BatteryLifeTime Property Example

This example displays the amount of remaining battery time in hours and minutes. To run this example, put a SysInfo control and a CommandButton control on a form. Paste this code into the Click event of the CommandButton control. Then run the example.

Private Sub Command1_Click()
    ' BatteryLifeTime Property Example
    If SysInfo1.BatteryLifeTime <> &HFFFFFFFF Then
        Dim TimeLeft As String
        Dim TimeTotal As String
        Dim temp
        temp = TimeSerial(0, 0, SysInfo1.BatteryLifeTime)
        TimeLeft = Format(temp, "h:mm")
        temp = TimeSerial(0, 0, SysInfo1.BatteryFullTime)
        TimeTotal = Format(temp, "h:mm")
        MsgBox TimeLeft & " time left from " & TimeTotal & " total."
        MsgBox "Cannot determine remaining battery time."
    End If
End Sub