It was time to PARTY on a moon lit Saturday night. Angel and her friends were all headed out to the cliffs where they spent alot of time getting drunk and having a good time. Angel has dirty blonde hair with golden highlights. Definately a treat for any guy that would be lucky enough to have her. On this night out with her friends she was going to make sure that her and all her friends had a better time than the normal "drinking" night. Bridget was driving and Kathy was in the back seat. They pulled into the semi-muddy ground next to the high hills. Angel went out to the trunk and pulled out the case they had bought and started cranking Metallica really loud. It was a cool place to party since no cops ever went out that far north and there was no civilization for miles around. Angel wasn't going to go into details about what she had in store for her two best friends. She had it all planned out. Kathy was nagging Angel to try to get some information on what she had planned, but she didn't even give any clues. Bridget was busy popping open her second beer and lighting up her cigarrette. There was a bit of nip in the air since it winter was just ending and the leaves were sort of being risen from the dead of the long cold winter. Bridget was talking about what they all were going to do this summer to live it up to the fullest. They were talking about the ocean and going on road trips here and there. Angel looked at her watch and it was 8:45. She just smiled and kept drinking.. Kathy figured that some people might be stopping over at the cliffs soon since there are always a good many guys and girls that get together on Saturday nights. Bridget saw headlights of two cars coming up the hill. They went past them alittle and parked. She noticed it was a car full of guys and girls - she assumed they were couples just parking for a few drinks or something -. A few of the people from the car came over to Bridget's car and asked them what was going on later durring the night. Angel told the people that they had plans and didn't know of anything. They all got out of the car and started drinking alot more beers and making a few mixed drinks inbetween. Angel finally said that they had better go since they had plans, so they crushed their last beer can and got in the car. They were all fucked up by this point and Angel started blabbing. She went on how she had an appointment with some people on the other side of the hills. Bridget sort of caught on and started the car up. The entire ride over, Angel was saying that she has been waiting along time for this to happen. Kathy still didn't know what was going on since she was so gone. As they pulled around the corner, there was nothing but emptyness. Bridget was ragging on Angel for leading them on a wild goose chase. Angel just told her to shut up and drink another beer. The entire case was almost gone by this time. Angel looked at her watch again and it was 8:55. Angel just sighed and started looking around. From the rear window of the car, she saw a car driving really fast up the road. It came to a skidding stop behind them. Angel ran out of the car and went up to the driver. There was three guys in the car. Kathy thought she had seen the car once before. As it turned out, she had seen the car before. The three guys were all friends of Angel's and they knew both Kathy and Bridget. Joey, Tim, and Randy! Both Kathy and Bridget got out of the car with a beer in hand. The guys had already gotten out of the car by this time and Joey was frenching Angel already. Kathy smiled at Bridget and got all excited at her friend making out with her other friend Joey. It was a crazy scene when Tim and Randy got over to Kathy and Bridget. Tim grabbed Kathy and Randy took Bridget. It was so fucked up, it almost wasn't real. It seems that Angel invited their best friends up to the far side of the cliffs for some fun. Angel was walking hand in hand with Joey up the the trunk of the car. Out of the trunk, she pulled out three blankets. It was perfect.. Too crazy for them all to believe. No one thought about anything at the time other than screwing. Everyone was drunk, they all had liked each other before and the setting was perfect. Angel pulled Joey next to a tree, spread out the blanket and sat on top of him while kissing. Tim and Kathy were already naked and about to fuck at any second. Bridget was behind a bush with Randy and no one could see what was going on back there. It sounded nice though.. Angel was working on getting Joey out of his tight pants. She flipped her top off and started rubbing her cunt all up and down his chest through her jeans. She asked him if he wanted her and he of course replied with a yes. She as very horny and finished stripping down to bear flesh. Joey was sucking on Angel's tit while she was playing with his hard dick. She placed it in her hot spot and started to rub it around the outer edges of her clit. Joey felt himself being taken inside of her body and felt the warmth of her hole. Angel was almost under a trance as she pounded her body up and down on his hard rod. Joey was taker her by the hips and guiding her body up and down as she started to shake with delight. Angel had an organism and Joey wanted to switch positions. He wanted to hold out and enjoy as much of this as possible. She got on her knees and then stood on all fours. Joey stuck her right between the legs from behind. She felt him on the sides of her viginal walls pushing and throwing her body into a wild frenzy. Joey took a good strong grip on her breats and made sure he entered her as far as possible. She was moaning louder than ever. Angel was muttering for Joey to cum inside her. Joey went faster and faster until he felt like he couldn't hold out any longer. They were totally engrosed in each other so much by the time that Joey had his orgasm that the thought of his hot spurm flowing into her gave Angel another orgasm. She came as he slowed down his thrusts. Joey pulled out and a hot stream of cum flowed out of Angel's cunt. They both knew they needed more of this in the future. They sat under the moon lit sky for several hours until it was time for them to go home. Bridget and Kathy appeared from nowhere and smiled from ear to ear. The three got into Bridget's car and took off for home after giving their new loves a kiss goodnight. The entire ride home they talked out thei fun and how they were going to have more fun and adventures in the future. As the dropped off Angel, they thanked her for making the arrangements. Angel told them that next Saturday night could be another adventure with their old friends and that she won't stop until she is fucked to tears! --