DeviceRemoveComplete Event


Occurs after a device is removed.


Private Sub object_DeviceQueryRemove([index As Integer,] ByVal devicetype As Long, ByVal deviceid As Long, ByVal devicename As String, ByVal devicedata As Long, cancel As Boolean)

The DeviceRemoveComplete event syntax has these parts:

Part Description
object An object expression that evaluates to an object in the Applies To list.
index A numeric expression that evaluates to the index of a control if it is in a control array.
devicetype A value that indicates the type of device that has been added, as described in Settings.
deviceid A value that identifies the device, as described in Settings.
devicename Null for all settings of devicetype except DeviceTypePort. When devicetype is DeviceTypePort, then devicename is dbcp_name.
devicedata A value as described in Settings.
cancel A Boolean value, as described in Settings.


The settings for devicetype are:

Constant Value Description
DeviceTypeOEM 0 OEM-defined device type.
DeviceTypeDevNode 1 Devnode number (Windows 95).
DeviceTypeVolume 2 Logical volume (disk drive).
DeviceTypePort 3 Serial or parallel port.
DeviceTypeNet 4 Network resource

The settings for deviceid are:

devicetype Setting deviceid Setting
DeviceTypeOEM dbco_identifier
DeviceTypeDevNode dbcd_devnode
DeviceTypeVolume dbcv_unitmask
DeviceTypePort Null
DeviceTypeNet dbcn_resource

The settings for devicedata are:

devicetype Setting devicedata Setting
DeviceTypeOEM dbco_suppfunc
DeviceTypeDevNode Null
DeviceTypeVolume dbcv_flags
DeviceTypePort Null
DeviceTypeNet dbcn_flags

The settings for cancel are:

Setting Description
True The system is preventing the device from being removed.
False The system allows the device to be removed.


In some cases this event occurs even though no other device removal event occurred.