Dear Mike My close victory over the lovely and talented Donna in our second encounter had cought the attention of another young female fighter named Janine. A girl from the club who is presently engaged in fights at mixed fights. She bombarded me with challenges by the way of letters following the accounts she read of my performance against Donna who, she claimed, she had subduded inside a round by a technical knockout before. The spark of enthusiasm was undoudtedly present in this interested party, for her challange was to fight over twenty, 3 minute rounds. The contempt with which she regarded me as a fighter was clearly demonstrated in the contant of her letter. " I'm not saying I can defeat you , but my chances of losing are one one hundred to one !". She went on to say " If I say I'll beat you, I'll sound swell headed... If I say you have a chance I'd be a liar!". Her self-assurednass, her sweeping statements, had me dunb struck as I read Janine's optimistic letter. She also stated that judging from my past performances, your defeat by KO would take place inside two rounds so if you intend to go ahead with it you should begain your training, hope to hear form you soon, yours sincerly, Jainie When i was finish reading her letter I was gritting my teeth in rage and started to write back to her that I accept her challange, but in one month for training. As the referee gave us our instructions my extremely attractive young female apponent in her cutoff white tee shirt (the sight of her huge tits had given me an enormous erection inside my tight white trunks), her black silk panties bottoms were skin tight on bottom and her powerful thighs. then she began hurling a torrent of abuse, "You're a wimp, and I intend to obliterate an inferior male like you in a matter of minutes. I have the right that will exterminate any man my size, and your my size!". After waiting in our corners for about ten , the bell sounded for round one. I couldn't wait to get at her. Howeverm with only 20 seconds gone, I was on the floor from aright cross. The referee signalled the sneering Janinne to a nutral corner as she crouched down beside my sprawled figure to take up the count, "One..two..three..". I got on my knees at the count of six but though it wise to stay down to nine. The 50 or so odd spectators at the club were overcome with wild excitement. These members were attending their first mixed boxing match, At last thay had been awarded the privilage of not only witnessing the novelty of such a contest but the sight of a floored male with a female opponent stood over him, moved then to hysteria. As I rose, the referee looked into my eyes checking that I was all right to continue, cleaned my gloves and shouted "Box!". Still a little dazed form the punch, I shook my head. Janine came foward as I got into my fighting stance again, "How did you like that," sneered Janine, taunting me as she easily evaded a left and a right with her arms down. I kept bringing the fight to Janine, taking the punishment in order to press the attack. It was the only way I knew. But my female apponent, who was obviously a superior boxer was proving a handful. She proceeded to score to my body and face with hooks and jabs that kept me dazed and continuosly off balance. Just before the end of the round she made to go for my body with a stright left as I moved to check her , she cought me flush in the face with a right hook. That threw me back on my heels, recovering, I charge her , swinging furiously, but she avoided my rushes as the bell sounded. She thumbedher nose at me as she walked back to her corner. I gritted my teeth in rage, however, such as her performance in the first three minutes, that she had rendered it impontent rage. I notice a friend who was seated ring side looked pale "god! C'mon!", he urged me as I stood up for the next round. In round two I was thinking that I had to get in some heavy punches to take Janine over. but it wasn't happening. I did score one hard blow to her body but she shook it off. Now she brought in to play her great boxing ablity slamming home a wicked left hook. The punch caught me flush on my chin and I reeled backwards. When the bell went to end the thrid round she revieved a standing ovation, my face was red with rage and blood. In the fourth anf fifth round she began playing with me hitting me with any thing she wished, she then cut loose, countering my left with lighting speed and scoring to my face with hard lefts and rights. From then until the fourteenth round the fight became so one sided that it was like an exhibition match for Janine completely out-boxed and out-witted me. By the foutteenth, she was so far ahead by points that the referee informed me that I was to far behind tp win a decision. In the fifteenth , Janine began the biggest show of attack by hitting me many punch combinations and several times poundeing me along the ropes and sending me down several times. I sat down at the end of the round , my face a real bloodied mess, my left eye was shut, I was cut above the bridge of my nose at the corner of my right eye my cheeks were bruisedand my mouth was bleeding, made to appear worse toghter with the blood oozing fron my nose, I was a sorry sight. I looked over at Janine she was perspiring heavily true, and puffing and blowing a little, her huge tits heaving and expanding but she was in tip top shape , no wonder she challange was 20 rounds. In the sixteenth sound, Janine, realy cut loose. She set up such an attack peppering me with sizziling stinging lefts ang rights that is was obvious that she was going for the finsher. My right eye was cut as were both my cheeks, although I furiously exchanged punches with her , it was I who was forced to retreat in the end. As I retreated to the ropes Jainie followed up with a smashing uppercut shaping my head back, I fell back to the ropes with arms down and watch in slow motion as Janine cocked back her right to finish the bout, the punch smashed into my chin turning all the room black. As I came to Janine was receiving a wonderful elation from the crowd. She danced around the ring with her arms in the air. " The winner by K.O. in the sixteen round, Hard rock Janine !!!!". They applauded her all the way back to her dressing room. --