Stage 4: Include custom sign-up files

To enable users to configure their computers to connect to your servers, you must include custom sign-up files in your Internet Explorer browser, unless you are using a serverless sign-up. For more information, see Setting Up a Sign-up Server.

Specify custom sign-up files
The first of the files must be an HTML page that contains information about your service. It must be named Signup.htm, and it must include a link to an appropriate HTML page on your sign-up server.

To see a sample, select the Client folder found within the IEAK under \Reskit\ISP\Server\Client. For more information, see Creating a Server-Based Sign-up Package.

All sign-up files, including graphic files, must be saved in the same folder. You must have full read-write access to this folder, because the wizard needs to change the attributes of all files to read-write.

Type the path of the folder that contains your sign-up files, or click Browse to locate the folder.

Specify custom sign-up script URL
You must enter the URL of the server script that generates your .ins files. If this URL is specified in the Signup.isp file that is in the directory you have specified on the previous page, it will appear below. You don't need to enter it again.