I was involved with a group of people in a relatively new community theatre effort. We had been brought together through notices posted in the small town newspaper. The local high school English teacher ... the one who directed all the senior class plays ... had proclaimed herself founding director of the group and all were willing to accept that. We were a mixed group of would-be actors and technicians. Several were students or former students of the director. There were the usual compliment of "Little old ladies in tennis shoes", bored housewives who had been former cheerleaders and beauty queens, local people who had "artistic flair" (the closet gays), and some types that did not seem to fit in. I was surprised that there was some real acting talent in the group. There were two others who, like myself, had worked in some form of professional theatre, and some newly moved-in people who had been active in very good amateur groups. There was even a federal law enforcement agent who had worked as an advisor to a very popular Cops 'n' Robbers television series. One girl caught my eye almost immediately. She had the look that I recognized as being a person on the same wavelength with me. I guessed immediately (and correctly) that she enjoyed the evening toke and surfing in the sheets. Before the first night of organizational meetings were over, we had gravitated to each other and made small talk. All the expressions and body language were there and it seemed pretty natural that we continue the night after the meeting with a stop by a fast food place. This led to a natural trip by my house, and a natural evening of getting high and making very active love. She was a local girl who had graduated from high school and taken off for florida. She lived there for a couple of years, then decided to return home. The director had been her teacher in high school and had seen her back in town and invited her to work with the community theatre group. A story could be written about that night itself, but that is not my intention. It is enough to say that Beck had a very healthy sexual appetite, was at a horney peak in her cycle, and was creative and open-minded about love-making. The night was a mutually-satisfying first encounter. She left early in the morning, and we knew we would see each other again at rehearsal that night. We sat together in the back of the auditorium as the Director went through assignments and began acting auditions. Beck kept leaning over and saying things to me like, "God, I'm sore!" and "We need to get something like a doughnut to put over you so you won't drive in so DEEP!!". I was naturally flattered by these compliments, but the truth is that my dick IS longer than what I have heard is average. It is nothing like the legendary horse cocks of the porno studs, and it is not huge in girth, but several girls have told me I was the first to bring them to an orgasm. I like to do that. The biggest turn on in the world to me is the sight of an aroused partner! Beck asked me if I was up for an encore that evening and we went directly to my house after rehearsal. The second night was as imaginative as the first, but we used some restraint and were not quite so violent in our mutual thrusting. Toward the end of the night she asked me if I knew the two Italian girls (sisters) in the group. I told her I had noticed them, but really never met them. The oldest was about 20, and a little overweight ... not fat, but showing some tendencies toward being so disposed. Her kid sister was around 15. Well, Beck said, I have known the oldest one for years. You interested in a fuck? I told her you were good... and long... and she got wet just hearing about you. She has never had a BIG dick before ... want me to set you up? OK... I admit my ego soared. I have a philosophy that says not to EVER turn down pussy unless there is a real good reason (one of the VERY best fucks I had was from a girl who was ... shall we say ... homely? She became quite attractive as she showed me what enthusiasm can make up for). I told Beck that I would be glad to, but was (honestly) more interested in fucking her. Beck told me she would set things up, but for me not to say anything to her until it was settled. I agreed. The next day was friday and we had rehearsal that evening, too. I looked the black-haired girl over fairly thoroughly and decided she would be ok in bed, but did not look that promising. The girl noticed me looking at her and smiled back. She had some attractive features ... big tits (not my favorite, particularly), pretty teeth, long, shiny black hair. I mused that the muff would be thick and curly, even if the cunt was a little plump. Beck came to me toward the end of the evening. She smiled slyly. "I'm gonna give MY twat a little rest tonight, but it is all set up. Go straight home and don't play with it. I promised her an all-nighter. Hope you are up for it!" Actually, I wasn't. Beck had really put a strain on me the previous two nights. No sleep and LOTS of activity had tired me out. I could have gone all night with Beck, but it might take effort with the other girl. I smiled and told her, "Sure...", not wanting to hurt her feelings. I went home and waited, expecting a car to drive up soon. When nobody showed in a half hour, I took a quick shower... keeping my eye on the window curtain for the approach of car headlights. There was none. I got out of the shower and toweled off, then wrapped the towel around me. I went into the bedroom and turned the tv on, wondering if I should dress in fresh clothes, or go to bed. There had been plenty of time for her to arrive. I thought I heard a noise, but looked out the window and there was no car. I went to the front door in order to see if the cat was in my garbage can. As I opened the door, a voice said, 'Let me in quick, before someone sees me!". She pushed in before I could realize it, and suprised me wearing just the towel. The real suprise was a realization that this was not the girl I was expecting. It was the younger sister! I am never at a loss for words ... but this time I was nearly paralyzed! I could not even think of anything to say! The beautiful little face looked up at me and said, "Hi! I finally got here! I hid my bike around behind the house. I need to use your phone a minute before we get too involved." I showed her the phone and tried to recover my thoughts. She dialed a number and spoke to someone for just a few seconds, then hung up and tu back to me. "My girlfriend's folks are out of town and she is having a slumber party. She is gonna cover for me ... I gave her your number, OK?" She walked over toward me and said, "I've been watching you all night and you acted like you didn't even notice me..you ARE a good actor ... I've been having a real hard time keeping Debbie from seeing that I was so wet over you. She notices things like that so easily. I have never been able to get by with ANYTHING around her. Well, (she smiled with eager innocence) are you as ready as me? You don't really look like it!" "DAMN!", I thought, "This is real! ... she is SO young! But, God!! she really wants to do this!!" A stiff dick can replace a conscience in a twinkling ... and my conscience started to fade fast as the fold of my towel opened uncontrollably. I remember thinking, "I'll worry about all of that later. Right now, I am going to enjoy this incredible young girl!" I noticed she was smiling still, but not at my face. "Beck told me you were long ... you sure are! Can I touch it?" Her last comment sounded more like a girlscout asking if she could hold someone's newborn baby. There was the same eager innocence and wonder. "Sure", I said, and placed her hand on my dick. I pulled her close to me and the warmth of her body and press of her tits drove the last shreds of conscience from my mind. We hugged just a moment, then walked down the hall to my bedroom. She pulled the towel away from me and I lay on my back on my bed. It was clear that this was no ordinary (from my experience) young girl. She climbed on top of me, straddling my thighs ... my dick rose between her legs as if it were hers. The feel of her heat and the rough denim were a superb combination. She stroked me with a confident and knowing touch. She reached down and pulled her sweater off over her head in one movement. Her bare breasts and olive skin jolted my senses. The angelic smile is burned vividly in my memory for life. The open eager attitude thrilled me more than anything of all. I touched her breasts and she showed great enjoyment seeing the pleasure it gave me. Her breasts were not overly big, but her nipples were. They were dark and the half-dollar sized aereoli matched them in color. She unzipped her zipper and sat beside me just long enough to remove her jeans and white underpants then, kicking them off to the floor, resumed her position astride me. She stroked my erect dick like a child playing for the first time with a toy they had always dreamed of having. Her small, soft, hands felt sinfully marvelous on my member. I could not get over the fact that this was actually happening. I devoured her body with my eyes and she was obviously proud of the effect she had on me. Her nipples rose to my touch and her hips bobbed softly, rubbing her clit against the bottom of my penis. I took the young, flat hips (just beginning to display the first hint of a womanly roundness to come) in my hands and pulled her from the sitting position to upright kneeling. The curly black mat of her pubic hair was as thick and dark as I had envisioned her sister's. Deep below, between the half-spread thighs, her dark-skinned soft lips glinted in the overhead lights. A touch confirmed that she was most delightfully wet. My dick slid into her and she rode it in a gentle rhythmic pumping motion. Her pace slowing suddenly at times to slide further down than she had been before. Each new fraction of an inch of deeper insertion drew a sucking sound of air inhaled accross her teeth... then more pumping ... then lower and deeper. Her eyes were half-closed and it was apparent that her total concentration was on the feeling in her pussy. I softly rubbed the dark clitoris ... more gently than I would have another woman (as if I feared she would go away from too much enthusiasm). Her hips trembled and she dipped deeper. Still the gentle ride continued until, finally, I felt the head of my dick nudge the knob of her cervix. I felt her dialate inside with a pleasant familiarity I had come to recognize as a symptom of certain orgasm. The two soft, rounded, organs jostled and bumped ... sliding liquidly against and past each other. The marvelously flexible uterus accommodated the deepest probing our two bodies could manage as she slid to the furthest extreme of penetration. The contact of the tender wet skin of her vaginal lips against my equally-sensative scrotum triggered a sensory mechanism in her pleasure center and she pressed downward. It was a controlled movement, not a quick slam against me. Three more times with a deliberate and forceful slow motion she drove down. The sensation was the pleasantly memorable, and significantly unforgettable counterpart of the sound of a jail-door slamming. It jolted so electrically that every organ of my body recorded it into perpetual memory. She paused there ... deeply impaled ... and I felt the tension in her entire body. Every muscle quivvered as the orgasmic shudders were transmitted like schockwaves through a hammer-struck steel beam. I watched her reddened face intently as I felt the muscles relax in a slow, melting manner. I rubbed her thighs and buttocks slowly until her eyes again opened. I learned early in my love-making life that the greatest of male pleasures were assured by granting those to the female. I held off my own orgasm, forcing it back from the explosive edge. I knew the potential force that was waiting, but had driven it into temporary dormancy. I pulled her on top of me, and with the first sweet shared kisses, rolled together so I was atop her. Her vagina was entirely relaxed now and invited any amount of force or penetration I could give it. Instead, I chose to mimic her sensuous, slow-motion, downward drives which ended with deliberate and ultimate penetration. Her knees raised high and collapsed outward like a ragdoll's limbs, leaving the most accessable love cup imagineable. Only a few of these exquisite drives were needed before the dormant orgasm raged. I plunged to the bottom one last time and held there revelling in the overcoming pleasure of repeated surges from my sensuous pump. Long after the last spurt of cum squeezed down my cock, the surges continued in runaway reflex motion. We spent the next few hours exploring each other's bodies - searching for pleasure points and realms of fantasy. We talked about sexual desires and many of my earlier questions and uncertainties were answered. Dianna, for that was her name, was fifteen, but "almost" sixteen (more than a month away). She had an uncle on her mother's side who had lived with them two years previously. The uncle was in his mid-twenties and considered himself worldly. He had a personal scrapbook of polaroid photos of his previous conquests. The mother knew nothing about these and would have been enraged to know that her younger brother had seduced her thirteen-year old daughter. "It first happened as Uncle Steve and I took afternoon walks in the woods with the family dog. Steve swore me to secrecy in his room one day, and let me see his private photo albumn. I was more than a little shocked at first, but he kept telling me that this was what "real" grown-up women liked to do. The girls all looked as if they were enjoying themselves ... and I wanted to be grown up too! Uncle Steve started by touching me on the walks. Each day he went a little further until I graduated from a finger to his cock. He was actually very patient. He took things very slowly, showing me how I could enjoy being touched and how I could best touch him. He actually made me beg him for three days before he put his dick inside me for the first time. I was SO ready to be fucked! It felt so good that I decided I wanted to do nothing any more than that! Steve could afford to be patient with me, because at night he would go out and fuck a high school senior ... Beck! I wanted to be like Beck. She had all the boys after her. She was not all that pretty, but she knew what to do to make them hot. The high school boys talked about her because she dated someone as old as uncle Steve, but she didn't care. Steve doesn't have that big a dick, but he loves to fuck. He knows almost everything about fucking." "One night my folks went out and Beck and Steve were my babysitters. Debbie was on a date and the three of us took turns making love to each other while the third one watched and asked us to do different things. God... the first time Beck licked my pussy I thought I would DIE! I wanted to try it with her so much, but she made me beg for it before I could try. I didn't understand then why she made me beg, because she seemed to enjoy it so much when she finally let me do it. I really thought she wasn't letting me because I was too young to do it right. I tried as hard as I could to do it right when she did finally let me, and uncle Steve was right there with me - whispering instructions and stroking my clit. I felt SO grown up when I made Beck cum on my first try! I almost cried" "As soon as Beck graduated, she and uncle Steve ran away to Florida. They came back about twice a year for a visit, and we would always figure some way to get together. It was never for more than a few hours, but it was like heaven! I masturbated every chance I could and had to be happy with that, but I prayed for Christmas and summer to come so Beck and Steve would visit. I tried to get two guys my age to fuck me, but they really didn't know how. They would get hard-ons, but would cum trying to get it stuck in. If any older guys showed interest in me, Debbie would threaten to tell Mom if she saw me talk to them ... worse than that, she said she would tell the Priest! Steve dumped Beck a few weeks ago and she came home. Beck and I have made love to each other several times and it was great, but I told her I wanted a real cock, and she said she would fix me up with you. She said you were as good as Steve, but had MUCH better equipment. I didn't believe her, but I do now!" The love-making we did that night was tender and sensuous. I could not help but treat her like a child, and held my passion in check far more than I had with Beck. Still, is was the most erotic night of my life. At 4:30, before the sun started to lighten the day, we quietly placed her bike in the trunk of my car and I drove her to within a few blocks of her friend's house. We agreed that we would pretend not to notice each other at rehearsals, and she would wear her red blouse if she encountered any problems about being with me that night. On the way home I broke into a chilling sweat when the full impact of what I had done ... and what trouble it could lead to ... struck me. Saturday afternoon rehearsal was fairly normal. Dianna showed up, thankfully, in blue. Beck smiled at me from a distance a few times, and walked past me backstage once, patting my cock and gurgling, "..good boy!" Beck and I saw each other almost every night that week and I had to tell her exactly what Dianna and I had done when we were together. The same story aroused her each time and brought her to sweet orgasm as we slow-fucked like I told her Diana and I had done. When I asked her why she told me it was Debbie she was lining me up with, instead of Diana, she replied, "Would you have done it, knowing ahead of time you going to fuck a fifteen-year old?" I had to agree that I would have probably missed out on the night of my life if I had known. The following Saturday the technical people had meetings in the morning and actors who were cast in the production had rehearsals in the afternoon. I declined the chance to act in the first production, wanting to have the ability to schedule my evening activities. I was home by noon on Saturday. There was a knock on the door shortly before 1:00 pm. I answered it to find Diana, standing on my doorstep, wearing a Girl Scout uniform. She looked up at me with her innocent little girl face. She had on red lipstick and blue eyeshadow. Both were applied far too heavily for her childlike features. "Want to buy some cookies?" she asked with false naivety. She held a package of Oreos out to me as a prop. Her bicycle lay in the grass of my front yard. I was tempted to tell her that she looked ridiculous with all her makeup on, but was more interested in getting her inside - out of sight - as quickly as possible. I realized the heavy makeup was an attempt to emulate Beck's appearance. Beck had a way of putting on just a little too much makeup. It said, "I want to fuck, and I am very, VERY good!", but did not say, "I'm a whore!". I hurried her inside - terrified that someone had seen her. Once inside, she spoke before I had a chance to say anything. "I put this outfit on because Beck said she thought it really turned you on to fuck a little girl! I tried to get into my Brownie uniform, but my tits are too big now.... I wanted to see you and Beck said you would probably be home now, so I came over as quick as I could. Do you like this?" She held her arms out and did a little pirouhette to let me see all of her in the Girl Scout uniform. The truth was that I liked it far too much. "You really shouldn't have come here ... especially in the middle of the day like this ... I've been doing a lot of thinking ..." My voice started to crack as I watched her unbutton the green dress. She saw that I was in agony and smiled at the affect she was having on me. "Me, too...." she said, "thinking about your long dick and how deep it went inside me! Are you going to just stand there, or are you going to take your pants off?" She opened her dress to show me her braless breasts. Her nipples were hard and swollen ... like the oversized erasers school girls buy to put over the ends of pencils. She smiled at my obviously turned- on looks and started walking down the hallway toward the bedroom. She turned to me at the door and said, "Last one in the bed has to eat the other one out!" She was on the bed removing her pink bikini panties when I got to the door. I was soon undressed and paying the penalty for being last. I thought I heard a car drive up, but dismissed it as a visitor to the neighbors' house ... until I heard a knock on the door. I was not expecting visitors and was mentally cursing the terrible timing as I quickly pulled on my pants. My dick was to hard to put on my underpants, so I pulled it up straight against my belly and hoped the t-shirt hem would hide it. I remembered it was Saturday afternoon and anticipated I would be dealing with the Jehovah's Witnesses and my hard-on at the same time. It was an aggravation I could do without. I looked down at Dianna and ran a finger lovingly through her pussy, then kissed it, as if to say I would be back as soon as possible. I went to the front door and opened it. Debbie, Dianna's sister, was standing there and was obviously not in the mood for a social visit. "Hi...!" I stammered, trying to appear glad to see her. "Open this goddamned door before I scream." she replied. My heart sunk. I knew that she had caught me. There was no doubt that she knew Dianna was inside. Still, I tried to play out my losing hand with a weak bluff. "Sure," I tried to say in a friendly manner, "Come on in. Is anything wrong? You seem a little upset...." "Where is that little tramp of a sister? I know she is here. That's her bike in your front yard." "I don't know what you are talking about.", I said as unconvincingly as anyone has ever told a weak lie. She looked me straight in the eye with as much fury as any human can muster and said, "Look, you son of a bitch ... that girl is a minor! You either quit trying to fuck with me or I'm calling the cops!" My brain searched for a reply, but found none. The opening of my bedroom door was the answer Debbie received. Dianna stepped timorously out of the bedroom. "Hi, Deb...," she smiled weakley. Debbie looked from one of us to the other. "Nice! This is really nice!", she said. "I saw you riding accross town in that Girl Scout uniform. You havn't been to any Girl Scout things in almost two years! So, what do we have going on here? A little cradle robbing? How long you been screwing my little sister?" "We weren't doing anything," Dianna pleaded unconvincingly, "he was just teaching me how to be an actress ... and this is my costume..." "Really?," Debbie asked sarcastically, " OK... then let's go look at the theatre!" She pulled Dianna forcefully down the hall and into the bedroom. I followed close behind. As soon as the door was shoved open I knew I was sunk. Dianna's sheer pink panties lay framed by the white sheets. "It sure looks like you HAVE been acting ... acting like a TRAMP! Mom is going to kill you for this Dianna ... and YOU," she turned menacingly to me, "You are probably going to jail for this!" Debbie turned back to Dianna. The young girl's lips were quivvering and large tears were just beginning to form in her eyes. "PLEASE don't tell Mom ...," she pleaded softly, "I'll do anything, Debbie, just don't let her know...." Debbie seemed entirely unmoved by Dianna's emotion. She looked at her younger sister with contempt. I was torn with guilt, but absolutely powerless to do anything. "Where did you get that lipstick?", the older girl asked, "That's mine, isn't it? Mom would NEVER let you wear that red lipstick!" The miserable girl nodded her head in confession. "Where is it? What did you do with it?", Debbie demanded. Dianna reached into a pocket of the dress and produced the stolen makeup, turning it over to her older sister. "Please, Deb", she begged again, "what can I do to make you promise not to tell mom?" Deborah looked at the beautiful little woman-child for long moments. Her look was filled with contempt and jealousy. The two girls looked very much alike, but the younger on the two had received the small refinements of features the older lacked. It was the difference between being pert and vivacious and dumpy and plain. It was very obvious that Debbie was all too aware of these differences. She slowly grasped the younger girl by the chin and lifted her face so they were looking eye to eye. "Unbutton the dress ..." Dianna's eyes showed real fear now. She looked at me for help, but I could offer none. "Really...?", she asked unbelievingly. "Unbutton the dress ... NOW!" Slowly Dianna unfastened the buttons, starting with the top and working her way down. Her head was bowed and her hands remained on the last button when her task was completed. "Now, pull it open!" Debbie's voice was no longer angry, but it was very firm and controlled. I could sense that she was excited by being so much in control of the situation. Dianna spread the dress open a bit, showing only the valley between her young breasts. "All the way, Dianna! I want you to open it wide. Let's see what you have there that is so fascinating. What does he like so much?" Dianna complied and soon her breasts bulged from the slightly tight dress. Her face was crimson. Her nipples started to rise and she tried to pull the dress shut. "NO!", commanded the big sister, "Is that what you like?", she addressed the question to me, "You like those nipples hard and that lipstick and that little girl dress?" I nodded my head in consent, knowing that any other response would be futile. "Here, then." she pronounced with a vengeful finality, "Here ... maybe you will like this more!" She opened the tube of bright red lipstick and twisted it to extend a long, scarlet, point. Pushing rather hard, she placed the lipstick against Dianna's aereoli and drew circle after circle until the nipple and all surrounding were smeared with a thick coating of the creamy red makeup. As she rubbed Dianna's nipple, it bloomed into a swollen red rosebud and Dianna, head hung and eyes closed, shivvered with a combination of shame and arousal. Debbie moved to the other breast and, a little more gently this time, repeated the humiliating process. She seemed to linger on the nipple more ... flicking and teasing it with the `wet look' red cosmetic. Debbie stepped back and surveyed her work. "OK...", she spoke like a schoolteacher giving an unruly class instruction, "...now take the dress off." Dianna complied unhesitatingly, knowing now that it was useless to do anything but what she was told. Her head was still lowered and tears rolled from her cheeks onto the rudely painted breasts. She sobbed softly as the dress fell to the floor and she stepped away from it... entirely unclothed. Debbie turned to me. "Is that what you like? Is that what turns you on? Let me see how much it turns you on. Take off those pants." I hesitated, trying to think of a solution to the problem. "You can do it now, for me, or later, for the homos in jail... just take your pick." I realized that she was in dead earnest and the decision was automatic. I released my belt and unzipped my pants, letting them fall to the floor. I had not put on underwear before going to the door and I was now totally exposed. My erection was long gone. I felt both physically and psychologically impotent in the situation. "Well, Dianna, it doesn't look like your boyfriend is all that turned on by you after all! Don't tell me he does anything to you with THAT!??", Debbie smiled at the power she had over us both. "Just what DOES he do, Dianna? You better tell me everything!" Dianna spoke softly, "He touches me ..." "Just touches you? Where ... ? ... your tits?" Dianna nodded. "... your pussy? ... your bottom?" Dianna nodded again after each question. "What else does he do? Does he kiss you?" Dianna nodded and Debbie went through the same list of places, receiving a nod for an answer to each. "What else?" "He fucks me ...", Dianna whispered. "Do you like him to fuck you?" Dianna nodded again. "Does he fuck you in the ass?" Dianna shook her head no. We had talked about it, and she liked my finger in her, but she had never done that. She was afraid it would hurt too much. Steve had tried it with her in front of Beck once, but Beck made him stop when she obviously was in pain. Beck, Dianna told me, had Steve fuck her in the ass while Dianna watched with interest and fingered Beck's clit and pussy. Debbie continued. "Does he fuck you with his dick like that?" Dianna again shook her head no. "Well, Dianna, go pull his shirt off him and put him on the bed. I want you to make his dick get like it gets when he is fucking you." Little Dianna, her breasts smeared with red in a clown-like mockery, approached me and pulled my t-shirt off from over my head. Some of my earlier fear was leaving me. Debbie still was to be taken seriously, but I felt that she was growing aroused by what she was doing. If, I thought, she can really enjoy this, we won't have to worry about any legal or parental problems. I lay on my back on the bed and Dianna touched my cock half-heartedly. "Suck him, little sister," Debbie said with a hint of true desire, "I want to see how big you can get him." Dianna placed my limp cock inside her small mouth. It felt exquisitely pleasant to feel all of it go inside her. Her mouth was hot against my tender skin. Her blushing face radiated extraordinary warmth onto my thighs. I started to harden. I was getting very turned on now. Dianna felt me grow inside her mouth and I felt her muscles untense a bit. Instinctively, her fingers played lightly on my balls. She started to hold me out of desire as much as because she was instructed to do so. I glanced at Debbie and was suprised to see her rubbing her pussy through the khaki pants she was wearing. My cock surged and was soon full length and upright. Dianna sucked even harder, now unable to get more than half into her mouth. The sucking continued for long moments and I caught movement out of the corner of my eye. Debbie was removing the Khaki slacks and soon stood beside the bed in a white blouse and panties. Her finger slid beneath the leg opening and she fingered her clit vigorously. My cock swelled purple in the excitement. The veins stood out grotesquely. Debbie finally spoke. "I think your boyfriend should fuck you, Dee Dee." It was the first time Debbie used her affectionate name for her baby sister. Dianna lay on the bed beside me, her legs spread. Her pussy lips glistened with slick wetness. I started to get on top of her, glad that Debbie was softening. "Uh-uh", said Debbie, breathing shallowly, "I think you should give your boyfriend your anal virginity. If you are going to date older men, you need to grow up all the way. Roll over on your stomach! "Debbie, I can't!", Dianna pleaded. Debbie hardened again immediately. "Listen you little bitch," she ordered, "you are going to do exactly as I say. I'm tired of your whining! Stick that ass in the air and spread it open wide. Which would hurt worse, his dick in your ass or being thrown out of the family? Dad would kill you if he even thought you were kissing boys your own age, much less fucking men older than I date!" Dianna slowly complied by turning over onto her stomach. She was obviously miserable. She pulled the pillow into a ball with her arms and buried her face in it. I saw tears again coming from her eyes just before the childish face was hidden. I knew hoe she feared this. We talked about it before, and she told me that she really did want to do it successfully, but he first attempt with Steve was far more painful than she expected it to be. She was sensative to pain and it frightened her to think of it. Her youthful derriere rose before me as she drew her knees beneath her. The tiny, tight, target was clearly exposed, as she did not yet have the woman's roundness of flesh that would hide it away. I could well imagine that two years earlier, when Steve tried it, she had the bottom of a little boy. I was glad she had the features now, however slight, of a young woman. I wanted to do this so much that I was ashamed of myself. I wished that I were not so aroused by the prospect, so my cock would not be as enlarged, but the fact was that I was more than exceptionally turned on, and my cock was a formidable tool. I compared the size of my swollen cock-head and her tiny orifice and saw no way the two could fit. I resolved that the best thing I could do ... the first thing of worth in this entire episode ... was to make Dianna so aroused that it would cause the minimum pain possible. "Can I go get something to lubricate her with?", I asked Debbie, "I have some Vaseline in the bathroo..." "NO!", she shouted, cutting me of in mid sentence, "She needs to remember this for a lifetime! I don't care if you cut the little bitch in half! In fact, I would love to see her hurt BAD! She doesn't know what pain is, and it is time she finds out! She didn't care how much I hurt when boys would come to see me, then try to flirt with her instead ... she didn't care how it hurt me for Uncle Steve to quit fucking me because he 'had to be faithful to Beck', and then find this little slut's pictures - lots of pictures - hidden in his little albumn when I went to try to take back some he took of me! (I felt Dianna shudder violently and knew that this was a new revelation!) Where was her concern for how much I hurt when I had to go to confession and tell father all the things I had done, knowing that she was just as guilty, but never confessed to any of it! I could care less if it hurts her! I had to do my penance and she is about to do hers." Dianna's muscles had tensed so much from the tirade that I doubted a needle could be driven up her ass with a hammer. "Look, Deb, she's scared. I'm going to fuck her ass real hard for you, would you like that? I'm going to drive into her all the way ... and you can watch. You'll get to see everything. But I have to be able to get inside her and I am so excited about doing this for you that my cock is REALLY swollen BIG ... you can see that, can't you? Let me have just a little something to get started with?" It was apparent to even Debbie that I was telling the truth ... she saw my fully engorged erection bobbing with my every move. "OK", she relented, "Dianna, you keep that butt high, and don't move an inch!" I rose to go get the lubricant from the bathroom. "Did I tell you to go anywhere? Come here." Debbie pointed to a place on the floor directly ahead of her. "Give me your prick!" Debbie took me roughly in her left hand and began to smear my dick with the soft, oily, red lipstick. She pressed hard enough that thick ridges of the stuff edged the streaks that went up and down the length of my rod. She finished the job by running it round and round the end of it, making me feel so hot I wanted to shoot right then onto her fleshy stomach, but dared not. "Here," she said, handing me what little remained of the almost-new tube of cosmetic, "put the rest of this on her." I climbed back onto the bed and took my position behind Dianna's sweet little bottom. I had noticed that she watched Debbie coat my dick with the scarlet stick. Fortunately, it seemed to excite her. Her arousal was now more apparent as I gently coated her anus with as thick a layer of lipstick as I could. Debbie, too, was enjoying this sensuous pre-sodomic ritual and unabashedly lowered her underpants and resumed fingering herself enthusiastically. I reached around beneath Dianna and began massaging her womanly clit. I was much relieved to find it as swollen as I had ever made it before. She was wet, too, ... wonderfully wet ... and I used her natural oils to slide more smoothly accross the thickened clit. I finished coating her little hole and saw, to my satisfaction, that it was making little attempts to open. I slowly inserted the remaining nub of lipstick inside, and felt her relax much more ... she was no longer frightened. "Debbie," I said, noticing her fingers quickening, " come closer, so you can see it all happen." Debbie eased to the edge of the bed. I reaching out toward her pussy, and she removed her hand so I could touch it. She quivvered as I touched her clit, then continued minute spasms of pleasure as I cupped my fingers and ran them through her well-dewed lips. I transferred her copious fluids to the end of my dick, then repeated the act, placing the newest batch of cunthoney on Dianna's twitching ass. I placed my cock carefully in position and Dianna started humping spasmodically. I wanted her to be still, so I could be sure to center exactly on the gasping little hole, so I held her stomach in one hand and her left cheek in the other as I slowly began to apply pressure. I pushed harder and harder with no penetration, feeling Dianna's stomach muscles tense into a broad line of sinew beneath her skin. Her breath was shallow and panting like a woman in labor. My hand slid down the sweet stomach to her clit and I squeezed it ... pinching it to send pleasuring pain ... trying to give her another point of focus to take her mind away from the forced expansion of her tiny membrane. She cried a long animal-like cry of a woman-beast in delicious agony as my cock slid inside her. I looked down and saw my crimson coated cock slide into her. My fingers flew in fast frenzies along her clit, trying to continue giving her a greater pleasure point than place of pain. I felt her relax ... more than I dreamed she could ... and heard Debbie's breathless voice urging, "Pump her, ... pump her!". Slowly I inserted ... withdrew ... then inserted again. Going deeper with each stroke. Dianna moaned in small, child-like whimpers of pain, but her slowly undulating buttocks urged me deeper. I fell accross her back as I neared complete penetration - one hand still madly milking her clit, the other rolling her nipples alternatively between my fingers. I kissed the back of her neck with wet, sucking sounds and heard her moan a sound of pain but conflicting words. "Fuck me harder...!", she begged in mixed misery and ecstacy. A strange sensation overcame me as I felt slippery wet fingers slide with shivvering sensations along my own buttocks. I turned my head to see Debbie literally shoveling her pussy for juices to smear on my rectum. Her fingers trembled as she probed a second, the an electrifying jolt shot through me as she plunged her middle finger inside me. instantly she began pumping me with the same frantic movement she gave her swollen hole moments before. Involuntarily I drove hard to the hilt into Dianna as my balls exploded, blowing spewing sperm jets deep within her. She made a sound like a scream cut short at birth and her totally- tensed body contorted, then convulsed in a series of spasms as it melted into the bed. I lay on her back, tightly locked deep inside her. Slight shivvers of her inner muscles delighted my dick as I kissed her neck softly and soothed her with "shhhhhh ..." sounds. Vaguely I was aware that the finger was being slowly pulled from my own body and used in small, soothing strokes accross the sensative opening. The stiffness melted gently from my cock, but still I stayed pressed inside her. No one spoke for long minutes and the gentle touch of Debbie's hand continued as I soothed her baby sister. Debbie finally broke the silence. "I think it's time for you to pull out of there and let's take a look at a totally grown-up little butt." I rolled slowly off Dianna, leaving her exposed to Debbie's gaze. Dianna's hand reached out and squeezed my leg as the half-flacid penis slid from her tight tube. Debbie's hand reached out and tenderly, almost lovingly, inserted the same finger I felt into her sister. "Ooooh ... that's such a grown up little girl now," she cooed, gently stroking in and out. Dianna's eyes were closed and she rubbed my leg in time with Debbie's soft movements. I looked at the hand on Dianna's small buttocks. She was like a baby being stroked to sleep by a loving mother. Scarlet streaks of lipstick stained my white sheets. Dianna's thighs and bottom were heavily smudged. "Tired, baby?" Debbie cooed, "You want to go home now and go to bed?" Dianna nodded drowsily. "You are all grown up now, Dee-dee, ... every bit of you now ..." Debbie sat beside Dianna on the bed and pulled her up close. She traced her glistening red finger accross Dianna'a mouth, outlining the childish lips. "You feel all grown up now, Dee- dee? It's ok now if you want to wear my lipstick ... do you want to wear this red lipstick?", Dianna nodded her head sleepily against Debbie's breast. There was a look of comfort on her face that made me wonder if her head had not been there many times before. "Your boyfriend over there has all the red lipstick on him ... why don't you go take some back. Do you think you could do that?" Dianna nodded consent like a sleepy child following her mother's instructions to kiss Grandpa goodnight. She snuggled into my crotch and put me into her mouth, nursing on me, more than sucking me. She rolled her lips as her head bobbed softly. In spite of the incredibly sensuous feeling she imparted, it would have been impossible for me to get hard again. I was entirely spent. "That's GOOD, Dee-dee," Debbie urged her, "Are you ready to go home now?" Dianna nodded her head, my limp cock still stringing from her mouth. "OK... then be a good girl and get dressed." Dianna looked at her and spoke for the first time in a while, "You aren't gonna tell mom?" Debbie stroked her hair and gently lectured, "Not if you are good, and do what you are told from now on. Think you will be good?" Dianna looked at her older sister and nodded vigorously. Debbie rescued the pink panties from the bed. "I'm going to keep these, and you have to ride your bike home without them. Understand?" (another obedient nod) "When you get home, go wash the lipstick off your mouth before mom sees, but you have to leave it on everywhere else until I think you will remember your lesson, understand?" (another nod) "OK ... get dressed now..." Dianna dutifully put her green dress back on, covering the red- smudged beautiful little body. "If your boyfriend promises to mind me and behave himself from now on, I will even let you come over and date him ... but I will have to come along as a chaperone to make sure you doing everything right. Understand? But from now on, if you DON'T do things the right way, you will both have to be punished, agree?" she looked at both of us for concurrence and received it. "And if you STILL can't do it right," she said, suddenly grasping my cock and looking me in the eye, "I'll just have to SHOW you how I want it done." --