MFCATL This sample illustrates how ATL COM objects can be used in an MFC server EXE. The server allows the creation of two objects, "ObjectOne" (implemented in MFC and supporting a dispinterface) and "ObjectTwo" (implemented in ATL and supporting a dual interface). HOW TO RUN IT: Build the MfcAtl.EXE server and run it standalone to register it. Load the MfcAtl.VBP Visual Basic 4.0 project, run it, and press the buttons in the form. Note that if you are running the sample on NT 3.51 then only the release build will work. REMARKS: Originally, the project had both objects implemented in MFC (by deriving them from CCmdTarget). "ObjectTwo" has been reimplemented using ATL. In doing so, these steps were followed: * Included ATL header files (atlbase.h and atlcom.h) into premfcat.h * Included atlimpl.cpp into premfcat.cpp * Added a CComModule derived class to premfcat.h (similar to the beeper .EXE sample) and implemented the Lock() an Unlock() methods to forward lock counts to MFC by calling AfxOleLockApp()/AfxOleUnlockApp() * Added an object map macro pair (BEGIN_OBJECT_MAP()/END_OBJECT_MAP()) into the MfcAtl.cpp and added a static instance of the module class called _Module * Called _Module.Init() and Term() from InitInstance() and ExitInstance() * Added the typelib as a resource * Called _Module.RegisterServer(TRUE) from InitInstance(), to match the MFC call to COleObjectFactory::UpdateRegistryAll() * Called _Module.RegisterClassObjects(CLSCTX_LOCAL_SERVER, REGCLS_MULTIPLEUSE), matching the REGCLS_MULTIPLEUSE of MFC's class factories, as implicitly done by the IMPLEMENT_OLECREATE() macro * Reimplemented "ObjectTwo" using ATL: + changed the ODL file from dispinterface to dual interface + had the ODL compilation generate a header file (interf.h), needed by ATL + rewrote .h and .cpp file (the quickest way is to run ATL Wizard and copy/paste/rename the automatically generated code in place of the original MFC one) + added an OBJECT_ENTRY(CLSID_ObjectTwo, CObjectTwo) to the ATL object map Additional conversion steps (not covered here) might include: * porting the ODL file to IDL format * adding support for -RegServer and -UnregServer command line arguments