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PERDRAW - IPersistStorage Persistent Object Server



PERDRAW is the third sample in a group of samples that illustrate various techniques for implementing COM object persistence. The first sample, PERSERVE, illustrates persistence by implementing the IPersistStream standard interface. The second sample, PERTEXT, illustrates persistence by implementing the IPersistStreamInit standard interface. This sample, PERDRAW, illustrates persistence by implementing the IPersistStorage standard interface. The fourth sample, PERCLIEN, shows how a client exploits the kinds of persistence provided by the PERSERVE, PERTEXT, and PERDRAW server components.

The PERDRAW sample introduces the CODrawPage COM object, which models a sheet of white drawing paper. CODrawPage objects expose a set of features for free-form drawing on a virtual surface using "ink" of specified color and width. CODrawPage is based on the scribble-like functionality of the COPaper object from the STOSERVE sample.

CODrawPage objects expose a set of interfaces whose methods make the objects connectable, persistent managers of the drawing data. Clients access this data through an IDrawPage custom interface exposed by CODrawPage.

PERDRAW maintains a clear architectural distinction between client and server. Among other things, CODrawPage provides no graphical user interface (GUI); instead, the CODrawPage object relies on the client for all GUI behavior.

The PERCLIEN client provides the GUI display and manages a list of pages, the contents of which are stored in a compound file that contains both the contents of the list and of each page in that list. The user of PERCLIEN can edit the content of two types of pages: text pages and drawing pages. Text pages have data that the user can edit using a simple windowed text editor. Drawing pages have drawing data that the user can edit using free-form, scribble-like functionality based on the earlier STOSERVE and STOCLIEN samples. Both kinds of editing are done in separate client windows. For more details see PERCLIEN.HTM.

Storage in the compound file is achieved because the components provide persistent COM objects that encapsulate the page list and edited page data. PERSERVE houses a persistent object that encapsulates the single page list kept in each compound file containing such pages. PERTEXT houses a persistent object that encapsulates the edited text data for each text page. PERDRAW houses a persistent object that encapsulates the drawing data for each drawing page.

The COPageList object in the PERSERVE sample encapsulates the persistent page list data. COPageList implements the IPersistStream standard interface to expose control of the page list storage located in the client-provided stream of a compound file. The COTextPage object in the previous PERTEXT sample encapsulates the data of an edited text page. COTextPage implements the IPersistStreamInit standard interface to expose control of the text data storage that is located in the client-provided stream of a compound file. In contrast to these stream-based persistent objects, the CODrawPage object in this PERDRAW sample encapsulates the persistent drawing-ink data that comprises a drawing. CODrawPage implements the IPersistStorage standard interface to expose control of the drawing-ink data storage located in the client-provided substorage of a compound file.

This code sample focuses primarily on the CODrawPage implementation of the IPersistStorage interface to provide storage-based persistence for a COM object. PERDRAW works with the PERCLIEN sample to demonstrate the joint use by client and server of this IPersistStorage-based persistence.

CODrawPage's support for object persistence is the primary means of storing the ink data of the drawing page. CODrawPage stores its ink data in client-provided substorages located in a structured storage compound file. The compound file has a unique format because of the various streams and storages used. The client identifies these compound files as page files with a .PAG file extension. The client controls the use of the containing compound file and provides CODrawPage with an IStorage pointer to load and save its drawing data in the compound file. The IStorage pointer is passed to CODrawPage in calls to the IPersistStorage interface methods.

CODrawPage also exposes an IDrawPage custom interface to manipulate the drawing data that is encapsulated by the drawing page. IDrawPage exposes the InkStart, InkDraw, InkStop, Clear, Resize, and Redraw methods.

CODrawPage also supports connectable object features. It exposes the IConnectionPointContainer interface, an appropriate connection point is implemented, and an outgoing custom IDrawPageSink interface is declared to send notifications to the client.

The two IDrawPage and IDrawPageSink custom interfaces are declared in IPAGES.H, which is located in the common INC directory. PAGEGUID.H, which contains the GUID definitions for the for the interfaces and objects, is in that same directory.

The PERDRAW sample uses the CThreaded facility in APPUTIL to achieve thread safety in the server housing and the class factory. Because PERDRAW.DLL is generally accessed from a Single Threaded Apartment (STA) as an in-process server, CODrawPage instances are not coded as thread-safe using the CThreaded facility. The CLSID_DrawPage component is registered as supporting the apartment threading model.

For functional descriptions and a tutorial code tour of the PERDRAW sample, see the Code Tour section in PERDRAW.HTM. For details on setting up the programmatic usage of PERDRAW.DLL, see the Usage section in PERDRAW.HTM. To read PERDRAW.HTM, run TUTORIAL.EXE in the main tutorial directory and click the PERDRAW lesson in the table of lessons. You can do the same thing by double-clicking the PERDRAW.HTM file after locating the main tutorial directory in Windows Explorer. For more details on the PERCLIEN client application and how it works with PERDRAW.DLL, see PERCLIEN.HTM in the main tutorial directory. You must build PERDRAW.DLL before running the PERCLIEN sample.

The PERDRAW server provides a DrawPage component that can create instances of the CODrawPage COM object. CODrawPage is housed in the PERDRAW.DLL in-process server and is made publicly available as a custom COM component. Like all other servers in this tutorial series, PERDRAW.DLL is a self-registering COM server. It makes the CODrawPage object type available to clients as the DrawPage component in the PERDRAW server using a CLSID_DrawPage registration in the Registry.

PERDRAW's makefile automatically registers its DrawPage COM component in the registry, which it must do before clients can use PERDRAW.DLL as a server for the DrawPage component. This self-registration is started in the makefile using the REGISTER.EXE utility built in the REGISTER sample. To build or run PERDRAW.DLL, you must build the REGISTER code sample first.

For details on setting up your system to build and test the code samples in this COM Tutorial series, see TUTORIAL.HTM. The supplied MAKEFILE is Microsoft NMAKE-compatible. To create a debug build, issue the NMAKE command in the Command Prompt window.


To use PERDRAW.DLL, a client program does not need to include PERDRAW.H or link to PERDRAW.LIB. A COM client of PERDRAW.DLL obtains access solely through its object's CLSID and COM services. For PERDRAW, that CLSID is CLSID_DrawPage (defined in PAGEGUID.H in the common INC directory). The PERCLIEN code sample shows how the client obtains this access.

PERDRAW.DLL is intended primarily as a COM server. Although it can be implicitly loaded by linking to its associated .LIB file, it is normally used after an explicit LoadLibrary call, usually from within COM's CoGetClassObject function. PERDRAW is a self-registering in-process server.

The makefile that builds this sample automatically registers the server in the registry. You can manually initiate its self-registration by issuing the following command at the command prompt in the PERDRAW directory:

  nmake register

This assumes that you have a compilation environment set up. If not, you can also directly invoke the REGISTER.EXE command at the command prompt while in the PERDRAW directory.

  ..\register\register.exe perdraw.dll

These registration commands require a prior build of both the REGISTER sample and PERDRAW.DLL.

In this series, the makefiles use the REGISTER.EXE utility from the REGISTER sample. Recent releases of the Microsoft® Platform SDK and Visual C++® include a utility, REGSVR32.EXE, which can be used in a similar fashion to register in-process servers and marshaling DLLs.

Run the Sample

The client sample and other related samples must be compiled before you can run the client. For more details on building the samples, see Building the Code Samples.

If you have already built the appropriate samples, PERCLIEN.EXE is the client executable to run for this sample. Click here to run PERCLIEN.EXE.

Depending on the security level of your browser you may see a dialog allowing you to either open the .EXE file or save it to disk. Click the "Open it" choice and then click the OK button.



Files         Description
PERDRAW.TXT   Short description of the sample.
MAKEFILE      The generic makefile for building the PERDRAW.DLL
              code sample of this lesson.
PERDRAW.H     The include file for declaring as imported or defining as
              exported the service functions in PERDRAW.DLL.
PERDRAW.CPP   The main implementation file for PERDRAW.DLL. Has DllMain
              and the COM server functions (for example, DllGetClassObject).
PERDRAW.DEF   The module definition file. Exports server housing functions.
PERDRAW.RC    The DLL resource definition file for the executable.
PERDRAW.ICO   The icon resource for the executable.
SERVER.H      The include file for the server control C++ object.
SERVER.CPP    The implementation file for the server control C++ object.
FACTORY.H     The include file for the server's class factory COM objects.
FACTORY.CPP   The implementation file for the server's class factories.
CONNECT.H     The include file for the connection point enumerator,
              connection point, and connection enumerator classes.
CONNECT.CPP   The implementation file for the connection point enumerator,
              connection point, and connection enumerators objects.
DRAWPAGE.H    The include file for the CODrawPage COM object class.
DRAWPAGE.CPP  The implementation file for the CODrawPage COM object class
              and the connection points.

The PERDRAW sample uses many of the utility classes and services provided by APPUTIL. For more details on APPUTIL, study the APPUTIL library's source code in the APPUTIL directory and read the APPUTIL.HTM lesson in the main tutorial directory.

This sample is part of a graduated series of tutorial code samples and assumes that you have had some exposure to those samples. It does not revisit basic interface implementation techniques, COM object construction, in-process server construction, class factory construction, connectable object construction, or use of structured storage in compound files. For information on these topics, study the earlier tutorial samples.

The major topics covered in this code tour are:

The CODrawPage COM object is the single object type managed by the PERDRAW in-process server. CODrawPage is constructed as a connectable COM object that implements the IConnectionPointContainer standard interface, the IPersistStorage standard interface, and the IDrawPage custom interface.

CODrawPage exposes the IDrawPage custom interface so clients can perform a set of operations on the drawing data that is encapsulated by CODrawPage. Here is a summary of the IDrawPage methods from IPAGES.H located in the common INC directory.

    Client starts color ink drawing to the drawing surface.

    Client puts ink data points on the drawing surface.

    Client stops ink drawing to the drawing surface.

    Clear the current drawing content. Notify sinks.
    Mark dirty flag if bSaveNeeded==TRUE.

    Resize the drawing rectangle size.

    Redraw content of drawing object via sink notification.

The implementation of IDrawPage is straightforward. A set of properties for the drawing page and the drawing data itself are maintained. The functionality is very similar to the scribble-like functionality in the IPaper interface that is implemented in the STOSERVE and STOCLIEN samples. For more details on the implementation of IDrawPage, see DRAWPAGE.H and DRAWPAGE.CPP.

CODrawPage manages its drawing data in RAM. However, since CODrawPage is also a persistent object, it also manages the persistent representation of this drawing data in a stream of a structured storage compound file. CODrawPage exposes the IPersistStorage interface so that client's can control the persitence features of CODrawPage. This samples focuses primarily on CODrawPage's implementation of IPersistStorage.

The client is responsible for displaying the drawing to the user. The PERCLIEN sample does this using a separate drawing window. The client uses the IDrawPage interface on CODrawPage to obtain the data to display in that window and to update CODrawPage with any user-requested changes to the drawing data. The client cooperates with CODrawPage to manage the drawing data. The client manages the creation or opening of a storage in the compound file containing the data. When the client needs to control the persistence of CODrawPage it passes an IStorage interface pointer to CODrawPage, usually during such IPersistStorage method calls as InitNew, Load, and Save. CODrawPage then uses that storage to store persistently all its object state data. CODrawPage creates streams under the provided storage and uses them for the actual storage of its object state data.

CODrawPage stores two major data constructs for its object state data: the ink data which makes up the drawing and the drawing page properties. The ink data is stored in a stream created under the storage branch provided. This stream always has the name "DRAWDATA". The ink data is stored as an array of INKDATA structures. The following is the INKDATA structure from DRAWPAGE.H:

  // The Ink Data structure.
  typedef struct _INKDATA
    SHORT nType;            // Ink Type.
    SHORT nX;               // X-coordinate of ink point.
    SHORT nY;               // Y-coordinate of ink point.
    SHORT nWidth;           // Ink line width.
    COLORREF crColor;       // Ink color.

Each of these INKDATA structure elements in the array represents an ink point of specific color and width. The drawing is made up of these ink points.

The nType member holds the ink type of the point. The following ink types are defined in DRAWPAGE.H.

// The types of Ink Data.
  #define INKTYPE_NONE  0
  #define INKTYPE_START 1
  #define INKTYPE_DRAW  2
  #define INKTYPE_STOP  3

The nX and nY members specify the pixel coordinates of the ink point, the nWidth member specifies the ink line width in pixels, and the crColor member specifies the color of the ink point.

The drawing page's persistent properties are also stored in a stream created under the storage branch provided. That stream always has the name "DRAWPROPS". The following is the DRAWPROPS structure from DRAWPAGE.H:

  // Properties of our electronic DrawPage.
  typedef struct _DRAWPROPS
    LONG lInkDataVersion;
    LONG lInkArraySize;
    COLORREF crWinColor;
    RECT WinRect;
    WCHAR wszReserved1[PAGE_TITLE_SIZE];

The lInkDataVersion member holds a version number for the ink data in the drawing page. This allows the first member to be checked to determine possible variations in treatment based on the format version.

The lInkArraySize member holds the current size of the ink data array.

The crWinColor member holds the current background color of the display window. The default for this color is white.

The WinRect member holds the current drawing surface rectangle. This is for future evolution of the application and is not used in this sample. As a persistent property, it can be used to save and restore the display window size.

The wszTitle, wszAuthor, and wszReserved1 members are for future evolution of the application and are not used by PERDRAW or PERCLIEN.

In the division of labor between client and server, CODrawPage does not create the compound file that is used to store drawing page data. To save and load the persistent data of CODrawPage, the client uses the IPersistStorage interface Save and Load methods, passing an IStorage interface pointer for a storage branch located in an existing compound file. CODrawPage then uses the IStorage interface to read data from and write data to the compound file. As mentioned above, CODrawPage creates DRAWDATA and DRAWPROPS streams under the provided storage branch.

The following is the declaration of the CODrawPage COM object from DRAWPAGE.H:

  class CODrawPage : public IUnknown
      // Main Object Constructor & Destructor.
      CODrawPage(IUnknown* pUnkOuter, CServer* pServer);

      // A general public method for initializing this newly created
      // object. Creates any subordinate arrays, structures, or objects.
      // Not exposed as part of an interface. Used in Class Factory.
      HRESULT Init(void);

      // IUnknown methods. Main object, non-delegating.
      STDMETHODIMP         QueryInterface(REFIID, PPVOID);
      STDMETHODIMP_(ULONG) AddRef(void);
      STDMETHODIMP_(ULONG) Release(void);

      // We declare nested class interface implementations here.

      class CImpIConnectionPointContainer : public IConnectionPointContainer
          // Interface Implementation Constructor & Destructor.
          CImpIConnectionPointContainer(CODrawPage* pCO, IUnknown* pUnkOuter);

          // IUnknown methods.
          STDMETHODIMP         QueryInterface(REFIID, PPVOID);
          STDMETHODIMP_(ULONG) AddRef(void);
          STDMETHODIMP_(ULONG) Release(void);

          // IConnectionPointContainer methods.
          STDMETHODIMP         FindConnectionPoint(REFIID, IConnectionPoint**);
          STDMETHODIMP         EnumConnectionPoints(IEnumConnectionPoints**);

          // Data private to this interface implementation.
          CODrawPage*   m_pCO;          // Parent COM Object back pointer.
          IUnknown*     m_pUnkOuter;    // Outer unknown for Delegation.

      class CImpIPersistStorage : public IPersistStorage
          // Interface Implementation Constructor & Destructor.
          CImpIPersistStorage(CODrawPage* pCO, IUnknown* pUnkOuter);

          // IUnknown methods.
          STDMETHODIMP         QueryInterface(REFIID, PPVOID);
          STDMETHODIMP_(ULONG) AddRef(void);
          STDMETHODIMP_(ULONG) Release(void);

          // IPersistStorage methods.
          STDMETHODIMP         GetClassID(CLSID* pClassID);
          STDMETHODIMP         IsDirty(void);
          STDMETHODIMP         InitNew(IStorage* pIStorage);
          STDMETHODIMP         Load(IStorage* pIStorage);
          STDMETHODIMP         Save(IStorage* pIStorage, BOOL bSameAsLoad);
          STDMETHODIMP         SaveCompleted(IStorage* pIStorage);
          STDMETHODIMP         HandsOffStorage(void);

          // Data private to this interface implementation.
          CODrawPage*   m_pCO;            // Parent COM Object back pointer.
          IUnknown*     m_pUnkOuter;      // Outer unknown for Delegation.
          IStorage*     m_pIStorage;      // Main DrawPage storage.
          IStream*      m_pIStream_Props; // Stream for Drawing Properties.
          IStream*      m_pIStream_Data;  // Stream for Drawing Ink Data.

      class CImpIDrawPage : public IDrawPage
          // Interface Implementation Constructor & Destructor.
          CImpIDrawPage(CODrawPage* pCO, IUnknown* pUnkOuter);

          // IUnknown methods.
          STDMETHODIMP         QueryInterface(REFIID, PPVOID);
          STDMETHODIMP_(ULONG) AddRef(void);
          STDMETHODIMP_(ULONG) Release(void);

          // IDrawPage methods.
          STDMETHODIMP         InkStart(
                                 SHORT nX,
                                 SHORT nY,
                                 SHORT nWidth,
                                 COLORREF crInkColor);
          STDMETHODIMP         InkDraw(SHORT nX, SHORT nY);
          STDMETHODIMP         InkStop(SHORT nX, SHORT nY);
          STDMETHODIMP         Clear(BOOL bSaveNeeded);
          STDMETHODIMP         Resize(SHORT nWidth, SHORT nHeight);
          STDMETHODIMP         Redraw(void);

          // Private utility methods of this interface implementation.
          HRESULT NextSlot(void);

          // Data private to this interface implementation of IDrawPage.
          CODrawPage*   m_pCO;          // Parent COM Object back pointer.
          IUnknown*     m_pUnkOuter;    // Outer unknown for Delegation.

      // Make the otherwise private and nested interface implementations
      // friends to COM object instantiations of this CODrawPage
      // COM object class.
      friend CImpIConnectionPointContainer;
      friend CImpIPersistStorage;
      friend CImpIDrawPage;

      // Private Methods of CODrawPage COM objects.

      // Private method of main connectable CODrawPage COM object to
      // broadcast event notifications to all connected listening sinks.
      HRESULT NotifySinks(
                DRAWPAGE_EVENT DrawPageEvent,
                SHORT nX,
                SHORT nY,
                SHORT nInkWidth,
                COLORREF crInkColor);

      // Private data of CODrawPage COM objects.

      // Nested IConnectionPointContainer implementation instantiation.
      CImpIConnectionPointContainer m_ImpIConnectionPointContainer;

      // Nested IPersistStorage implementation instantiation.
      CImpIPersistStorage m_ImpIPersistStorage;

      // Nested IDrawPage implementation instantiation. Custom interface.
      CImpIDrawPage     m_ImpIDrawPage;

      // Main Object reference count.
      ULONG             m_cRefs;

      // Outer unknown (aggregation & delegation).
      IUnknown*         m_pUnkOuter;

      // Pointer to this component server's control object.
      CServer*          m_pServer;

      // The array of connection points for this connectable COM object.
      IConnectionPoint* m_aConnectionPoints[MAX_CONNECTION_POINTS];

      // The following private data is the working heart of DrawPage objects.
      RECT              m_WinRect;        // Current window rectangle.
      COLORREF          m_crWinColor;     // Current window background color.
      COLORREF          m_crInkColor;     // Current ink color.
      SHORT             m_nInkWidth;      // Current ink width.
      LONG              m_lInkDataEnd;    // Current end of the ink data.
      LONG              m_lInkDataMax;    // Current max end of the ink data.
      INKDATA*          m_paInkData;      // Dynamic Ink data array pointer.
      DRAWPROPS         m_DrawProps;      // Drawing Page properties.
      CLSID             m_ClassID;        // CLSID of this COM Object.
      UINT              m_ClipFmt;        // ClipBoard format.
      PERSTGSTATE       m_StgState;       // Persistent Storage State.
      BOOL              m_bDirty;         // RAM no match file--save needed.

CODrawPage has nested implementations of the IUnknown, IConnectionPointContainer, IPersistStorage, and IDrawPage interfaces. The techniques of these interface implementations follow the pattern used in earlier samples. Implementation of IUnknown was introduced in the COMOBJ sample. IConnectionPointContainer was introduced in the CONSERVE sample. This sample introduces the IPersistStorage standard interface with more detail below. This sample also introduces the IDrawPage custom interface but its implementation is very similar to the custom interface implemementations in earlier samples. For example, see the IPaper interface covered in the STOSERVE sample.

The m_DrawProps member is a DRAWPROPS structure that contains the properties of the drawing page. The m_ClassID holds the CLSID of the CODrawPage component for later use within the method implementations of CODrawPage. The m_ClipFmt member holds an identifier for the clipboard format associated with the ink data in the drawing. (This is for future evolution of the application and would be used if cut and paste edit operations were supported for ink data.) CODrawPage uses the m_bDirty member internally to determine when the resident drawing data has changed relative to the last time it was loaded from or saved to persistent storage.

The m_StgState member holds the current persistent storage state of CODrawPage and is discussed later in this lesson.

CODrawPage keeps the ink data in a RAM-resident array, pointer to which is kept in the m_paInkData variable. This array is initially allocated in the internal CODrawPage::Init method immediately after CODrawPage is created, but it is also deleted and recreated during the IPersistStorage::Load method. The m_lInkDataEnd member holds the array index of the current end of the array. The m_lInkDataMax member holds the current maximum value that m_lInkDataEnd can have. The array grows dynamically within the current upper bound set in m_lInkDataMax. If m_lInkDataEnd reaches m_lInkDataMax, then additional array space is allocated and m_lInkDataMax is assigned a new value.

The following IPersistStorage methods are declared:

  // IPersistStorage methods.
  STDMETHODIMP IsDirty(void);
  STDMETHODIMP InitNew(IStorage* pIStorage);
  STDMETHODIMP Load(IStorage* pIStorage);
  STDMETHODIMP Save(IStorage* pIStorage, BOOL bSameAsLoad);
  STDMETHODIMP SaveCompleted(IStorage* pIStorage);
  STDMETHODIMP HandsOffStorage(void);

Examining these methods in detail shows how the IPersistStorage interface implements persistence for the property and ink data in CODrawPage. The InitNew, Load, Save, and SaveCompleted methods accept an IStorage interface pointer. If you have not used streams (IStream) or storages (IStorage) in structured storage compound files, see the STOSERVE and STOCLIEN lesons for coverage of this topic.

Objects that implement IPersistStorage read and write their state data in a storage branch of a compound file. Like IPersistStreamInit, IPersistStorage supports object initialization with an InitNew method. IPersistStorage also imposes a protocol between client and object that handles situations when the client needs to control the underlying compound file and must tell the object to relinquish control of any open storage or stream elements in may own in the compound file. In conjunction with an internally maintained storage state, the Save, SaveCompleted, and HandsOffStorage methods ensure that the client abides by the protocol.

The protocol is based on certain rules governing transition to and from various object states. Objects that implement their persistence using IPersistStorage must abide these rules. CODrawPage's m_StgState member holds the current storage state of CODrawPage and is assigned values based on the state. The following state values are from APPUTIL.H, which is located in the common INC directory. This enumeration is defined in the common APPUTIL.H because many persistent objects in separate applications might use it.

  // An enumeration of persistent storage states for use in the
  // implementation of IPersistStorage.
  typedef enum
    PERS_UNINIT = 0,  // Uninitialized.
    PERS_SCRIBBLE,    // Write     permitted; Read     permitted.
    PERS_NOSCRIBBLE,  // Write NOT permitted; Read     permitted.
    PERS_HANDSOFF     // Write NOT permitted; Read NOT permitted.

PERS_UNINIT represents the unitialized state of CODrawPage. PERS_SCRIBBLE represents the normal state of read and write access by CODrawPage to its persistent storage. During this state, CODrawPage can hold open pointers to any elements in its persistent storage. PERS_NOSCRIBBLE represents the state in which CODrawPage can read but not write its persistent storage. This is a 'zombie' state in which CODrawPage's methods cannot perform any incremental writes to storage. This state exists between calls to Save and SaveCompleted. While in this state a client often continues to write to other parts of the compound file. This allows the client to gather several save operations for the compound file--perhaps for several different persistent objects--into one save operation. When done with this operation the client calls SaveCompleted on the appropriate PERS_NOSCRIBBLE objects. PERS_HANDSOFF represents the state in which CODrawPage can neither read nor write to its persistent storage. In this state CODrawPage has no valid interface pointers to its persistent storage.

The InitNew, Load, Save, SaveCompleted, and HandsOffStorage methods manage storage state. Both InitNew and Load change the state from PERS_UNINIT to PERS_SCRIBBLE. Save changes the state from PERS_SCRIBBLE to PERS_NOSCRIBBLE. HandsOffStorage changes the state from PERS_SCRIBBLE to PERS_HANDSOFF or from PERS_NOSCRIBBLE to PERS_HANDSOFF. SaveCompleted changes the state from PERS_NOSCRIBBLE to PERS_SCRIBBLE or from PERS_HANDSOFF to PERS_SCRIBBLE.

The client calls SaveCompleted to enable normal read and write access for an object in either the PERS_NOSCRIBBLE or PERS_HANDSOFF state. The client calls HandsOffStorage to prevent the object from reading or writing to its persistent storage. This would typically occur when the client is performing some action on the underlying compound file and needs to prevent the CODrawPage from reading or writing to a compound file while the file is undergoing global changes. For example, if the client is renaming the file, CODrawPage must be prevented from attempting any modifications to the data in the file during the rename operation. If the client calls HandsOffStorage before calling Save, CODrawPage must release all the interface pointers it holds for storages in the compound file. Since no interface pointers are available after these releases, a PERS_HANDSOFF state that absolutely prevents CODrawPage from accessing its persistent storage is needed. To enable CODrawPage to read and write its persistent storage again, the client passes a fresh IStorage interface in the SaveCompleted method.

The GetClassID method is called by clients of CODrawPage to obtain its component CLSID. This method is actually inherited from the IPersist interface from which IPersistStorage is derived. Here is the implementation of GetClassID from DRAWPAGE.CPP.

  STDMETHODIMP CODrawPage::CImpIPersistStorage::GetClassID(
                 CLSID* pClassID)

    if (NULL != pClassID)
      // Use overloaded '=' operator to copy the Class ID to caller.
      *pClassID = m_pCO->m_ClassID;
      hr = NOERROR;

    return hr;

This simple method uses the overloaded "=" operator to copy CODrawPage's main copy of the CLSID to the client's address space using pClassID. The convenient overloading of the "=" operator is provided in the COM and OLE header files that are included at the front of DRAWPAGE.CPP. The CODrawPage constructor initially assigned the value CLSID_DrawPage to m_ClassID. CLSID_DrawPage is defined in the PAGEGUID.H file, which also contains other GUIDs--such as interface IIDs--that are used in the PERSERVE, PERTEXT, PERDRAW, and PERCLIEN samples. PAGEGUID.H is in the common INC directory.

The IsDirty method is called by clients when they need to determine if changes were made to this CODrawPage's persistent data since it was last loaded, initialized, or saved. The following is the implementation of IsDirty from DRAWPAGE.CPP:

  STDMETHODIMP CODrawPage::CImpIPersistStorage::IsDirty(
    HRESULT hr;

    hr = m_pCO->m_bDirty ? S_OK : S_FALSE;

    return hr;

This method simply returns the current "dirty" status of the RAM-resident data in terms of the standard HRESULT return codes of S_OK or S_FALSE. S_OK means that the data has changed and needs saving; S_FALSE means the data matches its counterpart in persistent storage.

Clients call the InitNew method to direct CODrawPage to initialize its object state data in RAM for the first time. InitNew is called instead of Load when the newly created object instance must be initialized with new data rather than with persistent data previously saved in a storage. Load and InitNew are never called on the same instance of CODrawPage. The following is the implementation of InitNew from DRAWPAGE.CPP:

  STDMETHODIMP CODrawPage::CImpIPersistStorage::InitNew(
                 IStorage* pIStorage)
    ULONG ulToWrite, ulWritten;

    // There is no previous persistent data for this CODrawPage object.
    // Create and init new persistence data for an empty drawing page.

    // Return E_UNEXPECTED error if not in the UNINIT state.
    if (PERS_UNINIT == m_pCO->m_StgState)
      if (NULL != pIStorage)
        // Create the Properties stream.
        hr = pIStorage->CreateStream(
               STGM_CREATE | STGM_DIRECT
        if (SUCCEEDED(hr))
          // Create the Ink Data stream.
          hr = pIStorage->CreateStream(
                  STGM_CREATE | STGM_DIRECT
          if (SUCCEEDED(hr))
            // Write the clipboard format and User Type Name info.
            hr = WriteFmtUserTypeStg(
        hr = E_POINTER;

      if (SUCCEEDED(hr))
        // Preallocate stream space by writing the DRAWPROPS structure.
        m_pCO->m_DrawProps.lInkArraySize = m_pCO->m_lInkDataEnd+1;
        m_pCO->m_DrawProps.crWinColor = m_pCO->m_crWinColor;
        m_pCO->m_DrawProps.WinRect.right = m_pCO->m_WinRect.right;
        m_pCO->m_DrawProps.WinRect.bottom = m_pCO->m_WinRect.bottom;
        ulToWrite = sizeof(DRAWPROPS);
        hr = m_pIStream_Props->Write(
        if (SUCCEEDED(hr) && ulToWrite != ulWritten)
          hr = STG_E_CANTSAVE;
        if (SUCCEEDED(hr))
          // Preallocate stream space by writing the initial Ink Data array.
          ulToWrite = m_pCO->m_DrawProps.lInkArraySize * sizeof(INKDATA);
          hr = m_pIStream_Data->Write(
          if (SUCCEEDED(hr) && ulToWrite != ulWritten)
            hr = STG_E_CANTSAVE;
          if (FAILED(hr))
            // Release ink data stream if error writing.
          // Release property stream if error writing.

        if (SUCCEEDED(hr))
          // Keep open storage pointer around for use in later incremental or
          // low-memory calls of Save. AddRef the interface pointer copy.
          m_pIStorage = pIStorage;

          // Switch the persistent storage state to the scribble state.
          m_pCO->m_StgState = PERS_SCRIBBLE;

    return hr;

InitNew first checks m_StgState and fails with the E_UNEXPECTED error if CODrawPage is already initialized. During InitNew the object should create and open every storage and stream element it expects to access, including any elements it will later require in a low-memory save situation. To help preclude later problems if the storage medium is full, InitNew should also pre-allocate an appropriate amount of stream space. It can do this using IStream::SetSize or by simply writing an initial place-holder object state. The above InitNew writes such a place-holder object state.

InitNew begins by using the methods of the passed IStorage interface to create both the DRAWPROPS and DRAWDATA streams. It then writes the identifier for the clipboard format. If those steps succeed, it pre-allocates stream space by writing appropriate initial data to the newly created DRAWPROPS and DRAWDATA streams. InitNew keeps a copy of the IStorage pointer that was passed into it, which CODrawPage uses later. InitNew also performs an AddRef on the pointer copy. Finally, InitNew changes the CODrawPage storage state from PERS_UNINIT to PERS_SCRIBBLE.

The Load method directs CODrawPage to load its persistent state from an open storage branch whose IStorage interface is passed. Load assumes that the expected storage structure (that is, the particular substorages and streams that contain the entire object state data) are present in the specified storage branch. The following code is the implementation of Load from DRAWPAGE.CPP:

  STDMETHODIMP CODrawPage::CImpIPersistStorage::Load(
                 IStorage* pIStorage)
    ULONG ulToRead, ulReadIn;
    LONG lNewArraySize;
    INKDATA* paInkData;
    DRAWPROPS NewProps;

    // Return E_UNEXPECTED error if not in the UNINIT state.
    if (PERS_UNINIT == m_pCO->m_StgState)
      if (NULL != pIStorage)
        // Open the existing DrawPage properties stream.
        hr = pIStorage->OpenStream(
        if (SUCCEEDED(hr))
          // Open the existing DrawPage ink data stream.
          hr = pIStorage->OpenStream(
          if (SUCCEEDED(hr))
            // Read the DrawPage properties from the their stream.
            ulToRead = sizeof(DRAWPROPS);
            hr = m_pIStream_Props->Read(&NewProps, ulToRead, &ulReadIn);
            if (SUCCEEDED(hr) && ulToRead != ulReadIn)
              hr = STG_E_READFAULT;
            if (SUCCEEDED(hr))
              // Read the Ink Data of the drawing from its stream.
              // Deal with the different versions of ink data format.
              switch (NewProps.lInkDataVersion)
                case INKDATA_VERSION20:
                  // Allocate an ink data array big enough--add some extra.
                  lNewArraySize = NewProps.lInkArraySize + INKDATA_ALLOC;
                  paInkData = new INKDATA[(LONG) lNewArraySize];
                  if (NULL != paInkData)
                    // Delete the entire old ink data array.
                    delete [] m_pCO->m_paInkData;

                    // Assign the new array.
                    m_pCO->m_paInkData = paInkData;
                    m_pCO->m_lInkDataMax = lNewArraySize;

                    // Now read the complete array of Ink Data.
                    ulToRead = NewProps.lInkArraySize * sizeof(INKDATA);
                    hr = m_pIStream_Data->Read(
                    if (SUCCEEDED(hr) && ulToRead != ulReadIn)
                      hr = STG_E_READFAULT;
                    if (SUCCEEDED(hr))
                      // Rig CODrawPage to use the DRAWPROPS info.
                      m_pCO->m_lInkDataEnd = NewProps.lInkArraySize-1;
                      m_pCO->m_crWinColor = NewProps.crWinColor;
                      m_pCO->m_WinRect.right = NewProps.WinRect.right;
                      m_pCO->m_WinRect.bottom = NewProps.WinRect.bottom;

                      // Copy the new properties into current properties.

                      // We are loaded and clean (ie, CODrawPage data
                      // matches file data). Clear dirty flag.
                      m_pCO->m_bDirty = FALSE;
                      // Release data stream if error reading.
                    hr = E_OUTOFMEMORY;
                  hr = E_FAIL;  // Bad version.
              // Release property stream if error reading.

        if (SUCCEEDED(hr))
          // Keep open storage pointer around for use in later incremental
          // or low-memory calls of Save. AddRef the interface pointer copy.
          m_pIStorage = pIStorage;

          // Switch the persistent storage state to the scribble state.
          m_pCO->m_StgState = PERS_SCRIBBLE;
        hr = E_POINTER;

    // Notify all other connected clients that DrawPage is now loaded.
    if (SUCCEEDED(hr))
      m_pCO->NotifySinks(DRAWPAGE_EVENT_LOADED, 0, 0, 0, 0);

    return hr;

The Load method is called instead of the InitNew method when this CODrawPage object already has a persistent state stored in a storage. A complete copy of that state data is read from the storage into newly allocated, RAM-resident space. Two kinds of state data, a group of object properties from a DRAWPROPS stream and the ink data array from a DRAWDATA stream, are loaded from the storage.

Load begins by checking m_StgState and fails returning E_UNEXPECTED if the storage state of CODrawPage is not PERS_UNINIT. Then, instead of creating streams for DRAWPROPS and DRAWDATA as does the InitNew method, Load opens these two existing streams. Load assumes that the entire set of necessary persistence elements is under the provided storage branch that is accessed by the passed pIStorage interface pointer. If Load opens these two streams successfully, the method reads the DRAWPROPS properties into a temporary NewProps structure. At the end of the successful Load, NewProps is copied to CODrawPage::m_DrawProps to allow reverting to the current CODrawPage state data if the entire load of new data is not successfully completed.

After the DRAWPROPS structure is read in, the lInkDataVersion property is used in a switch statement. This allows for different load behavior to accomodate different data formats based on the version of the data that was stored. Because the version number is the first thing in the stream's data for the object properties, it can be read separately to determine how to subsequently read and deal with the properties data that follows and with the content of the DRAWDATA stream.

The Load method then deletes the existing ink data array and uses the lInkArraySize property to allocate a new ink data array in RAM that is big enough for the drawing data to be read. This allocation includes an additional amount specified by INKDATA_ALLOC for expansion in anticipation of drawing activity in the client. Once the allocation is successful, the ink data array is read in from the DRAWDATA stream. If the read is successful, Load copies the NewProps structure to CODrawPage's m_DrawProps. At this point CODrawPage has been loaded from persistent storage. Since this load has caused the in-RAM data to match the data in the file, the m_bDirty flag is set to FALSE, meaning that a save is not needed to achieve such a match.

If the preceding is succeeds, a copy of the open IStorage interface pointer is kept in CODrawPage's m_pIStorage member for later use, and an appropriate AddRef called on this copied interface. This retained copy of the IStorage pointer is in contrast to the IPersistStream[Init] interfaces which prohibit the keeping of stream pointers in the object. At the end of Load, CODrawPage's storage state is changed from PERS_UNINIT to PERS_SCRIBBLE by assigning the m_StgState member.

If the Load method is finally successful, a call to the internal NotifySinks method notifies all connected clients that the load was completed. This notification to the client makes use of CODrawPage's connectable object features and usually triggers an appropriate display of the newly loaded data.

Clients call the Save method to direct CODrawPage to save its persistent data from RAM to a specified storage in a compound file. As with the Load method, the client supplies a storage interface parameter to the Save method. The following is the implementation of Save from DRAWPAGE.CPP:

  STDMETHODIMP CODrawPage::CImpIPersistStorage::Save(
                 IStorage* pIStorage,
                 BOOL bSameAsLoad)
    IStream* pIStream_Props;
    IStream* pIStream_Data;

    // Return E_UNEXPECTED error if not in the Scribble state.
    if (PERS_SCRIBBLE == m_pCO->m_StgState)
      if (bSameAsLoad)
        LARGE_INTEGER li;

        // If SameAsLoad use copies of the existing open stream pointers.
        pIStream_Props = m_pIStream_Props;
        pIStream_Data = m_pIStream_Data;

        // AddRef these copies; they are released below.

        // We're going to do a fresh save to existing open elements.
        // So recue the stream seek pointers to their start.
        LISet32(li, 0);
        pIStream_Props->Seek(li, STREAM_SEEK_SET, NULL);
        pIStream_Data->Seek(li, STREAM_SEEK_SET, NULL);

        hr = NOERROR;
        // If not SameAsLoad (save to a different storage) then return the
        // E_POINTER error if a NULL pIStroage was passed.
        if (NULL != pIStorage)
          // If we are saving new persistent image of the object to a
          // different storage then create all the necessary persistent
          // storage elements.

          // Create the Properties stream.
          hr = pIStorage->CreateStream(
                 STGM_CREATE | STGM_DIRECT
          if (SUCCEEDED(hr))
            // Create the Ink Data stream.
            hr = pIStorage->CreateStream(
                    STGM_CREATE | STGM_DIRECT
                      | STGM_READWRITE | STGM_SHARE_EXCLUSIVE,
            if (SUCCEEDED(hr))
              // Write the clipboard format and User Type Name info.
              hr = WriteFmtUserTypeStg(
          hr = E_POINTER;

      // Now perform the saves of the persistent data elements.
      if (SUCCEEDED(hr))
        ULONG ulToWrite, ulWritten;

        // Save the DrawPage properties in a dedicated stream.
        m_pCO->m_DrawProps.lInkArraySize = m_pCO->m_lInkDataEnd+1;
        m_pCO->m_DrawProps.crWinColor = m_pCO->m_crWinColor;
        m_pCO->m_DrawProps.WinRect.right = m_pCO->m_WinRect.right;
        m_pCO->m_DrawProps.WinRect.bottom = m_pCO->m_WinRect.bottom;
        ulToWrite = sizeof(DRAWPROPS);
        hr = pIStream_Props->Write(&m_pCO->m_DrawProps, ulToWrite, &ulWritten);
        if (SUCCEEDED(hr) && ulToWrite != ulWritten)
          hr = STG_E_CANTSAVE;
        if (SUCCEEDED(hr))
          // Save the DrawPage ink data in a dedicated stream.
          ulToWrite = m_pCO->m_DrawProps.lInkArraySize * sizeof(INKDATA);
          hr = pIStream_Data->Write(m_pCO->m_paInkData, ulToWrite, &ulWritten);
          if (SUCCEEDED(hr) && ulToWrite != ulWritten)
            hr = STG_E_CANTSAVE;

        // Release any temporary streams used.

        if (SUCCEEDED(hr))
          // Since the persistent save is now done for this object the
          // file matches the object. So set object's dirty flag to FALSE.
          if (bSameAsLoad)
            m_pCO->m_bDirty = FALSE;

          // Switch the persistent storage state to the NoScribble state.
          // After this Save this object cannot scribble to its persistent
          // storage again until the client grants this freedom by calling
          // SaveCompleted which switches this object to the Scribble state.
          m_pCO->m_StgState = PERS_NOSCRIBBLE;

    // Notify all other connected clients that DrawPage is now saved.
    if (SUCCEEDED(hr))
      m_pCO->NotifySinks(DRAWPAGE_EVENT_SAVED, 0, 0, 0, 0);

    return hr;

Clients pass a bSameAsLoad parameter to determine whether the Save method will save the object state to the object's current storage branch or to a newly specified one. When bSameAsLoad is TRUE, the object state is saved to the currently opened storage (that is, the same storage previously passed to the Load or InitNew methods). This save operation can consist of incremental writes of only the items that need saving in the current storage--which can be all items--without using any extra memory and without opening or creating any storages or streams. Passing bSaveAsLoad as FALSE allows the client to tell the object to save its state to a different storage while keeping its current storage open. The client can use this to perform such actions as writing a copy of an object into a storage other than the current storage that the object was loaded from. All persistent data is written to the newly specified storage. The object's currently open storage remains open and unaffected when bSameAsLoad is FALSE.

The Save method saves the object's persistent state data to the currently open storage or to a newly specified storage depending on the bSameAsLoad parameter. Both during and after Save (and Regardless of the bSameAsLoad value), the object continues to hold its present pointers to opened storage elements. But after Save, the object cannot scribble on its data until the SaveCompleted method is called.

Save must not fail if an out-of-memory condition is encountered. This safety is ensured in InitNew or Load when they pre-open storage elements and hold pointers to any elements later needed by Save.

Save first checks m_StgState and fails by returning E_UNEXPECTED if the storage state of CODrawPage is not PERS_SCRIBBLE. If the bSaveAsLoad parameter is TRUE, The method makes temporary copies of the IStream pointers for DRAWPROPS and DRAWDATA and calls AddRef on the pointer copies, which will be released later in the Save method. Since these are currently open streams they only need to have their seek pointers reset to the start of the streams. If the bSaveAsLoad parameter is FALSE, new DRAWPROPS and DRAWDATA streams are created in the specified new storage. The clipboard format is also written into the new storage.

The Save method then saves the CODrawPage properties and ink data array to their respective DRAWPROPS and DRAWDATA streams. If the save is successful, CODrawPage's m_bDirty flag is cleared to FALSE, but only if bSaveAsLoad is TRUE. A current TRUE value of m_bDirty is not cleared after the save is done to a storage different from the currently open one. This ensures that any needed save to the current storage will also be done later.

If the Save method is finally successful, the method changes CODrawPage's storage state from PERS_SCRIBBLE to PERS_NOSCRIBBLE and calls the internal NotifySinks method to notify all connected clients that the save was completed.

The client calls the SaveCompleted method to tell CODrawPage that the client has completed its overall save operations freeing the object to write (that is, "scribble") to its persistent data elements. The following is the implementation of SaveCompleted from DRAWPAGE.CPP:

  STDMETHODIMP CODrawPage::CImpIPersistStorage::SaveCompleted(
                 IStorage* pIStorage)
    IStream* pIStream_Props;
    IStream* pIStream_Data;
    BOOL bOk;
    PERSTGSTATE StgState = m_pCO->m_StgState;

    // Return E_UNEXPECTED error if storage is NOT in either the
    // No-scribble or Hands-off state.
    bOk = (StgState == PERS_NOSCRIBBLE || StgState == PERS_HANDSOFF);
    if (bOk)
      // Return E_UNEXPECTED if in Hands-off state but pIStorage is NULL.
      if (StgState == PERS_HANDSOFF && NULL == pIStorage)
        bOk = FALSE;
        hr = NOERROR;

    if (bOk)
      if (NULL != pIStorage)
        // If specified storage is non-NULL, release all storage elements
        // and use the specified pIStorage to re-open those elements.
        // If pIStorage == NULL then we need do nothing since we already
        // have all the pointers to storage elements needed for Save.

        // First ensure we can open the property and data streams
        hr = pIStorage->OpenStream(
        if (SUCCEEDED(hr))
          hr = pIStorage->OpenStream(
          if (SUCCEEDED(hr))
            // Release the current stream elements and the main storage.

            // Reassign the storage and stream interface pointers.
            m_pIStorage = pIStorage;
            m_pIStream_Props = pIStream_Props;
            m_pIStream_Data = pIStream_Data;

      if (SUCCEEDED(hr))
        // Switch the persistent storage state back to the scribble state.
        m_pCO->m_StgState = PERS_SCRIBBLE;

        // Since save is completed, no save is needed. So set object's
        // dirty flag to FALSE.
        m_pCO->m_bDirty = FALSE;

    return hr;

SaveCompleted accepts an IStorage pointer. If this pointer is not NULL, then SaveCompleted must release any interface pointers for storage elements that it currently holds and reopen all those elements within the specified new storage. If the IStorage parameter is NULL then the release and reopen is not needed and the object can once again write to its expected elements in the currently open storage.

SaveCompleted first confirms that CODrawPage's m_bStgState is in neither the PERS_NOSCRIBBLE nor PERS_HANDSOFF state. If it is in either of these states then SaveCompleted fails and returns the E_UNEXPECTED error. This error is also returned if the object is in the PERS_HANDSOFF state and the pIStorage parameter is non-NULL. Clients must not call SaveCompleted when the object is in the PERS_HANDSOFF state.

If the object is in the proper state and if a non-NULL IStorage parameter is passed, SaveCompleted uses the new storage to open the DRAWPROPS and DRAWDATA streams, releasing the previously held pointers for those streams and retaining the new ones. Finally, if SaveCompleted is successful, CODrawPage's storage state is changed to PERS_SCRIBBLE. CODrawPage's m_bDirty flag is also cleared to FALSE to indicate the fact that a save is not needed because the object data in RAM now matches the data saved to storage.

Clients call the HandsOffStorage method to tells the CODrawPage object to release the pointers it holds to all of its persistent data elements and to places the object into the PERS_HANDSOFF state. When in the PERS_HANDSOFF state the object must refrain from writing to its persistent storage until the SaveCompleted method is called to free the object to write to its persistent data elements. The following is the implementation of HandsOffStorage from DRAWPAGE.CPP.

  STDMETHODIMP CODrawPage::CImpIPersistStorage::HandsOffStorage(
    PERSTGSTATE StgState = m_pCO->m_StgState;

    // Return E_UNEXPECTED error if NOT in scribble or no-scribble state.
    if (StgState == PERS_NOSCRIBBLE || StgState == PERS_SCRIBBLE)
      // Release the current stream elements and the main storage.
      // This NULLs these interface pointers (via the release macro).

      // Switch the persistent storage state to the Hands-off state.
      m_pCO->m_StgState = PERS_HANDSOFF;
      hr = NOERROR;

    return hr;

The HandsOffStorage method fails and returns the E_UNEXPECTED error if CODrawPage is in neither the PERS_SCRIBBLE nor the PERS_NOSCRIBBLE storage state. If it is in either of these states the method releases the open DRAWPROPS stream, the open DRAWDATA stream, and the main open storage branch. Finally, it changes the storage state to PERS_HANDSOFF.

CODrawPage exposes the IConnectionPointContainer interface so clients can connect to CODrawPage to receive notifications of certain events that occur in CODrawPage. Exposing this interface makes CODrawPage a connectable object, and a client can call QueryInterface for IConnectionPointContainer and use it to obtain the object's connection points. The client participation in this scheme is covered in the associated PERCLIEN lesson.

The client implements what is called a sink in the form of a sink object with a sink interface. The sink interface receives outgoing event notification calls from CODrawPage after the client connects the sink to a CODrawPage instance. The client makes the connection by using an IConnectionPoint interface on a connection point object that is managed by CODrawPage. There can be numerous connection points on a single connectable COM object. In the PERDRAW sample, CODrawPage has only one connection point to handle draw page events.

Any number of clients can connect to a single connection point. The CONNPOINT_DRAWPAGESINK connection point in CODrawPage maintains a group of connections that can grow dynamically at run time. The full implementation of CODrawPage's connectable object support is coded in files CONNECT.H and CONNECT.CPP and is not be covered here. The construction is very similar to that in the CONSERVE sample.

The PERCLIEN client implements appropriate sink objects for the connection points it expects to find in CODrawPage. From the context of CODrawPage, the single sink object that PERCLIEN implements exposes the IDrawPageSink interface. This is the outgoing interface that CODrawPage uses to notify PERCLIEN of various events in CODrawPage. The following summarizes the methods in IDrawPageSink, which is from IPAGES.H in the common INC directory.

    The DrawPage was loaded from persistent storage.

    The DrawPage was saved to persistent storage.

    A client started a color ink drawing sequence. The server echoes
    this event to connected clients in case they wish to track the
    drawing as it occurs.

    A client is putting ink data points on the drawing surface. The server
    echoes this event to connected clients in case they wish to track the
    drawing as it occurs.

    A client stopped its ink drawing sequence. The server echoes this
    event to connected clients in case they wish to track the drawing as
    it occurs.

    A client has erased/cleared the entire DrawPage.

    A client has resized the drawing window.

These methods are largely self-explanatory. The Loaded, Cleared, and Resized methods implemented in the client sink will typically trigger a redisplay of the drawing page. Although the sink must implement all of these methods in some fashion, many are implemented as stubs and are not used in the PERDRAW or PERCLIEN samples.

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