage interface used to access compound files manages this information.

The principal focus in this code sample is how COPaper can load and save its paper data in compound files. We now look at the IPaper Load and Save method implementations in detail.

Here is IPaper::Save from PAPER.CPP.

  STDMETHODIMP COPaper::CImpIPaper::Save(
                 SHORT nLockKey,
                 IStorage* pIStorage)
    HRESULT hr = E_FAIL;
    IStream* pIStream;
    ULONG ulToWrite, ulWritten;

    if (OwnThis())
      if (m_bLocked && m_cLockKey == nLockKey && NULL != pIStorage)
        // First use COM service to mark this compound file as one that is
        // handled by our server component, DllPaper.
        WriteClassStg(pIStorage, CLSID_DllPaper);

        // Use COM Service to write user-readable clipboard format into
        // the compound file.
        WriteFmtUserTypeStg(pIStorage, m_ClipBdFmt, TEXT(CLIPBDFMT_STR));

        // Create the stream to be used for the actual paper data.
        // Call it "PAPERDATA".
        hr = pIStorage->CreateStream(
        if (SUCCEEDED(hr))
          // Got a stream. Now write data into it.
          // First write PAPER_PROPERTIES structure.
          m_PaperProperties.lInkArraySize = m_lInkDataEnd+1;
          m_PaperProperties.crWinColor = m_crWinColor;
          m_PaperProperties.WinRect.right = m_WinRect.right;
          m_PaperProperties.WinRect.bottom = m_WinRect.bottom;
          ulToWrite = sizeof(PAPER_PROPERTIES);
          hr = pIStream->Write(&m_PaperProperties, ulToWrite, &ulWritten);
          if (SUCCEEDED(hr) && ulToWrite != ulWritten)
            hr = STG_E_CANTSAVE;
          if (SUCCEEDED(hr))
            // Now write the complete array of Ink Data.
            ulToWrite = m_PaperProperties.lInkArraySize * sizeof(INKDATA);
            hr = pIStream->Write(m_paInkData, ulToWrite, &ulWritten);
            if (SUCCEEDED(hr) && ulToWrite != ulWritten)
              hr = STG_E_CANTSAVE;

          // We are done with the stream so release it.


    // Notify all other connected clients that Paper is now saved.
    if (SUCCEEDED(hr))
      m_pBackObj->NotifySinks(PAPER_EVENT_SAVED, 0, 0, 0, 0);

    return hr;

In the division of labor between client and server, COPaper does not create the compound file that is used to store paper data. For both the Save and Load methods, the client passes an IStorage interface pointer for an existing compound file. It then uses the IStorage to write and read data in that compound file. In IPaper::Save above, several types of data are stored.

The CLSID for DllPaper, CLSID_DllPaper, is serialized and stored in a special COM-controlled stream within the storage object called "\001CompObj". The WriteClassStg service function performs this storage. This stored CLSID data can be used to associate the storage's content with the DllPaper component that created and can interpret it. In this sample, the root storage is passed by STOCLIEN, and thus the entire compound file is associated with the DllPaper component. This CLSID data can be retrieved later with a call to the ReadClassStg service function.

Since DllPaper deals with editable data, it is also appropriate to record a clipboard format in the storage. The WriteFmtUserTypeString service function is called to store both a clipboard format designation and a user-readable name for the format. The user-readable name is meant for GUI display in selection lists. The name passed above uses a macro, CLIPBDFMT_STR, which is defined as "DllPaper 1.0" in PAPER.H. This stored clipboard data can be retrieved later with a call to the service function ReadFmtUserTypeStg. This function returns a string value that is allocated using the task memory allocator. The caller is responsible for freeing the string.

Save next creates a stream in the storage for the COPaper paper data. The stream is called "PAPERDATA" and is passed using the STREAM_PAPERDATA_USTR macro. The IStorage::CreateStream method requires that this string be in Unicode. Since the string is fixed at compile time, the macro is defined as Unicode in PAPER.H.


The 'L' before the string, indicating LONG, achieves this.

The CreateStream method creates and opens a stream within the specified storage. An IStream interface pointer for the new stream is passed in a caller's interface pointer variable. AddRef is called on this interface pointer within CreateStream, and the caller must release this pointer after using it. The CreateStream function is passed numerous access mode flags, as follows.


STGM_CREATE creates a new stream or overwrites an existing one of the same name. STGM_WRITE opens the stream with write permission. STGM_DIRECT opens the stream for direct access, as opposed to transacted access. STGM_SHARE_EXCLUSIVE opens the file for exclusive, non-shared use by the caller.

After the PAPERDATA stream is successfully created, the IStream interface is used to write into the stream. The IStream::Write method is used to first store the content of the PAPER_PROPERTIES structure. This is essentially a properties header at the front of the stream. Because the version number is the first thing in the file, it can be read independently to determine how to deal with the data that follows. If the amount of data actually written does not equal the amount requested, the Save method is aborted, and it returns STG_E_CANTSAVE.

Saving the entire array of ink data into the stream is simple.

  // Now write the complete array of Ink Data.
  ulToWrite = m_PaperProperties.lInkArraySize * sizeof(INKDATA);
  hr = pIStream->Write(m_paInkData, ulToWrite, &ulWritten);
  if (SUCCEEDED(hr) && ulToWrite != ulWritten)
    hr = STG_E_CANTSAVE;

Since the IStream::Write method operates on a byte array, the number of bytes of stored ink data in the array is calculated and the write operation begins at the start of the array. If the amount of data actually written does not equal the amount requested, the Save method returns STG_E_CANTSAVE.

After the stream is written, the IPaper::Save method releases the IStream pointer it was using.

The Save method also calls the client's IPaperSink (in COPaper's internal NotifySinks method) to notify the client that the save operation is complete. At this point the Save method returns to the calling client, which will typically release the IStorage pointer.

Here is the Save method's opposite, IPaper::Load from PAPER.CPP.

  STDMETHODIMP COPaper::CImpIPaper::Load(
                 SHORT nLockKey,
                 IStorage* pIStorage)
    HRESULT hr = E_FAIL;
    IStream* pIStream;
    INKDATA* paInkData;
    ULONG ulToRead, ulReadIn;
    LONG lNewArraySize;

    if (OwnThis())
      if (m_bLocked && m_cLockKey == nLockKey && NULL != pIStorage)
        // Open the "PAPERDATA" stream where the paper data is stored.
        hr = pIStorage->OpenStream(
        if (SUCCEEDED(hr))
          // We have the paper data stream. First read the Paper Properties.
          ulToRead = sizeof(PAPER_PROPERTIES);
          hr = pIStream->Read(
          if (SUCCEEDED(hr) && ulToRead != ulReadIn)
            hr = E_FAIL;
          if (SUCCEEDED(hr))
            // Deal with the different versions of ink data format.
            switch (NewProps.lInkDataVersion)
              case INKDATA_VERSION10:
                // Allocate an ink data array big enough--add some
                // extra too.
                lNewArraySize = NewProps.lInkArraySize + INKDATA_ALLOC;
                paInkData = new INKDATA[(LONG) lNewArraySize];
                if (NULL != paInkData)
                  // Delete the entire old ink data array.
                  delete [] m_paInkData;

                  // Assign the new array.
                  m_paInkData = paInkData;
                  m_lInkDataMax = lNewArraySize;

                  // Now read the complete array of Ink Data.
                  ulToRead = NewProps.lInkArraySize * sizeof(INKDATA);
                  hr = pIStream->Read(m_paInkData, ulToRead, &ulReadIn);
                  if (SUCCEEDED(hr) && ulToRead != ulReadIn)
                    hr = E_FAIL;
                  if (SUCCEEDED(hr))
                    // Rig COPaper to use the new PAPER_PROPERTIES info.
                    m_lInkDataEnd = NewProps.lInkArraySize-1;
                    m_crWinColor = NewProps.crWinColor;
                    m_WinRect.right = NewProps.WinRect.right;
                    m_WinRect.bottom = NewProps.WinRect.bottom;

                    // Copy the new properties into current properties.
                  hr = E_OUTOFMEMORY;
                hr = E_FAIL;  // Bad version.

          // We are done with the stream so release it.


    // Notify all other connected clients that Paper is now loaded.
    // If we didn't load then erase to a safe, empty ink data array.
    if (SUCCEEDED(hr))
      m_pBackObj->NotifySinks(PAPER_EVENT_LOADED, 0, 0, 0, 0);

    return hr;

This time the IStorage::OpenStream method is called to open the existing stream in the storage called "PAPERDATA". Access mode flags are for read only, direct, and non-shared exclusive access. Once the stream is open, the IStream::Read method is called to read the PAPER_PROPERTIES structure. If the amount actually read does not equal the amount requested, the load operation is aborted, and E_FAIL is returned. If the format version in the newly read PAPER_PROPERTIES is not recognized, then the load operation is aborted and Load returns E_FAIL.

With a valid ink data format version, the size of the new ink data array from the PAPER_PROPERTIES that was read in is used to allocate a new ink data array of the required size. The existing ink data is deleted, and its data is lost. If this data was valuable, it should have been saved before Load was called. After the new array is allocated, IStream::Read is called again to read the data into the array from the stream. If this call succeeds, the values in the newly read paper properties are adopted as the current values for COPaper.

During this load operation, a temporary PAPER_PROPERTIES structure, NewProps, was used to hold the new properties read in. If all succeeds with the load, NewProps is copied into the PAPER_PROPERTIES structure, m_PaperProperties. As before, after Load is done and the IStream is no longer needed, the IStream pointer is released.

If there is an error at the end of Load, the ink data array is erased, because it may contain damaged data.

If there is no error at the end of Load, the client's IPaperSink::Loaded method is called (in COPaper's internal NotifySinks method) to notify the client that the load operation is comleted. This is an important notification for the client, because it needs to display this newly loaded ink data. This notification makes significant use of COPaper's connectable object features.

COPaper exposes the IConnectionPointContainer interface so clients can connect to COPaper in order to receive notifications of specified events that occur in COPaper. By exposing this interface, COPaper becomes a connectable object. A client can call QueryInterface for this interface and use it to obtain the object's connection points. The client participation in this scheme is covered in the associated STOCLIEN sample.

Basically, the client implements what is called a sink in the form of a sink object with a sink interface. The sink interface receives outgoing event notification calls from COPaper after the sink is properly connected by the client to a COPaper instance. The client makes the connection by using a connection point object that is managed by COPaper. There can be numerous connection points on a single connectable COM object. In the STOSERVE sample, COPaper has only one connection point, which handles drawing paper events.

Any number of clients can connect to a single connection point. The CONNPOINT_PAPERSINK connection point in COPaper maintains a group of connections that can grow dynamically at run time. The full details on COPaper's connectable object support is coded in files CONNECT.H and CONNECT.CPP and will not be covered here. The construction is very similar to what was studied in the CONSERVE code sample.

The STOCLIEN client implements appropriate sink objects for the connection points it expects to find in COPaper. From the context of COPaper, the important sink object that STOCLIEN implements exposes the IPaperSink interface. This is the outgoing interface used by COPaper to notify STOCLIEN of various events in COPaper. Here is a summary of the methods in IPaperSink from IPAPER.H in the \INC sibling directory.

    A client has taken control of and locked the paper.

    A client has relinquished control of the paper.

    A client has loaded paper content from its own compound file.

    A client has saved paper content to its own compound file.

    A client started a color ink drawing sequence to the paper.

    A client is putting ink data points on the paper surface.

    A client has stopped its ink drawing sequence to the paper.

    A client has erased all ink data from the paper.

    A client has resized the paper.

These methods are largely self-explanatory. Although the sink must implement all these methods in some fashion, many are implemented as stubs and are not used in the STOSERVE/STOCLIEN samples.

An important method used in these samples is the Loaded method. When COPaper is told by the client to load a new drawing from file, it needs a way to notify the client when the new data is loaded. To do this, COPaper Calls IPaperSink::Loaded on the client sink. The client can then call IPaper::Redraw to request that COPaper play back the new data to the client. Redraw causes the loaded drawing in the client's display to be repainted. When the load is completed, the newly loaded drawing is displayed automatically in the window provided by the client.

The IPaper::Redraw method relies on the connection point technology. Here is Redraw from PAPER.CPP.

  STDMETHODIMP COPaper::CImpIPaper::Redraw(
                 SHORT nLockKey)
    HRESULT hr = E_FAIL;
    IConnectionPoint* pIConnectionPoint;
    IEnumConnections* pIEnum;
    IPaperSink* pIPaperSink;
    SHORT nInkType;
    LONG i;

    if (OwnThis())
      if (m_bLocked && m_cLockKey == nLockKey)
        // Broadcast InkData notifications to all Sinks connected to
        // each connection point.

        // Here is the section for the PaperSink connection point--this is
        // currently the only connection point offered by COPaper objects.
        pIConnectionPoint =
        if (NULL != pIConnectionPoint)
          hr = pIConnectionPoint->EnumConnections(&pIEnum);
          if (SUCCEEDED(hr))
            // Loop thru the connection point's connections and if the
            // listening connection supports IPaperSink (ie, PaperSink
            // events) then send all the current Paper's Ink Data to it.
            while (NOERROR == pIEnum->Next(1, &ConnData, NULL))
              hr = ConnData.pUnk->QueryInterface(
              if (SUCCEEDED(hr))
                // Loop thru all the Ink Data and send it to this connected
                // client sink.
                for (i=0; i<m_lInkDataEnd+1; i++)
                  nInkType = m_paInkData[i].nType;
                  switch (nInkType)
                    case INKTYPE_START:
                    case INKTYPE_DRAW:
                    case INKTYPE_STOP:


    return hr;

The IPaperSink methods InkStart, InkDraw, and InkStop are used to send individual ink data packets back to the client. On reception, the client paints them in its display in the same manner as when it originally sent them to COPaper. The above logic is general enough to allow for multiple clients that are all listening on the same CONNPOINT_PAPERSINK connection point. If a common COPaper instance was shared by these clients, they could all display the same drawing by connecting to this connection point.

The WriteFmtUserTypeStg service function used in the Save method shown above requires Unicode string parameters. This is the case with COM/OLE service calls that take string parameters. When compiling for ANSI strings, the expected Unicode parameters need conversion from ANSI to Unicode. This process is achieved using some macros in APPUTIL.H that may obscure the conversions that are performed. Take WriteFmtUserTypeStg as an example. The following call appears in the Save method.

  WriteFmtUserTypeStg(pIStorage, m_ClipBdFmt, TEXT(CLIPBDFMT_STR));

When STOSERVE is compiled for ANSI (not for Unicode), this call actually reduces to a call to an internal APPUTIL surrogate function. To support this, the following macro scheme is used in APPUTIL.H, which is an included file in all code sample .CPP files.

  #if !defined(UNICODE)

  STDAPI A_WriteFmtUserTypeStg(IStorage*, CLIPFORMAT, LPSTR);

  #if !defined(_NOANSIMACROS_)

  #undef WriteFmtUserTypeStg
  #define WriteFmtUserTypeStg(a, b, c) A_WriteFmtUserTypeStg(a, b, c)



The scheme uses surrogate service call functions. The ANSI versions of the calls begin with A_. These surrogate ANSI functions are implemented in APPUTIL.CPP. They are used when the code sample is being compiled for ANSI strings (the default in the makefiles). The service functions that the surrogates stand in place of support only Unicode string parameters. This forces some string conversions from ANSI to Unicode before the real COM/OLE service call is made inside the surrogate.

For example, if UNICODE is not defined during compiling, any calls in the samples to the WriteFmtUserTypeStg COM service function are actually changed by the macros into calls to an A_WriteFmtUserTypeStg function that is implemented in APPUTIL.CPP. This function accepts the input ANSI string pointer, converts it to a Unicode copy, and passes that Unicode copy as the string parameter in a call to the actual WriteFmtUserTypeStg function.

Here is A_WriteFmtUserTypeStg from APPUTIL.CPP.

  STDAPI A_WriteFmtUserTypeStg(
           IStorage* pIStorage,
           CLIPFORMAT ClipFmt,
           LPSTR pszUserType)
    WCHAR wszUc[MAX_PATH];

    if (NULL != pszUserType)
      // Convert from Ansi in pszUserType to Unicode in wszUc.
      AnsiToUc(pszUserType, wszUc, MAX_PATH);

      // Use the Unicode string in the actual service call.
      hr = WriteFmtUserTypeStg(pIStorage, ClipFmt, wszUc);

    return hr;

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