<> Electronic Manual Sheet Layout incorporates an Electronic Manual for fast and easy on-line help. The documentation and descriptions contained within this manual are intended for detailed everyday reference. Detailed information on Sheet Layout and the various options are contained within the electronic manual. One of the big advantages of the Electronic manual is that you can find the information much quicker then in a typed manual, and it's always at your finger tips.. Electronic Manual Use The Electronic Manual is very easy to use. Push F1 to access the manual at almost any time. You will be immediately shown a text screen of help for the screen you are currently viewing. You can then move up and down in the help screen to find the help you need. Also shown on the help screen are two push buttons, Sections & Topics. Sections The SECTIONS push button is similar to a books table of contents. You can go to the help for any section, or chapter, by pushing the Sections button from any help screen and then selecting the desired section. Each Section then describes the particular topic or data fields that you need help with. These topics are usually specifically described under the TOPIC push button. Topics Pushing the TOPIC push button takes you directly to a list of topics to choose. This eliminates the need to scroll through the entire section. Topics are typically used to describe the use of the individual data fields and to provide more general information. Therefore when in doubt as to what information to enter into a data field, select topics to display relevant information. Electronic Manual Customization You can change or add to the help contained in the electronic manual. The electronic manual is contained in the file "SL4.TXT" The sections of the manual are enclosed in double brackets, such as, (( text )). The topics are enclosed in single brackets, such as, ( text ). To change or add information specific to your business, edit the SL4.TXT file with any word processor that can read and write ASCII text files. Simply locate the appropriate section or topic and make your changes and they will then appear in the manual. CAUTION: Make a backup of the help file before you make any changes. Do not even open the SL4.TXT file with a word processor before you make a back up copy. <> Math Co-Processor Sheet Layout DOES NOT require a math co- processor, however, if a math co- processor is installed in your computer, Sheet Layout will automatically sense and use it. The performance is approximately 5 times faster with a math co-processor and is highly recommended. <> Errors & Questions Please see the section "Problems??" There are some examples of how to avoid the most common problems. <> Radio Buttons SL uses "radio buttons" in many of the update forms. Using the radio button is a very easy way to choose your selection from the list of items. Mouse Use Simply point and click on your radio button selection. Keyboard Use Hold down the "Alt" key and then push the letter highlighted in the data field name that you want to change. Once that item is highlighted use the cursor keys to highlight your radio button selection, then push the space bar key to fill in the radio button to make your selection. <> Readme.txt File Any last minute changes or notices that concern the operation of SL or the manual will be printed in the readme file. If this file is included, it will be copied to the same location as the other SL program files during the installation. <> List Box Use List boxes are used to display the current list of Layouts, Stock Materials, Cut Lists, Report Formats etc. Any such data that you have entered must have a name associated with it. These names will be displayed in the list boxes. For instance, when dimensional units are requires such as Inches, Millimeters etc, a list box will appear showing you the valid entries. You will use the scrolling list box to locate the associated name. Then you can make changes or additions to your data. Sometimes only one of many possible names are shown in a list box. You can "find" the other selections by using your arrow keys or by pushing the list boxes up/down arrows with your mouse pointer. List Box Scrolling There are three ways to control scrolling in a list box. Mouse Use. 1) Just point to the up or down arrows on the scroll bar of the list box with your mouse and click the left mouse button on the arrow. 2) You can also use the right mouse button and click on the list itself to scroll the list up or down. Keyboard Use. 3) You can use your up/down cursor arrow keys to move up or down in the list box. List Box Push Buttons There are typically three or four push buttons shown at the bottom of the list box screen that control access to the List Box items. They are Select, Insert, Change and Delete. If you push the Insert or Change buttons an update form will pop-up. Selecting Delete will pop-up a similar confirmation form just to make sure you really want to delete your data. <> Dimensions SL offers you a very flexible dimensioning system. It doesn't matter if you use inches, feet or millimeters. SL will be sure everything is calculated correctly. You can even mix dimensions such as feet and inches and still maintain proper operation. You can also convert the dimensions from one measurement unit to another at optimization time but specifying the Report Dimensions. Stock Dimensions Stock Sheet Size Dimensions. You can enter your product sheet sizes in "feet", lets say 4' x 8' plywood sheets. Just select "Feet" from the list box or type it in directly into the data filed. Of course, each different stock sheet size for that particular product must then be entered in "feet". Cut List Dimensions Regardless of the units used to describe the stock material sizes, you can specify any dimensional units that you want to use for your cut list data. SL will automatically convert the dimensions for you at optimization time. Report Dimensions Once again, regardless of any units that you have used to define the "Stock List" sizes or the "Cut List" sizes, you can specify the dimensions for the optimization output. SL will automatically convert the dimensions for you at optimization time. As an example: The Product sheet sizes could be entered in feet, the cut list sizes in inches, and you could have the optimization diagram printed in millimeters. All you have to do is select the dimensions that you want to use from the radio buttons for each particular screen. Fractions SL can print out "Inches" in fractional form. You can specify the accuracy of the fractional output. SL will round the measurement to the nearest 1/4", 1/8", 1/16", or even 1/32" of an inch. SL will also reduce the fraction to the lowest common denominator. Now, to say that in simple terms. If you specify 1/32" accuracy and the measurement happens to be 16/32"; this would be printed as 1/2". <
> Main Menu The Main Menu System is very simple to use. The following description is offered just as a little clarification to the main menu items. Enter Run/Layouts From this menu selection you can input cut lists for new layouts and change existing cut lists or orders. After you have defined your Cutting Parameters Stock List, and Label Format, you will usually be working from this screen. Update Files Insert, Change, or Delete entries to data files which include Stock List, Cut List, Report Format, and Label Format. Program Upgrade Sheet Layout is available in three registered different versions. Hobbyist, Small Shop and Commercial version. The ONLY difference between the registered versions is in the quantity and number cut list items. <> Enter Run/Layouts This Screen is your main control screen. From this screen you can do everything except delete file entries. Job List Box First - You can "Insert" a new layout job or "Change" an existing layout job. If you Insert a new job, the name you assign to this job will appear in the list. Just click on the button indicating the action you want to perform. Second - After your job is defined you can: * Print the Stock and Cut list for the job by pushing "Print Input Data". * You can Layout, or, Optimize the job by pushing "Optimize Layout" * You can "View Last Layout" (and print) the last Layout Optimization Print Input Data The highlighted layout job shown on the left of the screen uses a variety of information such as Stock and Cut list information. When you select the "Print Input Data" button this information will be printed for your reference. View Last Layout This button does what the name implies, that is, it shows the last sheet layout job that you ran. You can scroll up and down viewing the individual sheet layouts. You can also print all the layouts from this screen. Some users do not print directly to the printer, rather, they save the layout job to a file and print it later using this feature. Optimize Layout Once you have entered your cut list you can optimize the layout at any time. Highlight the Job you want to optimize, then select the "Optimize Layout" push button. <> Layout Data Entry Prior to running a Layout Optimization you need to input the Job Name, and, select the Cut Parameters, Stock List, Report Format, and Label Format that you want to define for your job. Start by entering a Job Name Secondly - You must complete all the fields below the Job Name. Data Fields You don't have to remember the names of the various Cut, Stock, Report, or Label lists. Each entry will pop-up a list of available entries for you to use (that you have defined already). If you make a mistake, a pop-up list will appear for you to select from. You must complete all the fields for proper optimization. Cut Size Dimensions The dimensions indicated in this field should be used for the Cut List sizes that are entered. Trim Adjustment SL can either subtract or add a pre- determined dimension to the Cut List items to compensate for post cutting edge work. This feature is typically used for edge banding adjustments or allowances for a post cutting edge treatment. Multiply You should always enter your cut list for a single unit. That unit may contain various cut list sizes. Doing so has the following advantage. When you need to make more then one Unit you only need to indicate the number of Unit you need in the "Multiply" field and the cut list quantities will automatically be multiplied by that number for the optimization. This saves you from editing the quantity data field in each item of the cut list. Show Cut List Select this push button to display a existing cut list, or to add and make changes to a new list. After you activate this push button, a list box appears for the Cut List items. As always, you can now Insert, Change, or Delete items in the Cut List. Enter the Quantity of pieces you need for a given size followed by the width and length of that size. Further, it is suggested that you identify each part with a description or name, that is assigned to that part. This name will print out on the reports. <> Cut List Enter your cutting list including the Quantity, Width, Length, and optional description of the particular part. Note: If you leave either the Width or Length field blank, or "0", you will receive a error message at optimization time. This part will not be used in the layout. If you are manufacturing "multiple" Units of the same item, do not enter the quantity for all units here, rather, use the "multiply" field to automatically increase the number of required parts. <> Program Upgrade Sheet Layout is available in three different registered versions. Hobbyist, Small Shop and Commercial version. The only difference between the versions is in the quantity and number of cut list items that can be used in a single job. Product Restrictions The "Grain" direction control is disabled on the "Evaluation Copy" Values that exceed the allowable number of cut list items are automatically clipped at optimization time with no warning. Please see the Product Upgrade main menu item for further details on program capacities. <> Cut Parameters You will use the various cutting parameters to control how you want your material cut. You can indicate you cutting preference for cross or rip cutting and several other options. Cut Name Enter a description of the cutting parameters that you specify. For instance you could indicate the Saw Kerf, and the saw or operation in your shop to use. This description will appear in the scrolling list box. Saw Kerf Simply enter the width of material removed by the saw blade or cutting torch. If you are cutting glass the saw kerf would be left at 0.00. First Cut Direction You have three choices, Rip Cut, Cross Cut, and Either. You should normally select Either for the best efficiency. Rip Cutting. This instructs SL to make the first cut direction across the long dimension of the stock sheet. Cross Cutting. This instructs SL to make the first cut direction across the short dimension of the stock sheet. Either (Rip or Cross Cutting). This is the best cutting option for maximum layout efficiency and is highly recommended. The radio push button is defined as "Either". Grain Direction Many materials have a grain direction associated with them. If the material you are using has a directional nature, then you may want to specify that way the material is used in your final product. Fixing the grain mandates that the Width and Length of the cut size part is to remain consistent with the Width and Length of the stock material respectively. Grain control is disabled on the Evaluation Copy. Cutting Level This option allows you to specify the complexity allowed for the sheet layout. The selection may depend upon your manufacturing operation. Normally you would select maximum for the best layout efficiency. If you need to simplify the cutting patterns that sheet layout generates then you would select average or minimum. CAUTION: The minimum selection may result in some very poor layouts depending on the size mix of your cutting list. Optimization Level Normally, you should use Medium or High for the best results. Medium almost always does a better job optimizing then Low, however, depending on the size mix of your job High may not do any better then Medium. The trade off with using High is that the calculation time is longer. You be the judge, if the calculations take too long then choose a lower Optimization Level next time. <> Optimization Time The higher the optimization Level the longer the calculation time required by Sheet Layout. Obviously an optimization Level of Low is the fastest, however, the best layout may not be achieved. The trade off with using High is that the calculation time is longer. You be the judge, if the calculations take too long then choose a lower Optimization Level next time. Calculation Time Using an optimization Level of Medium is typical for many users. The time required to calculate the layout with an optimization Level of Medium is usually MORE then 5 times the time required for a Low optimization Level. A 10 to 15 times increase in calculation time is more likely for High as compared to low. The actual time depends on a variety of factors including your particular stock size, cut list size, and quantity mix. Obviously your calculation time depends on the speed of your computer system. With the newer systems (486 & higher) and particularly systems with a math co- processor, the calculation time is usually quicker then the printing time. Note: Using a printer buffer (hardware or software buffer) will improve the overall speed of SL when printing layouts. <> Report Format The diagram format screen is used to configure the operation and output of the optimization to suit your individual manufacturing needs. You can pre-define several "formats" for use with different materials or shop cutting equipment. Partial Page This setting print that layout and lists the cut sizes on one page. The scale is smaller, and SL may not be able to print the cut sizes on the diagram. If this is the case, the part number is printed on the diagram which is reference below in the part list. Full Page The setting uses a entire page for the diagram, and a second page for the cut size list. The scale is obviously much larger and generally provides a better diagram to cut from. Device The Device prompt has two "radio buttons" displayed as selection options, Printer & File. The optimized layout will be printed to the printer immediately or saved to a file. The File which has the exact same listing as a printed layout can be printed or simply viewed on the screen. To view or print this file select View Last Layout from the menu system. Operation You can direct SL to pause after each sheet layout is displayed on the screen. Alternatively SL can be left to run and print unattended until the order is completed. Usually this option is set to "continuous" for automatic operation during a printout. If you select "Pause at Each Display", then SL will pause and wait for you view the sheet layout printed to the printer. You are than prompted to push any key to continue. This will continue until the end of the order. Note: There is no way to stop the Optimizer after it has been started - except "CTRL BREAK". X-Y Scale "True" scale is just that. The stock sheet and part sizes are scaled on the printed diagram (in normal 80 character printing mode). The scale can be exaggerated. This feature permits you to print the diagram in an exaggerated mode so that the cuts on small pieces is easier to read on the printed layout. This feature is only active on the Full Page layout diagram. If one dimension of a stock sheet size is very long compared to the other, the short dimension will be stretched to make the display easier to read. However, this means that a square will no longer be printed as a square. An example of this would be a long board. Lets suppose the board size is 6" x 144". The 6" dimension would barely be perceptible on the screen or the printout. By allowing the X-Y Scale Stretch the 6" width will be printed as the full paper width. Report Dimensions In addition to the dimensions (inches, feet, etc.) printed on the layout, you also have the option of specifying a fractional or decimal format. Of course, fractions only work with the "inches" dimensions keeping with standard numeric conventions. You will also note that you have your choice of fractional units, such as, 1/4's, 1/8's, etc. Suit yourself and/or the shop. Please note that the fractions will be reduced to the lowest common denominator. In simpler terms this means if a fraction is 16/32", instead of printing 16/32" the reduced fraction of 1/2" will be printed on reports. <