(A males fantasy) I am not the model type. I have an above average mentality but my body has suffered the effects of sitting behind my desk for long hours and not getting the proper exercise. I have many interests and am knowledgeable about many different things so I can hold my own in many types of situations. I am very confident in my handling of people and in my own sexuality. I am married to a beautiful woman named Sunnie and we have a very open sexual relationship that is very closed when it comes to our love and devotion for each other. Knowing this little bit of background might possibly help you understand my total shock when I received a phone call at my office one day. This woman had told my secretary her name was Linda (pronounced with the i sounding like a long e which is the Spanish word for beautiful) and that the call was personal. I couldn't resist the temptation so I said I would accept the call. This incredibly sexy, young voice came on the line and started talking about me. She said she knew who I was and that she found me very exciting and wanted to get to know me better. She said she had been watching me lately and knew everything about me. I asked her what she meant by "everything" and she said she had seen my wife and knew that we were swingers and that my wife was bi. Since my wife and I do not make this information public knowledge I was more then a little surprised. I asked her how she knew this and she said she would tell me more later. I asked Linda why she called and she said she wanted to get to know me and my wife better. She also said she would talk to me in person sometime in the next week without me knowing who she was. She then said she had to go and before I could say anything else she hung up. I had told Sunnie about the call and she thought it sounded really interesting. She told me to play it out as long as I wanted to and felt comfortable with the situation. I was going up the wall trying to figure out where a girl would possibly get to know this much about me and my not have the foggiest idea who she was. Needless to say I started having some sleepless nights and found myself daydreaming about my Mystery Lady Linda. I would find myself studying anybody I came in contact with to see if perhaps this was her. I saw nothing. She had called me on Wednesday. By the next Tuesday night I figured it was just some kind of hoax. Around 7:00 that night I was sitting at home watching the TV and got another call. This time my Mystery Lady asked me if I had enjoyed the brief conversation I had with her. This was really a shock to me because I had been very careful all week to notice anyone and I had not had a conversation with a single female at all. I told her that was impossible and she just gave me a short little laugh and asked if I had enjoyed the prime rib I had Saturday night. I started thinking back and remembered taking my wife out to eat Saturday night and that I did, indeed, have prime rib. I asked if she had been the waitress and Linda said she hadn't been. I kept going through the whole night in my mind trying to remember talking to any female other then the waitress and my wife and I came up empty. I finally said, "OK, that's enough. You have to tell me when you talked to me." She then told me that I had a very soft heart. I asked her what she meant and she asked if I remembered the little girl I talked to while I was paying the bill. I thought back and vaguely remembered a young girl of about 13 or 14 coming up to me while my wife was in the restroom and asking if I had a quarter because she really needed to call her parents and had run out of change. I remembered her blonde hair had been tied up in a pony tail and she had been very polite. I remember thinking how well mannered the petite little girl was but that was about all I could remember. By this time I was going absolutely crazy. I asked Linda if that was her and she said it was. I had to ask the obvious question of just how old she was. She told me she was 21 but she had always looked very young for her age. She said she always had fun wrapping her tits up tight, not putting on any make-up and dressing like a little girl. She said very few people ever really guessed she was older because she was petite. I really started straining trying to remember what that little girl looked like. I remember she seemed very wholesome and sweet. She looked young and very naive. I just couldn't remember exactly what her features were like. I finally asked, "Am I going to see you again?" She said, "Do you really want to see more of me?" I answered very quickly, "I want to see all of you!" "Well, within the next week you will see more of me! I promise!" She replied. "What do you mean by that?" I inquired. She paused for a minute and said, "Bye darlin!" and hung up. Oh, was I ever going bananas! I was having trouble at work because I kept drifting off into my daydream trying to conjure up the face of that sweet little girl in the restaurant. Trying to visualize her body which I really hadn't looked at because of her apparent age. I found myself lost in fantasies about what I could do with a body like that which kept giving me hard ons. Since I don't wear underwear I found myself in embarrassing situations more then once. Being so turned on all the time caused me to go home and totally ravish my wife. Sunnie didn't mind this at all so she was always encouraging me to follow it through, besides, she was getting excited about the possibilities also. I had to work a little late on Friday. As I came out of the office I glanced up and saw a small foreign sports car parked against the curb heading in the wrong direction. Suddenly, this beautiful figure of a woman in a short miniskirt wearing a hat and large sunglasses walked up and opened the car door. I watched as she slowly sat way down in the seat causing her dress to hike up higher and higher on her thighs. She was a short girl but because of the curb next to the car her knees were well above her hips as she sat down. I stood there mesmerized as she looked up at me. She smiled and opened up her knees so I could see between her legs. I was about twenty or thirty feet away but it was a bright day and because of the sunlight reflecting off of the sidewalk I could see her crotch clearly. She didn't have on anything underneath and I could tell she was a natural blonde. She sat there for a good thirty seconds smiling at me. I finally got a hold of my senses and started toward her. She quickly swung her legs into the car, shut the door and drove off. I hadn't been able to see her face clearly or her hair but that body and that pussy were incredible. I knew I was hopelessly hooked on this Mystery Lady. I had to taste that pussy and feel my dick slide into it. I had visions of my dick softly rubbing that clit. I had to have her under my control somehow. I tried to figure what I would say the next time she called me. Monday afternoon the call finally came. The secretary told me I had a personal call from someone named Linda. I slowly got up from my desk and went to shut my door. I took my time while I tried to get my emotions under control. It really didn't work because by the time I got back to the phone I had a raging hard on that already felt like it was going to burst. I picked up the phone and said, "Hello?" This incredibly sexy voice came on and said, "Did you enjoy seeing more of me?" "Hell yes!" I replied "but you are driving me crazy with this bits and pieces of you! I want to taste the whole of you all at once!" By now I was almost screaming with the frustration I was feeling! "I am having trouble concentrating at work, I alternate between nightmares and wet dreams when I try to sleep! Don't you think I want to follow through with this and see it to the end?" There was silence for moment and she said, ever so softly, "Let me see what I can do to help your situation." "How can you help?" I asked. "You'll see," she said and hung up. By Saturday I figured she must have given up this little game. I hadn't heard or seen anything this whole week. I had fallen a little behind in my work because of my distractions so I decided to go into the office Saturday afternoon to see if I couldn't get myself straightened out. I worked for a couple of hours and finally managed to wade through the various messes I had made and got to a point where I felt comfortable everything would be taken care of properly. I locked up the office and walked to the elevator admonishing myself for letting some prank get me so far behind in what I needed to be doing. The elevator door opened and there was a couple inside leaning against the far right hand corner. He had his back against the corner and she was locked in a tight lip-lock with him standing with her back to me. I coughed politely and turned my back to them as I punched the 1st floor button. Suddenly I felt a soft hand on my butt and she said, "If you turn around you will never see me again." I recognized her voice immediately and knew I wouldn't do anything to stop this from happening. She rubbed my ass for a few seconds then reached around me and pushed the stop button. I was afraid at first because I didn't know if that would set off an alarm or not. It didn't but it did stop the elevator. She obviously had this all planned out. She reached between my legs and started stroking my cock through my pants. I was hard in no time. She took her left hand and reached around me and started stroking my cock with her left hand and my ass with her right hand. I had to fight to keep from turning and looking at her but I knew I couldn't chance fucking this up. She paused for a moment as I felt her throw her long blond hair forward. She slowed eased around in front of me. I looked down and could not see her face. She kept her head down the whole time. She reached up with her left hand and undid the hook on my pants while she kept her right hand stroking my dick. She paused for a second while she reached up and unzipped my fly. She let my pants fall to the floor as she gingerly cupped her left hand under my balls and wrapped her right hand around my dick. I looked down and could only see her beautiful hair draped around her face and my dick as she slowly licked and teased my dick with her tongue. I looked around and saw the other guy leaning against the opposite corner of the elevator, arms and legs crossed with a grin on his face. My attention was pulled back to my dick as Linda took my dick slowly into her mouth constantly running her tongue around it as long as she could. Her tongue felt likes fingers of fire on my dick as flicked it back and forth over it all the while maintaining a suction and pressure with her lips as her mouth moved up and down my shaft. I threw my head back as all of these sensations were flooding my entire being at the same time. She started getting more serious about getting me off and she increased the pressure of her lips and the rhythm of her strokes. I could feel the cum start to build pressure in my balls as she increased the tempo and the pressure. My hips started their own involuntary pumping action as the pressures built within me. Linda grabbed the base of my dick with her hand and started stroking my whole dick with both her hand and her mouth. Her left hand continue to stroke the underside of my balls. I could feel the cum starting to move up from my balls. I threw my head back feeling the ecstacy growing inside me. I couldn't control my breathing anymore as I started gasping with the pure pleasure I was feeling. Linda started moving her head even faster in rhythm with my movements as the cum weld up uncontrollably and I abandoned myself to the overwhelming orgasm that racked my body with spasm after spasm. She sucked in every last drop of cum as my body went through the final periodic spasms caused by the light touch of her mouth and tongue on my now sensitive dick. I felt my legs start to buckle as the fierceness of my orgasm subsided. She pulled her hair around to one side and placed it between her head and my dick as she gently laid her head against me. I felt her hands reach up and grab her hair and gently cup my balls wrapping her hair around both my dick and balls massaging them ever so softly. Linda slowly backed up lowering her head and bringing her hair around so it would cover both sides of her face. I said, "You can't leave me like this without me even getting a good look at you." She whispered softly, "I don't want you to see me now. You will get your chance provided you don't ruin it. We will get off on the second floor. You must not look around but rather keep your face hidden until the elevator doors have closed. I will be getting in touch with you later." I said, "Alright, but you are going to owe me for this." Linda sighed seductively and said, "If you say so." She reached around me and pressed the elevator button to get us started. When we came to the second floor I heard her and her friend leaving. Just before the door closed she whispered back to me, "You can pull your pants up now!" It's been over a week since out little escapade in the elevator and I still haven't heard from my little mystery lady. I had really been put through a lot and realized how much I had been manipulated to satisfy her every whim. I knew I was excited by the whole scene but I also knew I had to get control over this situation, if there really was a situation to get control over. I still didn't know for sure how serious this little lady was about this and as time kept passing my normal insecurities started taking affect. I was a bit perturbed at myself for getting so worked up over this situation and allowing this presumptuous (but very sexy) lady control me in such a complete way. I was determined that if I ever had my chance I would turn the tables. I finally got a call on Wednesday, a week and a half after our last contact. I was at the office when the secretary buzzed me and told me I had a personal call from Linda. I sat in my chair for a full minute deciding how to handle this before I picked up the receiver. I spoke slowly and said, "Well hello. I was beginning to think I wasn't going to hear from you again." Linda said in her soft seductive voice, "Oh, I think you know I am into this as much as you are." "That could be," I said, "but all of this has been at my expense. I really think you owe me now and I think its time for me to collect." She was silent for what seemed like forever. I really didn't want to run her off but I wanted to see if maybe this little fantasy could go all the way. I kept quite waiting for her response. Finally I heard her subdued voice answer me. "I'll do whatever you want," she said. "I will expect you to do whatever I ask you to do with no questions asked. Is that understood?" I told her. "You will start by calling me sir." She just said, "Yes sir." I told her to call me back on Thursday and I would tell her what she would have to do. After I hung up, my mind started working very quickly. I realized that this was an opportunity of a lifetime and I planned to make the very best of it. I am also one of those very few lucky men whose wife has totally submitted herself to my wishes. This is not to say she is an absolute slave because the only reason she will do what I want is her absolute trust in the fact that I would never put her down or put her in any dangerous or possibly painful situation. She knows the deep respect I have for her and she knows the depth of our relationship. She just loves being able to let go and follow my every whim enjoying the surprises and being taken up in the total sexual ecstasies that come from completely letting go. Needless to say my fantasies at having these two beautiful women under my control was driving me bananas. While I was sitting at my desk thinking about this I got an incredible hard on. I mean this was a real throbber. All of a sudden there was a knock on my door. Naturally in walked the cutest of our secretaries. Now I absolutely do not mix my private life with my business life. I didn't want my secretary to see the predicament I was in so I slid my chair a little farther under my desk. Of course this time she must walk around to my side of the desk because she has this large brochure layout that needed some technical help and the front of my desk was too crowded. I got up trying to cover myself but I had taken a bit too long to start and she was standing beside me watching me as I got up. I glanced at her and saw her looking at my crotch with my hard on standing at attention. I quickly bent over the brochure doing my best to hide my problem. Gradually, as we talked I could tell I was finally losing some of my stiffness, but not all. We finished up and she reached in front of me to gather up her papers. I felt her elbow rub against my still partially hard dick as I stood up straight. She glanced at me and flashed a quick, knowing smile. As she was leaving the office she turned and said, "I'll give you a little time to work on your problem." She then flashed me that knowing smile again. Boy, was my little Mystery Lady going to pay for this! That night my mind was in overdrive as I tried to plan out how this weekend was going to go. Our kids were going to be gone to their step fathers house so I wouldn't have any problems there. My biggest problem was going to be to convince Sunnie that we should just spend Saturday night at home. I decided to take the frontal approach and tell Sunnie that I had been feeling a little neglected lately and I wanted to do some wild and crazy things to her body Saturday night. This wanton look came over her face and she said, "Yes sir, I think I can handle that!" Everything was planned. All I needed now was the complete cooperation of my Mystery Lady. I was still not sure if Linda was totally in my control but I figured I would go for all or nothing. The prospects were just too fantastic. I was going to play this to the hilt. The next day at work I got another call from Linda. I slowly picked up the receiver, took a long, deep breath and said, "Hello?" This now familiar voice that always sent chills up my spine answered, "What is it you want me to do?" I paused a few minutes collecting my thoughts. "Do you know where I live?" I asked her. "Yes, I followed you home a couple of times," she admitted. I gulped at this revelation but kept my cool. "I want you to be in my driveway at exactly 7:00PM Friday night. Do you have a long coat?" I asked. "Yes," she said. "I want you to wear a sexy bra that lets your nipples show through, crotchless panties, thigh-top hose and high heels. Oh, and Linda," "Yes," she replied. "Don't wear anything else!" "Yes sir!" she said softly. I spent most of the day Friday trying to figure out how to make everything work just right. Timing was the biggest problem if I was going to keep this a total surprise for Sunnie. I had been trying for some time to think of a way to catch her off guard in a sensuous situation. This seemed to fit the bill perfectly. By Saturday I pretty well had everything worked out in my head. It would be tough but I figured if I kept my eye on the clock I could make things happen the way I wanted. I told Sunnie I wanted to go into town and get the right food for the perfect night. I picked up steaks for two, fresh shrimp, potatoes, and salad fixings. Since the kids weren't home I would have to allow the time for the normal playing around that I knew would happen. I got home about 3:00 so I had four hours to make things happen right. I unloaded the groceries doing my best not to let my excitement show. Sunnie was walking around the kitchen, giving me a hand, wearing nothing but a T-Shirt. Every time she bent over to put something away she would expose her ass and sometimes, if she bent low enough I could see her cunt. I stopped to think about how lucky I was to have this sexy gal as my wife. How lucky I was that she was as much or more into this lifestyle as I was. How lucky I was to even be able to put this night together. I walked over, as Sunnie bent down to put some pots away, and ran my hand between her legs. She let out a soft moan and rotated her pussy on my hand. "Oh, that feels Sooo good!" she said. "I really hope you can handle me tonight. I am really horney." "Don't worry, honey, I think you will get more then your share of sex if I have anything to say about it," I replied. "Sunnie, I really think you need to give me a nice bubble bath. It's been awhile since you have done that and I think the two of us could get in an especially good frame of mind if we were to soak in some warm bubbles," I told her. "You need to do everything I ask of you tonight and I will promise you a night of nights to remember." She looked at me with a sly grin and said, "Yes sir." She went in to the bathroom and started the bubble bath while I finished putting up the groceries. I hollered, "Don't take off your T-Shirt yet, I want to do that in my own way." "OK," she responded. I gave her a few minutes to get the water right and to start the tub filling up. I walked into the bathroom and took her hand and pulled her into the bedroom. "I seem to have entirely too many clothes on," I said. She looked down at me and said, "I think you are absolutely right." She started unbuttoning my shirt gently kissing my chest as she did so. When she pulled my shirt off my arms she stuck her tits in my chest and started nibbling on my neck. She finally got my shirt off and knelt down in front of me so she could undo my belt and pants with her lips close to my dick. She already had me turned on and as she pulled my pants down my dick sprang free. "Oh! What have we here?" she teased as she slid her moist mouth over the head of my dick. I could only moan as I felt her warmth taking over my whole body. She reached down and pulled my pants completely off while she continued sucking my now engorged member. "I think we had better get into the tub before it overflows," I said trying to hold off the orgasm she could pull out of me so quickly when she wanted to. I bent down and pulled her up from her knees and led her into the bathroom where the bath was filled just right and the water was perfect. I climbed in and told her to wash me good before she got in. She got the soap and started to rub my chest as I put my wet hands on her tits through the T-Shirt. I kept wetting my hands as the T-Shirt slowly turned transparent. Soon it was sticking to her chest as her nipples came to attention trying to poke through the wet material. I sat back and watched for a moment as she washed my whole body from top to bottom caressing every inch -- kneading every pore. I watched as her tits swayed back and forth to the rhythm of her strokes. I could smell the soft fragrance of the bubble bath and felt the warmth of the water soaking into my whole body. I looked down and saw my dick sticking up through the bubbles like the mast of some ship sunken in shallow water. I looked up at Sunnie and said, "Ok, it's your turn now. Take off the T-Shirt and join me." I watched as she slowly, teasingly pulled her T-Shirt over her head letting her tits fall free. She stepped over me in the tub and lowered her cunt on top of my dick. She held her own weight for a moment as she teased the tip of my cock with her clit. She threw her head back as she lowered her cunt the rest of the way engulfing my dick. I almost came right then as her tight pussy pulled my dick into it. She rolled her hips round and round as she clamped her vaginal muscles around my dick. I reached forward and put my finger on her clit as she moved applying just the right pressure I knew would set her off. She started rotating her hips faster as my dick stirred the insides of her womb. My fingers were working on her clit as she started moaning louder and louder. I could feel her whole body coming to a climax as she starting riding my dick up and down while I played with her clit. She finally screamed in a totally uncontrolled orgasm as her cunt clamped down on my dick and her body was racked with spasms. I held back because I knew there was much more to come and I didn't want to cum just yet. She finally collapsed from her intense orgasm and managed to crawl off of me. I climbed out and said, "Now you get in and lay back like a good girl." She slowly crawled into the tub and laid back. I started massaging her toes and feet working my way up her legs. I wrapped my hands around her calves and thighs gently kneading them. I got up to her hips and reached my hands underneath her ass gently lifting her up and massaging her cheeks. I pushed my hands farther up to the small of her back massaging in soft circular motions ever higher and higher. Fluffs of bubbles hung on to her tits as her nude body rose and fell in time with her breathing. I took each arm in turn wrapping my hands around the muscles and rolling them tenderly. I reached up around her neck and massaged the back of her neck and just below her ears. She was so relaxed she could hardly sit up. "Don't go to sleep on me," I said. "There is much more to come!" I got up then, dried off and left her to relax for awhile. I glanced at the clock and realized it was going on 4:00. I went into the kitchen and starting putting seasonings and sauce on the steaks. Since the back of our house is private I didn't have to put on any clothes to cook outside. I walked out in the beautiful sunshine totally nude and relished in the sun. I fixed up the fire trying to keep an eye on the time so I wouldn't blow the whole evening. I had to stop and laugh at myself for a second because I was standing outside, totally nude with this raging hard on, trying to keep my thoughts together long enough to cook the steaks! Sunnie came out then with her towel in hand rubbing it beside her head. She kind of giggled, looked down at my dick and said, "You look like you have a definite problem there!" I looked down and said, "Well, there is still plenty of time for that to be taken care of." She knelt down in front of me putting her towel on the concrete and started lightly tonguing the head of my dick. She slowly eased her mouth over it and started pushing it from side to side winding her tongue around it in the way only she knows. She started taking my dick in and out of her mouth slowly at first then faster and faster. My back arched involuntarily as I threw my head back feeling the flood of sensations flowing through my body. I wanted to take it easy -- make it last. I forced myself to feel the warmth of the sun on my face, the light fresh breeze caressing my whole body. The beginning of my orgasm could no longer be denied, though, as it ripped through my thoughts and my body. The pressure in my balls welled up and exploded through my dick as my body was racked in spasm after spasm. I looked down and saw my cum oozing out of Sunnie's mouth as she looked up at me and grinned. "So much for the appetizer!" She said while licking her lips. I heard the steaks sizzling and looked over to see the fire had flamed up. I rushed over and threw the lid down on the grill to smother it. "Now see what you've done?" I said smiling over at Sunnie who was laughing at me. "Just wait. Your turn is coming I guarantee it!" I said pointing a finger at her. Our nude candlelight dinner was very refreshing and relaxing. The candlelight flickered across Sunnie emphasizing different parts of her body as she moved. The conversation was light and full of sexual innuendos. It didn't take too long to finish the meal and put the dishes up -- a task made much more pleasant with the constant caressing and feeling of each others bodies. I glanced up at the clock and saw that it was getting close to 7:00. I knew I had to hurry this up a little if everything was going to work out the way it was suppose to. "I really think we ought to take a quick shower before we get down to the good part!" I told Sunnie as I held her stroking her pussy. "UMMM, sounds good," she said as she grabbed my hard dick and led me into the bathroom. "Let mommy wash you down real good!" She adjusted the water temperature and pulled me into the shower with her. She turned with her back to the shower and soaped down the front of her body while I reached down and gently rubbed her clit. She grabbed both my hands and pushed them around behind me while she brought the whole front side of her body up to mine. She started flexing her knees up and down while rubbing her tits against my chest. She kept this up while washing me lower and lower until her tits were wrapping themselves around my dick. She brought her hands around grabbing both tits and pushed up and down stroking my dick. "Not right now," I said, pulling her up off her knees. "I want to save that for later!" "Yes sir." she said with a disappointed pout on her face. I sat down in the shower and said, "I want to watch you clean your pussy." She immediately reached down and started rubbing her pussy easing her fingers in to her opening and massaging her clit at the same time. She kept this up for a minute as her breathing started getting more and more rapid. At last her body went into a spasm as she came. I reached up and cupped her mound with my hand very gently and said, "That's a good girl." She just sighed. I rubbed her all over with the towel and led her into the bedroom. "I want to explore this beautiful, clean body with no interference from you. Lie down and let me tie you up," I said as I got the soft ropes out of the closet. She lay down, spread eagle on the bed, and let me tie her up. "OK, I don't want you to see everything I am going to do. I want some things to be a surprise so I am going to blindfold you," I said. I got the large bandanna we had for this out of the closet and tied it around her head making sure she could not see anything. I got on the foot of the bed and started lightly licking and teasing her toes. I took each one into my mouth licking them and flicking my tongue around them -- caressing them. I kneaded her foot with my hand using my thumbs to press her arches in and massage them softly. I glanced up at the clock and saw that it was 6:59 and wondered if my Mystery Lady was there yet or not. I decided I would have a little more fun and give her a few minutes to wait in the car. I moved my kisses up her calves kneading them. I felt the tension subside and her muscles relax as I continued my ministrations to her. I glanced up at the clock again and it was 7:05. It was now or never. This could end up being a night for Sunnie and I to remember the rest of our lives. I suddenly stopped playing with Sunnie and said, "I think you need a few minutes to relax. You just imagine what I am going to do to you and I will be back shortly." She just whimpered and said, "Yes sir!" I went into the living room and peaked out the front window. There was a car there! I slipped my robe on and walked out the front door and approached the car. My heart was pounding as I anticipated seeing this woman who had been driving up the wall for so long now. I opened the drivers side of the car and watched as the trench coat opened up and those gorgeous legs swung out exposing her crotchless panties. I reached for her hand and she took it, letting me pull her up and out of the car. "Welcome, Linda, it is your turn now," I said as I put my hands into her coat sliding them around her backside and grabbing her ass. I pulled her crotch into mine as I opened my robe and stuck my hard dick between her legs. "Yes sir!" she said. I covered myself as best I could under the circumstances and led her quietly back into the house. I closed and locked the door and turned to finally see in full light my Mystery Lady. God! Was she ever gorgeous!. "Take off your coat, I want to see if all of this aggravation was worth it," I said. She ever so slowly dropped the coat from her shoulders and let it slide to the floor. She stood with her head down and her weight shifted to one foot. "Look at me!" I said. She raised her head slowly looking into my eyes with the bluest, most penetrating eyes I have ever seen. I felt my knees weaken as I let my eyes take in every curve of her body. Her tits stuck through her bra looking like Hershey Kisses standing there at attention, begging for attention. Her waist curved in beautifully. She was not a body builder and her muscles didn't show through but her waist was slender with no excess fat. Her hips were petite and I saw strands of her pubic her catching the faint light as she swayed lightly under my gaze. I walked up to her and put my hand on her pussy sliding my finger inside her moist warmth and gently stroked her. I reached around with my other hand and grabbed her ass putting my lips on her neck kissing her and lightly flicking her skin with my tongue. She swayed slightly again and let out a soft moan as her hips involuntarily started swaying in time with my strokes on her pussy. I could feel her juices flowing as I inserted my finger into her tight tunnel. She reached down and started caressing my balls massaging them gently starting deep down toward my ass and going all the way up to grab my dick. She shifted slightly and started stroking the full length of my dick. I felt my knees growing weak and knew it was time to proceed with the rest of my plan! I pushed her away from our intimate embrace and turned her toward the bedroom showing her the way by pushing her with my hand on her ass. As we entered the bedroom I heard my Mystery Lady let out a small gasp as she gazed at my wife's nude body tied up on the bed. Sunnie must have heard this because she said, "Is that you?" "Of course! Who else would it be? You really look sexy like that with those gorgeous tits up in the air just begging to be played with!" I said. I motioned for Linda to start playing with her tits. She smiled and winked at me as she bent down and grasped both tits in her hands. I watched as she massaged them expertly. I slipped behind Linda and started playing with her ass reaching between her legs and feeling her pussy through the crotchless panties. Linda bent down and started licking and teasing Sunnie's tits causing Sunnie to start moaning. "You feel different," Sunnie said between moans arching her back up to meet Linda's exploring tongue. I didn't respond for fear of giving things away. I reached up and started slowly pulling Linda's panties down to her ankles as she stepped out of them. I reached for the back of her bra strap and undid it tossing it aside. "What was that?" Sunnie asked as she started slightly. I pulled Linda back up and put my head next to hers and said, "It was nothing hon." I backed Linda up slightly, then put my head down to Sunnie's fully erect nipples and started tonguing them softly. I reached down to her cunt and started massaging it with one hand. Linda came up behind me sticking her hand through my legs stroking my balls and ass. I didn't want to cum just yet so I stood back up and collected my thoughts. "What's wrong hon?" Sunnie asked. "Nothing," I replied, "I just want to figure out how to torture you better and tease you till you go crazy." "OHHH! That sounds good!" she said. I figured it was about time to let Sunnie in on this little game so I motioned for Linda to stand up over Sunnie's face. "Do you know where I am now, hon?" I asked leaning as far over her as I could so she couldn't tell it was Linda over her. "Sure," she replied, "You are standing over me and I think I will be getting a nice taste of your cock in a second or so." I had Linda kneel down with her cunt right over Sunnie's mouth but not touching it. "You smell different," Sunnie said. "What's going on here?" She asked. I reached behind her head and undid her blindfold. She let out a small scream as she looked straight into Linda's pussy. "Who is this?" she gasped. "I'm so embarrassed!" she cried in the same breath. "What are you doing?" she asked. She looked over at me puzzled. "How does that look to you?" I asked. She looked back up into Linda's pussy and said "Very good as a matter of fact." "See if you can make her cum," I said. She glanced back at me with a wicked smile and said "Yes sir! But at least please tell me who she is." I smiled back at her and said, "This is my Myster Lady!" She grinned real big and said, "All right!" I knelt down next to the bed to get the best vantage point and watched as Linda slowly lowered her pussy onto Sunnie's waiting tongue. I watched as Sunnie's tongue darted and teased Linda's clit making Linda sway back and forth. Sunnie sucked in part of Linda's pussy lips and I could tell her tongue probed inside searching for her clit. Linda jumped when Sunnie's tongue found it's mark. Linda started bucking up and down as Sunnie kept applying the right pressure to her clit gently teasing her ever closer to her orgasm. I watched as my Mystery Lady bucked faster and faster finally letting out a scream as her back arched and her body was racked with the first of many series of spasms. Finally she stopped and sat still for a moment, her pussy still on Sunnie's mouth with her head thrown back. She jerked suddenly as another spasm hit her and she lay down backwards on top of Sunnie, catching her breath. "That was nice!" Sunnie said as she licked her mouth dry of Linda's juices. I stood up and bent over Sunnie and kissed her deeply, tasting of Linda's juices. Linda's legs were still straddling Sunnie as she lay back. I shifted my body over putting my tongue on her pussy and started lightly teasing all around her cunt but not actually touching it. I put one hand on Sunnie's tit and the other on Linda's as I closed the circles I was forming around Linda's cunt to lightly touch her pussy lips. I looked up for a second at each girl and reveled in the sight of these two lovely nude bodies with my hands playing across their tits. I thought I would cum right there! I bent down and inserted my tongue gently into Linda's cunt again and very lightly flicked my tongue on it once. Linda jumped slightly then started moaning again. I knew she was ready for more. I stood back up and told Linda to help me untie Sunnie. When she was free I told Linda it was her turn to reciprocate Sunnie's favor. She looked at me and said, "Yes sir!" She lay down on the bed as Sunnie kneeled over her putting her pussy on Linda's mouth. Linda started licking her pussy as I went down on Linda's cunt teasing it back into a moist willingness. I scooted up and ran my dick up and down the outside of her cunt as she licked my wife's pussy making her moan louder and louder. When Linda's cunt was wet from top to bottom I scooted forward burying my dick into her and grabbing my wife's tits from behind stroking them. Linda kept up her tongue magic on Sunnie as I fucked her and held on to Sunnie's tits kneading them as the nipples got larger and larger. Sunnie was the first one to come as her screams of pleasure echoed through the house. Her throws of passion and the feeling of her ecstacy as her whole body stiffened up in a full orgasm sent me into a flurry of strokes harder and faster into Linda's grasping cunt as I felt my cum boiling up in my balls and flying deep into her pussy. My deep spasms caused me jam my dick deep into Linda's cunt which threw her into her own body wracking orgasm. Sunnie and I held on to each other as her spasm nearly threw us off the bed. I kept my still hard dick deep in her pussy as her spasms subsided. This night was filled with many different types of sexual explorations and fantasies fulfilled. Both women were totally in my control and obeyed my every wish. I will leave the rest for your imagination - or another story. Please let me know if you enjoyed this little tidbit. I need to hear from you. Thanks. --