:Base jetsql35.hlp>langref :Title Microsoft Jet SQL Reference :Index Jet SQL Reference=jetsql35.hlp :Link acvba80.hlp 1 Microsoft Jet SQL Reference 2 Overview 3 SQL Aggregate Functions=daidxAggregateFunctions 3 SQL Reserved Words=dasqlJetSQLReservedWords 3 Data Types=dasqlJetDataTypes 3 Comparison with ANSI SQL=dasqlJetVANSI 3 Equivalent ANSI SQL Data Types=dasqlEquivalentDataTypes 2 Data Definition Language 3 CREATE TABLE Statement=dasqlCreateTable 3 CREATE INDEX Statement=dasqlCreateIndex 3 ALTER TABLE Statement=dasqlAlter 3 CONSTRAINT Clause=dasqlConstraint 3 DROP Statement=dasqlDrop 2 Data Manipulation Language 3 SELECT Statement=dasqlSelect 3 SELECT ... INTO Statement=dasqlSelectInto 3 INSERT INTO Statement=dasqlInsertInto 3 UPDATE Statement=dasqlUpdate 3 DELETE Statement=dasqlDelete 3 INNER JOIN Operation=dasqlInnerJoin@jetsql35.hlp>langref 3 LEFT JOIN, RIGHT JOIN Operations=dasqlLeftRightJoin@jetsql35.hlp>langref 3 PARAMETERS Declaration=dasqlParameters@jetsql35.hlp>langref 3 UNION Operation=dasqlUnion@jetsql35.hlp>langref 2 Windows Registry Settings for External Data Sources 3 Customizing Windows Registry Setting for Microsoft Jet=dahowCustomizingDataAccess 3 Initializing the dBASE Database Driver=dahowChangingdBASE 3 Initializing the HTML (Internet) Source Driver=dahowChangingHTML 3 Initializing the Lotus Driver=dahowChangingLotus 3 Initializing the Microsoft Excel Driver=dahowChangingExcel 3 Initializing the Microsoft FoxPro Database Driver=dahowChangingFoxPro 3 Initializing the Microsoft Jet 3.5 Database Engine=dahowChangingJetEngine30 3 Initializing the Microsoft Jet 2.x Database Engine Driver=dahowChangingJetISAM 3 Initializing the Paradox Database Driver=dahowChangingParadox 3 Initializing the Text Data Source Driver=dahowChangingText 3 Configuring the Microsoft Jet Database Engine for ODBC Access=dahowChangingMicrosoftODBC