\\\================================================================/// \\\ --- P A I N T E R S --- Ver1.0 /// \\\----------------------------------------------------------------/// \\\ By James Saito /// \\\ (C) JJsoft 1995 /// \\\================================================================/// \\\----------------------------------------------------------------/// \\\ Hardware Requirement /// \\\----------------------------------------------------------------/// - IBM PC and Compatibles - 80386 or Higher Processor - VGA Card - Mouse Supports: SoundBlaster, Joystick This is a DOS game and Does not run properly under Windows. To support SoundBlaster, a "BLASTER" environment variable must be defined in your 'Autoexec.bat' file. Example: SET BLASTER = A220 I5 D1 \\\----------------------------------------------------------------/// \\\ How To Play /// \\\----------------------------------------------------------------/// 'PAINTERS' is the simplest strategic action game you've ever played. The objective of the game is to paint over the field with your color as much as you can within a certain time period by moving a player. A player who painted the most will be a winner. There are five rounds for singles game. Four players can play together at a time! \\\----------------------------------------------------------------/// \\\ Items /// \\\----------------------------------------------------------------/// Sometimes you will see an icon appearing on the field. This is an item that will surely help you to win. There are four types of item as follows: Watch - stops other players for a while. Boots - makes you run faster. You can keep them until you collide with other players. Big Bomb - You will see what happens... Small Bombs - You will see what happens... \\\----------------------------------------------------------------/// \\\ Controls /// \\\----------------------------------------------------------------/// Player1 (Blue) - Cursor Keys Player2 (Red) - 'W', 'A', 'D', and 'S' (or 'X') Player3 (Yellow) - Mouse Player4 (Green) - Joystick (If you do not have a joystick, Player4 cannot be controlled by a human. Sorry.) \\\----------------------------------------------------------------/// \\\ Menu Screen /// \\\----------------------------------------------------------------/// After you have seen the title screen you will be presented with a menu on the screen. You can change options by clicking the menu buttons. --- Players ---------------------------------------------------------- For each of four players you can choose either 'Human' or 'Auto'. If you choose 'Auto' then a computer will control the player. --- Doubles ---------------------------------------------------------- You can choose the game to be either singles or doubles. If you choose doubles, Player1 (Blue) and Player4 (Green) will play against Player2 (Red) and Player3 (Yellow). Which ever gets 3 points first (ie. wins 3 rounds first) will be a winner team. --- Sound ------------------------------------------------------------ If you have a SoundBlaster, choose sound to be ON which is initially OFF. If you don't have a SoundBlaster, do not turn on the sound otherwise the program will crash. I haven't tried on the SoundBlaster compatibles. (I will appreciate if you report me whether it worked on your sound card.) --- Joystick --------------------------------------------------------- If you have a joystick or joypad, you can choose Player4 to be 'Human' player. You can calibrate the joystick in the menu if necessary. (Again I will appreciate if you report me that your joystick doesn't work properly even after you calibrated.) \\\----------------------------------------------------------------/// \\\ Registration /// \\\----------------------------------------------------------------/// This is a FREEWARE. You are welcome to distribute it to your friends without modification to any of the files. Although no money is required, please send me an E-mail or a letter with any comments or suggestions. I would really appreciate your response. Also if you have found any bugs or problems with the game, please report me with your system configuration. --- Send E-mail to --------------------------------------------------- James Saito CIS: 100232,420 INTERNET: jsai01@cs.auckland.ac.nz --- Send Letter to --------------------------------------------------- James Saito 2A-469 Mt.Albert Rd, Three Kings, Auckland, New Zealand. +--------------------------------------------------------------------+ | 'PAINTERS' By James Saito (C) JJsoft 1995 | +--------------------------------------------------------------------+