Workbook to accompany The LOTUS LEARNING SYSTEM Jerold L. Reed 1988 Third Edition ECC Learning Systems Bellevue, Washington LICENSE AGREEMENT You may use this software on any computer, as long as only one person uses it at a time. If several people use the software at the same time, you must pay one license fee for each additional person. If you use the software on a computer network, you must pay for as many licenses as the number of people who use the software simultaneously. This software is protected by international copyright laws. You may copy it only for backup purposes. ECC Learning Systems is licensing the software to you; it is not sold. Neither you nor any reseller may rent, lease, sell licensed copies on approval, or otherwise transfer the right to use this software to another person, except that you may sell or give away your original copy, as long as you do not keep any copies. LIMITED WARRANTY If you are dissatisfied with this software for any reason, you may return it within 10 days to where you purchased it for a full refund. If you have a defective diskette, follow the Warranty instructions in this workbook. ANY IMPLIED WARRANTIES INCLUDING ANY WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY OR FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE LIMITED TO THE TERM OF THE EXPRESS WARRANTIES. ECC LEARNING SYSTEMS SHALL NOT IN ANY CASE BE LIABLE FOR SPECIAL, INCIDENTAL, CONSEQUENTIAL, INDIRECT OR OTHER SIMILAR DAMAGES ARISING FROM ANY BREACH OF THESE WARRANTIES EVEN IF ECC LEARNING SYSTEMS HAS BEEN ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGES. Some states do not allow the exclusion or limitation of incidental or consequential damages, so the above limitation or exclusion may not apply to you. This Warranty gives you specific legal rights, and you may also have other rights which vary from state to state. ECC LEARNING SYSTEMS'S maximum liability shall not exceed the price paid by the enduser/licensee. The LOTUS LEARNING SYSTEM PROGRAM Jerold L. Reed DOCUMENTATION Jerold L. Reed PRODUCT EDITING AND TESTING Marta H. Reed B Copyright 1987, 1988 by Jerold L. Reed. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, displayed on a computer system, transmitted, transcribed, stored in a retrieval system, or translated into any language or computer language, in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, magnetic, optical, chemical, manual or otherwise, without the prior written consent of Jerold L. Reed. Disclaimer: Jerold L. Reed reserves the right to revise this publication and to make changes from time to time in the content hereof without obligation of Jerold L. Reed to notify any person of such revision or changes. This workbook describes the use of The LOTUS LEARNING SYSTEM, which may be different than other similar programs. Subsequent versions of The LOTUS LEARNING SYSTEM may be different than that described in this workbook. Trademarks: The LOTUS LEARNING SYSTEM is a registered trademark, P-CAL is a registered trademark, and Programmed-Computer Aided Learning is a registered trademark, of ECC LEARNING SYSTEMS. IBM and IBM Personal Computer are registered trademarks, of International Business Machines Corporation. Compaq is a registered trademark of Compaq Computer Corporation. Lotus is a trademark of Lotus Development Corp. Printed in the United States of America. P-CAL \\\\\\\\\\\\ PROGRAMMED- COMPUTER AIDED LEARNINGA ___________________________________________________________________________________________________ ECC Learning Systems offer an unique approach to learning software application programs. P-CALA (Programmed-Computer Aided LearningA) uses the elements of computer interaction, workbook exercises, cognitive response, real look and feel simulations, and guided direct experience to facilitate an effective learning experience. This approach reduces the learning curve and increases learning retention. There are five other approaches used in teaching software application programs. First, is the instructor led classroom situation. Usually there are handouts, demonstrations and guided direct experience incorporated in the classroom situation. Second, is the textbook approach. A person purchases a book and works independently to learn how to use the software application. Third, is the video based training method. The student and follows the instructions of the teacher on the tape while he uses the specific application program on his computer. Fourth, is the tape recorder and workbook technique. The student listens to a tape and follows its instructions while practicing exercises relating to the application program he is studying. Lastly, is the disk-based tutorial. This is a computer program which provides information on the application program the student wants to learn and allows him/her to practice simulations of the program. P-CALAtakes a combination approach of a disk-based tutorial, workbook, and practice in the application program. This is classified as PROGRAMMED because these elements are interactive and directive. The workbook will direct the student to use the disk-based tutorial, the disk-based tutorial will direct the student to use the workbook, the workbook will guide the student while he/she is using the application program, and the workbook and disk-based tutorial are used simultaneously. All in all there is a high degree of student participation while using several different types of learning mediums. P-CALAtakes a distinctive educational approach utilizing solid learning theory and practical learning experiences. NOTES: KEYBOARDS \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ STYLES ___________________________________________________________________________________________________ The basic layout of the computer keyboard includes the typewriter keys, function keys and calculator/cursor keys. Alpha and numeric keys both in lower and upper case occupy one section of the keyboard. There is also a collection of keys that closely resemble a 10-key pad normally found on a calculator, and another special set of keys are labeled with F1 through F10...? A variety of keyboards are available today, some with special cursor movement keys, mouse pads, drawing pads, etc... AT STYLE KEYBOARD This style of keyboard is organized into three areas. The first area is the basic typewriter section and is located in the center of the keyboard. The second area is the 10-key pad located to the right of the main typewriting section and is composed of number keys which double as cursor movement keys. It also includes plus, minus, multiply, and special symbol keys. To the left of the typewriter section are the function keys. They are numbered from F1 through F10. ENHANCED STYLE KEYBOARD This keyboard style expands the types and number of keys available to the user. In addition to the three parts mentioned for the AT style keyboard there is a special set of keys between the typewriter and 10-key pad. These two groups of keys are for moving the cursor exclusively. They allow the 10-key pad to be used for number entry only. Another difference between the two keyboards mentioned is that the enhanced keyboard puts the function keys across the top of the keyboard instead of down the left side as on the AT style keyboard. Regardless of the location of the keys on the various keyboards, they perform exactly the same tasks. NOTES: GETTING STARTED \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ ABOUT THIS PROGRAM ___________________________________________________________________________________________________ Welcome to The LOTUS LEARNING SYSTEM. This program is especially designed for the novice computer/spreadsheet user. LLS (The LOTUS LEARNING SYSTEM) has been used extensively in classroom and independent study situations. If you do not know how to 'boot' your system, change your current drive, name files or load a program, this workbook will provide help with these maintenance tasks. This workbook describes how to get started, the files on the diskettes, the menu structure of the disk-based tutorial, and how to use the components of the total program. In addition to these explanations, this workbook contains questions and exercises which are used in conjunction with the disk-based tutorial. Be sure to take the time to read this workbook up to CELL ADDRESSES before starting up the disk-based tutorial. LLS is organized into three components, a 500+ screen disk-based tutorial, this workbook, and a Lotus 1-2-3 worksheet file INTRO.WK1. The disk-based tutorial is loaded into the computer by executing the command "Learn Lotus". A short series of screens will introduce you to the topics covered, the conventions used in the tutorial and an explanation of its menus. The tutorial is very user friendly. At the bottom of each screen are options which you can use to control the program. Specific function keys allow you to backup a screen, go to a menu, skip over a practice session or proceed with the course. When viewing a menu, the program provides a brief explanation of topics covered by each menu option. Below the menu is an explanation of which keys select a menu option. During your studies in the disk-based tutorial you will be directed to STOP and complete exercises in this workbook. This workbook contains carefully selected questions to help you focus on important facts about Lotus 1-2-3. The questions should be answered as you proceed through the disk-based tutorial. The exercises the disk-based tutorial directs you to complete, include a brief explanation, an example, and answers for the exercise. As you complete each exercise this workbook directs you to continue your studies in the disk-based tutorial. After studying the disk-based tutorial, answering the questions and completing the exercises, you can load your Lotus 1-2-3 program and using the file INTRO.WK1 build two financial models. This last component is optional depending on whether or not you have Lotus 1-2-3. The last section of this workbook, building models, provides step-by-step directions for using the Lotus file INTRO.WK1. The Lotus 1-2-3 file INTRO.WK1 is an automated program which will guide you through the model building process by itself so you may not need to use the printed directions to build the financial models. HOW TO USE THIS COURSE Wouldn't it be tragically ironic to spend hours on this program and yet fail to learn Lotus 1-2-3. Don't take shortcuts and don't skip over material. Make the commitment right now to use the disk-based tutorial as the basis for all your studies. Answer all of the questions in the workbook. Complete the exercises when directed to do so. Preview the lesson objectives, study the lesson, review the lesson objectives, and determine whether or not you should go over the lesson material again. Continue with the course only when you have an understanding of a lesson that matches the lesson objectives. If you follow this carefully designed program you will become proficient in the features of Lotus 1-2-3. TOPICS COVERED IN THE COURSE S History and Background of Spreadsheets S Applications of Lotus 1-2-3 S Overview of Lotus 1-2-3 Diskettes S The Lotus 1-2-3 Access System S The Control Panel S The Keyboard and Lotus 1-2-3 S Plan and Design of Spreadsheets S The Lotus 1-2-3 Menu Command Words S Worksheet Command Word S Range Command Word S Copy Command Word S Move Command Word S File Command Word S Print Command Word S Graph Command Word S System Command Word S Quit Command Word S Real look and feel simulations of Lotus 1-2-3 S Using the worksheet file INTRO.WK1 The LOTUS LEARNING SYSTEM DISKETTES The program diskettes you received with this workbook contain various files that you will use during your studies of Lotus 1-2-3. A listing of the files for each diskette and a brief description of each file is provided for your information. To use the files simply follow the instructions on the diskette labels and directions contained in this workbook. FILES ON DISKETTE #1: S INTRO.WK1S GOSOFT.BAT S GRAPHS.WK1S GOHARD.BAT S PRTAXES.WK1S LEARN.EXE S FAMBGT.WK1S GO.BAT S AMORTIZE.WK1S FINISHED.TXT S INSTALL.TXT INTRO.WK1 is a worksheet file which contains the tutorial for building the two financial models Trial Balance. The PASSWORD IS LotuS. and Profit/Loss statement. It is also an example of user defined menus and macro driven applications. GRAPHS.WK1 is a duplication of the graphs in the disk-based tutorial. You can use this file to practice building graphs using Lotus 1-2-3 program. PRTAXES.WK1 is designed to calculate payroll taxes. It is an example of the Range-Input command. FAMBGT.WK1 is a weekly family budget that calculates which bills have to be paid during which week of the month. It is an illustration of complex formulas and date functions. AMORTIZE.WK1 is used for calculating mortgage payments with the ability to vary the payments based on number of months, percentage rate, and beginning balance. It is an example of complex formulas and simple macros. GOSOFT.BAT is the batch file that loads The LOTUS LEARNING SYSTEM disk-based tutorial into the computer's memory when using a double floppy drive system. GOHARD.BAT is the batch file that loads The LOTUS LEARNING SYSTEM disk-based tutorial onto the hard drive when using a hard drive system. This will create a sub-directory on the hard drive and copy all of the program files into that sub-directory. GO.BAT is the batch file used to load The LOTUS LEARNING SYSTEM disk-based tutorial into the computer's memory when using the hard drive. INSTALL.TXT will guide you through the installation process. Simply follow the directions on the screen. FINISHED.TXT is a text file that is part of the installation process. All Lotus 1-2-3 WK1 files listed above, except INTRO.WK1, may be copied and shared with your friends. FILES ON DISKETTE #2: S LOTUS.DBD S GOSOFT.BAT S GO.BAT S GOHARD.BAT S FINISHED.TXT LOTUS.DBD is the disk-based tutorial file. THE OTHER FILES ON THIS DISKETTE ARE THE SAME AS THOSE DESCRIBED FOR DISKETTE 1. GETTING AROUND THE TUTORIAL The structure of the menus in any program is the primary means you have to communicate with the program. This is true with LLS also. There are three menus in the program, the ACCESS MENU, the MAIN MENU and the COMMAND WORD MENU. The ACCESS MENU contains three options, GETTING STARTED, MAIN MENU and COMMAND WORD MENU. The program is designed so that lesson material is presented in the proper order when the option on the menus are selected from top to bottom. Therefore, you should study GETTING STARTED first and MAIN MENU second. The COMMAND WORD MENU is an option for review, you should not select COMMAND WORD MENU from the ACCESS MENU unless you have finished the entire course. The MAIN MENU contains the bulk of the facts about Lotus 1-2-3. The menu options should be selected from top to bottom starting with Spreadsheet Background. The menu option, Lotus Menu Structure, provides real look and feel practice sessions using actual Lotus 1-2-3 commands. Each Lotus main menu command word is explained and you are led through an actual application of that command word. Don't worry... you can't make any mistakes! The tutorial is designed so that you must learn how to use the commands correctly the first time. If you touch the wrong key, the computer beeps and allows you to type the correct key. The menu option Trial Balance Model is an explanation of how to use the worksheet file INTRO.WK1 to build the financial model Trial Balance. The menu option Profit/Loss Model is an explanation of how to use the worksheet file INTRO.WK1 to build the financial model Profit/Loss. These should be the last two subjects you complete in the disk-based tutorial. Getting around the menus is easy. Observe the diagram below. For example, to move from the COMMAND WORD MENU to the MAIN MENU you simply put your highlighted cursor bar on the option MAIN MENU and press . To get from the ACCESS MENU to the MAIN MENU put the cursor bar on MAIN MENU and press . If you are unclear about what keys to press on any screen, look at the bottom of the screen and you will see the possibilities listed there for you. Simply select the one you want to use. TUTORIAL MENU STRUCTURE CONVENTIONS USED IN THE TUTORIAL The computer screen is designed to help you be in control of the tutorial. This is accomplished by providing you function keys that will allow you to Go Back One Screen, Go To The Main Menu, Skip a Practice Session or Go To The Next Screen. See the diagram below for the illustration of the screen design: SHORT CUT MENUS \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ ___________________________________________________________________________________________________ There are two short cut menus at the beginning of the tutorial. These will speed up your use of the tutorial AFTER your initial use of the program. TUTORIAL ACCESS MENU This menu, illustrated below, is the first short cut menu you will encounter in the disk-based tutorial. On this menu, in addition to the choices at the bottom of all the screens, are the options F, C, and R. Option F, For the first-time user, must be selected by first-time users of the tutorial. This option takes you through a series of screens which explain the conventions used in the tutorial and the menu structure. Option C, For the continuing student, is used after you have begun studying the workbook exercises. It takes you to another short cut menu, QUICK ACCESS. The QUICK ACCESS MENU allows you to re-start the tutorial from the last completed subject. Option R, For the person who wants to review the tutorial, takes you directly to the ACCESS MENU and allows you to choose either the MAIN MENU or the COMMAND WORD MENU. From these two menus you can select the specific subjects you want to review. QUICK ACCESS MENU The QUICK ACCESS menu is selected by choosing option C from the TUTORIAL ACCESS MENU. This is the menu you will use when you re-load The LOTUS LEARNING SYSTEM to continue your studies. On this menu, illustrated below, are the options Cell Addresses, Cell Formulas, etc..., in addition to the choices at the bottom of all the screens. When you select the ACCESS KEY associated with a subject, you are indicating that you have completed that subject and are ready to continue with the tutorial. For example, when you select the ACCESS KEY, F2, associated with Cell Addresses, the tutorial will begin your study session with Cell Formulas, the next subject. BACKUP DISKS \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ ___________________________________________________________________________________________________ The following information is provided to assist you in formatting and backing up your program disks. If you already know how to format and backup disks you may wish to skip this section. PREPARING DISKETTES: (Floppy System) Format You will need two blank diskettes. NOTE: Formatting erases all files on a diskette. Follow the steps below to format your diskettes. The words which are enclosed within < > symbols refer to specific keys on the computer keyboard, for example, refers to the ENTER key on the keyboard. Words or letters, in bold, following the word type, are to be typed from the keyboard, for example, you would type FORMAT B: when you see FORMAT B: following the word type. 1. Put DOS System diskette in drive A and a blank diskette in drive B. 2. At the A> prompt, type FORMAT B: and press 3. When you see the message: Insert new diskette in drive B: Strike any key when ready_ Make sure you have the blank diskette in drive B: then tap If for some reason formatting does not begin, check to see that the diskette is inserted with the label side up, and the "right protect" notch is on the left side of the diskette. Also check to be sure the disk drive door is closed. If either correction is made, tap If you cannot begin the format process with these instructions, check with your DOS manuals. 4. As the disk is being formatted a message will appear on the screen: Formatting... 5. Wait until you get the message: Format Complete. 362496 bytes total disk space You can register by mail by sending a check to ECC LEARNING SYSTEMS PO BOX 1575, BELLEVUE, WASHINGTON 98009. Allow 10 working days for delivery. For telephone support, dial (206)392-9654. -------------------------------------------------------------------- Cut along the dotted line REGISTRATION FORM NAME___________________________________________DATE_________________ ADDRESS_____________________________________________________________ CITY_________________________ST____ZIP______________________________ TELEPHONE NUMBER ( )________-__________________________________ REGISTRATION NUMBER:__872802ECCJLR_____________This is located on the first screen of the program. Registration is $79.95 plus 8.2% tax for Washington orders. Shipping and handling is $2.50.