Cast Jeff and his two cohorts, all former Marines, run a gym in a small town. It's a Gold's Gym franchise. Jeff is 5'10", 180 pounds, 40 years old but in excellent condition. He is powerfully built and known to be the toughest man in the town; He thinks so too. Ex-Marine, black belt in judo and karate. Jeff is proud of the fact that he has the only gym in town and all look to him for fitness and self defense training. His gym is well attended by both men and women. Cohort No. 1 is 5'11" and 185 lbs. At 45 years old, he is getting a little flabby but still appears in good shape. He is wearing a white judo outfit held up by a black belt. He is very proud of his accomplishments in judo and karate. Cohort No. 2 is 22 years old. Fresh out of the Marines. Over 6 feet tall, 192 pounds and muscle bound. He is in super shape and very proud of his black belt in judo/karate. Not very smart and has an angry streak that sometimes gets him in trouble. He too is wearing a full karate uniform. TIGRA is 28 year old with blond, medium length har and striking looks. She is 5'7" and a very fit 135 pounds. Her breasts are large and firm, and she is proud of them. She has long legs and knows that they are truly magnificient. That is why she wears only the top of half of her judo outfit with 4', black heels. She enjoys showing off her strong, shapely legs. Tigra is aggressive and highly competitive. She has been interested in the fighting arts since childhood. By the time she was 16 she could consistently beat up her two older brothers and their friends. In both highschool and college she dated guys on the wrestling team. From them, she learned how to wrestle and found that wrestling and defeating her boyfriends was more sexual for her than having sex. Only recently has she taken up the martial arts. She has attained the level of brown belt but knows she is ready for her black belt. Before leaving Los Angeles, she had a private match with her Korean instructor which proved she was ready. She only has to go back to L.A. to take the final test. TIGRA just opened a gym in "Jeff's" town. If she wants to keep it open, she'll have to take on the Marines. She does! SCENE ONE (At Jeff's gym) COHORT 1 "Boss, I just heard that some woman has opened new gym facilities across town. Said she's going to 'show Jeff's Gym how real fitness training is supposed to be done.'" JEFF (visibly angered, turns to Cohort 1) "The hell she is! This is the only gym in town, and no one's going to change that! You go over there and tell the bull-dyke who runs that place to get herself out of my town." COHORT 1 "Right boss." (Turns to leave) JEFF "Wait. If you have too, kick her fat butt back to the dyke town from where she came." COHORT 1 "Be my pleasure boss." NEXT SCENE (In front of Tigra's gym) Cohort 1 arrives at the cross town gym. The sign across the door reads: "THE WOMAN WARRIOR GYM". In smaller letters below the sign there is; "A Gym For The Competitive Woman". Cohort 1 enters the gym but stops to read yet another sign attached to an inside hallway wall: "Warning: Gym Is Open To men But At Their Own Risk!" Cohort 1 continues down the hall to find a woman, Tigra, sitting at a desk. Behind her is a large gym mat. COHORT 1 (seeing the beautiful Tigra at the desk) "I want to see the bull-dyke that owns the place. And I want to see that ugly bitch NOW." Tigra (slowly stands and moves from behind the desk. With her heels she stands eye to eye with the cohort. Looking at him, with a sly smirk, she stands in a "ready position"; feet slightly apart, left hand balled in a fist with right hand open covering her fisted left.) "How may I help you?" COHORT "I told you, pretty little lady, I want to see the dyke owner of this place!" Tigra "I'm the owner. And how may I help you ... 'little man'" COHORT (a little flabbergast) "My boss, the one that owns JEFF's GYM across town has a message. He says 'Get your fat ass' well er, in your case, your tight little ass 'out of town!'" Tigra "Oh he does, does he! And what if I tell you to tell your boss that my sexy little ass is staying right here." COHORT "In that case, I am to kick your sweet little butt out of town myself. And I'm going to enjoy doing it. Tigra "Oh you will, will you? And just how you expect to kick my butt ... little man?" COHORT (pointing to his black belt) "You're just a brown belt. Besides, you probably got THAT by sleeping with your instructor." Tigra (Says nothing. Only motions Cohort to follow her to the mat. Both walk to the mat. Cohort bows and steps onto the mat then faces Tigra who is still standing before the mat. Tigra looks at him and barks out a command!) "Come back here and take off my heels ... WIMP!" COHORT (Instictively, because of his years in the Marines, Cohort 1 starts to obey the command and stoops in front of Tigra. Realizing what he's doing, he reels back) "Wait a minute. I don't have to do that." Tigra "Well, we'll see about that." (As she takes off her heels) "We'll just see about that. When I'm through with you, you'll be doing alot of things for me." Both now on the mat, Tigra loosens her brown karate belt so her perfectly shaped breasts are revealed. She's not wearing a bra. The cohort is mesmerized by the sight. Tigra completely undoes the belt but keeps the uniform on. Her breasts, muscled stomach and bikini briefs are fully exposed. Slowly and confidently she moves towards the cohort. Watching him gasp she says Tigra ""What's a matter loverboy? Never seen a 'bull-dyke' in underwear before? Bet you like what you see? Isn't that right little man?" Suddenly, with cat like speed, Tigra jumps and delivers a roundhouse kick square to the cohort's chin. He flys up and tumbles backwards onto the mat. Pleased with the move, Tigra stands with hands on hip and smiles. Tigra "Oh, this is going to be fun. By the way, when I'm done with you, you'll tell your boss that the only place my butt went was all over your face." With that the "fight" begins. Cohort stands up and moves towards Tigra with his arms stretched, attempting to grab her and throw her down with a hip flip. Instead, Tigra delivers a slash with the edge of her hand. The chop hits the Cohort on the mound of his forearm. The force with which its delivered instantly numbs his entire arm. The message is clear. The Cohort knows that Tigra is capable of taking care of herself. A perfectly executed snap kick to his shin sends the Cohort to the mat again. COHORT "Shit!" Cohort gets up. Gains his composure and moves towards Tigra. Once again Tigra uses her body to distract the Cohort and disrupt his concentration. With her hand in a half fist, Tigra drives a hammer blow to the nape of his neck. She wheels around and gets in back of the Cohort moving slightly to his side. She grabs his hair with one hand and places her foot into the back of his knee. Once in place, she completes the back takedown by pulling his captured head back at the same time pushing his knee forward with her foot. The Cohort slams to the mat. Tigra places her foot on the Cohort's chest, holding him flat on his back. Looking down on him... Tigra "You know, I can beat you up fair and square. But it's so much more fun this way. (taking her breasts in her hands she starts to massage them in a sensual manner). Ohhh, it feels sooo good. Too bad you're not man enough to do this yourself." Now, in complete control, Tigra pulls the Cohort up by the hair. Facing him she delivers a fist blow directly to his midsection. With an "uumphh" the Cohort slumps to his knees. Looking down at him again... Tigra "Nightie night ... 'loverboy'." With a snap, Tigra's knee comes up and into the Cohort's chin. Spread eagled, he flies up and back, flat on his back. Out for the count. Tigra (walking over to him, Tigra sees the Cohort shaking his head trying to get the cobwebs out. He can't get up, and she knows its. She had won, however, there was never any doubt in her mind that she would. She stands over his head facing his feet.) "Now, as I recall it, your boss wanted my butt somewhere. Oh yes. Now I remember. My butt is to go all over your face." With that, Tigra slowly lowers herself over the Cohort's face. She places the crack of her butt over his nose. Her cheeks cover the rest of his face and he is completely smothered. Reaching over to his midsection, Tigra unties the Cohort's black belt. Tigra "You really don't deserve this anymore, do you? I have a nice little white one I can give you, however." Tigra continues to taunt and torment the Cohort for little longer. When she is satisfied, she gets up, ties her judo jacket with the Cohort's black belt, and walks to the end and off the mat. Tigra "Ok, I'm finished with you. You may CRAWL off the mat" Cohort 1 complies and crawls to and off the mat. Still on his knees... Tigra "Now, I promised that when I was through with you, you would be doing alot of things for me. Your first task is to put my heels back on my feet. Do it NOW, but do it gently!" Cohort 1 complies and places her heels back onto her feet. Tigra "Tell your boss if he wants a job done he shouldn't send a horny little wimp like you!. You may leave." Next scene is back at Jeff's gym. He is angered as he has been told about the events with Cohort #1. He is talking to Cohort #2. Cohort No. 2 is just 22 years old. He is over 6' and muscle bound. He's not very smart and has an angry streak. He too is wearing a full judo outfit with black belt. JEFF "You go over there and break her in two. Teach that little pussy a lesson. Don't be gentle. I want you to bring her here on her knees begging me for forgiveness. Then we'll show her what a pussy is meant for." COHORT NO. 2 "Don't worry boss. Pussy doesn't effect me like some people (looking over to Cohort 1 with a sneer) If she tries to use her tits on me I'll twist 'em off!" Next Scene (At Tigra's gym) Cohort No. 2 arrives and sees Tigra is dressed in black jockey briefs and black muscle shirt. She's lifting individual weights. She sees the next cohort enter. Putting down the weights she moves to the center of the mat. Again, hands on hips. Tigra "And I assume you're her to 'kick my butt' too?" COHORT "That's right and no need to pull no tricks. Pussy don't turn me on so you don't need to take your clothes off for me. I'm gonna tear you in two, bitch!" Cohort #2 moves onto the mat and faces her in the center of the mat. He is poised in a karate stance. Tigra "No (laughing) I already gave my karate lesson for the day. If you want one you'll need to sign up for the class. If you're anything like your cohort, the beginners starts on Tuesday." Cohort No. 2 takes off his judo top. He ties his black belt around his loose fitting judo pants. He walks up to Tigra stopping only inches from her face. COHORT "Well then, (he sneers) why don't I give you lesson in greco- roman wrestling. In case you don't know, it's a sport developed by men for men. Maybe its time we taught it to pussies." Without responding, Tigra grabs the Cohort's left arm with her right hand. With a closed fist from her left hand, Tigra smashes the outside elbow of the Cohort's arm, bending it inward. Quickly she steps behind her opponent and twists his captured arm back and up into his spine. Tigra "This must be the 'rear bent-arm bar' you no doubt were going to show me. Isn't it! (she grabs his head back and pulls up on the arm.) Now, here's a little trick I bet you've never seen" Still holding his arm back and up towards his neck, Tigra releases his head held by her other hand. With that hand she reaches down between his legs. She grabs his cock, hard. Tigra "Hum. No wonder you don't like pussy. You got nothing here to do anything good for one." Tigra lets go of the captured arm and at the same time steps back and jerks the Cohort's captured cock with the other hand. In a swift motion, Tigra flips the Cohort completely up and over and onto his back. Dazed, the Cohort gets back up and walks back to Tigra. Getting into her face again, he stops and just stares. Tigra "Greco-roman wrestling developed by men for men, huh? (Smirking) Why then do YOU know the sport? Men have cock's, not little pencil stubs like the one I just felt!" COHORT "Why you little cunt. You're going down and I'm going to shove this COCK of mine so deep into your mouth it's going to come out your brains." Tigra smiles and grabs his shoulders. She looks him deep into his eyes, and suddenly, kicks her knee hard up into his groin. The Cohort screams as he hears his balls pop. Blackness takes hold and he sinks to his knees. He opens his eyes and sees only the black bikini briefs covering Tigra's snatch. She grabs the back of his head and forces it forward, into and between her slightly opened thighs. His head is pushed through and she clamps down, holding tight, in a standing head scissor. Tigra "If you had any, I would squeeze your brains out of your head right now." With that, Tigra clamps and squeezes. Her tightly muscled thighs strain while the Cohort screams in obvious pain. Tigra lowers herself onto the mat, keeping the Cohort tightly between her thighs. Tigra "Now, in this hold, men teach other men to squeeze as hard as possible. To create as much pain as possible and eventually force the opponent to submit. However, before I do that to you, I am going to show you how a woman uses this hold. You see, a woman uses this hold much like nature uses the fragile but firm shell of an egg to safely hold its yolk. It's impossible for you to get out yet you feel safe and secure as I lovingly envelop your head within my beautiful legs and thighs." Grabbing him by the hair, Tigra positions him so he is wrapped between her legs only a whisper away from her womanhood. Tigra "I shall now teach you the difference between a pussy and a cunt. A pussy is that warm moist thing which I'm pushing against your face. The more I push, the moister it gets and the less you resist. As you feel the pussy wrap around your face you cease to resist, your defenses lax and all your muscles relax." Cohort's muscles relax and he slumps into a warm, safe, womblike euphoria. He drifts into a complete surrender. Tigra "When I release the hold, the cold air replaces the warmth of the pussy (she releases the hold and the Cohort is jolted back to reality. He tries to bolt from the mat). Now the 'cunt' is the bitch who has the pussy, ME!" With that, Tigra's superbly muscled legs, now spread slightly apart, came thrusting together. The Cohort's head, centered between the blow of Tigra's thighs, cracks like the shell of an egg. He screams in pain and slumps flat to the mat. He is broken and utterly defeated. Tigra "Awe, thats too bad. (mockingly) I was so looking forward to the wrestling lesson. Maybe another time." Tigra gets up, removes the Cohort's black belt. She pulls the Cohort up to his feet. Cohort turns to leave, shoulders slumped, and meekly starts walking. Tigra "Oh by the way, when you first came in, you told me you weren't turned on by pussy and didn't want me to undress. The next time we meet, You will take off my clothes if I so order." Cowed, the cohort leaves. Next Scene (At Tigra's gym. Out front by the sign) Jeff is chewing out both cohorts who still looked beaten and humiliated. JEFF "So this is the cunt's place. Take not gentlemen. I will now show you what it means to be a Marine." (Jeff stops to read the sign.) JEFF "'Woman Warrior'. What a joke. If she can last three minutes with me I'll kiss her feet in front of my members." Jeff mumbles as he walks past the sign in the hallway. Once inside, Jeff and Cohorts stop. [Camera pans to front view of Jeff and Cohort. Jeff's look is stern. The Cohorts' eyes are wide open in amazement.] JEFF "Well, Well. Planning to leave?" Camera pans away from Jeff, 90 degrees and shows a view of the floor. Camera begins to pan up and we see black stiletto heels, black pants, hands on hip, black vest, black bra, and finally Tigra's smirking smile. She has the two black belts hanging around her neck. Tigra "Why you must be the 'big boss'. I was just on my way to a gathering of your gym members. I'm taking these (pointing to the Cohort's black belts) for show and tell. I have a feeling your gym is going to be a little empty from now on!" JEFF "Not so fast, missy. You still have me to get past. No man has ever defeated me. So you know what I can do to little girls." Jeff motions to his Cohorts. One takes off Jeff's judo jacket. The other unties his black belt and helps Jeff out of his pants. Jeff is standing there in bathing trunks. He is in excellent shape. Tigra "Ohh. I'm impressed. Well, I have a few minutes. (Tigra looks over and points to Cohort #1.) "Come over here loverboy, and take off my shoes!". Cohort #1 obeys. Kneeling to take off her shoes, he is dismissed once his task is completed. Tigra "(Looking at cohort #2, Tigra smirks) Remember what I told you? You're turn." Cohort #2 meekly moves to Tigra. Standing in front of her with his head lowered, #2 falls to his knees when Tigra snaps her fingers and points to the ground. Tigra "Now 'big man!', take off my pants." Cohort #2 raises his hand to pull down the zipper of her pants. Tigra knocks his hand away. Tigra "Not that way, wimp. With your teeth!" Tigra unsnaps her buckle and Cohort #2 proceeds to pull down her pants zipper with his teeth. He then pulls down her pants using his face. With his face holding her pants down on the mat, Tigra steps out of the pants. She removes the black belts hanging from her neck. She takes off her vest and gives it to #2. Standing there in black bikini and black bra, she takes the black karate belts and ties them around her waist. Looking at Jeff... Tigra "Now I'm going to add yours to my collection." JEFF "Why you little CUNT. I think I am going to have to show you just who is boss in this town." Tigra steps close to Jeff. Using her sensuality, she runs her fingers across his lips. Tigra "You see, that's the difference between you and me. You think you are going to show me who's boss. I am GOING to show you that I'm the boss. I'm going to show you that it is "SHE who must be obeyed!" Slapping her hand away, Jeff stares into Tigra's eyes. Staring back Tigra takes Jeff's hands and they enter into a test of strength. Tigra, drawing on her inner strength, begins to force Jeff slowly to his knees. As he goes down, Tigra begins to smirk. Forcing him fully to his knees, Tigra continues the pressure forcing Jeff's hands down onto the mat as well. Jeff is on all fours. Tigra lets go of his hands, straightens up and steps onto his hands with her feet. Bewildered, Jeff looks up at Tigra. His eyes begging her to let him up. Tigra "Don't beg. At least not yet." Tigra lifts one foot and places it on his head and forces his face into the mat. She looks triumphant with hands on her hips and foot atop of Jeff's head. After a long minute, she releases Jeff and takes a few steps back. Tigra "Ok, I taught loverboy the womanly art of karate. Then I gave the big man a lesson in female power wrestling. Think I'll teach you how to box!" They put on the gloves. Tigra is intense, at first. But as the match continues and her jabs and powerful rights begin to connect she senses the victory. Jeff is always backing up, defending himself. When he jabs or tries to to swing at her, Tigra is seldom there. Soon, Tigra puts Jeff away with a series of right-left combinations that leaves him down, dazed and destroyed. Jeff tries to get up but his legs won't support him. JEFF "(On his hands and knees) Please, no more. I admit it. You're better than me. The best I've ever faced!" Tigra "Good. Now earlier, you called me a cunt. You're right, I am. Now I'm going to prove it to you, 'up close and personal'." With that Tigra pushes Jeff down on his back and slowly lowers herself onto his face. Grinding her pussy into his face, she claims her victory. As a final humiliation, Tigra has one of the Cohorts take a picture as she sits squarely on Jeff's face, her arms raised up "making a muscle". Tigra (Looking into the camera) "I'll get this blown up and frame it for the hallway. I'll title it; 'The Marines Have Landed. Flat On Their Backs!." Final scene Tigra standing looking straight into the camera. She's in her karate top and high heels. In front of her, either on all fours or kneeling, are Jeff and his cohorts. Their black belts are used as leashes, tied around their necks, being held by Tigra. Tigra "(Looking into the camera) "Yes, Jeff here kissed my feet in front of his membership. Didn't you Jeff (he nods). Why don't you show these people how good you've gotten at kissing my feet (he does). Good! (Tigra still looking straight into the camera) "Now You!, the one with your cock in your hand. Come over here. Now! You saw what I did to these wimps. You know I can do that to you, too. Don't you! Or would you like to try me. You can find me at my gym. The Warrior's gym. And remember, 'The Woman Warrior Always Knows Her Place.' And that's on your face! Think about it ..... fade to black (and blue). -end- --