Installation Windows 3.1 or 3.11 for Workgroups 1. Expand The Zip File 2. Installation is a very straightforward process. All you need to do Copy All the expanded files to a disk or directory on your Hard Drive. From the program mangers File menu select Run and Type the drive and directory name you moved the files to: C:\zdir\setup Or B:\setup And the "SETUP" as shown above Installation Windows '95 1. Expand The Zip File 2. Installation is a very straightforward process. All you need to do Copy All the expanded files to a disk or directory on your Hard Drive. Click On the start button select RUN and Type the drive and directory name you moved the files to: C:\zdir\setup Or B:\setup And the "SETUP" as shown above 3.Or Click on the start button, point to settings, and click on the Control Panel,Double Click on ADD/INSTALL PROGRAMS, Click on Install