═══ 1. About MathMate ═══ The program MathMate is a reliable assistant for fast numerical calculations, which is intended first of all for scientists and engineers, but can be used also as a simple calculator. MathMate calculates, integrates and sums up mathematical expressions and solves equations containing numbers, variables, arithmetical operations, elementary and special functions, mathematical and physical constants. The program has a number of advanced interface features including on-screen keypads, a history list, keeping a record of computations in a protocol, error tracking, extensive help and automatic export of results to the Clipboard for use by other applications. The main distinguishing feature of MathMate is a wide set of built-in special mathematical functions (24) which are calculated with the 8 bytes floating point maximum accuracy by effective fast algorithms. This draws MathMate potentialities close to those of the well - known mathematical handbooks like Handbook of Mathematical Functions by M.Abramowitz and I.A.Stegun or Tables of Higher Functions by E./Jahnke, F.Emde and F.Losch. MathMate runs under OS/2 on a computer with at least VGA display and 80386 CPU. A coprocessor is desirable but not required. Versions of OS/2 prior to 2.0 are not supported. To install MathMate insert the diskette into the floppy drive and type at the OS/2 prompt mminst where is the name of the path of your choice. The MathMate folder will appear on your desktop. MathMate is a product of SEnSE To see the developers' names choose Product information from the Help menu and click the mouse button on the logo when it is displayed. SEnSE is a registered name of Science & Engineering Software Exprerts Ltd. OS/2 is a registered trademark of the IBM Corporation. For more information see: o Integration o Summation o Solving equations o Built-in Constants o Built-in Functions ═══ 2. MathMate capabilities ═══ This section covers the following topics: o Built-in constants o Built-in functions ═══ 2.1. Built-in constants ═══ There are several mathematical and physical (CGSE) constants which may be included in MathMate expressions referenced by names (in capital). The names of these constants are reserved and cannot be used as variable names. You may either type a constant from the keyboard or switch MathMate numeric keypad to constants keypad and then click the desired button. The name of the constant will be inserted into the expression. The following constants are available in MathMate expressions: Click on a button on the panel below to get information about specific constant A list of constants by name o у constant o e constant o Euler gamma constant o Light velocity o Electron charge o Avogadro number o Electron mass o Proton mass o Planck constant o Fine structure constant р o Rydberg constant o Boltzmann constant o Gravity constant o Bohr magneton o Earth gravity constant ═══ 2.2. Built-in functions ═══ MathMate expressions may include plenty of elementary and special functions including nested calls like cos( n*arccos( x)) To insert a function name in the expression click the function button on the function panel or simply type in the function name into the expression input string from the keyboard. The function panel shows all the available MathMate functions. ═══ 2.2.1. Built-in elementary functions ═══ Click a button on the panel below to get information about specific function ═══ Exponential function ═══ MathMate syntax: exp(x) Domain: x any real ═══ Logarithm functions ═══ Natural (base e ) Decimal (base 10) MathMate syntax: ln(x), log (x) Domain: x > 0 ═══ Absolute value (modulus) ═══ MathMate syntax: abs(x) Domain: x any real ═══ Sign of the argument ═══ MathMate syntax: sign(x) Domain: x any real ═══ Integer part ═══ MathMate syntax: int(x) Domain: x any real ═══ Fractional part ═══ MathMate syntax: frac(x) Domain: x any real ═══ Trigonometric functions ═══ Sine function Cosine function MathMate syntax: sin(x), cos(x) Domain: x any real Tangent function MathMate syntax: tan(x) Domain: x any real except у(n+1/2), n integer Cotangent function MathMate syntax: cot(x) Domain: x any real except уn, n integer ═══ Inverse trigonometric functions ═══ Arcsine function Arccosine function MathMate syntax: asin(x), acos(x) Domain: -1 є x є 1 Arctangent function Arccotangent function MathMate syntax: atan(x), acot(x) Domain: x any real ═══ Hyperbolic functions ═══ Hyperbolic sine Hyperbolic cosine Hyperbolic tangent MathMate syntax: sinh(x), cosh(x), tanh(x) Domain: x any real Hyperbolic cotangent MathMate syntax: coth(x) Domain: x any nonzero real ═══ Inverse hyperbolic functions ═══ Hyperbolic arcsine MathMate syntax: asinh(x) Domain: x any real Hyperbolic arccosine MathMate syntax: acosh Domain: x є 1 Hyperbolic arctangent MathMate syntax: atanh(x) Domain: -1 < x < 1 Hyperbolic arccotangent MathMate syntax: acoth(x) Domain: x < -1 or x > 1 ═══ Square root function ═══ MathMate syntax: sqrt(x) Domain: x Є 0 ═══ 2.2.2. Built-in special functions ═══ Click a button on the panel below to get information about specific function ═══ т function ═══ for x>0; for negative noninteger x the definition is extended according to the formula MathMate syntax: Gam(x) Domain: x any real except 0, -1, -2, ... See also: o Incomplete т function o Digamma (psi - function) ═══ Incomplete т function ═══ MathMate syntax: IGam(a,x) Domain: a any real except 0, -1, -2, ... ; x real See also: o т function o Digamma (psi - function) ═══ Digamma function (Euler psi - function) ═══ MathMate syntax: Psi(x) Domain: x any real except 0, -1, -2, ... See also: o т function o Incomplete т function ═══ Error function ═══ MathMate syntax: Erf(x) Domain: x any real See also: o Fresnel integrals ═══ Sine and Cosine Fresnel integrals ═══ MathMate syntax: Fs(x), Fc(x) Domain: x any real See also: o Error function o Integral sines o Integral cosines ═══ Integral sines ═══ Integral sine Integral hyperbolic sine MathMate syntax: Si(x), Shi(x) Domain: x any real ═══ Integral cosines ═══ Integral cosine Integral hyperbolic cosine where is the Euler constant MathMate syntax: Ci(x), Chi(x) Domain: x > 0 ═══ Integral exponential ═══ MathMate syntax: Ei(x) Domain: x any nonzero real See also: o Fresnel integrals ═══ Complete elliptic integrals K(x), E(x) ═══ x - modulus square MathMate syntax: EllK(x), EllE(x) Domain: 0 є x є 1 Note: Sometimes another definition is used where the argument is modulus (not its square, i.e. t¤=x). To obtain the elliptic integral of the argument t calculate EllE (sqrt (t)), EllK (sqrt (t)). See also: o Incomplete elliptic integrals ═══ Incomplete elliptic integrals ═══ э - amplitude, x - modulus square MathMate syntax: IEllF(phi,x), IEllE(phi,x) Domain: phi any real, 0 є x є 1 Note: Sometimes another definition is used where the argument is modulus (not its square, i.e. t¤=x). To obtain the elliptic integral of this argument calculate IEllE(phi,sqrt(t)), IEllF(phi, sqrt(t)). See also: o Complete elliptic integrals ═══ Bessel functions J(n,z) and Y(n,z) ═══ Bessel (cylindric) functions J(n,z) and Y(n,z)may be defined as solutions of the equation ═══ Bessel function J(n,z) ═══ is the solution of the Bessel equation which is zero at z=0 (for n>0, J(0, 0)=1 ) and has the following behavior at positive infinity: It admits the following integral representation: n-index, z-argument MathMate syntax: J(n,z) Domain: n an integer, z any real number ═══ Bessel function Y(n,z) ═══ is the solution of the Bessel equation which is singular at z=0 and has the following behavior at positive infinity: It admits the following integral representation: n-index, z-argument MathMate syntax: Y(n,z) Domain: n an integer, z positive real ═══ (Modified) Bessel functions I(n,z) and K(n,z) ═══ The modified Bessel functions I(n,z) and K(n,z) may be defined as solutions of the equation ═══ Bessel function I(n,z) ═══ is the solution of the modified Bessel equation which is zero at z=0 (for n>0, I(0, 0) = 1 ) and has the following behavior at positive infinity: It admits the following integral representation: n-index, z-argument MathMate syntax: I(n,z) Domain: n an integer, z any real number ═══ Bessel function K(n,z) (McDonald's function) ═══ is the solution of the modified Bessel equation which is singular at z=0 and has the following behavior at positive infinity: It admits the following integral representation: n-index, z-argument MathMate syntax: K(n,z) Domain: n an integer, z positive real Note: If the index is given as a non-integer number MathMate rounds it towards negative infinity. See also: o Spherical (Legendre) functions ═══ Legendre functions P(m,n,x) ═══ Legendre functions may be defined as solutions of the equation When m = 0 one non-degenerate solution is the Legendre polynomial: When m > 0 the solution is given by the formula: MathMate syntax: Leg(n,m,x) Domain: m, n non-negative integers, m< n, |x|< 1 See also: o Cylindric (Bessel) functions ═══ Degenerate hypergeometric function ш(a,b,z) ═══ is the solution of the equation which has the following series representation: MathMate syntax: Phi(a,b,z) Domain: a,b,z real, b cannot be a negative integer See also: o Error function o Incomplete т function ═══ Sn, Cn, Dn Jacobi functions ═══ Let u be defined by the implicit formula Then Jacobi elliptic functions are defined as u - argument, x - modulus square The following four equations also define the functions uniquely: MathMate syntax: Sn(x,u), Cn(x,u), Dn(x,u) Domain: 0 є x є 1, u any real See also: o Incomplete elliptic integrals ═══ 3. Calculation modes ═══ This section covers the following topics: o Evaluating expressions o Integrating expressions o Summing up series o Solving equations ═══ 3.1. Evaluating expressions ═══ This is the simplest operation MathMate performs. Evaluation (calculator) mode may be turned on by clicking the Modes icon or choosing Evaluation in the Modes menu. When the calculator mode is on the evaluation icon is displayed to the left of the expression. In the calculator mode you may use MathMate as a simple calculator to evaluate expressions in the following way 1. Switch the calculator mode on 2. Input an expression, e.g. 2*2 If the expression contains variables, e.g. 2*x/y, you may compute the value of the expression under various choices of variable values. In this case you have to 3. Initialize all the parameters in the corresponding listbox 4. Click Do it! or press Enter The result is displayed immediately in a special window. The status line reports of errors if any. To evaluate the same expression again, just modify any desired parameters and press Do it! or Enter. ═══ 3.2. Integrating expressions ═══ To integrate an expression switch MathMate to integration mode by clicking the modes icon until you see the integration sign or choosing Integration in the Modes menu. The modes icon is situated to the left of the expression input line. Below and above the integration sign there are entry fields for integration limits. In the integration mode you may calculate (one-dimensional) integrals of expressions with respect to a given integration variable. Other variables of the expression are considered parameters. The choice of the integration variable and initialization of parameters are performed during the initialization dialog. To integrate an expression: 1. Switch the integration mode on. 2. Enter an expression, e.g. exp(x) 3. Enter the integration limits 4. If the expression contains several identifiers point out which one is to be taken as the integration variable and input the values of the other parameters 5. Click Do it! or press Enter If MathMate detects only one variable in the expression the latter is taken as integration variable by default. You may integrate the same expression again after modifying integration variable name, integration limits and parameter values. The desired and actual computation accuracy Numerical integral computation is certainly not an exact procedure and the result may be obtained with more or less accuracy. The desired relative error of integration is defined by the Precision option. However the actual error of the result may be sometimes different from the given one. When MathMate displays the result of the integration it also shows the estimated absolute computation errror in the Result window. Sometimes the MathMate integration algorithm is unable to reach the given accuracy. It can happen if the function contains fast oscillations or a singularity near some point X. In these cases MathMate interrupts calculation and displays the message Precision not reached, may be singularity near X When you see such a message first try to analyze if there is a non-integrable singularity point in the neighbourhood or try to decrease the accuracy using significant digits option (increasing significant digits is NEVER recommended in case you get the message about a singularity point) See also o Integration sample ═══ 3.2.1. Integration sample ═══ Calculation of the modified Bessel function K(n, x) with a non-integer index n by its integral representation. 1. Type in the expression input line: exp(-x*cosh(t)) * cosh(nu*t) 2. Switch the Integration mode on 3. In the corresponding entry fields enter 0 for the lower limit 5 for the upper limit 4. Initialize the parameters as follows t - mark as variable x = 2 nu = 1.5 5. Click the Do it! button. You obtain immediately: Result = 0.179907 Estimated error = 2.69103e-08 To verify this result, let us use the exact formula for the modified Bessel function of half-integer index. Input the following expression: sqrt(PI/(2*x)) * exp(-x) * (1+1/x), switch to the calculator mode and input the value of x: x = 2 Then click the Do it! button. You will obtain the same result: Result = 0.179907 ═══ 3.3. Summing up series ═══ To calculate a partial sum of a series, switch MathMate into Summation mode. Then the entry fields for the summation limit appear. Using this operation you are able to calculate partial sums of series with the given term when the summation variable takes values in the given limits. On every step the summation variable is incremented by 1 and the value of the expression is added to the result if the summation variable does not exceed the upper summation limit. Summation variable and limits may take non-integer values. To calculate a sum: 1. Switch the Summation mode on 2. Input an expression, e.g. 1/x 3. Input the summation limits 4. If the expression contains several identifiers point out which one is to be assumed the summation variable If MathMate detects only one variable in the expression the latter is taken as summation variable by default. 5. Initialize the other parameters 6. Click Do it! or press Enter See also o Summation sample ═══ 3.3.1. Summation sample ═══ Calculation of the modified Bessel function I(n, x) with a non-integer index n by its series representation. 1. Type in the expression input line: (x/2)^(2*m + nu) / ( Gam(m+1) * Gam(m+nu+1) ) 2. Switch to Summation mode 3. In the corresponding entry fields enter 0 for the lower limit 10 for the upper limit 4. Initialize the parameters as follows m - mark as variable x = 2 nu = 1.5 5. Click the Do it!. button. You obtain immediately: Result = 1.09947 To verify this result, let us use the exact formula for the modified Bessel function of the half-integer index. Input the following expression: sqrt(2*x/PI) * ( -sinh(x)/x^2 + cosh(x)/x ), then switch to calculator mode, input the value of x: x = 2 and click the Do it! button. You will obtain the same result: Result = 1.09947 ═══ 3.4. Solving equations ═══ Using the MathMate Equation mode you can find root of the equation EXPRESSION=0 To solve an equation switch MathMate into Equation mode. When you are in the Equation mode the equation icon appears to the left of the expression input line. In the equation mode you may solve the equation relative to only one of the parameters which is considered to be unknown. The other parameters should be initialized by the user. To solve an equation: 1. Switch the Equation mode on 2. Input an expression, e.g. x^2-5*x+6 3. In the corresponding entry fields enter the limits of the interval where the root is to be sought 4. If the expression contaions several identifiers mark one as variable and initialize the other parameters. 5. Click Do it! or press Enter If MathMate detects only one identifier in the expression the latter is considered to be variable by default. You may solve the equation with the same expression again by marking another identifier name as unknown, or changing the interval. If the given interval contains several roots the least of them is found. Computation accuracy The value of the root is approximate, the relative error in the result is defined by the Precision option. However the function value at the given point might be rather huge sometimes. When MathMate displays the solution (root) it also shows the expression value at the root point in the Result window. Sometimes the MathMate solution algorithm is unable to reach the given accuracy. It can happen if the function contains singularity near some point X. Also, the given interval may contain no solution at all. Then MathMate interrupts calculation and displays the message Precision not reached, root not found If this happens check whether the search interval is set correctly: it probably contains no solution at all. See also o Solution sample ═══ 3.4.1. Solution sample ═══ Calculation of the value of Bessel function's zeros 1. Type in the expression input line: Y(0,x) 2. Switch to Equation mode 3. In the corresponding entry field enter 12 for the lower limit 15 for the upper limit 4. Click the Do it! button You obtain: Result = 13.3610974738728 Function value = -7.70198e-16 ═══ 4. Operation ═══ This section covers the following topics: o Entering expressions o Errors in expressions o Initialization o Settings o History o Mathmate protocol o Protocol file errors o Run-time floating point errors ═══ 4.1. Entering expressions ═══ MathMate uses a sort of command line (expression input line) for its performance. This line cannot contain more than 100 symbols. In the expression input line you can enter and edit mathematical expressions. Quick samples: 2*2 sqrt(PI) sin(x^2*t)+z^2+exp(-x) You can enter an expression either by typing it directly on the keyboard or clicking buttons with the mouse. With the keyboard you just type in an expression, an alternative way is using MathMate keypad and function panels. When you click keypad buttons the corresponding symbols are typed. To insert a function name click the corresponding button on the function panel (the function panel shows the names of elementary functions, it can be switched to show the names of the built-in special functions). When you click a button in the function panel the corresponding name appears immediately in the expression input line. MathMate keypad provides complete functionality without the keyboard. It has numbers, symbols of mathematical operations, punctuation signs, backspace and clear simulation, letters usually used for parameter names, such as x, y, z, t If you want to enter other letters use the keyboard. Recent expressions are stored in the history list and may be reentered by highlighting the corresponding line after opening the history list box. MathMate protocol also gives a possibility to insert text into the expression input line. Highlight the text you want to insert and click the Send button. The highlighted text is then sent to the input line. Expressions may contain: o decimal numbers (not more than 21): - integers, - numbers with decimal point and in the exponential form (e.g., 5, 3.14, 1.2e3, 1.2e+3, 1.2e-3 etc.). Note that the uppercase E means the built-in mathematic constant e o round brackets ( ) o arithmetical signs + - * / and the power sign ^ o parameter identifiers (not more than 10) up to 6 symbols (letters or digits) long. The first symbol must be a letter (e.g., x, y1, Delta etc.) o names of built-in functions with arguments separated by commas (e.g., J(n,x)); o names of built-in constants. Blank spaces in the expression are ignored. Lowercase and uppercase letters are interpreted as different symbols. See also o Errors in expressions o MathMate settings o Built-in constants o Built-in functions ═══ 4.2. Syntax errors in expressions ═══ Before calculation, MathMate analyzes the expression. If any syntax error is found, MathMate displays the corresponding error message (see below) in a message box, hilights the error location in the expression input line and places the caret there. The following syntax error messages can be displayed: o Too many operations o Too many constants o Too many identifiers o Identifier expected o Expression expected o Operator expected o Too many ')' o Syntax error o Too few ')' o Too many arguments o Too few arguments o Illegal identifier o Too long identifier o Must be function o Unknown function o Unknown symbol ═══ 4.3. Initialization ═══ MathMate analyzes the expression entry field and places all the identifiers into the parameter list. Prior to calculations these parameters must be initialized. In the calculator mode all the parameters must be assigned some values. In the other modes one of the parameters may be variable (integration variable, etc.). If none of the parameters is marked as variable and one of them has not been assigned any value, it is considered variable automatically. If there is one parameter already marked as variable and another parameter is being also marked variable, the first one must be assigned some value. To initialize (assign a value to) a parameter, double-click on the correponding line in the parameter list. Then the initialization panel appears in the place of the list. To mark a parameter as variable, check the corresponding radio button. To unmark it check another button. If a parameter is not marked variable, enter the value to assign to it and click Ok. MathMate stores the names of all identifiers previously initialized within the current session. Thus if one uses an identifier in another expression, it appears in the parameter list with the value it has been assigned before. This value can be changed if necessary. ═══ 4.4. Settings ═══ There are currently only two option available: Change precision and Show hints. Precision is given in decimal digits. The default value is 6. Before you decide to alter this value please read the sections concerning calculation modes. The value can be changed with the help of the slider after one chooses this option in the menu. The range is from 1 to 15. This parameter is stored in the mathmate.ini file. If this file is not found at program startup, default value is assumed. It might be helpful to let MathMate show hints before the user gains experience in operating the program. The user may want to disable this option. This can be done by unchecking the corresponding menu item. This parameter is also stored in mathmate.ini. If this file is not found at program startup, the default value for this option is ON. ═══ 4.5. History ═══ The already processed expressions are stored in the history list. The history list is the drop-down list attached to the expression entry field. To reenter an expression find it in the history list and click on the corresponding line of the list. The expression appears then in the input line. ═══ 4.6. MathMate Protocol ═══ MathMate keeps track of all calculations in a protocol. To view the protocol click the left mouse button over the Result window. Alternatively choose View protocol in the File menu. The Protocol Viewer is then activated. Use scrolling to view the desired place. The Protocol Viewer menu is easy to operate. Choose Help to view this help. Choose Hide to cancel protocol view. Highlight text in the protocol and choose Send to insert this text into the expression entry field. The main MathMate window contains the File menu to manipulate the protocol files. Protocol files have extension .pro. To open a new protocol file choose Open, to save the current protocol choose Save Each protocol entry has the following layout: operation name Expression:expression Precision:precision [Lower limit:lower limit] [Upper limit:upper limit] [Operation variable:operation variable] [Parameters:] [parameter_1 = value_1] [...] [parameter_n = value_n] -- Result:result [Estimated error:estimated error] [Function value:function value] [error message] One can transfer text from the protocol to the input fields of Mathmate using Send and to any other application using Clipboard. When quitting MathMate the user is asked whether the protocol is to be saved. See also o Protocol file errors ═══ 4.7. Protocol file errors ═══ The following errors may occur during protocol file operations: Message Explanation Cannot open file filename File filename does not exist. Cannot create file filename Illegal file name filename Cannot overwrite file filename File filename is read-only. Cannot write file filename to disk Not enough disk space. Erase other files to free extra disk space. ═══ 4.8. Run-time floating point errors ═══ To prevent abnormal termination MathMate intercepts the following run-time errors: o floating point math package errors; o math library elementary function errors; o built-in special functions domain errors If any such error occurs MathMate interrupts calculations and displays the corresponding message. List of run-time error messages Message Explanation Overflow Too large value Example 1e200*1e200 Message Explanation Underflow Too small value Example 1e-200*1e-200 Message Explanation Division by zero Division by zero Example 1/0 Message Explanation Overflow in func Too large value of C math library function func Example exp(1000) Message Explanation Underflow in func Too small value of C math library function func Example exp(-1000) Message Explanation Domain error in func Intolerable argument of C math library function func Example ln(-1) Message Explanation Significant digits loss in func Loss of significant digits in C math library function func Example sin(1e+50) Message Explanation Bad argument = x in func Intolerable argument x in the built-in Mathmate function func Example Y(0, -1) Message Explanation Bad index n = x in func Intolerable argument x in the built-in Mathmate function func Example Leg(-1, 1, 0.5) Message Explanation Bad module = x in func Intolerable argument x in the built-in Mathmate function func Example Sn(-2, 2) ═══ 5. How to... ═══ ...install MathMate ...start MathMate ...get help ...set a calculation mode ...enter expressions ...use the function panel ...use the MathMate keypad ...enter limits ...initialize parameters ...set precision ...retrieve expressions from the history list ...start calculations ...terminate calculations ...view results ...view protocol ...open protocol ...save protocol ...hide protocol ...import expressions from the protocol ...display product information ...exit MathMate ═══ 5.1. ...install MathMate ═══ Insert the diskette with the program files into the floppy drive switch to that drive and type at the OS/2 prompt mminst where is the name of the path of your choice. The MathMate folder will appear on your desktop. If you are using OS/2 version 3.0 it is recommended to place MathMate icon on the Launch Pad. ═══ 5.2. ...start MathMate ═══ Double-click on the MathMate icon or switch to the directory where mathmate files were installed and type mathmate at the OS/2 command prompt. ═══ 5.3. ...get help ═══ Press F1 or choose the Help menu item. ═══ 5.4. ...set a calculation mode ═══ There are 3 ways: o Choose the corresponding menu item. o Choose the corresponding icon in the value set. o Click on the mode icon (to the left of the expression input line). ═══ 5.5. ...enter expressions ═══ Make sure the cursor is in the expression entry field (use TAB or mouse to switch). Type the expression on the keyboard or enter it by clicking the mouse on the keypad and function panel buttons. ═══ 5.6. ...use the function panel ═══ Click the mouse on a button in the panel to insert the function's name into the expression. Switch the panel layout by choosing Elementary or Special in the corresponding value set. ═══ 5.7. ...use the MathMate keypad ═══ Click the mouse on a button in the keypad to insert the symbol into the expression. Switch the panel layout by choosing Numbers or Constants in the corresponding value set. ═══ 5.8. ...enter limits ═══ Make sure the cursor is in the corresponding entry field (use TAB or mouse to switch). Type the value on the keyboard or enter it by clicking the mouse on the keypad buttons. ═══ 5.9. ...initialize parameters ═══ Double-click on the corresponding line in the parameter list and enter the value from the keyboard or using the keypad. ═══ 5.10. ...set precision ═══ Choose Precision from the Settings menu and use the slider to set the number of decimal digits in the calculations. ═══ 5.11. ...retrieve expressions from the history list ═══ Activate the drop down list attached to the expression input line and choose one to place in the expression entry field. Use the mouse or press Enter to choose. ═══ 5.12. ...start calculations ═══ If all the parameters are initialized, click on the Do it! button or press Enter. ═══ 5.13. ...terminate calculations ═══ Click on the Stop button or press Esc. ═══ 5.14. ...view results ═══ Results are displayed in the Result window after the calculation is finished. ═══ 5.15. ...view protocol ═══ Click the mouse on the Result window or choose View protocol from the File menu. ═══ 5.16. ...open protocol ═══ Choose Open protocol from the File menu. ═══ 5.17. ...save protocol ═══ Choose Save protocol from the File menu. ═══ 5.18. ...hide protocol ═══ Choose the Hide menu item in the Protocol window. ═══ 5.19. ...import expressions from the protocol ═══ Highlight text in the protocol area and choose Send menu item from the Protocol window. ═══ 5.20. ...display product information ═══ Choose Product information from the Help menu. ═══ 5.21. ...exit MathMate ═══ Choose Exit in the menu. ═══ ═══ у constant PI = 3.1415926535898 ═══ ═══ e constant E = 2.7182818284590 ═══ ═══ Euler constant GE = 0.5772156649015 ═══ ═══ Light velocity CL = 2.997925e+10 ═══ ═══ Electron charge EC = 4.80325e-10 ═══ ═══ Avogadro number AN = 6.022169e+23 ═══ ═══ Electron mass EM = 9.109558e-28 ═══ ═══ Proton mass PM = 1.672614e-24 ═══ ═══ Planck constant hp = 1.0545910e-27 ═══ ═══ Fine structure constant р AL = 7.297351e-3 ═══ ═══ Rydberg constant RY = 1.09737312e+5 ═══ ═══ Boltzmann constant KB = 1.380622e-16 ═══ ═══ Gravity constant GC = 6.6732e-8 ═══ ═══ Bohr magneton MU = 9.274096e-21 ═══ ═══ Earth gravity constant EG = 980.665 ═══ ═══ Too many operations Explanation: The number of operations exceeds 50. MathMate cannot process such a long input string. Break it into parts. ═══ ═══ Too many constants Explanation: The number of constants exceeds 21. ═══ ═══ Too many identifiers Explanation: The number of identifiers exceeds 10. ═══ ═══ Identifier expected Explanation: Illegal sequence of symbols ═══ ═══ Expression expected Explanation: Illegal sequence of symbols ═══ ═══ Operator expected Explanation: Illegal sequence of symbols ═══ ═══ Too many ')' Explanation: Mismatch of numbers of the opening and closing brackets. ═══ ═══ Syntax error Explanation: General syntax error. ═══ ═══ Too few ')' Explanation: Mismatch of numbers of the opening and closing brackets. ═══ ═══ Too many arguments Explanation: Wrong number of function arguments ═══ ═══ Too few arguments Explanation: Wrong number of function arguments ═══ ═══ Illegal identifier Explanation: The first symbol of a variable name is not a letter. ═══ ═══ Too long identifier Explanation: The length of identifier exceeds 6 symbols. ═══ ═══ Must be function Explanation: The variable name coincides with that of a built-in function. ═══ ═══ Unknown function Explanation: The function is not a built-in one. ═══ ═══ Unknown symbol Explanation: Illegal symbol in expression