Style Property (StatusBar Control)


Returns or sets the style of a StatusBar control.


object.Style [= number]

The Style property syntax has these parts:

Part Description
object An object expression that evaluates to a StatusBar control.
number An integer or constant that determines the appearance of the StatusBar control, as specified in Settings.


The settings for number are:

Constant Value Description
sbrNormal 0 (Default). Normal. The StatusBar control shows all Panel objects.
sbrSimple 1 Simple. The control displays only one large panel.


The StatusBar can toggle between two modes: Normal and Simple. When in Simple style, the StatusBar displays only one panel. The appearance also changes: the bevel style is raised with no borders. This allows the control to have two appearances, both of which are maintained separately from each other.

You can display different strings depending on the control's style. Use the SimpleText property to set the text of the string to be displayed when the Style property is set to Simple.

Note   When the Style property is set to Simple, the StatusBar control displays a large panel (the width of the control) which cannot be controlled through the Panels collection.