═══ 1. About PM Scrapbook ═══ PM Scrapbook is an OS/2 2.0 32 bit application for the storage and organization of files, notes and personal information. The organization of this information is stored and graphically displayed in a heirarchical "tree" format. Each piece of information consists of a an entry in the tree window, it's title and detail. PM Scrapbook contains a text editor for textual data as well as specialized editors for some of the internal data types. PM Scrapbook also keeps track of the dates associated with these entries for occasional house cleaning. PM Scrapbook uses the following data formats/types: Text Free format text typed in or imported from files. Address Internal address book format consisting of name, area-code, phone number, extension, address and notes. To-Do Internal to-do list format consisting of event, date entered, target date, and completion date. List Internal general list format consisting of 2 columns of data with user definable column headings. All data type editors allow you to select the font for that instance of the editor. Each editor instance also remembers it's final window size and position when saved. All editors (except the text editor) and the "Tree" view use the OS/2 method of text entry: Hold down the Alt key on the keyboard and click the left mouse button over the text area to be changed or added. Keyboard shortcuts are also provided for mouse-free operation. In addition to double clicking in the program icon, PM Scrapbook may be started by dragging and dropping a file with an SCB extension onto the program icon. You may also specify a scrapbook file in the parameters field in the Settings for the program icon. This will cause PM Scrapbook to open that file on start up. Users of the FAT file system also receive the added benefit of being able to attach long, descriptive names to files stored within PM Scrapbook. This demo version allows only 7 entries per scrapbook. In the registered version the number of entries is limited only by the amount of memory/disk space on your computer. PM Scrapbook is designed so that future data types and editors can be added or enhanced without disturbing any files you have already created. Please see the following sections for more information: PM Scrapbook Overview The Tree Window Books, Chapters, Sections and Pages Address Books To-Do Lists Lists Registration and Feedback Obligatory Disclaimer Revision History Future Plans ═══ 2. PM Scrapbook Overview ═══ Directories and files and the new OS/2 workplace shell are nice for organizing your stuff. However, it's easy to end up with a cluttered hard disk as well as a desk covered with scraps of paper containing phone numbers, notes and reminders. In addition, those of us who are - for what ever reason - still using the FAT file system have the extra burden of coming up with meaningful names using 8 characters and a 3 character extension. PM Scrapbook provides a means of storing files and information in one file while still preserving the directory - or tree - concept. Trees and directories are very similar. This document usually uses "tree" terms to describe certain operations. The following should clarify these terms: This is an excerpt from the tree window of a scrapbook. Every scrapbook has a tree window. This window is a graphical representation of the information in the scrapbook. Each icon (little picture) on the tree represents an entry in the scrapbook. These entries may also be refered to as "leaves". The following exemplifies common PM Scrapbook terms: o "#0" is the "root". o "#0" is the parent of "#1" and "#2". o "#1" and "#2" are children of "#0". o "#1" and "#2" are siblings. o "#1" is the parent of "#3" and "#4". o "#3" and "#4" are children of "#1". o "#3" and "#4" are siblings. And so on... Each PM Scrapbook entry has a data - or information - type and an editor associated with it. The editors vary depending on the data type, but they all have certain things in common. The term "entries" will also crop up in terms of the editors as well as the Tree window. For example, in the Tree window you may have a To-Do List entry. When you open the editor for that Tree entry, it may contain an number of things "to do". Each of those things will also be refered to as entries. ═══ 3. Registration and Feedback ═══ Registration This program is not FREEWARE. Registeration is $35 U.S. per copy. Site licenses can be negotiated on request. Registered users will receive a full functioned, registered copy and one update when available as well as notices of subsequent releses. The Shareware version may only be used for a 30 day trial period. Note: Please include your name, address and the version number you are registering. Send Registration to: Dan Holt PO Box 18863 Atlanta, GA 30326 Feedback If you have any comments, suggestions, questions or complaints, feel free to drop me a line at the above address. You may also reach me via CompuServ with my id : 76500,2557, or by name on most of the OS/2 BBSes. If you choose not to register, I wouldn't mind hearing why not, particularly if there are specific things PM Scrapbook needs to change your mind. ═══ 4. Obligatory Disclaimer ═══ In these, unfortunately, litigious times I must protect myself and my paultry possesions with the following disclaimer: The PM Scrapbook program and all accompanying documentation and examples are provided on an "AS IS" basis. This means that Daniel E. Holt does not warrant, guarantee, or make any other representations regarding the use, or results of use, of PM Scrapbook or the documentation in terms of accuracy, reliability, correctness, currentness, or otherwise. Daniel E. Holt will not be held responsible for any direct, indirect, incidental, or consequential damages including damages for loss of business profits, business interruption, loss of business information, or otherwise arising from the use or inability to use PM Scrapbook, even if Daniel E. Holt has been advised of the possibility of such damages. The use of this product is on an "AT YOUR OWN RISK" basis. ═══ 5. Revision History ═══ 1.1 - 1/18/93 o Added an "Export" function to the text editor. o Fixed truncation problems in the text editor. o Added menu choices and accelerator keys for all text edits that previously required mouse use. o Fixed the on-line help so it comes up correctly when pressing F1. o Added accelerator keys for adding entries in the tree window. o Icon show/hide status and tree entry expanded/collapsed state saved and restored with each scrapbook. 1.0 - 11/24/92 Initial release. ═══ 6. Future Plans ═══ PM Scrapbook is designed so that new editors and data types can be easily added to the existing architecture. This being an early release, there is always room for improvement on what is already here. This section lists the enhancements that I think PM Scrapbook needs or would be nice to have. They aren't a commitment or guarantee. Whether or not these enhancements are implemented or not depends on registrations and comments. Remember, you' vote counts. Concrete Plans These are objectives that might, or might not make it into the next release listed in the general order I plan to do them. o Add ability to choose icons for entries. o Store ZIPs. This seems redundant at first, but I personally have a ton of ZIPs stored in a huge pile of diskettes that I can't bear to part with because I know that, even though I don't need their contents now, I know I'll need them someday. It would be nice to organize them by function or whatever in a scrapbook. The editor would be more of a viewer and would, at first anyway, only allow you to view the contents of the ZIP. o A directory contents archive/list thing. This would allow you to store directory/file info in PM Scrapbook. You could add descriptions for files ( nice for FAT users ), use it as a diskette archiver, a snapshot taker, whatever. o Store pictures and supply an applicable editor/viewer. What's a scrapbook if you can't keep pictures in it ? o Add alarm type support. This would constitute the usual "once or reoccurring" messages and/or program launches. o Add more function to the text editor. o Each editor has an action bar (menu) duplicated in a pop-up context menu. If you are happy with context menus, you should be able to turn off the action bar and make more usable screen space. o All of the editor windows are confined inside the main window. You should have the option of moving and sizing the editors anywhere you want on the desktop. In addition, you should have the option to minimize back to PM Scrapbook, the desktop or minimized window viewer. o Any other handy information editors that come up. Maybe Plans These are vague ideas that would only get implemented if there was enough demand from users or myself. These would require, for the most part, huge amounts of effort which might be better spent on other pursuits. Namely, working on the above list. o Add search functions at the Tree level. This would allow you to search multiple entries for text, addresses, etc. o Add a user-definable editor. You specify the number of columns, layout, etc. o Add drag-drop support. It would be nice to drag information between PM Scrapbook instances. It would be nicer to bypass the clipboard and rearrange information with the mouse. o Store binary files in PM Scrapbook. You could store executables, databases, etc. along with information about the program used to view/edit that file. There's not really much point in this if you can store archives. o Printing. Being a closet tree-hugger and a big advocate of the paperless society, it would take a minor miracle or huge sums of cash for me to do this. Or could "huge sums of cash" be interpreted as a minor miracle ? I don't want to be redundant. ═══ 7. Main File Menu ═══ Use the choices on the Main File menu to create, open and save scrapbooks. ═══ 8. New ═══ This choice creates a new scrapbook. ═══ 9. Open ═══ This choice opens a scrapbook. ═══ 10. Save ═══ This choice saves the scrapbook you are currently working on to disk. If this is a new scrapbook that has not yet been saved, you will be prompted for a file name. ═══ 11. Save as ═══ This choice saves the scrapbook you are currently working on to disk using the file name specified in the dialog. You may use this choice to make a copy of the current scrapbook. ═══ 12. Main View Menu ═══ Use the choices on the Main View menu show or hide the scrapbook entry statistics window. ═══ 13. Show/Hide statistics ═══ This choice toggles the visibility of the statistics window between off and on. The statistics window displays information about the scrapbook entry currently selected in the tree window. ═══ 14. Help Menu ═══ Use the choices on the Help menu to get help for PM Scrapbook and OS/2. ═══ 15. Help index ═══ Provides an index to the online help for PM Scrapbook. ═══ 16. General help ═══ Provides general information about PM Scrapbook. ═══ 17. Using help ═══ Provides information on using the OS/2 online help facility. ═══ 18. Keys help ═══ Doesn't work. ═══ 19. Product information ═══ Provides release and author information for PM Scrapbook. ═══ 20. Tree Window ═══ The "Tree" window is a graphical display of the contents of the scrapbook. It is here that entries are added to, deleted from, rearranged in, and editors are started in the scrapbook. These functions can be initiated from the action bar (menu), accelarator keys or by clicking the right mouse button to use a "pop-up" version of the action bar. The names of these entries are updated by holding down the "Alt" key on the keyboard and clicking the left mouse button over the entry or selecting "Name" from the edit menu. An entry field will appear in which you may type. When you are finished typing, click the left mouse button outside of the entry field or repeat the "Name" choice from the edit menu. ═══ 21. Tree Add Menu ═══ Use the choices on the Tree Add menu to add entries to the scrapbook. Note that there are no restrictions as to what type of entries can be entered where. Entries are added as the last child of the currently selected entry. ═══ 22. Book ═══ This choice adds a "Book" entry to the scrapbook. The information for this entry is accessed via the text editor. Information can be entered manually or imported from a file. At this release, the only difference between Book, Chapter, Section and Page entries is the icon displayed in the contents window. ═══ 23. Chapter ═══ This choice adds a "Chapter" entry to the scrapbook. The information for this entry is accessed via the text editor. Information can be entered manually or imported from a file. At this release, the only difference between Book, Chapter, Section and Page entries is the icon displayed in the contents window. ═══ 24. Section ═══ This choice adds a "Section" entry to the scrapbook. The information for this entry is accessed via the text editor. Information can be entered manually or imported from a file. At this release, the only difference between Book, Chapter, Section and Page entries is the icon displayed in the contents window. ═══ 25. Page ═══ This choice adds a "Page" entry to the scrapbook. The information for this entry is accessed via the text editor. Information can be entered manually or imported from a file. At this release, the only difference between Book, Chapter, Section and Page entries is the icon displayed in the contents window. ═══ 26. Address book ═══ This choice adds a "Address book" entry to the scrapbook. The information for this entry is accessed via the Address Book editor. ═══ 27. To-Do list ═══ This choice adds a "To-Do list" entry to the scrapbook. The information for this entry is accessed via the To-Do List editor. ═══ 28. List ═══ This choice adds a list entry to the scrapbook. The information for this entry is accessed via the List editor. ═══ 29. PM Scrapbook Editors ═══ PM Scrapbook contains individualized editors for each of it's information types. The appropriate editor is automatically invoked for the slected entry in the tree window when the Enter key is pressed, the entry is double-clicked upon or Detail is selected from the edit menu. ═══ 30. Book editor ═══ A "Book" entry consists of free-form textual information. Information can be entered manually or imported from a file. At this release, the only difference between Book, Chapter, Section and Page entries is the icon displayed in the contents window. ═══ 31. Chapter editor ═══ A "Chapter" entry consists of free-form textual information. Information can be entered manually or imported from a file. At this release, the only difference between Book, Chapter, Section and Page entries is the icon displayed in the contents window. ═══ 32. Section editor ═══ A "Section" entry consists of free-form textual information. Information can be entered manually or imported from a file. At this release, the only difference between Book, Chapter, Section and Page entries is the icon displayed in the contents window. ═══ 33. Page editor ═══ A "Page" entry consists of free-form textual information. Information can be entered manually or imported from a file. At this release, the only difference between Book, Chapter, Section and Page entries is the icon displayed in the contents window. ═══ 34. Address Book editor ═══ An "Address Book" entry consists of any number of individual record entries. These entries are added, deleted or changed via the menu or keyboard accelerators. Each entry in the Address book consists of the following fields: Name There is only one name field. That is, there are not seperate fields for first and last names. Since this field can be used for sorting, you should enter the names in the order you wish to sort: Last name, First name or First name Last name. Area Code The area or country code of the phone number. Phone Number The phone number. Extension The extension. Address The address. Notes Space for any additional information about the person or business. Date The date this entry was created or last updated. The information in these fields are updated by holding down the "Alt" key on the keyboard and clicking the left mouse button over the field to be updated. An entry field will appear in which you may type. When you are finished typing, click the left mouse button outside of the entry field. You may also use the "Begin edit", "Next edit", "Previous edit" and "End edit" functions from the Edit menu to update the entries. Note that none of the fields are mandatory and no validations are performed on their contents. The address book editor is divided into 2 halves. The left half consists of the "Name" through "Phone Number" fields with the remaining fields, starting at extension, in the right half. This split is provided to make an address book flexible for both office and personal use. By sliding the split location over the "Area Code" and "Phone Number" fields, you have a list consisting of the names, extensions, office numbers and notes of your co-workers. To move the split point, position the mouse pointer over the split bar. When the pointer changes from the arrow-pointer, hold down either mouse button and slide the split bar to the desired position. ═══ 35. To-Do List editor ═══ A "To-Do List" entry consists of any number of individual record entries. These entries are added, deleted or changed via the menu or keyboard accelerators. Each entry in the To-Do list consists of the following fields: Done date This is the date on which this task was set as completed. Target date This is the date on which you would like to complete the task. Entry date This is the date on which you added the task entry to this To-Do list. ? This column displays a check mark if the task is completed or a blank. if it is not. Task This column describes the task "to do". The task description is entered and updated by holding down the "Alt" key on the keyboard and clicking the left mouse button over the task description field. in the task description column. An entry field will appear in which you may type. When you are finished typing, click the left mouse button outside of the entry field. You may also use the "Task" choice from the Edit menu. The date fields are updated by invoking the appropriate date edit from the "Edit" menu. The "Done date" and "Entry date" are automaticlly updated for you, but you may over-ride them with the date editors. A task is marked as "done" by double clicking over the appropriate entry or pressing the "enter" key on the keyboard when the desired entry is highlighted. The to-do list editor is divided into 2 halves. The left half consists of the date fields and the right half of the check and task description fields. This split is provided to differentiate between time critical tasks ( i.e. show the dates you care about ) and tasks that just need to be done and you don't care when. To move the split point, position the mouse pointer over the split bar. When the pointer changes from the arrow-pointer, hold down either mouse button and slide the split bar to the desired position. The entires in a to-do list can be sorted by any of the date fields. ═══ 36. List editor ═══ A "List" entry consists of any number of individual record entries. These entries are added, deleted or changed via the menu or keyboard accelerators. Each entry in the list consists of 2 columns. The contents and headings of which are determined by you. This entry type is provided as a generic, everything-else-for-the-time-being editor. For example, you may create a list of: o Pro's and con's for decision making. o Words and definitions for a dictionary. o Words and their translations in another language. o Start and end dates for residences and jobs. o Clothes sizes. o Birthdays and special occassions. o Questions and answers. The list contants and column headings are entered and updated by holding down the "Alt" key on the keyboard and clicking the left mouse button over the appropriate field or column heading. An entry field will appear in which you may type. When you are finished typing, click the left mouse button outside of the entry field. You may also use the "Column 1", "Column 2" and "End edit" choices from the Edit menu. The list editor is divided into 2 halves, each consisting of 1 column. To move the split point, position the mouse pointer over the split bar. When the pointer changes from the arrow-pointer, hold down either mouse button and slide the split bar to the desired position. ═══ 37. Tree Edit Menu ═══ Use the choices on the Tree Edit menu to cut, copy, paste, add, delete and view scrapbook entries. Use the cut, paste and paste-after options to rearrange entires in the tree window of the scrapbook. ═══ 38. Name ═══ This choice offers an alternative to holding down the ALT key and pressing the left mouse button to change the name of a scrapbook entry. Once the change has been made, choosing this menu item again completes the edit. ═══ 39. Cut ═══ This choice removes the selected entry and all of it's child entires from the scrapbook and places them in the clipboard. The "Paste" or "Paste after" choice can then be used to position and copy those entries into the tree window in a different position in the current scrapbook or another scrapbook. ═══ 40. Copy ═══ This choice copies the selected entry and all of it's child entires to the scrapbook and places them in the clipboard without removing them from the scrapbook. The "Paste" or "Paste after" choice can then be used to position and copy those entries into the tree window in a different position in the current scrapbook or another scrapbook. ═══ 41. Paste ═══ This choice will copy any scrapbook entries in the clipboard into the current scrapbook. These entries will be positioned as the first child of the selected entry in the scrapbook. If you want the copied entries to be inserted somewhere within a set of child entries, use the "Paste after" choice. ═══ 42. Paste after ═══ This choice will copy any scrapbook entries in the clipboard into the current scrapbook. These entries will be positioned as a sibling of the selected entry in the scrapbook. The inserted entries will follow the selected entry. If you want the copied entries to be the first child, select the parent and use the "Paste" choice. ═══ 43. Delete ═══ This choice deletes the selected entry and all of it's child entires from the scrapbook. ═══ 44. Detail ═══ This choice opens the editor associated with the selected scrapbook entry. If the editor is already opened, it will be brought to the top of all other windows. This choice is also invoked by pressing the Enter key on the keyboard or or double clicking with the left mouse button over a scrapbook entry. ═══ 45. Tree View Menu ═══ Use the choices on the Tree View menu to show or hide the tree icons and set the font for the tree window. ═══ 46. Show/Hide icons ═══ This choice will hide the icons in the tree view if they are currently visible or show them if they are not currently visible. ═══ 47. Font ═══ This choice allows you to change the font used for the entry titles in the tree view of the scrapbook. ═══ 48. Page File Menu ═══ Use the choices on the Page File menu to import and save text. ═══ 49. Import ═══ Use this choice to import files into the scrapbook. You can import non-text ( binary ) files, but there's not much you can do with them. Note that the imported file is inserted into the text at the current cursor position. Therefore, you may use this choice to merge multiple files into one PM Scrapbook entry. ═══ 50. Export ═══ Use this choice to export text from a scrapbook entry to a file on the disk. Export allows you to use a different editor or print the exported file from OS/2. ═══ 51. Save ═══ This choice commits the contents of the editor to PM Scrapbook's internal memory. It does NOT save these changes to disk. The "Save" and "Save as" choices from the Main File menu should be used to write the scrapbook permanantly to disk. ═══ 52. Font ═══ This choice allows you to change the font used in this instance of the text editor. ═══ 53. Page Edit Menu ═══ Use the choices on the Page Edit menu to cut, copy, paste, locate and delete text in this window. ═══ 54. Cut ═══ This choice removes the selected text from the scrapbook entry and places it in the clipboard. ═══ 55. Copy ═══ This choice copies the selected text to the clipboard without removing it from the scrapbook entry. ═══ 56. Paste ═══ This choice copies any text in the clipboard into the text at the current cursor position. ═══ 57. Clear ═══ This choice deletes the selected text from the scrapbook entry. ═══ 58. Find ═══ This choice invokes a dialog in which you can enter text to be searched for in the entry. You may specify that the seach be performed with or without case sensitivity. That is, if a "b" matches a "B" or not. After this text has been specified, you may use the "Find next" choice to find any following occurrances of the text in the scrapbook entry. Searches always begin at the current cursor position in the text. ═══ 59. Find next ═══ Finds the next occurrance of the text specified in the "Find" dialog. This search is performed from the current cursor position using the case-search preference specified in the "Find" dialog. ═══ 60. Address File Menu ═══ Use the choices on the Address File menu to save and sort address book entries. ═══ 61. Save ═══ This choice commits the contents of the editor to PM Scrapbook's internal memory. It does NOT save these changes to disk. The "Save" and "Save as" choices from the Main File menu should be used to write the scrapbook permanantly to disk. ═══ 62. Sort ═══ This choice sorts the entries in the address book by name. ═══ 63. Font ═══ This choice allows you to change the font used in this address book. ═══ 64. Address Edit Menu ═══ Use the choices on the Address Edit menu to cut, copy, paste, add, and delete address book entries. ═══ 65. Cut ═══ This choice removes the selected entry from the address book and places it in the clipboard. ═══ 66. Copy ═══ This choice copies the selected entry to the clipboard without removing it from the address book. ═══ 67. Paste ═══ This choice copies any address book entry in the clipboard into the current address book after the selected entry or as the first entry in an empty address book. ═══ 68. Add ═══ This choice adds a new entry in the address book. ═══ 69. Delete ═══ This choice deletes the selected entry in an address book. ═══ 70. Begin edit ═══ This choice offers an alternative to holding down the ALT key and pressing the left mouse button to change the information in an Address Book entry. It opens an edit field in the first column of the selected entry (Name). After that you may use the "Next edit" and "Previous edit" choices to step forwards and backwards through the columns of an entry. You may use the "End edit" option to stop the updates. ═══ 71. Next edit ═══ After "Begin edit" has been selected, this choice opens an edit field in the next column of the entry. The contents of the column being edited before this selection are automatically saved. When this choice is used in the last editable column of an Address Book entry (Notes) it has the same effect as selecting "End edit". ═══ 72. Previous edit ═══ After "Begin edit" and "Next edit" have been selected, this choice opens an edit field in the previous column of the entry. The contents of the column being edited before this selection are automatically saved. When this choice is used in the first editable column of an Address Book entry (Name) it has the same effect as selecting "End edit". ═══ 73. End edit ═══ This choice stops a column editing session initiated by "Begin edit". ═══ 74. To-Do File Menu ═══ Use the choices on the To-Do File menu to save and sort to-do list entries. ═══ 75. Save ═══ This choice commits the contents of the editor to PM Scrapbook's internal memory. It does NOT save these changes to disk. The "Save" and "Save as" choices from the Main File menu should be used to write the scrapbook permanantly to disk. ═══ 76. Sort by entry date ═══ This choice sorts the entries in the to-do list by the entry date. ═══ 77. Sort by target date ═══ This choice sorts the entries in the to-do list by the target date. ═══ 78. Sort by completion date ═══ This choice sorts the entries in the to-do list by the completion date. ═══ 79. Font ═══ This choice allows you to change the font used in this To-Do list. ═══ 80. To-Do Edit Menu ═══ Use the choices on the To-Do Edit menu to cut, copy, paste, add, and delete to-do list entries. ═══ 81. Cut ═══ This choice removes the selected entry from the to-do list and places it in the clipboard. ═══ 82. Copy ═══ This choice copies the selected entry to the clipboard without removing it from the to-do list. ═══ 83. Paste ═══ This choice copies any to-do entry in the clipboard into the current to-do list after the selected entry or as the first entry in an empty to-do list. ═══ 84. Add ═══ This choice adds a new entry in the to-do list. ═══ 85. Delete ═══ This choice deletes the selected entry in a to-do list. ═══ 86. Task ═══ This choice offers an alternative to holding down the ALT key and pressing the left mouse button to change the task description in a To-Do List entry. Once the change has been made, choosing this menu item again completes the edit. ═══ 87. Change entry date ═══ This choice invokes the date-editor dialog in which you can change the task entry date. ═══ 88. Change target date ═══ This choice invokes the date-editor dialog in which you can change the task target date. ═══ 89. Change completion date ═══ This choice invokes the date-editor dialog in which you can change the task completion date. ═══ 90. List File Menu ═══ Use the choices on the List File menu to save and sort list entries. ═══ 91. Save ═══ This choice commits the contents of the editor to PM Scrapbook's internal memory. It does NOT save these changes to disk. The "Save" and "Save as" choices from the Main File menu should be used to write the scrapbook permanantly to disk. ═══ 92. Sort by column 1 ═══ This choice sorts the entires in the list by whatever you have entered in the first column. ═══ 93. Sort by column 2 ═══ This choice sorts the entires in the list by whatever you have entered in the second column. ═══ 94. Font ═══ This choice allows you to change the font used in this To-Do list. ═══ 95. List Edit Menu ═══ Use the choices on the List Edit menu to cut, copy, paste, add, and delete list entries. ═══ 96. Cut ═══ This choice removes the selected entry from the list and places it in the clipboard. ═══ 97. Copy ═══ This choice copies the selected entry to the clipboard without removing it from the list. ═══ 98. Paste ═══ This choice copies any list entry in the clipboard into the current list after the selected entry or as the first entry in an empty list. ═══ 99. Add ═══ This choice adds a new entry in the list. ═══ 100. Delete ═══ This choice deletes the selected entry in a list. ═══ 101. Column 1 ═══ This choice offers an alternative to holding down the ALT key and pressing the left mouse button to change the information in the first column of data in a List entry. Once the change has been made, choosing "Column 2" or "End edit" completes the edit. ═══ 102. Column 2 ═══ This choice offers an alternative to holding down the ALT key and pressing the left mouse button to change the information in the second column of data in a List entry. Once the change has been made, choosing "Column 1" or "End edit" completes the edit. ═══ 103. End edit ═══ This choice completes the edit started by "Column 1" or "Column 2".