Template 2: Internet Explorer "Automatic Download" channel

Function: When the administrator makes available an Internet Explorer update, the automatic download channel downloads the necessary files onto the user's local computer. The user manually initiates installation of the new version.

Appropriate when: The administrator wants every user to receive an updated version, but will let users initiate the installation at their convenience. Automatic download is useful when download is scheduled to take place during non-working hours. Users can then start installing immediately, because the downloaded files are already waiting on their local hard drive.

Suggested filename: IE-precache.cdf

<?XML version="1.0"?>

<CHANNEL HREF="http://www.yourserver.com/directory/ie-precache.htm">
<SELF HREF="http://www.yourserver.com/directory/ie-precache.cdf" />
<TITLE>Internet Explorer [PreCache Channel]</TITLE>
The Internet Explorer precache channel automatically downloads
all the necessary Internet Explorer 4.0 files to your local
drive at channel update time. Explorer can then be installed
(manually) at the user's convenience. After the files are
downloaded, installation (even offline) can take place.
<USAGE VALUE="SoftwareUpdate" />
<LATESTTIME DAY="1" HOUR="12" MIN="0" />
<LOGO HREF="http://www.yourserver.com/directory/image.gif" STYLE="IMAGE" />
<LOGO HREF="http://www.yourserver.com/directory/icon.ico" STYLE="ICON" />
<SOFTPKG HREF="http://www.yourserver.com/directory/ie-precache.htm"


<TITLE>Internet Explorer</TITLE>
The new version of Internet Explorer has been downloaded to your
computer. You can start the install process at any time, even while
your computer is offline.
<USAGE VALUE="email" />
<OS VALUE="winnt" />
<CODEBASE HREF="http://www.yourserver.com/directory/ie4sites.dat" />
<OS VALUE="win95" />
<CODEBASE HREF="http://yourserver/directory/ie4sites.dat" />


Include this line to enable automatic download of Internet Explorer updates.

<CODEBASE HREF="http://www.yourserver.com/directory/ie4sites.dat"

This file points to the download site you specified when you ran the wizard.

See Template 1 for descriptions of other lines in bold.