The following story is based on a brief affair I had with a Mid-East lady in Cairo, 3 years ago. In this story I have considerably embellished the lady's charms. Also I have compressed the time of the affair from one week to the unlikely period of one day !!! Your comments about this amateurish work are most welcome. ************************************************************************ It was about 3pm in the afernoon and I was sitting in the lobby, skimming through the 'TIME'. It was not crowded at the time and I relaxed, taking in the elegant green marble and chrome facade of the lobby. Looking a little beyond the glass door leading to the inner courtyard, I could see the attractive fountains and well maintained gardens, a welcome sight in this hot dry climate. It was then that the little bald man came inside. He was about 50, looked arab and was dressed in an elegant grey suit. He spoke to the receptionist, who nearly fell on her knees in respect. He then walked back to the door. "What's wrong with you, Selma?" he called. He appeared to glower at somebody. I was observing this gentleman with no great interest and resumed reading the 'TIME'. Presently the scent of musk announced A Feminine Presence. I looked up. Standing beside him was this lady, and she was looking around the lobby. She was about 27, wearing a long skirt and and full sleeved shirt, with a black muslin scarf around her head. Blood rushed to my groin as I saw her and my little pecker started getting on his feet. She was about 5'9" tall, with fair face, straight nose and high cheekbones, cool grey eyes and jet black hair which reached a little below her shoulders. She had heavy breasts which jutted out through the thin material of her shirt and full rounded hips to match. Suddenly I caught her looking at me and our eyes locked for a few seconds. Flustered I looked down at the 'TIME' and pretended to read it. That night I met her again at the party. I had put her out of my mind and was reaching for my ninth dose of wine from the low table, kept plentifully served. "Hello, eyecatcher..!", I turned around and saw her. She had changed into jeans and a T shirt and was standing there with her hands on hips. "I would like an orange juice, would you oblige?" she asked me. There was a a thin smile on her lips. I gave her the glass, but refused to let go until her fingers closed on mine. "My, my", she said gently wrenching it from me. We looked at each other and burst out laughing. Somebody bumped into me spilling wine on my shirt. I looked at him in disgust. "Come on", I smiled at her,"the garden seems much more civilized." I lead her to the parks where the crowd was a bit less. "My husband has gone for the conference, I really should'nt be here, you know", she said. I smiled and patted her shoulder. We talked a bit, her husband was in the arms dealing business and making tonnes of money. He usually doesnt take her around with him. Not unlikely, I thought, with that load of money he can screw his ass of every night with a bevy of the most desirable girls. As we walked our hands brushed each other. After a time we stopped pretending and my hand was on her elbow, pulling her close to me. Soon her hips ground against me, "Oops !" she said, but I drew her close, pulling her face to mine. We kissed hungrily for a few minutes, my hands running over her thighs, cupping and kneading her buttocks. Her heavy breasts rhythmically rubbed on my chest. "I really must go now" she gasped breaking the kiss. "Of course.. of course," I said "but where to go is the problem.Yours or mine?". She stared at me for some time. "Listen romeo," she pouted, "I want no trouble, ok? He'll be back after....." My lips were again on hers, and my hands cupped and caressed her delicious globes. She responded and pressed her pubic mound on my crotch. "Ooh" she moaned "You really want to eat me!" I couldnt get her to my room fast enough. --