Kevin walked through the door and put down his backpack on the kitchen table, wondering if this particular monday could possibly get worse. Two hour and a half tests in a row! His hand was achy from writing, and waiting 20 minutes in a cold windy drizzle for his bus didn't help. "Why is it," he mused as he collapsed into his easy chair, "that when I'm on campus, I can't wait to get home, but when I'm home I'm bored stiff?" There was no answer, only emptiness from his 2 bedroom apartment. His sort-of-roommate, Carolyn, was still in class. The arrangement between them had started about seven months ago. Kevin had bumped into Carol, a high school acquaintence, in the union; she mentioned that she was living with her parents in a nearby city and commuting the 40 miles a day to classes. After a couple of weeks, Kevin convinced a very shy Carol into renting his living room hide-a-bed for a small fee instead of commuting. Eventually, they started dating. She found a different person in Kevin than she had known in high school. Kevin actually cared about her! He also knew (somehow) when she needed him; when to go away; or when just to sit nearby waiting for her to let out what she needed. Carol was drawn to him. With their relationship, Carol bloomed. She had been a very introverted and lost soul as little as a year ago, but breaking away from an overprotective set of parents made a world of difference. She discovered that far more joyful, freewilled, bouncy self that she had inside. She had been afraid, for one reason or another, of lots of things. No more did these irrelevancies hold her back. But, her change wasn't only leaving home; a lot came from hanging out with Kevin's close circle of friends. Kevin had a discerning eye about people. There's no explaining how, he was just that way. He seemed to be able to accurately gauge a person's intelligence, even their integrity very quickly upon meeting them. This sense about people led him to choose friends that made for an eclectic group, but a close knit one. Each was creative and brilliant in their own way, but together (to sometimes some rather strange ends) they fed on one another. "How many atoms are there in the Universe?" (10^66), "How do you pick up a dead person?" (the quest produced several policemen who didn't know or wouldn't tell), and really bad poetry about dead animals (let's not describe the horror of it all) were three a multitude of topics they happened upon. One and all accepted Carol easily; they sensed her specialness just as Kevin had. She, in turn, grew outward toward them, and to the world, getting involved in activities on campus almost full-time. But, their relationship suffered. Carol was making up for the years her head had been in a novel instead of standing up and taking sides. Basically, she outgrew Kevin. This was something which they both mourned, but knew it was unchangable. They no longer fit as they once had, curve against curve, mind to mind. Kevin was one more thing in her complicated life, one too many activities in a crowded world of changing priorities. They fell apart, finding other reasons, but that was the real one. They still loved one other, but it was somehow different. Now, a month since the breakup, they still saw each other, but increasingly only as roommates. The end was nigh. Kevin's empty apartment mirrored the emptiness in his heart. Kevin broke from his reflections. His head felt like that Far Side cartoon where the guy says, "Teach, can I be excused? My brain is full!" Walking to the bathroom, he took two aspirin, and stepped into a hot, relaxing shower. Dinner was quick and painless, a can of Chef-Boy-Ardee Spagetti-O's. "Some nutrition," he thought, "I wonder how many food groups I get from this.." (the answer: one, Preservatives. The others, Sugar, Caffine, and Alcohol, aren't in spagetti- o's.). After dinner, two wine coolers, and a dumb sitcom or two, Kevin found himself flipping blindly around the channels. He settled on some dumb teen flick on USA. The problem was, the movie was all cut up. They had removed all the really good T&A nudity. He got really frustrated. "What is the point of a shower scene where you can't see anybody's tits???" Kevin decided to sate himself, and got up and stuck a porno in the vcr. He stripped down and played lightly with himself while he watched. He hadn't gotten very far, when all of a sudden, the door opened, closed, and in walked Carol, back from her student council meeting. "Uh... oops! Sorry!" She said, taking in the scene. "Didn't mean to interrupt." "...Ummm... S'allright." Kevin said, sitting up and leaning forward in his chair. He hoped his nakedness was at least partially hidden. The coolers had relaxed him; he hadn't thought of her walking in. As the tape kept on playing, Carol walked in further and dropped her backpack and coat. She stared at the screen's decidedly erotic images. She walked slowly over and sat on the overstuffed couch next to Kevin, watching the action. "This is one I haven't seen before..." she mumbled. Kevin just kept looking at the screen, not sure what to do, ignore Carol or what. After a time, Carol sat back, and reached out as she had done so many times before, and scratched Kevin's back. "Hhhmmmm," Kevin signed, "That's nice." "Been a long day?" Carol asked absently, still watching the figures on the screen. "Way too long, but getting better." said Kevin. "Uh, yeah, I see that..." Carol said. She had noticed the empty coolers on the table, but was really getting into the action on the screen, before a scene change distracted her. More than just being into it, she was actually getting hot at watching all this. She decided to relieve some tension. Leaning in close to him, Carol put an arm around Kevin, and slowly reached her other hand over his chest, running her fingers though the tuft of the black hair there. Pausing to run her fingers lightly around his nipples, she ran her hand slowly down his front and took full hold of Kevin's ramrod-straight cock. Kevin turned to her and their lips met, while she gently stroked him. They kissed searchingly, with a hesitant passion, taking their time in the closeness of it. Carol broke it, pulling away her face, pushing him backwards as she enticingly licked her way down his torso, until she reached his cock. There, she paused slightly to lick up and savor a drop of pre-cum at the tip. She loved his taste, his smell; his hardness; deep within her a stirring, warm feeling was taking shape. Carol knew how to handle him well; she drew her lips inward over her teeth, then relaxed her jaw and took all, or nearly all, of him in her mouth. She loved to hold him this way, rubbing this way and that, feeling him respond to her touch. "OOooooooooohhhhhh," moaned Kevin, feeling the warmth of her lips engulf him, all of him. He leaned back, then reached over slowly and pulled up on Carol's blouse. As she continued to suck, he unbuttoned her shirt, taking it off slowly, then removed her bra, skirt, and underwear. She shifted to shrug these clothes off, never breaking contact. Finally, they were both naked. Kevin pulled her off of him, and up to his face, kissing her hard. They fell back sideways on the couch together, with Carol kneeling over him. Carol broke the kiss, shifting higher and dangling a breast over his eager mouth. Kevin played with a nipple, first sucking it then flicking it, while reaching down with his right hand between her legs. She was already wet, Kevin felt, as he ran a finger up and down Carol's inner lips. He spread around her juices, toying lightly with that little knob of a clit that was just getting hard under his light caresses. Finally, Carol had enough, and moaned, "I want you inside me Now!" Kevin broke off with his fingers and mouth, pushing himself up from the sofa and guiding her to lie face down on it. This was their favorite position, him on top and behind. Carol arched her back and ached for the contact. Kevin lay on top of her, and reached under, but he was too slow. Carol had already reached between her legs and was guiding him, pulling him into her. Kevin entered, gasping and heard her half-laugh, half- moan in a convulsion of joy at the feel of skin against skin, the delicious friction of hard cock and ready vagina. They slowly pumped against one another, holding hands at their sides, slowly but surely getting higher and higher. Kevin, sensing that Carol was near, reached down with his hand, spreading her so that her clit was under his middle finger, rubbing in a slow-up down motion that he knew drove her mad. For Carol, this was it. Bucking, she grabbing hold of his butt behind her, pulling him into her. "AAAAAAHHH!!!!", she cried out, screaming into the cushion in that agony/ecstasy of release. Multiple waves washed over her, and Kevin felt each one as her inner muscles squeezed his penis, bringing him to the point that he could no longer concentrate on her clit (or anything else). The feeling spread through him like burning flame, filling his mind. He bucked hard, throwing himself into her, holding her tight now with both hands as he exploded into her, filling her with spurt after hot spurt, thrusting home again and again until he could move no more. They lay there a while before he slowly, achingly, slipped out of her. Kevin rolled over and off, to give her air, but missed and fell off the couch and onto the floor with thud. Carol laughed and draped an arm over, playing with his hair as he contemplated the ceiling with a huge smile on his face. She got up and let herself down beside him, an arm over his chest. They snuggled for a while. After a while, the carpet got scratchy, so Kevin picked up Carol tenderly and carried her to his bed in the other room, where they both crawled under crisp sheets. They knew they were probably sleeping together for the last time, but even so, the feeling of each other's warm embrace was comforting. Sleep came easily, but mostly, Life was Good. -- Koncubine Kevin 2 "Spring is here," Kevin thought, as he got off the bus and walked back to his apartment, "too bad there's no one to share it with..." Walking in, Kevin spotted two messages on the machine. "Great," he sighed, "somebody loves me!" The first was nothing, a request for class notes from a gorgeous but unreachable girl he knew who had missed Friday's class. The second, however, was something he had been waiting anxiously for, finally bearing fruit. For Kevin, last saturday night had been slow. Really slow. No date, but this wasn't any big surprise, since the breakup he hadn't really felt like going out much. But Saturday he had felt like it, and "the group" seemed to be all busy. He didn't even have anyone to go out to a movie with. In his fit of angst-cum-loneliness, he had done something almost totally out of character. What he had done that Saturday night was almost embarrassing, but the message on the machine today almost made him gleeful, despite the former pall of lonlieness. This mood had brought a strange inspiration. He wanted a date, what to do about finding someone? Then, just before taking some videos back, it hit him. ADVERTISE! So, he wrote a ad: "WANTED: CONCUBINE of beauteous visage and formidable intelligence for romantic tryst of epic proportions. Call...." The concubine part was just an attention getter, but a good one, he thought. His phone number and name were on tear off tabs at the bottom. Sticking it up on the bulletin board just inside the local video store was almost embarassing, but he overcame the thoughts that everyone was staring at him and put it up anyway. Now, it didn't seem so strange or embarassing. Some girl had responded! They hadn't left a name, just they would call again that night at 10. Time passed slowly that evening. Finally, 10 pm rolled around. What was she going to be like? Ring. Ring. Kevin didn't want to answer on the first ring; that might seem... desperate. "Hello?" "Uh, hi, this is Jen. I called earlier?" "Yeah, uh, Jen, I got your message." Kevin tried to sound normal, whatever that was. As if a normal person would be doing this. "Uh, in your ad... what do you mean by concubine?" "Well... I wasn't talking about money. That would be prostitution. I just thought maybe the woman of my dreams might be, uh, around." "So, you think dreams answer ads?" Jen said, playfully. "I don't know...Are you a dream?" Kevin didn't know what to think. This girl was being cagey. He wanted to play a little, too, so he settled back a little. "I don't know," Jen said, "that depends who you talk to." She started on a new track, trying to throw him off. "So... How do you feel about a menage' trois?" Giggling burst out around Jen's voice; her housemates were telling her to say more obscene things, but she didn't want to spoil things. She just wanted to see how he reacted to an off the wall question. Kevin briefly thought about hanging up when he heard the giggling, figuring this couldn't be a serious call, but he answered anyway. "Uh, I... I always thought one woman was more than enough for me, but, well... I've never tried it." Jen knew he passed. That kind of hedging answer meant a lot. Kevin was obviously a little shy with strangers, and she liked his answers. Not to mention being quick to come up with that response so fast. Jen led him on some more, continuing, "I live in a house with six girls... and I just wondered." She didn't elaborate further - enough was implied by that tone, never mind it was all a game. Kevin thought this was a little strange, but went on. "So, you want to..." Kevin faltered. What to say? He tried the old standby, "How about lunch?" They talked a little more, and concluded by arranging lunch for near the end of the week, in the Union, a public place so as to minimize risk. As Kevin hung up the phone, he pictured what this Jen looked like. Five foot two, she had said. "Hmmm," he imagined what kind of a body was attached to that voice... The quasi-blind lunch date that Kevin had set up a few days arrived in due course. He showed up with a rose and a small box of Russell-Stover's candies, figuring that some quasi-romantic unexpected act might earn him a receptive mood. He was right. Jen showed up just a little late, that feminine kind of late that likens itself to feline independence. She was about 5'2", medium build, and that kind of body that looks like it never considers watching calories. Her shoulder length blonde hair blew a little in the too-cool breeze. "Wow!" Kevin thought to himself. He hesitated, then handed over the rose. "Pleased to meet you, I'm Kevin. I trust you're Jan?" "Manners!" Jen thought, deciding that his slightly self- conscious bearing meant he was as shy as she thought he was. She answered, "Thank you. Yes, I'm Jan." She accepted his flower and candy. As they walked in, she tried to look indifferently at his body, but there was nothing to be indifferent about. He wasn't the most handsome or cute guy facially, about normal she guessed, but his body just wouldn't quit. Years of cross-country running in high school and early college had given Kevin a clean cut, athletic look and tight buns. Jan walked slightly behind him and decided she liked what she saw. So much, in fact, that as she walked up the stairs behind him she thought about what they would be like to squeeze them, picturing it in her mind. The lunch went well. Both Kevin and Jan checked each other out for the standard weird obsessions, eating patterns and signs of either obsessive/compulsive or slovenly habits, but to no avail. They were two normal people, and despite the two or three really dumb things they both said, they like each other. As they were leaving, Kevin said, "Whatcha doin' Saturday?" Carol knew she was in trouble. She had promised to visit relatives this weekend. "Uh, well, I'm going to visit grandpa for-the-very-last-time again this weekend..." "What?" "I go every six months or so to visit, and since he's 92 he can't live much longer, so every time our family goes, it's going 'for-the-very-last-time'." "Oh, I get it." Kevin was thoroughly confused. Was this creative rejection? "So,..." he stuttered. Was there going to be a second time? "How about a week from Friday?" She hoped he'd say yes. He smiled, "Great. I'll call you." They said goodbye, and went off to classes beaming. Friday it was. Kevin could hardly wait. Jen could hardly wait. They didn't have to. They bumped into each other the next day at the lunch counter again. And the day after. That whole week, they ate lunch, and talked, and talked. When Friday night finally rolled around, things were going well between them. Kevin drove to Jan's place, hoping that his car, "Puff" (the tragic wagon), didn't bad reviews from the five roommates. He needn't have worried. Kevin walked up the step, anticipating. When Jen answered the door, he could do nothing but gasp. Jen looked, well, indescribably delicious. Edible. She stood there, taking in his appreciative stare, and invited him in. "How do you like my dress?" Kevin had finally found the use for the line he had heard in a movie, but which rang true, ever so true. "I'm sorry, I can't see it. All I can see is your eyes..." Jen turned some shade of pink and passed it off with some statement, and though she knew the line was stolen, she also knew it was heartfelt. "Glorious day!" she thought. Her heart sang. As they climbed the stairs, Jen described the living arrangements, "The six of us share four bedrooms upstairs here. We've all known each other since early high school, and we're all pretty friendly." Kevin wondered how friendly, but said nothing. Jen told him to wait in her bedroom for a couple of minutes while she finished preparations. Kevin sat on the bed. He sniffed. The room smelled like all girl's rooms, somewhere between potpourri and perfume. He glanced around past the flowery comforters and stuffed cats, noting that the door to the adjoining bathroom was slightly ajar. He heard music, and since he had made no sound himself since coming in, he got up and moved stealthily to the head of the bed to get a better view. What Kevin saw made his eyes bulge, as well starting other parts of him doing the same. Not 10 feet from him, Kevin caught a nude rear/side view of a gorgeous brunette, standing on one leg, bending over the other leg, which was propped up on the sink. She was leaning over - and could not see him. Most of her torso was visible, including her wonderfully dangling C cup breasts, which were jostling and bumping a little to the tune of a nearby radio. Just then he figured it out. She was painting her toenails. Kevin was just about to shift to get a better view of her beaver when he heard steps in the hall. Moving quickly to the end of the bed, he sat down well away from the door and tried to look innocently at the wall posters. Jan came in the bedroom. She called to the bathroom door, "Hilary, I'm going now." Kevin turned a little, looking toward the door, as it opened and Hilary walked out, a towel around her head, staring intently at her (newly painted) feet. The view Kevin got astounded him. Facing him, splendidly nude, from the middle of the floor, was that unreachable girl he had given notes to a week ago. She had seemed so aloof then, so seemingly into image and surface that he didn't think of her as realistically approachable. Well, here was the time. Kevin tried the calm approach. "Uh, excuse me..." After taking a good eyeful, he played at shielding his eyes. It didn't matter. The afterimage was intense. Hilary looked at him, then looked at Jan and grabbed her towel off her head to cover her front. Smiling roughly, she backed back into the bathroom, only to reappear a couple of seconds later. "Sorry, I didn't know you had guests..." This time she was wearing a knit robe that covered her but hid none of her wonderful curves from Kevin's appreciative eyes. "It's okay, I'm really not shy..." She laughed a little, nervously, and Kevin stood and shook her outstretched hand. After exchanging a light banter about the evening to come, they parted company. The evening was cool, and Kevin walked Jan to his car with an arm over her shoulder. Kevin had kissed Jan only twice, after their lunch the last two times. He took a chance again, on reaching the car, by stopping Jan and embracing her fully. Jan felt his hug and hugged back, in the back of her mind wanting nothing more than all of him, right there. The muscles she felt in his arms were firm and touchable, and the already-grown bulge she felt against her abdomen when the pressed together meant he felt the same for her. They held each other for a minute. He pulled away a little, looking...*into* her. Their eyes had connected, deeply. The spark flew through both of them, electric, high tension power. Kevin shuddered. Jan, too, felt the willies chasing through her stomach, making her heart flutter. They leaned together, slowly, tentatively... and, with glorious tenderness, he kissed her. Softly, at first, then firmly, a meaningful kiss, a pressing together that says something; a promise of things to come. Breaking that kiss was hard. The evening went as Kevin had planned. Dinner was the typical mixture of personal histories, politics, and (best of all) crisp sexual innuendoes. Jan took off her shoes and rubbed her feet along his calf under the table. Kevin wanted to do the same, but he cursed the laces that would make it too obvious an exercise. Jan made up for his lack by rubbing with both her feet. The talk turned openly to sex, but too soon, the dinner was over and they felt the need to go somewhere. But where? They settled on going back to her place. Lacking anywhere else, they went. Grabbing some wine coolers, they lay on the couch in front of the T.V. and watched, holding each other. He pulled her close. The set went on in the background. It was some Cinemax movie about a hot tub repairman, and plenty of tits and ass, as one would expect from a movie of this type. Kevin felt her all over with his hands. He smelled her perfume on her neck as he kissed her and rubbed his nose on her ear. An inspiration hit him. He placed his whole mouth over her ear and slowly exhaled. The effect was too much for Jan. She giggled, groaned, and squirmed all at once, grinding her hips into his, wiggling her body into his embrace. Jan felt that breath take her over. They both were feeling the urge now, feeling it put direction into their hands, their thoughts. "This is the night that dreams are made of," Jan thought, "and it's happening to ME!" Soon a blouse was off, and a tie, and a shirt. But Jan knew, they'd better move it or things might get messy. Of course, Jan also knew some things that Kevin didn't. The first thing was that at midnight, Hilary was coming back, and would go to bed quickly after returning. More to the point, Hilary and Jan shared a queen-sized bed. It was a tight fit in that house. It had first started out quite innocently, but they had found each other to be very adequate company, sexually, which was something neither expected. They both considered themselves primarily hetero, so the "marriage" was of mostly of convenience. That isn't to say that desire wasn't involved there, too... Hilary and Jan knew their affair had to end, but as a last fling before they changed sleeping arrangements, they decided to try and see how things would work with a third before moving out. Kevin was the perfect choice. Hilary, who knew him from class, had seen him post the ad that night, and got Jan into the act. What Hilary hadn't counted on was that Jan and he would mesh so well, so closely in so short a time. Hilary's toenails had been an experiment of both of theirs, and it worked to a charm. He was just shy enough to be a safe partner, and just open enough to try something new. Perfect. So, however badly Jan wanted him, she knew that she would have to share starting at midnight. Midnight. A full hour away! "Just enough time..." she thought. Jan slowed things down just enough to mention that they were better off going upstairs, so they picked up quickly and headed up. Kevin watched Jan walk up ahead of him, carrying her shoes, blouse, and bra. He stared at her shapely ass, then reached up and traced a line up her leg as she ascended, whispering in an gravelly voice, "Aye, matey, dar's treasure een dem thar hills..." Jan laughed, and sped up, running to the doorway and stopping. Kevin came up to her and slowly picked her up, carrying her to the bed. He helped the skirt and hose off, while she ran her palm down the crest that had formed in the front of his pants. She opened his pants, pulling them off, then pulled out and down to free that gorgeous hunk of meat now standing straight out aching for attention. Jan provided that attention. Her hands, well practiced from a long-term previous boyfriend, gripped him and held him while she leaned down and licked his length. She went upwards, this time taking him in, with lips sucking, a furious tongue rubbing hard on the underside of his penis. He felt that grip with his whole body, it was too much. His knees bent and he groaned with the pleasure of it. She took this as a sign to lighten up a bit. Kevin felt the pressure ease, and then the absence of the warm engulfment of her mouth around him. He looked down. She had pulled away and was moving scooting back on her bed. He just stood there, looking. "E-gads," he said, in awe. She could barely hear him. "How on Earth did something so beautiful happen to end up with me?" She couldn't believe her ears. Was this ultra-cute guy really that hot after her? Kevin gave her reason to believe him. He knew he must have her feel in return something of the wonderful nature of what he had felt at her lips. Carefully, he crawled up the bed, pressing his body to hers as he slid, he brought himself face to face with that wondrous pair of breasts. While he held both of them cupped and squeezed, he put his lips to the right one first, licking with the flat of his tongue and feeling her nipples rise to the occasion. Flicking this way and that, he teased them for a minute or two, sensing the effect was just what he wanted. She squirmed a little, pushing his head into her chest. After a while, Kevin decided to move to a more sensitive area. Slowly, he worked his way down her body, pressing his nose and face into her body along the way, hard here, almost tickling there. When he reached her thighs, he started up again. All the time his hands had been kneading her breasts and the rest of her body, pressing and caressing. His nose traced a line up her inner thigh, until finally he nosed into heaven. She smelled wonderful. He nodded downward, then up, bringing his nose lightly along, just barely touching her outer lips and pubic hair. Then, down again, and up, pressing slightly harder this time, and again, when his nose dipped inside, between her lips, then up, rubbing her clit at the same time his tongue made its first foray. Jan felt him, every inch, every step of the way, sweating each move and anticipating, aching for that triumphant contact with her clit. When it came, she let out a long, slow, guttural moan, feeling the surge of warmth through her body. His tongue was on her thighs again, working its way up, closer and closer. Then, again, she felt him, what part of him she didn't know, on her lips and around them, up the sides and between, around and around, closer and closer, until at last his warm flat tongue grabbed her clit and rubbed up slowly. Ecstacy. Jan shuddered, getting closer with each passing lick, up, and up, until there was no world anymore, no room, nothing but pressure and that rubbing. His tongue, his tongue, all she could feel was that delicious all-consuming... She moaned. She screamed. She didn't know what she was sounding like, she didn't care. She came! Gripping his head, holding it close, her legs closing around his head and squeezing it. Her back arched, and Kevin looked up to see that face, twisted in primordial happiness, and knew that he had brought her that rarest of pleasures, the scrapeya-off-the-ceiling-type orgasm. There is power in bringing that kind of pleasure. Wonderful power, that made Kevin feel like saving the world in a minute. He held his face still where it was as she slowly relaxed. He couldn't move anyway; her legs had crunched his head, holding it immobile pressed into her. He couldn't breathe, but didn't fight it and she let him go soon enough. Kevin breathed, and then blew slowly as one would blow out a candle, knowing that the cool air would provide a contrast for what he was about to do. Now, as she relaxed, he made contact again with the flat of his tongue, hard this time and quick, giving just one more lick up her inner lips, up, up, and over an engorged clitoris, flicking it lightly as he passed. She jumped as if hit by lightning and gasped. Now, he was done. That last was a reminder to bring her mind into focus. Now, he could feel her relax, really relax. He raised himself up and crawled up to her, laying by her side, holding her, waiting for her rush to diffuse into rosy gosh-ain't-the- world-grand-ness. It did, eventually. Kevin hadn't even come yet, but he felt good. Really good, the kind of good that only comes from times like these. She was jelly. Kevin held her, looking down her body and loving every curve he could see, and loving to imagine the ones his vantage point wouldn't let him see. Jan felt his closeness, the bond that had formed. She didn't need to look. She could barely think, only feel. Firm muscles near, holding yet not restraining. Warm skin, kinda sweaty but who cares. Cool air drifted by in a draft, just the right amount. This was Heaven, and she was in good company. --