SettingChanged Event


Occurs when an application changes a systemwide parameter.


Private Sub object_SettingChanged([index As Integer,] ByVal item As Integer, ByVal section As Integer)

The SettingChanged event syntax has these parts:

Part Description
object An object expression that evaluates to an object in the Applies To list.
index A numeric expression that evaluates to the index of a control if it is in a control array.
item A long integer that contains system parameter information that has changed. If the message is not sent from USER32, then that system parameter (which is the WPARAM from the WM_SETTINGCHANGE and corresponds to a parameter for the win32 API routine, SystemParameterInfo) is always zero. Many of the various control panel applets cause this message to be sent, but they do it themselves, not from USER32. Under these conditions, you may get 0 as the value in this event.
section A string expression that evaluates to the name of the section containing the system parameter that changed.


You can use the SettingChanged event to detect a number of useful system changes. One of the most useful changes you can detect is when a user moves or resizes the Windows 95 taskbar.