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APTSERVE - Local Server with Multiple Apartments



The apartment model is a way of COM programming that associates a single thread of execution with a family of COM objects in such a way that an object in the family will be executed only on the thread of its apartment. When this arrangement is constructed in a server, COM plays a role in enforcing the single-thread rule for objects in the apartment by ensuring that client calls on any thread to objects in a server apartment will only be executed on the thread of the apartment.

The APTSERVE sample begins with the car-related COM Objects of the previous LOCSERVE sample and rehouses them in an out-of-process local server, APTSERVE.EXE, that uses the apartment threading model. To do so requires little change to the COM objects themselves (COCar, COUtilityCar, and COCruiseCar). The COCruiseCar object required some changes. In LOCSERVE COCruiseCar reused the COCar object using aggregation. Since this sample rehouses these objects within different apartments, COCruiseCar must be recoded to reuse COCar using containment. But most importantly, the server housing must undergo significant revision. This sample introduces the new facilities to partition each class factory and its created object instances into a separate apartment.

In this sample, an out-of-process COM server is partitioned into three single-threaded apartments, each corresponding to the component types seen in previous samples: AptCar, AptUtilityCar, and AptCruiseCar. These components are known by their CLSIDs as: CLSID_AptCar, CLSID_AptUtilityCar, and CLSID_AptCruiseCar. Appropriate class factories for those components are also provided: CFCar, CFUtilityCar, and CFCruiseCar. As compared to the implementation of these class factories in previous lessons, no significant change to the class factories themselves is required in this sample.

In the series of COM tutorial code samples, APTSERVE works with the APTCLIEN code sample to illustrate APTSERVE's partitioning of the server facilities for creating and manipulating components within separate apartments and to show how the components are accessed by a client.

For functional descriptions and a tutorial code tour of APTSERVE, see the Code Tour section in APTSERVE.HTM. For details on the programmatic usage of APTSERVE, see the Usage section in APTSERVE.HTM. To read APTSERVE.HTM, run TUTORIAL.EXE in the main tutorial directory and click the APTSERVE lesson in the table of lessons. You can also achieve the same thing by clicking the APTSERVE.HTM file after locating the main tutorial directory in the Windows Explorer. See also APTCLIEN.HTM in the main tutorial directory for more details on the APTCLIEN client application and how it works with APTSERVE.EXE.

You must build APTSERVE.EXE before building or running APTCLIEN. The accompanying makefile automatically registers APTSERVE components in the registry. These components must be registered before APTSERVE is available to outside COM clients as a server for those components. This registration is done using the REGISTER.EXE utility built in the earlier REGISTER lesson. To build or run APTSERVE, you should build the REGISTER code sample first.

Like its predecessors, APTSERVE uses many of the utility classes and services provided by APPUTIL. For more details on APPUTIL, study the APPUTIL library's source code and APPUTIL.HTM, located in the main tutorial directory.

As an out-of-process local server with several single-threaded apartments, APTSERVE relies on standard marshaling for clients to use its interfaces across both thread and process boundaries. Such marshaling is provided in the MARSHAL.DLL server built in the previous lesson. To build or run APTSERVE, you should build the MARSHAL code sample first.

For details on setting up your system to build and test the code samples in this COM Tutorial series, see TUTORIAL.HTM. The supplied MAKEFILE is Microsoft NMAKE-compatible. To create a debug build, issue the NMAKE command in the Command Prompt window.

Like the LOCSERVE/LOCCLIEN pair, APTSERVE uses APPUTIL's CSendLog trace logging facility to allow display of internal APTSERVE behavior integrated with client behavior in the APTCLIEN log display. See APTCLIEN.HTM for more details setting up this logging operation. See LOCSERVE.HTM for details on how CSendLog works.


The APTSERVE application is meant to be used as an out-of-process COM server. Out-of-process servers like APTSERVE are registered in the system registry, and APTSERVE has built-in support for registering its components. It accepts the following command line switches to register and unregister:

  -RegServer or /RegServer to register
  -UnregServer or /UnregServer to unregister

String matches on these switches are case-insensitive. APTSERVE also recognizes the standard -Embedding or /Embedding switch, which directs it to run as an out-of-process server. This switch normally means that the server will remain hidden when run by COM on behalf of a client. As an out-of-process server, APTSERVE is not designed to run visable as a stand-alone application. If you attempt to run APTSERVE as a stand-alone application with no command line switches, it will exit with an error.

The makefile that builds this sample automatically registers the server in the registry. You can manually initiate its self-registration by issuing the following command at the command prompt in the APTSERVE directory:

  nmake register

This assumes that you have a compilation environment set up. If not, you can also directly invoke the REGISTER.EXE command at the command prompt while in the APTSERVE directory.

  ..\register\register.exe aptserve.exe

These registration commands require a prior build of the REGISTER sample in this series, as well as a prior build of APTSERVE.EXE.

Run the Sample

The client sample and other related samples must be compiled before you can run the client. For more details on building the samples, see Building the Code Samples.

If you have already built the appropriate samples, APTCLIEN.EXE is the client executable to run for this sample. Click here to run APTCLIEN.EXE.

Depending on the security level of your browser you may see a dialog allowing you to either open the .EXE file or save it to disk. Click the "Open it" choice and then click the OK button.



Files        Description
APTSERVE.TXT Short sample description.
MAKEFILE     The generic makefile for building the APTSERVE.EXE
             code sample of this tutorial lesson.
APTSERVE.H   The include file for the APTSERVE application. Contains
             class declarations, function prototypes, and resource
APTSERVE.CPP The main implementation file for APTSERVE.EXE. Has WinMain
             and CMainWindow implementation, as well as the main menu
APTSERVE.RC  The resource definition file for the executable.
APTSERVE.ICO The icon resource for the executable.
SERVER.H     The include file for the server control C++ object. Also
             used for APTSERVE externs.
SERVER.CPP   The implementation file for the server control object.
             Manages apartment threads, object counts, server lifetime,
             and the creation of class factories.
FACTORY.H    The include file for the server's class factory COM objects.
FACTORY.CPP  The implementation file for the server's class factories.
CAR.H        The include file for the COCar COM object class.
CAR.CPP      The implementation file for the COCar COM object class.
UTILCAR.H    The include file for the COUtililtyCar COM object class.
UTILCAR.CPP  The implementation file for the COUtilityCar COM object class.
CRUCAR.H     The include file for the COCruiseCar COM object class.
CRUCAR.CPP   The implementation file for the COCruiseCar COM object class.

With the APTSERVE code sample, we introduce several single-threaded apartments in a COM server. In keeping with the graduated tutorial sequence in these code samples, APTSERVE retains the COCar, COUtilityCar, and COCruiseCar components and modifies their server housing and class factories to house, create, and manage those components in separate apartments.

The LOCSERVE out-of-process local server code sample is the starting point. LOCSERVE is a single-thread server: The main process thread is the only thread that directly manipulates the server's class factories and COM objects. This single thread can be viewed as the one and only single thread apartment (STA) of LOCSERVE.

COM supports multiple threading in both client and server applications. For a server application with multiple apartments, some housekeeping is required to partition the application's threads and to inform COM of the arrangement. In APTSERVE, there is a separate STA apartment thread for each class factory. COM objects reside on the same apartment thread as the class factory that creates them. Each class factory and all of its object instances reside in the same single-threaded apartment. There is an arrangement of three such single-threaded apartments in this sample but it is certainly not the only possible arrangement of multiple apartments and class factories in a server.

Under the apartment model, there can be multiple COM objects on a thread, but calls to an object must execute on the thread that "owns" the object. This thread is called the object's apartment thread and interface requests to the object from another thread must be marshaled to the apartment thread that owns the object, just as if the object were in another process.

In these code samples, interface calls across process boundaries are marshaled to convert the call from the context of the calling process to the context of the owning server process. We studied this in the LOCSERVE and LOCCLIEN lessons, where the necessary marshaling was provided by the MARSHAL.DLL standard marshaling server (created in the MARSHAL sample). When the change in the call context is from one apartment to another, this same standard marshaling is used. This marshaling is required even if the threads reside within the same process, as in this APTSERVE sample.

The following coding rules apply to apartment-threaded servers:

  1. Every object is owned by only one apartment thread and calls to the object must execute on that thread.
  2. Each apartment thread must call OleInitialize or CoInitialize during thread initialization to initialize COM for each apartment.
  3. To ensure that all requests to an object are made on its apartment thread, all pointers to objects must be marshaled between apartments.
  4. Each apartment with COM objects in it must have a message queue to handle calls from other apartments in the same process or from other processes.
  5. Apartment-aware objects in in-process servers must be registered as being apartment-aware in the system registry.
  6. Apartment-aware objects in in-process servers must write DLL entry points carefully.

APTSERVE has three single-threaded apartments, one for each class of component housed in the server. The CFCar class factory and all COCar COM objects are managed in one apartment. The CFUtilityCar class factory and all COUtilityCar COM objects are managed in a separate apartment, as are the CFCruiseCar class factory and all COCruiseCar COM objects.

Since each class factory and its instantiated objects reside in a separate apartment, client access through their interfaces must be marshaled. This is so even if both apartment threads reside in the same process. In this lesson, some of the composite objects that are created and managed in one apartment of APTSERVE are constructed by reusing objects created and managed in another apartment. For example, the COCruiseCar object of the AptCruiseCar apartment reuses a COCar object of the AptCar apartment.

Almost all the coding changes needed to partition APTSERVE into three apartments are found in the server housing, which is programmed in files SERVER.H and SERVER.CPP.

Single-threaded apartments are implemented as separate program threads, each of which has its own message loop for processing messages sent to the thread. Each also has a main thread procedure. When creating the thread using the _beginthreadex or CreateThread functions, we pass a pointer to an apartment thread procedure. We also pass a pointer to a thread's initialization data. As the operating system then creates the thread, it calls the thread procedure passing the initialization data pointer, as an LPARAM. We will look at these mechanisms in the source code

First there are some CServer member variables needed to identify the three apartments. Here are some appropriate declarations from SERVER.H.

  // Apartment Thread Initialization data.
  enum { NUM_APARTMENTS = 3 };
  struct APT_INIT_DATA
    REFCLSID rclsid;
    IUnknown* pcf;

    // Member initializer MUST be used here because VC++ 4.0+ is strict
    // about const and reference (&) types like REFCLSID that need to
    // be initialized in this app.  For example, VC++ 4.x will not permit
    // a simple assignment of rclsid in the constructor.
    APT_INIT_DATA(REFCLSID rclsidi) : rclsid(rclsidi)
      pcf = NULL;

    ~APT_INIT_DATA() {};

    Class:    CServer

    Summary:  Class to encapsulate control of this COM server (eg, handle
              Lock and Object counting, encapsulate otherwise global data).
              Govern server and Apartment lifetimes.

    Methods:  none
  class CServer : public CThreaded

      void Lock(void);
      void Unlock(void);
      void ObjectsUp(void);
      void ObjectsDown(void);
      BOOL OpenFactories(void);
      BOOL CloseFactories(void);

      // CThreaded method overrides.
      BOOL OwnThis(void);
      void UnOwnThis(void);

      // A place to store the server's instance handle.
      HINSTANCE m_hInstServer;

      // A place to store the server's main window.
      HINSTANCE m_hWndServer;

      // Global Server living Object count.
      LONG      m_cObjects;

      // Global Server Client Lock count.
      LONG      m_cLocks;

      // Some member variables to store pointers to Class Factories.
      IUnknown* m_pCFCar;
      IUnknown* m_pCFUtilityCar;
      IUnknown* m_pCFCruiseCar;

      // Pointers to Apartment init data structures.
      APT_INIT_DATA* m_paiAptCar;
      APT_INIT_DATA* m_paiAptUtilityCar;
      APT_INIT_DATA* m_paiAptCruiseCar;

      // Some member variables to store apartment thread ids.
      DWORD     m_dwAptCar;
      DWORD     m_dwAptUtilityCar;
      DWORD     m_dwAptCruiseCar;

      // An array of handles to the apartment threads.
      HANDLE    m_hApts[NUM_APARTMENTS];

Compared to the previous LOCSERVE sample, we see that the Server control object for APTSERVE has member variable storage for pointers to each apartment's thread init data, thread IDs used later to send messages to the threads, and methods to ensure mutually exclusive access to shared data in this multithreaded server.

It is important to ensure that all threads within the server, as well as those in all outside clients, have controlled access to shared server data. In previous samples in this series, the Win32 functions InterlockedIncrement and InterlockedDecrement were used to ensure mutually exclusive access to the server's object and lock counts among multiple client processes. With this sample, a more general mechanism is used to serialize access to server data shared by apartment threads. This mechanism uses the Win32 Mutex facility. CServer is derived from a base class declared in APPUTIL.H, CThreaded, which provides such a mechanism. Any C++ class can be derived from CThreaded to provide mutually exclusive access by asynchronous multiple threads. See APPUTIL.H for more details on the CThreaded class. We will cover its use here in CServer.

The mutex is created in the CThreaded constructor. Here is the CThreaded class declaration from APPUTIL.H.

  class CThreaded
      // Variables for providing mutually exclusive access by multiple
      // threads to objects of classes derived from this class.
      HANDLE    m_hOwnerMutex;
      BOOL      m_bOwned;

      // Methods.
      CThreaded(void) :

        // Close down the mutex.

      // These virtual functions have overriding definitions in the
      // derived class to provide convenient trace logging. Rely on
      // the below default definitions for non-tutorial applications.

      virtual BOOL OwnThis(void)
        BOOL bOwned = FALSE;

        if (WAIT_OBJECT_0 == WaitForSingleObject(m_hOwnerMutex, INFINITE))
          m_bOwned = bOwned = TRUE;

        return bOwned;

      virtual void UnOwnThis(void)
        if (m_bOwned)
          m_bOwned = FALSE;


CServer inherits the protected m_hOwnerMutex and m_bOwned data members from CThreaded. CServer also provides overriding definitions for the CThreaded virtual functions OwnThis and UnOwnThis. In a normal application we could rely on the default definitions provided in CThreaded for these methods. In this tutorial code sample, however, we provide definitions of OwnThis and UnOwnThis that offer convenient trace logging of their behavior.

The m_hOwnerMutex is created solely to govern access to the CServer C++ object. A Boolean flag is initialized to FALSE and is used to indicate when a requesting thread has been permitted to "own" the CServer object. The owning thread has exclusive access to the object. Member initializers in CThreaded are used to initialize m_hOwnerMutex and m_bOwned. The mutex is closed during the CThreaded destructor.

Once created, the mutex m_hOwnerMutex can be used in other methods of CServer that may be called by multiple threads to access its shared data. The most important shared data in this case is the CServe member data variables m_cObjects and m_cLocks. Here is a representative method (in SERVER.CPP).

  void CServer::ObjectsDown(void)
    if (OwnThis())
      if (m_cObjects > 0)
        m_cObjects -= 1;

      LOGF2("L<%X>: CServer::ObjectsDown. New cObjects=%i.",TID,m_cObjects);

      // If no more living objects and no locks then shut down the server.
      if (0L == m_cObjects && 0L == m_cLocks && IsWindow(m_hWndServer))
        LOGF1("L<%X>: CServer::ObjectsDown. Closing down APTSERVE server.",TID);

        // Relinquish current thread ownership of CServer before signaling
        // the main server thread to close down the entire server. During
        // shutdown other threads may need to access CServer.

        // Post a message to this local server's message queue requesting
        // a close of the entire server application. This will force a
        // termination of all apartment threads (including the one that
        // may be executing this ObjectsDown)
        PostMessage(m_hWndServer, WM_CLOSE, 0, 0L);


Two shared data members, m_cObjects and m_cLocks, are either changed or accessed by this ObjectsDown method. The mutual exclusion mechanism uses the bracketed pairs of calls to the OwnThis and UnOwnThis methods. Inside the bracketed pair, the mechanism guarantees that no other threads will access or change the shared data. Thus a call to the above ObjectsDown method will block a thread in the OwnThis call until any current owner thread completes its access to CServer and relinquishes its ownership by calling the UnOwnThis method. When there are no longer any existing objects or locks on the server, ownership of CServer by the executing thread is relinquished before a PostMessage call signals the entire server to shut down. This is done above because other threads may need to access CServer during shutdown. When honoring the posted WM_CLOSE, the main server thread terminates the apartment threads. Depending on thread scheduling, ownership of CServer could be held by a thread that was terminated during shutdown. This could block any other threads from ever accessing CServer.

The OwnThis method returns TRUE when the executing thread is permitted access. Here is the overriding OwnThis definition from SERVER.CPP.

  BOOL CServer::OwnThis(void)
    BOOL bOwned = FALSE;

    LOGF1("L: CServer::OwnThis. Thread <%X> waiting to own CServer.",TID);

    if (WAIT_OBJECT_0 == WaitForSingleObject(m_hOwnerMutex, INFINITE))
      m_bOwned = TRUE;
      LOGF1("L: CServer::OwnThis. CServer now owned by Thread <%X>.",TID);

    return bOwned;

The Win32 function WaitForSingleObject waits for the mutex to signal that the mutex is not owned by any thread. This call requests ownership of the mutex for the calling thread, changing the mutex's state to nonsignaled when ownership is granted. Until such access is permitted, some other thread has ownership of CServer, and the current thread must wait. Such a waiting thread is said to be "blocked"e;. During this time, the current owning thread is executing code in its own bracketed OwnThis-UnOwnThis pair. When the current owning thread completes its access, it calls UnOwnThis to relinquish ownership. Here is UnOwnThis from file SERVER.CPP.

  void CServer::UnOwnThis(void)
    if (m_bOwned)
      LOGF1("L: CServer::UnOwnThis. Ownership relinquished by <%X>.",TID);
      m_bOwned = FALSE;


Because three different apartment threads run in the APTSERVE server, the same CServer is shared between them. As a result, the CServer methods which access its shared data must all honor this ownership protocol by properly calling the OwnThis and UnOwnThis methods as shown above for ObjectsDown. Thus the Lock, Unlock, ObjectsUp, ObjectsDown, OpenFactories, and CloseFactories methods are all coded using the OwnThis and UnOwnThis pairs.

When the first client requests creation of a component in APTSERVE, COM loads and runs this EXE local server. Like LOCSERVE, when APTSERVE runs, it creates and registers its class factories. When clients make any subsequent creation requests of APTSERVE, COM uses the already running server and its registered class factories. Thus, one running instance of the class factories is shared by all the clients. Because these shared class factories are registered within separate apartment threads, COM's support of the apartment model ensures that calls to interfaces in objects created by these class factories will be called on the same thread that originally called on the class factory to create the object. The first point of recognition by COM in this regard is the occasion of the object's first marshaled interface. This is often the IClassFactory interface pointer requested in the CoGetClassObject call.

In APTSERVE the server provides an OpenFactories method, as did the LOCSERVE server. The OpenFactories code used in LOCSERVE requires significant changes to work in APTSERVE. Here is OpenFactories from SERVER.CPP.

  BOOL CServer::OpenFactories(void)
    BOOL bOk = FALSE;
    HRESULT hr;

    LOGF1("L<%X>: CServer::OpenFactories. Begin.",TID);

    if (OwnThis())
      // Create the ClassFactory C++ objects.
      m_pCFCar = new CFCar(NULL, this);
      m_pCFUtilityCar = new CFUtilityCar(NULL, this);
      m_pCFCruiseCar = new CFCruiseCar(NULL, this);

      // Create Structures for Apartment initialization.
      m_paiAptCar = new APT_INIT_DATA(CLSID_AptCar);
      m_paiAptUtilityCar = new APT_INIT_DATA(CLSID_AptUtilityCar);
      m_paiAptCruiseCar = new APT_INIT_DATA(CLSID_AptCruiseCar);

      // Create the Appartment for AptCar.
      LOGF1("L<%X>: CServer::OpenFactories. AptCar.",TID);
      if (NULL != m_pCFCar && NULL != m_paiAptCar)
        // AddRef this cached pointer to the Class Factory.

        // Assign the ClassFactory in the apartment init data and AddRef.
        m_paiAptCar->pcf = m_pCFCar;

        // Start the Apartment Thread using local utility function.
        m_hApts[APTCAR] = StartThread(
                            (PCRTTHREADPROC) AptThreadProc,
                            (LPVOID) m_paiAptCar,

        bOk = (NULL != m_hApts[APTCAR]);
        if (!bOk)
          hr = GetLastError();
          LOGF2("L<%X>: CServer::OpenFactories. AptCar failed. hr=0x%X.",TID,hr);
          // If can't register factory then clean up for server exit.
        bOk = FALSE;

      // Create the Appartment for AptUtiliytCar.
      ... Code similar to above AptCar

      // Create the Appartment for AptCruiseCar.
      ... Code similar to above AptCar


    LOGF1("L<%X>: CServer::OpenFactories. End.",TID);

    return bOk;

The class factory objects (CFCar, CFUtilityCar, and CFCruiseCar) are created as before in LOCSERVE. However, we now assign an apartment initialization structure and create a separate thread of execution for each class factory. We will see how this factory is registered with COM on this apartment thread. Notice the use of member initializers for the new APT_INIT_DATA structures. As seen earlier in the declaration of the APT_INIT_DATA structure, the REFCLSID member cannot be initialized in the constructor or assigned later, because the COM/OLE header files declare REFCLSIDs as const references. The newer C++ compilers are strict about this and force the use of member initializers for assigning REFCLSID member variables.

A StartThread function is used to simplify the use of the C Runtime library's _beginthreadex function. StartThread is defined locally in the APTSERVE module. The _beginthreadex function is used in this sample. It has some advantages over the Win32 CreateThread function. When it is anticipated that the new thread will make calls to C Runtime functions, then the _begintheadex call performs some necessary C Runtime setup and memory management which the Win32 CreateThread function does not.

When the StartThread function is called, a pointer to a thread procedure is passed (AptThreadProc above). The operating system will call this thread procedure when it creates the thread. When it does so, it passes the pointer to the APT_INIT_DATA structure as an LPARAM. The same AptThreadProc is re-intrant and can be used by all of the single threaded apartments. Here is the AptThreadProc from SERVER.CPP.

  unsigned WINAPI AptThreadProc(
                     LPARAM lparam)
    HRESULT hr;
    MSG msg;
    DWORD dwCFRegId;
    APT_INIT_DATA* paid = (APT_INIT_DATA*) lparam;

    LOGF1("L: AptThreadProc. Starting Apartment Thread <%X>.",TID);

    // Initialize COM for this apartment thread. Default of apartment
    // model is assumed.

    // Now register the class factory with COM.
    LOGF1("L: AptThreadProc. Registering class factory of apartment <%X>.",TID);
    hr = CoRegisterClassObject(
    if (SUCCEEDED(hr))
      // Provide a message pump for this thread.
      while (GetMessage(&msg, 0, 0, 0))

      LOGF1("L: AptThreadProc. Revoking class factory of apartment <%X>.",TID);
      // Unregister the class factory with COM when the thread dies.
      LOGF2("L<%X>: AptThreadProc. RegisterClass failed. hr=0x%X.",TID,hr);

    // Uninitialize COM in the context of this apartment thread.

    LOGF1("L: AptThreadProc. Apartment Thread <%X> Terminated.",TID);

    return msg.wParam;

The call to CoInitialize in the new thread initializes COM for use by that thread under the apartment model. The single-threaded apartment model is requested implicitly in this call because it is the default. The above CoInitialize call is equivalent to:


The newly created class factory is then registered with COM in the context of the new thread that is executing. The thread then enters a message loop in this common apartment procedure. The loop will not be exited until the thread receives a WM_QUIT message. We will see such a message sent below in the CloseFactories method. When the loop exits, the registered class factory is revoked with COM. Then a CoUninitialize call is made to complete the shutdown of the apartment.

Here is the CloseFactories method from SERVER.CPP.

  BOOL CServer::CloseFactories(void)
    BOOL bOk = TRUE;
    HRESULT hr;

    LOGF1("L<%X>: CServer::CloseFactories. Begin.",TID);

    if (OwnThis())
      // Shutdown the AptCar Apartment Thread.
      if (0 != m_dwAptCar)
        LOGF1("L<%X>: CServer::CloseFactories. Terminate AptCar Apartment.",TID);
        bOk = PostThreadMessage(m_dwAptCar, WM_QUIT, 0, 0);
        if (!bOk)
          hr = GetLastError();
          LOGF2("L<%X>: CServer::CloseFactories. AptCar failed. hr=0x%X.",TID,hr);

      // Shutdown the AptUtilityCar Apartment Thread.
      ... Code similar to above for AptCar

      // Shutdown the AptCruiseCar Apartment Thread.
      ... Code similar to above for AptCar

      if (m_pCFCar && m_pCFUtilityCar && m_pCFCruiseCar)
        // Release any and all of the Class Factory interface pointers.

        // Give CServer back before waiting on threads to die.

        // Wait a very long time (in CPU terms) for the apartment threads
        // to exit/terminate before closing their thread handles.
        WaitForMultipleObjects(NUM_APARTMENTS, m_hApts, TRUE, LONG_WAIT);
        for (UINT i = 0; i<NUM_APARTMENTS; i++)
          if (NULL != m_hApts[i])

    LOGF1("L<%X>: CServer::CloseFactories. End.",TID);

    return bOk;

CloseFactories is called in the server application's CMainWindow destructor. The shutdown sequence is initiated by the server itself on the basis of the object and lock counts. For example, see the earlier listing of the ObjectsDown method of CServer. ObjectsDown detects when there are no longer any existing COM objects or lock counts. If so, it issues the following call causing an eventual execution of CMainWindow's destructor.

  PostMessage(m_hWndServer, WM_CLOSE, 0, 0L);

When the application's main window is closed in response to the WM_CLOSE message, the main window procedure is called with the WM_DESTROY message. This message is sent when the window is being destroyed in response to a close of the window. Because CMainWindow is derived from APPUTIL's CVirWindow, WM_DESTROY is trapped by CVirWindow's WindowProc function where a delete of CMainWindow is performed. This runs the CMainWindow destructor which calls the CloseFactories method. CloseFactories posts WM_QUIT messages to the individual apartment threads. The WaitForMultipleObjects function is called above in CloseFactories to wait for the posted WM_QUIT messages to reach their intended threads and cause those threads to terminate. When all the apartment threads have signaled their termination, all the thread handles are closed in a for loop. The CMainWindow destructor finally issues a WM_QUIT message to the application's main thread and causes the exit of its message loop and a resultant exit of the entire server application.

In order to properly build this multithreaded application, the makefile used in the LOCSERVE sample needed some changes. The C++ compilation switches were changed to command the C++ compiler to compile a multithreaded program. Here is an example of the compile command line of the SERVER.CPP file, showing the use of the cvarsmt macro defined in WIN32.MAK file of the Platform SDK. Other single threaded EXE applications required only the use of the cvars macro.

  $(TDIR)\server.obj: server.cpp server.h $(PGM).h
  $(cc) $(cvarsmt) $(cflags) $(CDBG) -Fo$@ server.cpp

The link flags were changed to support the use of the olelibsmt macro defined in WIN32.MAK. Here is the LINKFLAGS macro.

  # If UNICODE=1 is defined then define UNICODE during Compiles.
  # The default is to compile with ANSI for running under both
  # Win95 and WinNT.
  LINKFLAGS = $(ldebug) /NOD:libc.lib /NOD:msvcrt.lib /NOD:libcd.lib \
    /NOD:libcmtd.lib /NOD:msvcrtd.lib
  LINKFLAGS = $(ldebug) /NOD:libc.lib /NOD:msvcrt.lib /NOD:libcd.lib \
    /NOD:libcmtd.lib /NOD:msvcrtd.lib

The /NOD (no default) switches to the linker permit the use of the olelibsmt in the final link command. Here it is.

  # Link the object and resource binaries into the final target binary.
  $(PGM).exe: $(PGMOBJS) $(TDIR)\$(PGM).res
    $(LINK) @<<
      $(olelibsmt) $(APPLIBS)

The WIN32.MAK makefile include is located in the \MSSDK\INCLUDE directory of the installed Win32 Platform SDK. WIN32.MAK is included at the start of the makefiles of all code samples in this tutorial series.

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