OFFER VALID UNTIL 12-01-94 Do you, or a friend, operate a BBS? Would you like to become an OFFICIAL Software Visions distribution site? Then simply read this form, print it out, and mail it to Software Visions at: Software Visions 4875 Sunset Ave. La Crescenta, CA 91214 Benefits of being an SV dis. site: 1) You get all new and updated SV products on disk, in the mail, as soon as they are released. 2) Your BBS is advertised in the SV catalog, ANSis, and order forms included with all SV products, registered and unregistered. 3) People will call your BBS for the files, then stay for the BBS! :) Or so we hope. Costs of being an SV dis. site: No payments are required in any form. Duties of being an SV dis. site: 1) You must have a seperate SV file base where you put all SV files recieved on disk. The descriptions must remain intact except where required to be modified by the BBS software. No one may upload to this area except the sysop, and he can only put SV products and related files under this base. (related files include SV ANSis, catalogs, order forms, text files or message archives relating to SV, etc.) 2) You must have at least one phone line open to non-subscribers, (people who haven't paid any money towards the BBS) and allow non-subscribing, verified users at least ten days of access in which the SV file base is available for them to download from. You may limit the amount they may download from the base per day or total, but they must have enough total time and credits to be able to download at least one file of their choice from the SV file section. 3) You have no other obligations. You can advertise in your BBS ads and logon as being an SV dis. site, you can have an SV message base, etc. but the SV file base is the only real requirement. To become a dis. site, please mail in the following form: OFFER VALID UNTIL 12-01-94 _________________________\o_CUT___________________________________________ /o HERE Yes! I would like to become an official Software Visions distribution site! Name of BBS: ___________________________________________ Phone Number(s) open to new callers: ___________________ ________________________________________________________ Speed, in baud: ________________________________________ Address of Sysop: ______________________________________ ______________________________________ ______________________________________ Additional information or comments: ____________________ ________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________ I hereby agree to the duties and benefits listed above, and will honor and abide by them. Signature of Sysop: ____________________________________ Date: __________________________________________________ Thank you for your help in distributing SV products! Your first mailing will be sent out soon after your form is recieved. Sincerely, Gregory Janson Software Visions