I had been looking forward to this weekend for some time and now it was here. My wife and I had dropped the kids off at my mothers and were now at the resort hotel where we would hopefully have a weekend together spent mostly in the bedroom of the hotel. After we had checked in my wife prepared a hot bubble bath which she knew I could not refuse and then told me she had left something in the car which she would go get while I was soaking in luxurious bubbles that had a perfume like fragrance. As I stepped into the tub my wife came in the room and gave me a quick kiss and told me she had planned a really neat weekend for us while she picked up the clothes I had piled on the floor. After she left, I relaxed and considered what she had in mind for the weekend. I had revealed my desire to wear womens clothes a few years ago and at first she found the idea repulsive and confusing but over time she had participated in my fantasies by buying me panties and hose and more recently she had bought me a few leotards and tights which I would wear on her approval. Although my wife did let me wear a pair of panties or some other article of womens clothes she would never agree to anything more. I sat and soaked and wondered again what was in store this weekend. I had been in the tub a while when I heard my wife return and as she peeked in the door of the room she just smiled and told me everything was taken care of and she had a big surprise for me in the bedroom. There was a tone of playfulness in her voice and I knew it would be a great weekend for us, but, I did not know how great until I dried off and went into the other room. Laid across the bed was a outfit which I at first thought was hers but did not recognize at all. There was a pair of pink lace trimmed panties next to a matching pink corset. A lacy full slip was laid upon a short white skirt next to a sheer white blouse. The outfit was lovely but not the type of outfit my wife would normally wear. After taking in all the lovely clothes on the bed I looked at my wife and she had a mischievous grin as she said this weekend I would experience my fantasy totally. I then was informed that she had removed all my clothes and taken them out to the car so I would not be able dress as a male at all that weekend. She had also taken my wallet and car keys so there was no way to get to the car without her assistance. I was then instructed to go back in the bathroom and shave all my body hair off as any respectable lady would do before a night out to dinner and dancing. I was horror struck and at the same time excited that my fantasy would come true but nervous about my ability to pass in public as a girl. My wife sensed my concerns and told me that if I was a good girl and did everything she asked I would have a wonderful weekend. She then escorted me to the tub and handed me a razor and shaving cream assuring me it would be fun. My mind raced over the past few minutes as I first lathered up my legs with cream and then began removing all the hair on them as well as underarms, chest, and arms. As I stepped out of the tub I ran my hands over my now smooth legs and arms and felt a tingle of excitement that I had never felt before. I looked in the mirror at myself and found a newly shaven body looking back that looked much more feminine than before. Just then my wife stepped in the bathroom and told me not to waste time admiring myself as If it would be hairless for a long time to come. She then told me the new rules for the weekend which were an added shock to the already confusing turn of events. I was going to receive her assistance in transforming myself into a lady and as thanks to her I would accompany her to dinner and some cocktails after which we would return to the room where I was expected to give her complete satisfaction in any manner she chose. Further, When in the room I was to call her mistress and only speak when spoken to. My new name would be Tammy and I was only there to serve my mistress. I was then led into the other room where I was seated at the dressing table while my wife handed me the panties and corset that had been on the bed. I pulled the shear panties up my now smooth legs and the shockwave that went through my body was almost too much for me. After I had gotten on the panties I then put on the corset which was very tight about my waist and required her assistance in tying the laces in the back. The corset removed at least six inches from my waist giving me an hourglass figure that I had often admired in other women. My wife then went into her, (our), luggage and handed me a set of foam inserts which rounded out my new figure giving me a bustline that I found exciting. As I sat at the vanity in panties and corset she proceeded to apply makeŠup to my face. The foundation was first followed by eye shadow, liner, and then a rich red blush that highlighted my cheekbones. The red lipstick covered with a shinny gloss was then applied and mascara finished the face. She also applied some lighter blush down the center of my chest highlighting the new cleavage that the tight corset had given me. She then went back to the luggage and pulled out an long auburn wig that was put on me and then brushed out down to lay on my shoulders. I then had my nails painted in the brightest red polish I had ever seen, both hands and feet. As I sat waiting for the polish to dry I looked at myself in the mirror and could not believe it was me. The lady in the mirror was more than I ever expected I could be. My wife had then attached a pair of dangly silver earings that drapped almost to my shoulder which was quite a sensation whenever I turned my head. I was then handed the stockings and told to put those on while she also prepared to go out for dinner. While I was attaching the stocking to the garters of the corset I found myself totally enjoying the new sensations that surrounded me. I kept admiring myself in the mirror as I would turn and wonder how the girl in the mirror ever passed as a boy. I was then given the blouse and skirt to put on and I required her assistance with the skirts zipper in the back which when zipped closed caused my new girlish waistline to be quite obvious and would never had fit without the restraining corset underneath. The 4 inch heels came next and caused my rear end to be more pronounced than ever before. I again looked at the new girl in the mirror and was overwhelmed with her beauty, the makeup and molded figure gave me a look of total femininity in a sexual sort of way. The corset was partly visible under the sheer blouse and served to further draw attention to my new pouting breasts. I was in heaven. Soon my wife announced it was time to go and she finished my transformation with a pearl necklace and bracelet. I was handed a very small purse with some makeŠup and tissues in it which reminded me of my dependence on her this evening. As I followed her out of the room I couldn't help but wonder what lay in store for me. We went to a very nice restaurant in the hotel that had both a dining section and a cocktail lounge with live entertainment. I could not help but wonder if the men who would watch us pass by knew they were checking out a boy/girl and couldn't help but notice how their stares would travel from my face and down my body to my legs. Those stares were new to me and I was not sure how to handle them so I just walked on by with a small grin on my shiney lips as I teetered in the heels trying to keep up with my wife who would look back at me and smile knowingly. After we were seated and had ordered our meal the waiter came to our table and presented a bottle of french wine that was being sent to us by two men a few tables away as a gift. My wife accepted the wine graciously and told the waiter to thank the men for us as she turned to me, smiled and said "This could be a interesting night". I wondered what she ment by that as I nervously looked over to the table from which the wine had been sent. They were about our age, two well dressed handsome men, who were probably on a business trip together. As I looked their way the tallest of the two smiled at me and lifted his wine glass as if to toast. I immediately looked back at my wife who told me it would be impolite for me not to acknowledge the compliment as she turned their way and raised her glass in return. At her insistence I then also raised my glass and then took a quick drink hoping it would help calm my nerves. Here I was, dressed as a shaply women with my wife in a restaurant being toasted by two strange men. This weekend was not going as I had expected. As we ate our dinner my wife kept a casual conversation complimenting on my outfit and discussing womens clothes and never drifting from feminine subjects. She said she liked her new girlfriend and was looking forward to being able to spend more time together this way. After dinner she paid the bill and then announced we would go into the lounge and listen to the live band and watch the people dance. I had hoped we would return to the room but now knew my wife intended to show her new girlfriend what a fun night out was. As we sat and sipped our drinks I was surprised by the sudden appearance of the two men who had sent us the wine. They introduced themselves as Barry and Mike from New Jersey here on a business visit. My wife introduced herself and I (Tammy) and invited them to join us at our table. I was horrified, Barry sat next to me and started telling me how much he had admired me in the restaurant. I kept my side of the conversation to a minimum as speaking in a high feminine voice was difficult. Soon Mike asked my wife to dance to a pop song which was just being started by the group on stage. I was now alone at the table with Barry and as nervous as a teenager on her first date. Barry carried on the conversation and soon Mike and my wife returned from the dance floor. I felt safer with my wife at the table and I hoped she would thank the men for their company and we could return to the safety of our room. As another record started I recognized it as a slow tune, Barry stood up and asked me to join him on the dance floor. I didn't know what to do as I looked at my wife she grinned and said "go ahead and dance Tammy, you need to loosen up!". There was no way out so I followed Barry to the floor and then let him pull me to him in an embrace as I did my best to follow his dance steps. As we danced Barry pulled me even closer to him pressing my new breasts against his chest causing his maleness to rub against my hip. I soon became aware that this close contact with Barry was giving him an erection that I could not help feel pressing against my leg. He slowly lowered his hands from the small of my back to my rear pressing his hardness even closer. This was more than I had expected and although I found it exciting to be able to fool a man as I was, I couldn't help but wonder what Barry would think if he knew my secret. Soon the dance ended and he took my hand in his and led me back to the table where my wife and Mike appeared to be in an intimate conversation. After I was seated my wife looked up and announced she needed to go to the ladies room. I was anxious to discuss the recent turn of events with her and volunteered to accompany her. When we got to the ladies room I quickly pleaded with her to go back to our room where I would feel safer than I did right now. She obviously was enjoying my discomfort as she announced we would be returning to our room now, but, with the two men we had just met. While I was dancing she had invited Mike up and was sure he would be able to convince Barry to come as she had watched Barry grinding with me. I was now in a position where she had total control of the situation and she loved it. I protested saying there would be a problem if my secret was discovered but she only smiled as she told me she was sure he would understand if I handled everything like a lady! We returned to the table and the men had already paid the tab and were quite willing to leave at that moment which we did. On the way up Barry put his arm around my waist and told me how glad he was we had invited them up for nightcaps. I was now blinded by the events that were unfolding. I could only go along with my wifes plan as there was no where else for me to go. After we had gotten in the room my wife asked me to make drinks for our guests while she sat on the couch next to Mike and began a playful conversation that I could not hear. After I had served drinks to everyone Barry reached out and pulled me into his lap, I looked over to my wife to protest but she was already in an embrace with Barry who was running his hands all over her body. There was nothing I could do but play along and hope nothing got too out of control. I felt so helpless sitting on his lap as my wife was across the room in a heated embrace with Mike, I remembered what my wife had said about handling things like a lady and wondered how much like a lady? Barry pulled my face to his and gave me a long hard kiss that I did not expect. He then began kissing me as he took my hand and placed it on the now hard cock in his pants. I withdrew it but he looked at me and asked if I was only a tease or what as he looked over at my wife who now had Mikes cock out of his pants and was playing with it as she glanced our way and smiled. I knew I had to play along or risk him getting angry so I began rubbing his cock through his pants as he slid his tongue into my mouth with such force it startled me, and then began exciting me. Barry ran his hand up my nylon encased leg under my dress and continued to probe my mouth with his tongue. I used my free had to stop him from reaching the bulge in my panties as I unzipped his pants and released his cock in hope of distracting his efforts up my leg. As I again looked over at my wife I was horrified to see her bent over Mikes lap pumping her head over his cock. Barry also looked over and gave me a look as if to say why not us. I now knew what she meant by "like a lady" and knowing things had already gone too far I bent down and kissed the tip of Barrys cock as he put his hand on my head and forced me to fully engulf his cock as he thrust his hips upward. In a short period of time I felt Barry make a sudden thrust as he began coming in my mouth. It was hard to swallow all the come without choking but I managed to swallow all his come and then was amazed to feel the large cock shrink while still in my mouth. By now my wife had also finished Mike and as I lifted my head for air she told the guys how nice it was to meet them and that her and I needed to get to bed early that night. Barry gave me a quick kiss and thanked me for the hospitality he had received as he zipped himself up and prepared to go. After the men had left the room my wife told me our night was certainly not over and handed me a sheer baby doll nightgown to put on while she went into the other room to change. I wasn't sure how the rest of the evening would go but I knew that after tonight nothing would be the same. --