Wilson Sparing was bored with his life. He was rich, by anyone's standards. Owned two houses, an advertising network, and had interests in many other areas, but Wilson was not happy. He longed for the strange, the bizarre. Sex had always eluded him. Sure, he could buy almost any girl he wanted, and frequently did, but he always went away from the encounter unfulfilled. The girls always knew who he was, and what he had, and as soon as that was known, he felt they acted differently towards him. One day Wilson found himself in one of poorer areas of the city. He was down there scouting out some property, which he was sure he could turn for a profit, when he came upon a decrepit building housing an adult bookstore. Wilson always enjoyed going in the adult bookstores whenever he could. It seemed he could loose himself in the erotic fantasies. He could forget the pressures, the demands on his time, and find himself in another world; a world of pleasure. Wilson was browsing the different books and magazines in the bookstore. A seedy old man was sitting behind the bulletproof cashiers station smoking a cigar. Wilson said hello to him, but the old man only grunted, his eyes never even looking up. "Man, do I wish I could meet this one!" Wilson said, putting down a magazine of a leather clad dominatrix. "How come I can never find ladies like these!" he said with a smile on his face. It was then that the old man behind the counter spoke up. "You want some excitement, eh?" the old man said, a twinkle in his eye. "Well, I'll tell you a place where you can meet that kind of 'lady' and more! That is, if you think you're man enough to handle one!" the old man rasped. "No problem!" said Wilson. "Ain't no woman ever could handle me!" he said. "These ain't your ordinary woman!", said the old man. "You'll see! It's been said that some men who go there are never seen again!" "You mean, they get bumped off?" asked Wilson, his enthusiasm dimming somewhat. "No!", said the old man. "They stay for life strictly on their own accord. At least until they're worn out, and they ain't much good to anyone after that!" After a little more talking, Wilson got the address of this mysterious place from the old man, and slipped him fifty dollars for his trouble. The old man's eyes went back to reading his newspaper and smoking his cigar, and Wilson found himself out on the street in search of this new adventure. The afternoon had turned grey, and a slight drizzle had begun to fall. Wilson found himself walking in the seedier part of town. The neighborhood was marked with abandoned buildings, gang graffiti, and the like. Wilson came up to the address. It was a large building, that looked like it had seen better days. Outside was a dirty sign that looked like it had been neglected for years. The sign said: "Chambers". Wilson went up and opened the creaky rusty door. A fairly attractive blond woman came up to him immediately. She was about five foot six, and didn't smile. "Here for the action?" she said. "Well, it'll cost ya six hundred bucks, take it or leave it!" "Just what is the action?" Wilson said. "Guaranteed action!" said the blond. "If ya ain't completely satisfied, we'll even give ya your money back. 'Course, I been her eight years, and no one ever wanted their money back!" Wilson thought a second, and whipped out six hundreds and gave them to the blond. "Right through that door sir." she said. Wilson found himself in a lavish room full of people. You'd never have thought from the outside that a place like this could exist in this neighborhood, but there it was. The air was thick with blue smoke as the men laughed and talked among each other. They were packed up against the bar where a fat bartender was dispersing drinks. Ordering a scotch and soda, he stepped back only to have another guy bump into him. "Sorry." he said. "That's alright." said Wilson. "I can't wait for the evenings entertainment to begin!" the man said. "What is the entertainment?" Wilson said, not trying to seem too dense. "Just about the best bunch of catfighting woman you ever did see!" said the man. "You mean I paid six hundred bucks to see a stupid womans wrestling match!" said Wilson, his anger rising with the idea of him being duped for six bills. "No, man!" said the stranger. "This ain't like that! You wait and see! Your gonna love it!" Wilson settled into a comfortable chair and watched the X rated movie on the big screen. After about an hour, the bartender pulled out a microphone. "The main event will be starting in the upstairs gallery in 20 minutes. Gentlemen, take your places!" Wilson followed the crowd upstairs and into the gallery. The gallery was set up like a regular sized boxing rink, except it was like a pit. All the seats rose at a gentle angle and everyone got the feeling that they were on top of the rink. From where Wilson was, it seemed like he was no more than ten feet away from the action. The level of excitement was rising as each minute passed. The men next to him were busy taking and making bets. Suddenly the lights grew dimmer and dimmer, and a ladies voice came over the sound system. "Gentlemen, for your entertainment this evening, we are going to feature two bouts. The first, features two ladies, each one undefeated. For you newcomers, I'll describe our system: Each of our contestants is a dominatrix who has never been in submission. Winning is by submission only. The winner may use the loser for a period of a half hour after victory. The loser can not refuse anything the winner tells her to do. If she does refuse, Cletus here acts." With that, a giant of a man, about six foot, four, stood up holding what appeared to be a vicious looking whip with spikes on the end. "Cletus has only had to act once." said the announcer. "Our first to contestants are rival dommes. Mucho Mary, in the near corner, and Caroline the Conqueror in the far corner. Ladies enter the ring!" shouted the announcer. All hell broke loose as the contestants entered the ring. Mucho Mary was about six foot tall and weighed about two hundred plus pounds. She had red hair, and great big tits, and an equally proportioned ass. She wore a leather harness, that cupped her tits leaving the outside and the nipples exposed. The harness belted around her waist, and ran around each leg, with a strip running between her asscheeks, leaving her pussy completely exposed. Mucho Mary entered the ring and started to flex her gigantic form. For a woman of her size, she wasn't really fat, just awful mean looking. Next came Caroline the Conqueror. Caroline was about one hundred ten pounds and about half the size of Mucho Mary. She had short brown hair that was cut in a pixie like fashion, She was wearing a small white bikini, that came up between her buttcheecks. Her tits were small, and her ass was small also, but it was very well proportioned. Caroline just smiled and waved at everyone, and everyone responded by cheering her on. Wilson instantly liked her, but found himself feeling sorry for her, as it appeared she was greatly overmatched. The bell rang, the crowd cheered, and the match was on! Mary circled Caroline and went after her right away. Caroline wisely sidestepped the charging bull, and leaped on her back as she went by. The crowd laughed as Mary tried to shake off Caroline who had Mary around the throat, cutting off the air. Mary was tiring, and her supply of oxygen was dwindling, Suddenly, Mary sprung backwards with Caroline underneath her back. Mary crashed down to the mat and the only sound that came from Caroline was an"oomph". Mary rolled over making Caroline release the grip on Marys throat. Mary flipped Caroline over on her back and then ran to the other side of the ring. She then ran towards Caroline and leaped through the air landing spread eagle on the already stunned Caroline. Caroline was too dazed to react to the slamming, and merely laid there not moving. Mary got up and with both legs on either side of Carolines head, held her head so her nose was pointing straight up, and sat on her face. Poor Carolines nose was imbedded halfway up Mucho Marys pussy, and Mucho Mary was just laughing. Wilson thought it was just a matter of time until Caroline passed out or submitted, and a hush fell over the crowd. Suddenly, Caroline began kicking and flailing her arms, bouncing her ass up and down on the mat. Then, with a loud bellow, Mucho Mary jumped off Carolines face. It seems that Caroline had just bit Mucho Mary right in the pussy! "You've had it now bitch!" screamed Mucho Mary rubbing her sore pussy. "We'll see about that!" said Caroline still shaking off her near smothering. Just then, Caroline jumped, turned backwards, and kicked Mucho Mary right in the pussy. Mary bellowed in pain, and Caroline followed up with two kicks to the midsection, and two more, right on the pussy. Mucho Mary went down holding her gut, and her pussy. Caroline was on her like a cat. Wrapping her legs around Mucho Marys neck, and crossing her feet at the ankles, Caroline applied pressure. Mary jumped up, hauling Caroline with her, her legs still locked around Marys throat. Swinging wildly, she did everything she could do to shake Caroline, but to no avail. The end was coming, as she dropped first to one knee, than both, than finally on her back. Caroline was pouring it on, and finally, Mucho Mary went limp on the ground, unconscious. Releasing the hold, Caroline sprung to her feet, a wide, beaming smile on her face. She put one foot up on Mucho Marys stomach, and raised her arm in victory. The crowd went wild. Mucho Mary was just regaining consciousness, and knew what the end result was. No point in struggling now, no point in resisting. Submission to her smaller conqueror was the only option. Mary just lay there silently awaiting her fate. She didn't have to wait long. The crowd fell silent. Each man was wondering to himself just what Caroline was going to do to Mary. A look of fear now crossed Marys face as Caroline strutted around the room. Going over to the corner of the ring. Caroline produced a sports bag, and from the bag producer two large dildoes. Walking up to Mary, she said, "Here you go lard ass! We'll just fill that gaping hole of yours you call a pussy with this! And this other one will fit right up your smelly asshole. She then stuck the dildoes right up her ass and pussy, and reaching over, turned on the switch. Mary just laid there buzzing with the dildoes inside her when Caroline stood over her face. "Eat me bitch!" she said sitting down on Marys face. Mary complied and started thrusting her tongue in and out of Carolines brown haired pussy. The crowd got quiet, and each man could feel his manhood rising and getting harder by the moment. Wilson could feel the drops starting to form at the end on his cock, and it was all he could do to keep from coming in his pants. Mary was moaning now and getting more and more aroused at both Carolines pussy and the vibrating dildoes. Caroline just kept pumping her cunt up and down on Marys face until finally she exploded in waves of orgasm. Getting off Mary, she removed both dildoes and told Mary to lick each one of them clean. Mary did what she was told. "Who's the superior woman?" Caroline asked. "You are, Mistress!" Mucho Mary said. "That's right!" Caroline said. "And now, you're going to lick my asshole for all these nice folks to see!" "Yes, Mistress!" said Mary. Caroline pushed Mary back down, and this time squatted over her face, pushing her asshole right up to Marys lips. Mary sucked for all she was worth which seemed like about five minutes. "Two minutes to go!" came the voice over the PA. Caroline looked at Mary. "Open your mouth, bitch!" said Caroline. Mary complied. Caroline than slipped her ass backwards, so her pussy rested right on Marys open mouth. "If you spill one drop, I'm gonna spend my last minute kicking your fat ass as hard as I can! Do you understand, bitch?" "Yes Mistress!" said Mary. Then a hush fell over the crowd, and Caroline the Conqueror began to slowly pee in Marys mouth. Mary gurgled out a moan, but she complied. Caroline just smiled cruelly, looking down at Mucho Mary. She peed hard, her piss coming in spurts, until finally, the flow fell to a trickle, and then drops. Mary swallowed it all. "Times up!" came the voice over the P.A system. With that announcement, Caroline and Mary got up and left the ring, to the wild cheers of the crowd. Wilson was very excited, and found himself looking forward to the next bout. "Our main bout of the evening features two extraordinary dommes! Neither has ever lost a bout in a combined 50 matches! This fight is to the submission with no holds barred!. A first here at Chambers; a mixed match! Entering the ring is our first contestant; Master Victor!" Victor, was a smallish, about 5'4", with an arrogant look about him. His hair was dark, and he was impeccably groomed. His body was in proportion, but not over developed. He waved to the crowd, and the crowd, being mostly male, acknowledged him with friendly cheers. "Now entering the ring, his opponent; Mistress Sheila!" A red spotlight hit the back of the room. Stepping into the spotlight was Sheila. Sheila had medium length, light blond hair. She wore a diamond sequined bathing suit, with a long glittery cape draping over her shoulders. Her legs were long and and her body was perfectly toned, the result of many an hour working out. Her face was very beautiful, but had a cold, hard, element to it. With her came two smallish sized men, each one holding the trail of her cape, to keep it from touching the ground. She was truly an erotic marvel. Wilson felt his manhood tug at his shorts as he settled back to watch the bout. He fantasized that he was the man, and what it would be like to be put in a struggle with such a dominant woman. He wondered what he would do to her if he won. Or, what she would do to him if he lost. Either way, it would be very exciting, he thought, and settled back in his chair to watch the match. The bell rang, and the two opponents circled one another. Victor assumed a low crouch stance and waited for Sheila to make the first move. Sheila circled slowly adapting a martial arts sort of pose. Each flicked out an occasional kick or punch that missed the mark, and caused no damage. Suddenly Sheila sprang quickly at Victor. A flurry of punches to Victors midsection landed so quickly, that Wilson could hardly see them. Victor sprang back crying out in pain. Sheila retreated and went back to her corner. Victor stayed in his corner rubbing his sore ribs. Shiela then surprised everyone by quickly stepping out of her bathing suit. Her naked body was absolutely fantastic, and the crowd applauded in admiration. Sheila responded by flexing her hard body for the crowd. Victor, seeing his opportunity attacked Sheila. He grabbed Sheila, in a bear hug and began to squeeze with all his might. Sheila just grabbed both his arms and slowly overcame his grip. She pulled both his arms apart and away from her body with what seemed like no effort at all. A look of fear suddenly came upon Victors face, as he realized that he was no match for the better conditioned and stronger woman. Sheila than turned him around and like lightning, punched him three times right in the belly. She then karate kicked Victor with a quick kick to the jaw. Victor recoiled, in a daze and great pain. Sheila then proceeded to slowly but surely wear Victor down. She would approach quickly, land a blow and withdraw, before Victor could even react. Over and over, she did this, each time the barrage taking it's toll on the hapless Victor. Finally, Victor was getting dazed. His reactions were slowing each time. Sheila than stepped in for the coup de grace. Circling from the rear, Sheilla stepped out in front of Victor and pasted him like a punching bag. Eight blows in a row to all parts of Victors body. Victor could barely protect himself, his arms flailing to stop blows that had already landed. Finally, and mercifully, she held Victors chin in one hand, and with her right hand, launching a blow to Victors jaw. Victor hit the canvass like a ton of bricks, not moving, unconscious, and defeated. Putting her foot on Victors stomach, Sheila raised her arms in victory. Quickly and efficiently, one of the men in her corner handed her four restraints. Each restraint was fastened to one of Victors arms and legs and he was tied off at each corner of the ring. Sheila then walked over to Victors head, and squatted over his face. She then lowered her pussy to his face and strained for a second. A hot stream of yellow piss shot out of her pussy, spraying all over Victors face. Victor woke up almost instantly. Seeing his predicament, he struggled against the restraints, quickly realizing he was powerless to stop his stronger opponents antagonism. Resigning himself to his situation, a dull moan escaping his lips. Sheila never acknowledged him. It was as is she knew exactly where he was physically, and what he would stand. She walked over to one of the men in her corned and produced a large candle. The man servant lit the candle and Sheila walked with it over to the tied Victor. Turning her back to him, she sat on his stomach, facing his feet, and proceeded to drip the hot wax directly on his cock and balls. Victor tried to hold back the pain, but before long, found it unendurable, crying out in a long wail. Sheila turned around and slapped him hard in the face. "Shut up!" she said, "Or I'll take a knife and cut them off permanently!" Victor quieted down, and Sheila went back to dripping wax on his balls. She did this for another couple of minutes with Victor stifling the pain, but not crying out. Looking out to the crowd, Sheila asked, "What do you want me to do to this poor excuse of a man?" One man cried out, "Smother him with you pussy!" Another yelled, "Piss on him again!" And a third cried out, "Fuck him in the ass!" Sheila just grinned. "I'll do that and more! Anything for my fans. But I never do things in a small way. Just make sure you keep that in mind!" Sheila than walked up to the tied up Victor and squatted her pussy over his face. "Eat it, dog!" she said. Victor complied tonguing and kissing her blond pussy. He worked on her pussy for a couple minutes, when she suddenly stood up. "You can't fight worth a shit! You can't even eat pussy worth a shit!" With that she produced a big strapping dildoe which she proceeded to shove up Victors ass. Stepping away, she beckoned to the back of the ring. "OK girls," she said, "Give it all you've got!" With that, about twenty girls, all naked, stepped into the ring. One by one, the straddled Victors face. lowered their pussys to his lips and peed on his face. Each girl was different. Some were fat, some were thin, some black, some white, even an oriental. One black girl peed on Victors face for what seemed like an eternity, starting and stopping the stream over and over again. "This is really fun!" she said. "I've always wanted to piss on a white dude!" she said. Everyone broke into laughter. Poor Victor was practically getting drowned in pee, but the ladies just kept coming. Finally, the last one straddled Victors face, lowered her pussy, and peed. She got up, and kind of sauntered away, her hips swaying from side to side. Sheila then mounted Victors face, lowering her blond pussy to his face. "You're going to have to drink mine!" she laughed, as she forced Victor to open his mouth. "I hope you enjoy this, just as much as I'm going to enjoy giving it to you!" she said. With that, Sheila started peeing very slowly right into Victors open mouth. First, just dribbles, then, a stream. Sheila controlled the flow so that Victors mouth was always full, but never overflowing. When the last hot, burning, drops off pee had leaked out, Sheila suddenly shoved her pussy right over Victors face. Her cunt was smothering him, and he just gasped for air. Sheila toyed with him, keeping him starved for oxygen, on the verge of passing out, but raising her ass up just before he did, letting him gulp for air. Finally, she just sat there, bumping and grinding her cunt mercilessly on his face, until his body went limp. "Times up!" said the voice on the PA. With that, Mistress Sheila got off the face of Victor, and walked to her corner of the ring. Her menservants quickly pulled out towels, which they used to blot her pussy dry. Victor still laid there, unconscious, tied, and laying in what looked like an ocean of pee. Wilson could hardly believe his eyes. He had never seen domination like that, and it scarred him. It also aroused him in a way that he had never been aroused before. He was determined that he would meet Mistress Sheila. Maybe he would be the one to conquer her. Looking over at Victor, he realized what the consequences could be if he lost, but he felt the risk worthwhile. Besides, he was in much better shape than Victor was, and thought that Victor and Sheila was a mismatch anyway. Leaving the gallery, Wilson made his way down the corridor, where he had seen Sheila disappear with her entourage. He came to a dressing room, and cautiously knocked on the door. "Come in!" said a voice from within, which he immediately recognized as Sheilas'. "So, you've come!" said Sheila, her blond hair protruding from under a towel. "How did you know?" asked Wilson. "I could tell from the way you were watching me." said Sheila. "You think you might be able to make me submit to your desires." she said. "Well, many have tried, and none have succeeded. All were to weak. All were humiliated and degraded. Is this what you want?" she asked. "I'm not sure." said Wilson. "Well, be sure of this!" she said. She suddenly grabbed Wilson by the hair, pulling his face into her pussy. "Suck it!" she said violently. "Lick it! Kiss it! Make me come if your man enough to!" she said. Wilson thought he'd lose half his hair if he didn't comply, so her started licking. Her cunt still smelled of pee, but he could also smell the smell of an aroused Sheila. He could taste her cunt juices starting to flow as his tongue rolled in the slipperiness of her cunt. Wilson had never seen a woman produce so much lubrication in such a short time, and found himself licking and kissing her pussy for all he was worth. Her cunt slowly started to contract, until Sheila found herself coming in waves of pleasure. Her pussy spasmed and shot a load of slippery juice into Wilsons anxiously waiting mouth. "That's a good boy!" said Sheila, a smile coming slowly to her face. "Well, I'm glad to see you're good for something!" she said. Leaning back, she lit a cigarette, and took a long drag. "You can stay with me for tonight." Sheila said. "After that, we'll see." Wilson was delighted. Sheila then led Wilson through a long winding corridor, up some stairs to an old Walnut stained door. Turning the key, she led Wilson inside. The apartment was lavish by even Wilsons standards. The furnishings were only the finest and it looked like there were at least ten other rooms off the main living area. "Nice place you've got." Wilson said. "It's not bad, but I've been thinking of moving into something that better meets my needs." said Sheila in a rather pleasant manner. A man servant appeared and carried a tray with cold beer and mixed drinks on it. He was completely nude, save for a dog collar which he wore around his neck. "Refreshments, Mistress?" "Yes, I think so." was the reply. "I always like a few cold beers after testing my athletic prowess." said Sheila. "And you. sir?" "Whiskey." was Wilsons reply. Raising her glass, Sheila said, "To Female Superiority!" Wilson raised his glass touching hers. Sheila then dismissed the manservant, telling him to leave the cart and tray there. He quickly bowed and excused himself. The conversation touched a number of subjects. Sheila told Wilson that she had been a dominatrix for about five years. She said she was happiest when she could use a man strictly for her pleasure. She made no bones about herself and was completely honest. "I could have killed that man in the rink tonight." she said. "I could have ripped his balls off, and left him a eunuch for the rest of his life. I've seen it done here before, but that's not my way. I prefer to humiliate my victim; to make him pay through every fiber of his masculinity; to make my pussy his master." "Why did you choose to fight that guy, Victor?" Wilson asked. "Because, he tried to steal one of my menservants!" Sheila said. "I gave him every opportunity to apologize, but he would not, so I challenged him to the contest." she said. "I knew his male ego wouldn't let him pass it up, and I was right, and look what happened to him!" she said. Wilson smiled at the memory. "My rules are simple." said Sheila. "If you can beat me, you can have me. If I beat you, I will have you. I have never been beaten. There are no rules to this contest. Do you wish to try?" "Yes." said Wilson. Sheila clapped her hands twice. A naked manservant appeared."Prepare the workout room!" she said. The manservant nodded and quickly left the room. "Well now, Wilson, drink up, and we'll see what kind of man you are!" Sheila led Wilson down the hallway into another room. This room was set up with weights, workout machines, and a center padded mat; the type used for high school wrestling matches. "This is my conditioning room." said Sheila. "Take off your clothes." said Sheila in a bland yet demanding voice. Wilson complied. "Well then," said Sheila, "let's go!" Wilson cautiously circled Sheila, remembering her lightning quick speed and strength. Sheila instead directly approached Wilson and immediately got him in a headlock. Wilson winced at the pain, and using all his strength, picked Sheila up off the ground. Sheila just poured on the power and Wilson could feel his neck muscles weaken. Sheila suddenly released her hold and swung Wilson around and grabbed him right by the balls. Sensing the very dangerous position he was getting himself int, Wilson responded by grabbing Sheila's pussy and inserting three fingers inside. Sheila quickly released Wilsons balls, but Wilson held on to Sheilas pussy for dear life. Sheila screamed out in pain as Wilson pulled and stretched her pussy lips. Wilson smiled to himself, thinking he had this bitch right where he wanted her. Leading her by her pussy lips, he pulled her down toward the mat. Letting go of her pussy, Wilson jumped on top of her, pinning her arms with his knees and shoulders. "Give up!" yelled Wilson triumphantly. Sheila just smiled and in a flash stretched her long legs over Wilsons shoulders pulling him backwards. Now she was on top of him, and in an instant turned backwards, pushing her beautiful, bare ass over his face and sitting down hard. Wilson found himself staring directly at her brown asshole. He could smell her asshole, and the feel the heat coming from her sweaty pussy. Sheila laughed with scorn, and said, "I told you no one has ever beaten me, and now you know why!" Wilson suddenly felt fear, yet found himself feeling aroused at the same time. Sheila just inched herself backwards until her cunt was directly over his mouth. "I want you to eat my pussy!" she said. Wilson immediately complied. 'This isn't so bad', Wilson thought to himself, and started licking her pussy. Once again, the copious liquid began flowing, and Wilson lapped it hungrily. He could feel Sheila star to stiffen with her arousal, and after a while felt her tense in orgasm. Sheila still just sat there on his face, her pussy resting gently on his lips. Suddenly, he felt something else. Sheila was stroking his cock. He couldn't believe how adept she was. Stroking in long even strokes, his erection grew and grew. He felt the spasms of orgasm beginning, and he came in a torrent of cum, his jism spurting over and over again. His body relaxed and went limp. But that wasn't what Sheila had in mind. Not even before the last spurt of cum was out of his body, Sheila began to slowly pee on Wilsons face. Wilson opened his mouth and began to drink her pee greedily. What started as a trickle, was now a torrent, and now Sheila tormented him while she peed. "You like having a strong woman like me peeing all over your face, don't you?" she asked tauntingly. "You like me to degrade you with the contempt of my waist, like the scum you are! Tell me you're not worthy even to taste my piss!" she demanded. "Please, Mistress Sheila," said Wilson, giving in to his deepest urges, "Please, piss on my face! I am only worthy to be your slave! I'll eat your pussy whenever you say! I'll drink your pee, whenever you want! I'll be your slave, forever!" said Wilson imploringly. With that, Sheila let loose one last spurt off hot piss, which Wilson lapped up, and got up off of Wilsons face. Wilson crawled towards her on all fours. Sheila spread her legs apart, and Wilson licked the last drops of pee and cum from her cunt. Sheila then handed him a dog collar. "As a reward for making me cum, you are now a member of my harem! Wear this as long as you stay here at Chambers. You will serve me only! Any disobedience will be met with instant discipline. From her on you shall be my human toilet! You will drink my piss, or even eat my shit if I so decide! Do you understand and accept this?" Shiela asked. "Yes, Mistress!" Wilson said. Wilson followed Mistress Sheila back to her room, and lay down at the foot of her bed, a slave, but happy within himself, because he had finally achieved his dream. THE END --