.TOPIC: Contents Click the mouse over one of the topics below for more information. Or press TAB to select a topic and press ENTER to retrieve it. Author Introduction to Business Inventory Organizer Add record Sort records Find record Browse/Edit records Print records Desktop Utilities Hardware requirements What is Shareware How to register Disclaimer of Warranty .TOPIC: Author Author: Tomas Martin Address:Compusoft International P.O.Box 411 Kilkenny SA 5009 Australia Telephone and fax: 08-47 7405 or 618-47 7405 if overseas Date of release of this product: 1st July, 1995 Version: 2.0 .TOPIC: Introduction to Business Inventory Organizer Business Inventory Organizer will allow you to organize and group your business belongings by Category, Location and Item (see Sort records). There is no limit to the number of Categories, Locations or Items to be established, neither there is a limit on number of entries. The inventory file can contain as many records as your computer memory capa- city allows (see Add record).The program also has fast search option (see Find record) and allows you to browse through your records (see Browse/Edit records), change the records, have them displayed or printed out. The program also has many useful desktop and other utilities (see Desktop and Utilities). BEFORE YOUR START please review all information contained in this Help or in files Help.txt and Readme.doc. These files contain important information about the program itself, about system requirements, about Shareware concept and information on conditions of using this program and registering it. For details see Hardware requirements, What is Shareware, and topic How to register. GETTING STARTED. Type "bio" and press Enter. .TOPIC: Add record This feature allows you to enter new record. Built-in editor supports all commands necessary for easy entering. These are as follows: Arrow key Right ... Moves right 1 space Arrow key Left ... Moves left 1 space Arrow key Up ... Moves 1 line up Arrow key Down ... Moves 1 line down Backspace ... Moves and deletes 1 space left left End ... Moves to end of text in line Home ... Moves to beginning of text in line Page Down ... Moves to end of record Page Up ... Moves to beginning of record Insert ... Selects overwrite or insert mode (default is overwrite) Space ... Moves and deletes 1 space right Shift ... Selects uppercase Delete ... Deletes 1 space right Ctrl+F3 ... Deletes line Ctrl+F4 ... Copy line Ctrl+F5 ... Paste line Enter ... Accepts each entry When the job is finished, you will be asked whether to save the record or not. If the answer is Yes, the added record will be automatically saved and you can choose between displaying new blank form or leaving the editor. If you change your mind and decide not to save the added record the program will return you to the menu and no record will be added. You can also leave the editor at any time. The number of records you can add to the inventory file is only limited by your computer memory capacity. .TOPIC: Browse/Edit records Browse/Edit feature allows you to browse through records by moving highlight bar and pressing Enter to accept the selection. Selected record will then be displayed. If you want to change the displayed record, press E key and the program will call up editor. Its supported commands are identical to Add option. When editing is done, you will be asked whether to save changes or not. If you decide to abandon changes, edited record will not be saved and your original record will remain unchanged. Displayed record can also be printed out (see Print records). .TOPIC: Sort records This option sorts records alphabetically by either Category, Location or Item. From the menu you choose one of these options that will become default and will be used by the program until re-selection. Sorting does not require any additional memory. .TOPIC: Find record Find option allows you to find any record by entering search string. Find will search all record fields, except the Note (because information quantity in these fields could cause unwanted and unrelated display of record), so you can search by any string you want (e.g. Category, Item, Description, Date of purchase, e.t.c.). If there is more than one record with identical string, the Find option will display the first one for you and ask you whether to go on searching or not. Searching is very fast. Found record can also be printed out (see Print records). .TOPIC: Print records There are two types of print options. If you choose Print All Records option from the menu all records will be printed out. If you intend to print out only selected record, then choose Print within either Browse-Display feature or Find feature. The program is configured to work with Epson compatible inkjet printers, but should also work with most dot matrix, inkjet, deskjet or laser printers. .TOPIC: Desktop You will find several desktop utilities under the Desktop feature. Built-in NOTEPAD will serve as a text editor that reads, writes and prints text files up to 32K in size. CALCULATOR supports all basic arithmetical functions. You can also have an ANALOGUE CLOCK displayed on your screen. The clock requires VGA card, so if you haven't got one, you will not be able to use this module. Fourth desktop utility is PRINT CALENDAR. This module will print calendars since 1584 to infinity. The lower limit is imposed because of problems associated with converting the old Julian calendar to the new Gregorian calendar, which has been fully functional since 1584. The Desktop also allows you to set the date format to suit either USA standard date format (month, day, year) or Australian, British and other countries date format as day, month, year. Also you can set the time format to 12 hour or 24 hour time format. All selected date and time formats will become default and the program will use them until re-selection. Also see Utilities .TOPIC: Utilities The program also serves as a shell for some other useful utilities. Shell to DOS will allow you to use Dos without quitting Business Inventory Organizer (to make a copy of a file, for example), you can display current directory you are logged on, or directory for drive A, B, or C. Built-in text file viewer is suitable for easy reading of documentation and other files without using additional file viewer. Built-in text file compress print will allow you to print any text file in two column format, in small, but still 100% readable letters. This utility saves at least three quarters of usual paper consumption. You can also set your computer clock (time and date) without quitting the program. Also see Desktop .TOPIC: Hardware requirements IBM compatible 286 or better EGA/VGA monitor 350kB free conventional memory DOS 5.0 or better printer optional These are requirements needed for an efficient running of Business Inventory Organizer. That does not mean that the program will not satisfactorily run under lower configuration. .TOPIC: What is Shareware Shareware is an exciting marketing method which allows you to try top-quality software before you pay the author. With share- ware, you cannot be disappointed spending money for a program that's not right for you. The small fee you pay to a Shareware distributor does not cover the cost of the program itself. If you continue to use the program, you must send the author an additional payment which may entitle you to technical support, and other benefits. This is termed Registration (see How to register). Each evaluation copy is supplied to you "on approval" for the period of 21 days. After that time you are obliged either to register the program or stop using it. Copying or using the program without paying for it, except as provided above, is a breach of copyright. Each evaluation copy is fully working, it is not limited in any way and no features of the registered version have been omitted. The only difference between evaluation and the registered version is the closing screen that will be removed in registered version. Also see How to register and Disclaimer of Warranty .TOPIC: How to register We accept cash, cheques, credit cards (Visa, Mastercard and Bankcard), or Money Order or International Money Order. All cheques must be drawn on an Australian bank in AU$, US$ or UK pounds. Credit cards will always be billed in AU$ so you can get the latest and best exchange rate. There are two easy ways to register: - Print Order Form using built-in feature under menu item About (or use file Register.doc) and fill it in. Include your credit card details or enclose cash, cheque, money order and post it to us. If you haven't got a printer you can supply all necessary details on a piece of paper. - If you have a fax you can send your order via fax. Make sure all your credit card details and your signature are there, then fax it to us. The registration price is AU$ 30.00 or US$ 24.00 or UKœ 14.00 shipped anywhere in the world. For shipping within Australia add AU$ 3.00, for shipping to other countries add AU$ 6.00 or US$ 4.50 or UKœ 3.00. All registered users will receive: - a copy of the latest version of the program; - a minimum of three months free phone, fax and mail technical support; - 25% discount on any update, when it become available; - the satisfaction you did the right thing. Send the Order form and registration payment to: Tomas Martin Compusoft International Phone and fax: P.O.Box 411 08-47 7405 Kilkenny SA 5009 or 618-47 7405 if overseas Australia Also see What is Shareware and Disclaimer of Warranty .TOPIC: Disclaimer of Warranty TOMAS MARTIN DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES RELATING TO THIS SOFTWARE, WHETHER EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO ANY IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHENTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICU- LAR PURPOSE, AND ALL SUCH WARRANTIES ARE EXPRESSLY AND SPECIFICALY DISCLAIMED. NEITHER TOMAS MARTIN NOR ANYONE ELSE WHO HAS BEEN INVOLVED IN THE CREATION, PRODUCTION, OR DELIVERY OF THIS SOFTWARE SHALL BE LIABLE FOR ANY INDIRECT, CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES ARISING OUT OF THE USE OR INABILITY TO USE SUCH SOFTWARE EVEN IF TOMAS MARTIN OR ANYONE ELSE HAS BEEN ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGES OR CLAIMS. THE PERSON USING THE SOFTWARE BEARS ALL RISK AS TO THE QUALITY AND PERFORMANCE OF THE SOFTWARE. This agreement shall be governed by the laws of the Commonwealth of Australia and/or the State of South Australia and shall inure to the benefit of Tomas Martin and any successors, administrators, heirs and assigns. Any action or proceeding brought by either party against the other arising out of or related to this agreement shall be brought only in a state or federal court of competent jurisdiction located in Adelaide, South Australia. The parties hereby consent to in personal jurisdiction of said courts. Also see What is Shareware and How to register