IEAK Resource Kit

The IEAK Resource Kit contains helpful tools, programs, and sample files. The Resource Kit contents are located in the \Program Files\IEAK\Reskit folder.

In the Addons subfolder, you will find sample Add-on Components pages and tools for signing your code.

In the Graphics subfolder, you will find sample art and tools. The samples include animated logos, camera-ready art that you must display on your packaging to meet the terms of your license agreement, and CD-ROM Autorun samples. The graphics tools are designed to help you work with logos and other graphics.

In the ISP subfolder, you will find various tools and samples: dialer information; a tool (Inetlogn.exe) that can assist you with caching each user's password, so they don't have to enter it each time they log on; and tools and samples for server-based and non-server-based sign-up packages.