Kathy pulled me aside from the noise of the party, and asked me if I would join Elaine and herself in some cocaine. I said, "Sure,". As we retreated upstairs, Elaine mentioned that she did not really have enough to share with everyone. We shut ourselves in the spare guest bedroom, and Elaine opened the foil onto a hand mirror. After exchanging snorts, we sat down on the bed as Kathy rolled a joint. We huddled together, and I thought at first it was a conspiratorial-type thing, since we left the party to do some private drugs. As the coke and the grass worked its effect, we giggled and joked, and I began to get the idea that Kathy was getting extremely close. She had her thigh pressed tightly to mine, and put her arm around my back, pressing her breast into my side as she leaned over to pass the joint to Elaine. Then she turned my head to face her and made the pass...an extremely hot, wet kiss. At first I was surprised beyond belief, but feeling reeaally mellow from the aforementioned substances, I got into it and returned her kiss. Elaine giggled and said, "Kathy, you're terrible!". Kathy looked into my dilated pupils with utmost seriousness, and said, "Ian, I want to fuck you so bad I can taste it," then she smirked and said, "Yeah, I'd like to taste it, too!" and giggled at her inadvertent pun. Her hand was working some kind of magic on my crotch. Elaine began unbuttoning my shirt, and said, "Ian, you really should... that girl hasn't had something warm inside for a loooong time now...I'd really get off on watching," and as she grabbed at the hardon I had pushing against my pants, "and it looks like you'd get off on doing." I couldn't think of anything witty to say, and Elaine continued to remove my shirt. I looked at Kathy, and she had her clothes off in what must have been record time. Then she helped Elaine get me free of mine. Kathy wrapped herself around me and thrust her tongue in my mouth. I was half amazed by this forward female, and half really digging the assault. She pushed me down on the bed. I could smell her sweet heat. She straddled my body, gently rubbing her erect nipples across my chest. Kathy grabbed my erect cock behind her, and wiped the bead of come off the tip. She placed it on my lips, saying "this says you're ready, boy!" I said, "anything I could say would be redundant," then glanced at Elaine. "How are you doing?" Elaine had her jeans' zipper open, and was masturbating as she leaned against the headboard. To prove the point, she dangled her fragrant fingers in front of my nose, and said "Just fine, Ian, when are you two going to fuck your brains out?" Kathy said, "This is how it's done, girl," and thrust my cock into her pussy. She pumped like mad, leaning back. I saw her bobbing breasts and a grin a mile wide across her face. I pinched Kathy's nipples as she grunted with each thrust faster and faster. This was heaven. Elaine said, "I want a closeup shot of this". I opened my eyes and looked over at Elaine...she had removed her jeans and panties, and got off the bed to move behind Kathy. "How primal!" giggled Elaine, "here we have a cock, a pussy, and two assholes!" "Just wait...mhhff...honey, you'll get yours!" said Kathy, panting and moaning, "hey, Elaine, that tickles!" Just then I felt Elaines fingers exploring my balls and my asshole...the extra attention put me over the top, and I came with stars and fanfares. Kathy moaned and hugged me tight. "Kathy, that was fantastic! I've never been raped so good, and I have to confess I secretly wanted it" I said as Kathy rolled over to my side. She leaned over and took my shrinking cock into her mouth, rolling her tongue around. She came back up to my eye level and said, "My popsicle tastes good, but it's all melted!". I said, "Yeah, well, right, but the party is NOT over." We looked at Elaine, who was squatting on the floor, bringing herself to the umpteenth orgasm and quietly moaning. Kathy jumped up and grabbed Elaine's free arm, "Let's do her, Ian. I know this girl and her middle name is cunnilingus." Elaine made no objection as we pulled her onto the bed and made an Elaine sandwich. I kissed her deeply, and she returned hungrily. Kathy began licking her neck and rolling Elaine's clitoris between her fingers. Kathy looked at me and said, "Ian, here's what we do: we both go down on her, you take that side". I smiled and nodded, and our tongues began their slow descent of Elaine's body. We both stopped momentarily at Elaine's breasts and sucked both of her nipples, squeezing her between our bodies. "Oh, YESSSSSS!" screamed Elaine. We descended further, with Elaine thrusting her hips and pushing our heads down further. As we reached her pubic hair, we kissed and sucked and licked, three sets of lips in a tangle of flesh. Elaine shuddered and moaned as the orgasm ran up and down her body. "My God, that was nice!" whispered Elaine. Kathy and I came up to snuggle against Elaine. "We thought you might like it" said Kathy. We snuggled together, feeling warm and nice, doing the various combinations of kissing each other. My cock, by this time, had risen for its second coming, and pressed against Elaine's thigh. She reached down and grabbed it, saying, "Well, Kathy, what do we have here?". "Looks like Ian's cock again," replied Kathy, "how about a little cock-sucking competition, Huh?" I quipped, "I'm Up for it!" 2> Elaine This was absolutely fantastic! Kathy was so damn horny, she had enough material for 72 hours of porn video! I somehow knew that girl would have it in her, so to speak...and then Ian and Kathy went down on me together...my God! two heads really are better than one... And now she's going down on Ian, "I guess it's you first, honey, since you're already there". "First come, second come..." mumbled Ian as his eyes rolled up. Kathy was pretty impulsive, giving Ian's balls a cursory lick and then getting down to moving her mouth up and down his cock rapidly. I started sucking at Ian's nipple...this guy is really blissing out! Kathy was working away, and Ian looked like he was doing OK. I mussed her hair and said, "Alright, Kathy, now it's my turn". She looked at us, smiled, and came up for air. She grabbed Ian's face and kissed him hard, and said, "Ian, just remember that you can come in MY mouth anytime!". I gave Ian a peck on the lips, and began tracing my tongue down his body. By the time I reached his navel, his pelvis was thrusting hungrily. I continued lower, nibbling at his thighs. My tongue slipped slowly from his balls to the tip of his pearling cock. I noticed Kathy guiding Ian's fingers to her pleasure spots as they watched me below. My hand found the jar of vaseline I had left on the floor next to the bed. I took a big gob of it and started massaging Ian's asshole as I swallowed his cock as far as possible. "Oh, yes, Elaine!" exclaimed Ian. I slowly slipped my finger into his ass as my tongue explored his cock. My finger explored his asshole, slipping in and out and around, as my lips nipped the top of the head of his cock. Ian gasped, and when I felt his spasms start, I took him entirely in my mouth and pushed my finger as far as I could up his ass. He moaned as he came. I climbed back up onto the bed and shared his chalky taste with him in a long kiss. I glanced over at Kathy, who was looking kind of impatient, and said to Ian, "Now it's your turn to be of service to womankind. Kathy's pussy is simply dripping in anticipation of getting some head...". Ian smiled at Kathy, and she grinned back at him.... 3> Kathy Elaine must have read my mind...Ian had been absent-mindedly rubbing my pussy as Elaine sucked him off, and now I was really hot! Elaine had offered Ian's services in cunnilingus, and he looked willing. So I rolled over and straddled his head between my thighs. "Something sure smells good," he said as he licked my thigh, moving closer and closer. His fingers began exploring my vagina, then he shoved his thumb all the way in, grabbing my ass with his hand, as he kissed my lower set of lips fully. Elaine had her head on my thigh for a good closeup view..."Oh GOD, Ian! That was nice the way you sucked it into your mouth a little! Now lick the side... yeahhhh..." Elaine smiled and got her jar of vaseline. Then I felt the goo being rubbed around my ass, then...something working itself into my asshole! It felt kinda interestingly good, but I was shocked by the anatomical impossibility, since Ian was still doing lovely things with his tongue. Elaine said, "Easy does it, Kathy. It's just one of my toys." This was incredible! Elaine was fucking my up my ass with that dildo, and Ian's thumb was filling my vagina as his lips kissed my nether lips. The warmth was spreading fast, and I went over the top... "mmmmmmmmmnnnnnnnnnhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!" I leaned forward and Elaine slowly pulled the dildo out. I rolled off of Ian and kissed him, tasting my own smelly mucous on his lips. As I pulled one of my own pubic hairs out of my mouth, I saw Elaine playing with Ian's cock, trying for another rise. She said, "Arise, ye object of fellation...there we go! Now I want you to fuck me up the ass, Ian,". And she began rubbing his cock with vaseline in an extremely teasing manner... --