GridColor, GridColorBand, GridColorFixed, GridColorHeader, GridColorIndent, GridColorUnpopulated Properties


Returns or sets the line color used between the cells, bands, headers, indents, or unpopulated areas of the MSHFlexGrid.

Note   If using the MSFlexGrid, only the GridColor and GridColorFixed properties are available.


object.GridColor [= color]
object.GridColorBand [= color]
object.GridColorFixed [= color]
object.GridColorHeader [= color]
object.GridColorIndent [= color]
object.GridColorUnpopulated [= color]

Syntax for the GridColor, GridColorBand, GridColorFixed, GridColorHeader, GridColorIndent, and GridColorUnpopulated properties has these parts:

Part Description
object An object expression that evaluates to an object in the Applies To list.
color A value or constant that determines the color used to paint the gridlines in the scrollable or fixed areas of the MSFlexGrid.


The GridColor property can only be used when the GridLines property is set to 1 (Lines).

The GridColorFixed property can only be used when GridLinesFixed is set to 1 (Lines).

Raised and inset gridlines are always drawn in black and white.