FindItem Method (ListView Control)


Finds and returns a reference to a ListItem object in a ListView control.


object.FindItem (string, value, index, match)

The FindItem method syntax has these parts:

Part Description
object Required. An object expression that evaluates to a ListView control.
string Required. A string expression indicating the ListItem object to be found.
value Optional. An integer or constant specifying whether the string will be matched to the ListItem object's Text, Subitems, or Tag property, as described in Settings.
index Optional. An integer or string that uniquely identifies a member of an object collection and specifies the location from which to begin the search. The integer is the value of the Index property; the string is the value of the Key property. If no index is specified, the default is 1.
match Optional. An integer or constant specifying that a match will occur if the item's Text property is the same as the string, as described in Settings.


The settings for value are:

Constant Value Description
lvwText 0 (Default) Matches the string with a ListItem object's Text property.
lvwSubitem 1 Matches the string with any string in a ListItem object's SubItems property.
lvwTag 2 Matches the string with any ListItem object's Tag property.

The settings for match are:

Constant Value Description
lvwWholeWord 0 (Default) An integer or constant specifying that a match will occur if the item's Text property begins with the whole word being searched. Ignored if the criteria is not text.
lvwPartial 1 An integer or constant specifying that a match will occur if the item's Text property begins with the string being searched. Ignored if the criteria is not text.


If you specify Text as the search criteria, you can use lvwPartial so that a match occurs when the ListItem object's Text property begins with the string you are searching for. For example, to find the ListItem whose text is "Autoexec.bat", use:

'Create a ListItem variable.
Dim itmX As ListItem
'Set the variable to the found item.
Set itmX = ListView1.FindItem("Auto",,,lvwpartial)