Protocol Property (Internet Transfer Control)


Returns or sets a value that specifies the protocol that will be used with the Execute method.


object.Protocol = integer

The Protocol property syntax has these parts:

Part Description
object An object expression that evaluates to an object in the Applies To list.
integer Integer. A numeric expression that determines the protocol used, as described in Settings.


Valid settings for Protocol are:

Constant Value Description
icUnknown 0 Unknown.
icDefault 1 Default protocol.
icFTP 2 FTP. File Transfer Protocol.
icReserved 3 Reserved for future use.
icHTTP 4 HTTP. HyperText Transfer Protocol.
icHTTPS 5 Secure HTTP.


When this property is specified, the URL property is updated to show the new value. Also, if the protocol portion of the URL is updated, the Protocol property is updated to reflect the new value. The OpenURL and Execute methods may both modify the value of this property.

Changing the value of this property will have no effect until the next Execute or OpenURL method is called.