The benches around the pit were starting to fill up with men and women eager to watch as two fighters battled it out to the death. Trask, the pit master, took the list of fighters for the evening from his assistant and looked it over. It contained five names, not even enough for three bouts. Trask shook his head sadly. It was getting increasingly difficult to find fighters for the pit. The masters of slaves who made up the bulk of the pit fighters were becoming less willing to send their valuable property into the pit, knowing that they stood a good chance of losing their investment. It was nearly unheard of for a Freeman to fight in the pits, since the fights were always to the death. He was considering a free-for-all, which meant a very short program, when a tall figure wearing a red cloak walked up to him. Trask saw that it was a woman, and hoped that she was the mistress of a slave who would fill out a three bout card. "Can I help you?" he asked. "Yes, if you are the person who runs this fighting pit. I want to enter one of the bouts tonight. Do you have an opening?" "Yes, there is room for another fighter," replied Trask. "Where is the fighter you wish to enter?" "You don't understand," said the woman. "I am the one who will fight." "Impossible. There are no other women on the program I could match you against." "That is just as well," she said with a smile. "I never fight women unless it is two or three against me." She withdrew a purse from under the cloak and tossed it to him. "There is sufficient cash there for my entry fee, with enough left over for a wager. I'll trust you to get the best odds you can for me." "Very well, if you insist on fighting. I hate to take your money, though." Trask picked up his pen and asked, "What is your name?" "Tanya," she replied. "When do I fight?" "That depends. What is your weapon of choice? I'll try to match you to someone favoring a similar weapon." "I prefer no weapon," said Tanya. "Then you will fight Auric, last on the card. He is the only other fighter who wishes to use no weapon." Tanya nodded and walked to the preparation area. Trask weighed the purse and shook his head. "Pity to wager this and lose," he thought. "Why should I bet this when Auric's certain to beat her?" Trask had seen Auric fight before. He was a huge man with many scars all over his body. Trask thought of the woman and didn't give her a chance. "I'll just keep the money. She'll never know the difference, since she'll be dead." Trask slipped the purse into a pocket in his cloak. The first two matches didn't generate much enthusiasm from the crowd, nor much wagering. The first one featured a huge northern barbarian named Olav. Olav had long yellow hair hanging in a braid down his back. His opponent was a slim, swarthy man named Paz. They fought with knives. Olav's size was a disadvantage in a knife fight against a skilled opponent. Paz used his speed and artistry with a knife to continuously get under Olav's guard and deliver damaging cuts to the big man's body, weakening him. Paz received a few slight slashes to his arms, but they were not enough to slow him down. Paz slipped behind Olav and slashed his throat after just ten minutes or so. In the second, a Teuton named Bjorn, armed with a mace and shield, faced an Arab named Achmed, armed with ax and shield. The two were equally matched, and each delivered and received numerous blows. Finally Bjorn's mace shattered Achmed's shield, and the Arab was helpless as the mace descended and crushed his skull. Bjorn had to be carried from the pit as well, though, and Trask doubted whether he would live through the night. Fresh sand was spread to absorb the blood. Trask descended to the pit to announce the next match. "The final fight of the night will be fought without weapons," he called. There was a scattering of boos from the patrons. Weaponless fights were often long and boring. "Entering the pit first, standing six feet four inches tall and weighing two hundred and fifty pounds, Auric!" The huge red-haired man slowly entered the ring. He was a well known fighter, and some of the people who had been leaving sat back down. "His opponent, now entering the pit, stands six feet three inches tall and weighs two hundred and five pounds." Trask checked the paper again, surprised at Tanya's size. She hadn't seemed that large, but his assistant assured him that the measurements were accurate. "Tanya!" Tanya entered the pit, her red cloak still covering her from head to toe. The bookmakers in the benches groaned as everyone descended on them to wager on Auric. Matches between men and women were almost unheard of, and never without weapons. No one believed Auric would be defeated by a woman without any weapons, and they hurried to put their money down. Cries of "Twenty to one odds on the woman" were heard, but the long odds didn't faze the bettors. The fighters waited patiently for the hubbub to die down. While waiting, Tanya watched her opponent. Thick muscles covered Auric's arms and legs. He wore only a breechcloth, which sagged under his large belly. He appeared slow and somewhat dull-witted. Tanya smiled secretly to herself. She decided that her main problem would be preventing Auric from falling on her. Finally the spectators sat down on the benches again. Tanya removed her cloak and a collective gasp went up from the benches when they saw her body. Tanya's long auburn hair was braided and gathered tightly on top of her head. Long hair could be a liability in the pit, as an opponent could use it as a weapon. Tanya stood proudly, showing off her broad shoulders and deep chest. Her arms were heavily muscled from shoulder to wrist, and her hands were enormous. Her thick shoulders and chest tapered to a narrow waist. Hard sinew showed clearly at her midsection, which then flared quickly into hips and thick legs. Tanya gave the appearance of standing on two muscular tree trunks. Trask gave the signal for the fight to begin. Auric lumbered across the pit toward Tanya. His battle plan had always been to quickly crush his opponents, ignoring any damage done to him. Tanya quickly sidestepped to her left and kicked him with the full power of her right leg as he went past. Her foot landed just under his ribs. Auric grunted as the kick smashed into his side. He stumbled to a halt and turned to face Tanya, holding his side. Tanya knew that she had done some damage to Auric, perhaps breaking a rib, but it was difficult to tell through the meat covering his bones. Auric growled and charged again. This time Tanya jumped high into the air, the muscles in her powerful legs enabling her to vault over Auric's head. She tucked into a ball and somersaulted, landing on her feet behind the confused man. Auric skidded to a halt and turned to see where Tanya had gone. Tanya was ready for him, and punched Auric in the belly with enough power to drive him back several feet. Auric looked extremely puzzled as he rubbed his stomach in pain. The spectators laughed at the expression on his face as he regarded the burly woman before him. Auric decided that he'd better be more careful, since this woman had hit him hard twice without suffering a blow in return. He moved toward her slowly, waiting for the right time to attack again. Tanya decided not to wait for her slow moving adversary to attack. With astonishing speed for such a big woman she leaped in and hit him hard in the belly again. Before Auric could respond to her attack she spun around him and drove an elbow backwards into his kidneys. Auric roared in pain and confusion, turning around and grabbing at Tanya, but she was no longer within his reach. Auric stood there scratching his head in bewilderment. "What's wrong, you big clumsy ox?" taunted Tanya. "Scared of a girl?" Auric bellowed in anger and rushed at her again. Tanya dropped down and swept her powerful leg across Auric's legs, tripping him. The big man dropped to the sand and tumbled across the ground until he crashed into the wall of the pit. Before he could rise, Tanya was on top of him, wrapping her brawny arms around his chest, his head towards her. In an incredible demonstration of her raw power, Tanya heaved Auric atop her broad shoulders, facing the ceiling, his legs to her left and his head to her right. Tanya took some pains to secure her hold, setting her right arm behind his head and grasping his chin with her hand. Her left arm was between Auric's legs, and his right leg was secured by her left hand. Auric waved his arms helplessly as Tanya bent him backwards across her shoulders. To the excited spectators, it looked like she was going to break him in half. To Auric, it felt that way, too. Seemingly without effort, Tanya walked around the arena holding him like a prize across her shoulders. With each step he bounced slightly, causing even more stress on his sore back. A moan of pain escaped his lips as she pulled down with even more force. "What's wrong, does it hurt?" asked Tanya with mock sympathy in her voice. "Well, I'll just put you down, then." Her arms swelled to unbelievable proportions as she hefted his bulk even higher over her head and then threw him down to the sand. Auric lay there groaning while Tanya strutted around him. "Come on, big man, you're not going to let a little girl beat you, are you?" Auric roared in frustration and lurched to his feet, then lumbered toward Tanya again. Tanya met him head on, ducking inside his arms and driving her shoulder into his chest. Before he could close his arms around her, she smashed him in the belly with several hard, fast punches. Auric doubled over and stumbled back as Tanya's rock hard fists ripped through the fat covering his midsection. Tanya followed him step for step, until she had backed him against one wall of the pit. She changed her tactics slightly, now driving her big fists into his face, opening cuts over both eyes and smashing his nose flat. Auric's eyes glazed over and he would have fallen but for the wall at his back. Tanya's relentless punches kept smashing into his face as he stood there helplessly. Finally she stepped back and let him fall face first to the ground. Tanya nudged him with her foot. "Come on, big man," she taunted, "I'm not through with you yet." Auric growled and slowly got to his hands and knees in front of her. He looked up at Tanya's magnificent body in fear, seeing the way her muscles were enhanced by the sweat glistening on them. Tanya decided to let him all the way to his feet again, and stepped back a good distance. Auric was barely able to reach his feet. His face was a mess, with blood dripping into his eyes and from his broken nose down his chin and onto his chest. Tanya beckoned him, and he slowly charged at her again. Tanya spun to her right this time and drove her left foot into the side of Auric's left knee as he staggered past. Her foot landed with the force of a cannonball, and the sound of Auric's knee disintegrating could be heard all through the arena. Auric howled in pain as his knee bent in a direction it wasn't meant to bend. Tanya knew she had literally blown Auric's knee apart. The ligaments and sinews meant to hold it together had completely separated. Auric crashed to the floor of the pit as his left knee could no longer support his considerable weight. Tanya circled Auric warily. She knew he could still do some damage, and she wanted to be absolutely sure before moving in for the kill. Besides, she wasn't satisfied yet with the punishment he had suffered. Auric tried to stand, but his left knee collapsed again and he fell face down in the sand. As he pushed himself back to a sitting position, Tanya attacked like lightning. She delivered a piston like kick to his jaw with her right foot. Auric dropped to the floor again with the taste of blood in his mouth. Tanya reached down with one hand and caught Auric by the hair, forcing him to his feet. She then grabbed him with one arm over his shoulders and the other between his legs and hoisted back him into the air. The muscles in Tanya's enormous arms swelled as she brought him up over her head and then threw him halfway across the pit. Auric hit the floor hard. All the breath left his body. He moaned in pain as Tanya came over and kicked him lightly in the left knee. Tanya drove her foot repeatedly into his side, punishing him with powerful kicks and bruising him badly. She then settled herself on her knees, legs bestriding his body. Auric chortled in triumph as he quickly grabbed her by the throat and squeezed. Tanya realized that Auric could tolerate more pain than she had thought. She had been ready to finish him off, but his choke hold had surprised her. Tanya expanded her neck muscles in an effort to keep her throat open so she could breathe. She then reached up and caught Auric's wrists. The sinews in her huge forearms expanded as she used all the strength in her hands to crush Auric's wrists. Auric couldn't believe what was happening. Not only was the woman not collapsing, she was forcing his hands to open. Tanya forced Auric's hands slowly away from her throat and down to the floor. She stretched his arms up over his head. Auric tried to force her off his chest, but couldn't dislodge her. His frantic bridging allowed Tanya to slip her sinewy legs under his body and lock her ankles together. Using her legs, Tanya began to crush the life from Auric's body. Auric felt Tanya's legs tighten like a vise around his chest, and felt one of his ribs crack. He was unable to draw air into his lungs. Incredibly, Tanya increased the pressure and he felt another rib crack. Blood appeared on his lips as the rib pierced his lung. Tanya increased the pressure of her Herculean thighs. Auric's face turned blue and he began to lose consciousness. Auric's arms lay limply on the sand, and Tanya released her hold on his wrists so she could lean back slightly and concentrate all her power in her thighs. Auric's eyes rolled back in his head and he lay there senseless. Tanya released his arms and then unlocked her ankles. She knew that the fight wasn't over until Auric was dead. She sat beside him and rolled him over so that she was positioned behind him with her legs encircling his torso. Tanya wrapped one beefy arm around his head, positioned so that her right elbow was just under his chin. Slowly she pulled up and back with that arm while she twisted his head in the other direction with her left arm. Tanya's legs constricted again and she straightened her back, stretching Auric's spine. When she felt that Auric's neck would stretch no further, she quickly twisted his head back and up. Auric's neck snapped with a crack that everyone could hear. Tanya released her death grip and pushed Auric's limp body away. She got to her feet in one quick motion and stood over Auric. Sweat clung to her body, gleaming in the light of the torches and highlighting her swelling muscles. Tanya raised both arms over head and roared her triumph to the heavens. Quickly Tanya walked to where her cloak hung and put it on, then crossed the floor to Trask. "Where's my money?" she asked. Trask swallowed hard. "Um, well, here's the winner's purse." Tanya's eyes narrowed. "Fine, but where are the winnings for the wagers you placed for me? I heard that the bookmakers were giving odds of twenty to one. I should have quite a bit of money coming." She stepped closer and doubled her big fist under Trask's nose. "Where the hell is it?" "Um, er, I never wagered the money." Trask took a step back as Tanya's eyes turned even colder. "I figured you didn't stand a chance, so why throw the money away?" Before Trask could get away Tanya had caught him by the shirt and lifted him off the floor. Her face was only inches from his, and he saw his death in her eyes. "You owe me twenty times what was in my purse, little man," she growled. "I'd like to collect. If I don't get the money I'll take it out of your hide, you miserable worm." "I don't have that kind of money," Trask squeaked. "Then what do you have that has any value?" "I'll give you every cent I own." "That's not good enough, scum. I want what I have coming." "All I own is this pit," he mumbled. Tanya scowled and lifted him a bit higher. "Very well, I want half interest in this pit. We'll be partners." Her expression turned even colder. "And I expect to make money. I'll even fight once in a while. If I ever lose, you'll get to keep it all. The novelty of a woman fighting men should draw in the customers pretty well." continued ............ --